Ghost Forest - RPLOG
The avian soldier who placed the bounty is waiting in the forest. His military uniform is evidently of Cliffside design, along with his annoying accent and pompous, slightly proud stance. "Mind you. These are no simple cannon fodder you're fighting. They've been trained under some of Cliffside's harshest training. The existence of the Ghosts wasn't even supposed to be made known...but we can't send an army into Sweetwater even if it's to catch fugitives. I won't be heading into the fray with the rest of you, mind. It's at least been a few hours. They have defenses set up."
"I'll answer any questions you might have, and then I wish you the best of luck on your hunt." A small salute is given.
A youthful looking plant being, clad in his usual body covering heavy cloak, moves towards the avian soldier, his jasmine scent wafting around him as he walks. Stopping a few inches from the soldier, Rokarion speaks in his usual neutral and polite tone, "Hail and well met. So, may I ask why did the Ghosts desert in the first place? Seems a bit odd for a unit that was thought of as nothing more than a rumour to suddenly appear deserting its country."
Thelergramor was already by the soldier. Heard everything. He grins, not wearing his plague mask for one. Nor is his typical black coat present. Instead, the wolf is wearing a blood red gambeson with a matching hood. A golem grasper is worn on his right arm, leaving his left to hold a pistol. His golem, Rhomlyn, stands by his side. "I have no quesions. Just point me at the target."
Angus tugs on the straps of his his leather gauntlet, only looking up as he gets closer to the Avian. He frowns as he looks them over, the little silvery golem on his shoulders laying their motionless as Angus puts a hand on his hip. "When you say they have their defenses up what do you mean, have they gone to ground and dug in?" He asks curiously, wanting some insite before they charge in.
Cassidy tilts her head as she approaches the avian, adjusting her mask. "Oh ho! So trained military targets? This will be ~exciting~ then. What are our rules of engagement? Do we capture them alive? Kill them?"
Natska approaches the military officer alongside Cassidy, the jaguar's jaw set in a serious cast, her black domino mask not doing near as well at hiding her expression as Cassidy's does. She gives the bird a small nod, and waits to hear the answers to the questions from the other Freeswords.
Fenris had arrived shortly after the summons had been posted. Creators above! It was so much EASIER to get around when one was no longer two feet tall! The liger listens carefully to the briefing and the usual questions from his compatriots, all the while fiddling with his twirligig defender device. Handy little thing. "The longer we wait, the deeper they dig in," says the liger, "We should get moving." He was all for having all the information, but had had enough experience with military and with Cliffside to know that there would not be many straight answers here. Fenris straightens his long, black coat, showing the top of what seems to be a red heart emblazoned on his belly and readies himself for travel, and for battle, checking his sword under the coat and the spear strapped to his back.
Kalt yawns as she stretches for a moment, giving Angus a pat on the back as she grins. "I ain't got many questions... But M'figurin' if'n we can, gettin'em routed up an' all will be a right quick ordeal an' such. But, we gonna be havin' any aid from the military proper though?"
The silent Nurse Shark approaches. She looks for the person leading the expedition, having written on her chalk board. <Cliffside fugitives? Cirra will help. She might even know their tactics a bit.> She signs further with her hands rather than chalk. <Former Cliffsider here. Details not important. Will use knowledge to advance mission.> She puts the chalkboard away in her satchel, shifting it back under her oilskin coat.
A few branches cracking, and the rustle of leaves announces Sara's arrival who apparently only arrives moments after the briefing. After resting her hands on her knees, panting heavilly after her dash through the forest, and brushing off a couple leaves from her cloak, the lizard woman looks around and asks, "Uh.. since everyone's asking, how many of these.. uh.. ghosts?" the term comes out more as a question, unsure what she had signed herself up for, though it does pass before she continues, "How many are we going up against? And what will they be armed with?" After asking what questions she had Sara notices both Cassidy and Natska who each get a brief wave.
The soldier takes a moment to process how best to answer all the questions without getting into trouble with his superiors, shaking his head a little before looking up again. "They've had many hours to set up what they need to do. Sentries. Traps. Ambushes. For all you know they might already know we are here." He tells Angus, squinting a little. "I would have thought a Solacious would know more about military tactics. Especially one so...renown."
"No aid, I'm afraid." He addresses Kalt. "Like I said. We would like to settle the matter inhouse, but crossing the border with an army would be breaching quite a few agreements."
"A full, if small unit. They outnumber you guys maybe two to one? Three? But most of you are soulless, I bet. Shouldn't be too tragic.
Rokarion's question is left unanswered. "They're that way. Tread lightly." The soldier points, and then takes flight out of the forest. Moments after the soldier leaves. Echoes ring all about the forest. "Echo-o-o Echo out loud! Ghost troopers never let you down." The voices are scattered, and seem to come from all directions in a disorienting fashion. Echoing all throughout the forest.
Rokarion raises a petal for an eyebrow as the soldier departs, his question was indeed quite critical and he didn't expect a proper answer. His line of thought however is quickly interrupted at the sudden voices appearing around the group. Deciding to take the more cautious road, Rokarion uttered an equation attempting to cover himself in a protective layer.
Thelergramor waits until the soldier is out of site. "Yeah. Fuck you too buddy." He spits on the ground. "...I'll give him fucking tragic..." The wolf looks to his golem, then to the rest. Completely unmoved by the echoes of their enemy. He just shrugs. "They'll have to do better than that."
Angus flicks his ears, not even bothering to give them a retort as he instead just turns around and rests his right hand on the pommel of his sword. "Hm, odd." He states as they start speaking up, ears flicking back and forth as Mister starts to stir on his shoulder, sitting up to look around. "Everyone be on guard." Is his only statment as he frowns.
Cassidy folds her arms and looks over towards Natska. "No word on the rules of engagement! I guess that means they all die if they attempt to harm either of us. I wonder how terrifying of an end I can make it." She strokes the chin of her mask as she contemplates just that, ears perking a little at the sound.