Kindcraft Ruins - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
A large badger stands before the group looking like she has a bad itch, "I've got good news, I've uncovered a large ruin that might be related to the old ones, We have it on good information that this place is possible still in use. I want all of you to be ready to take on this threat but what I want you to look for is on any information we can use against the Old Ones. I don't care what it is but I do care that you come back alive and well. I cannot go this time do to the good kings order...." The Badger grumbled before passing out a map to each of the gathered folks, "I am trusting you to go in, explore and report anything of use and remove all threats." She says with no argument tone. "Any questions?"
Selena shakes her head. "Sure. Any other information?" he asks, pulling her hair behind her and plaiting it for work.
Angus studies the map for a few minutes. "Do we have any information on possible threats?" He glances up at Kilsa as he checks to make sure his weapons are secure. "Also...why can't you go?"
"No questions." Kiyasai adds lightly before standing with her hands rested on her hammer. She looks pale and tired more than anything else, not in her armor.
Kilsa looks at Angus with an annoyed experession, "I am considered to important to go unless the place has been checked. Since I hadto fun this by the good king first I get kicked off the team." She growls and shakes her head, "Not matter. I know I can leave it in your capable hands. Now I have a cart waiting for you unlike the last time there will be a personal guard for the trip so no surprise now lets step outside." She lead them to a cart where a little moust in a robe smiles and nods at each of them before hoping in the car as a familiar bear hold on to the reigns. "Good luck."
Selena shrugs. "There weren't any surprises en route last time we headed somewhere in a cart." She comments. "And I don't think we'll be having a repeat of that other accident." She comments to the badger, waving back to her as she heads over to the cart.
Angus is given an annoyed look and just smiles. "Well you are important Lady Kilsa, and I meant no offense when I asked." He walks towards the cart and glances at the mouse then the bear. "Ya, hopefully we will be safe."
Kiyasai bows politely to the badger before she wanders over to the cart and clambers on, curling up and leaning against a wall. "The answer is still no, bear." The mew preempts.
The badger smiles at Angus, "I'm not upset with you, friend, I just want to be a apart of this. I will pray that that Creators guide you well." She says at the bear grins at Kiyasai, "Alright, but what about that cute Vixen right there?" He cuckled and the mouse slapped him in the ear. "Alright Alright.... YAH!" The cart begins to move quickly and smoothly as the bear speak, "I remember when I was young and bold I was able to fight off waves of waves of deadly Jarls while working on my papa's farm."
Selena looks unimpressed with the bear's boast, though the keeps herself silent and occupied with a book. "It's good to see you again, Kiyasai. Angus." She finally greets the pair.
Angus completly ignores the bear and instead starts to recheck his equipment. "It has been awhile hasn't it Selena." Turning to Kiyasai he gives her a slight nod. "And hello again Kiyasai, haven't seen you in Firmament in a long time. How have you been?"
"Busy." Is the best response Kiyasai can afford. "Been a lot to take care of. Worse job than royalty." The feline seems out of place without her armor, clothing simple and unadorned, exposing the snow white fur on her belly. "Just a day off for me is all." She shrugs, and looks at the path the cart is traversing.
The Cart ride is pretty uneventalful until a group of bandits appear in front of them, "Alright you get out and give use all you Hrik!" The mouse moved like a little blur and within seconds the entire group is dead. The mouse chitters and hop back on the cart as the bear rolls over them. "Old Roger could have done that with his hands broken." The bear says before the mouse smack his ear again. Three hours pass before the group is stopped in front of a stone slab on the ground with an open door ruins decorate the slab and the door leads to a set of stairs.
Selena looks back at Kiyasai a little skeptically. "You call this a day off?" She asks incredulously. "I'd hate to see what you have to do on a regular basis." the wolf shakes her head sympathtically, turning a few pages in the book, watching the mouse butcher the bandits with ease. "...Well, that was impressive." She comments. On arrival, she puts her book back into her bag and steps off the cart unceremoniously.
Angus places his hands behind his head and leans against the side of the cart. "Are you kidding, this is definitely a day off for me. No court duties, and no patrol." When the bandits appear his hand was already on his weapons, until the Mouse jumps in and slaughters them. "well....looks like Kilsa didn't lie..this trip is pretty safe." When the cart stops he steps off, and is instantly intrigued by the ruins.
"Hey. You were the one who said true Faith was too much for you." Kiyasai smiles a bit as her eyes close, shaking her form a little to warm up before she gets off the cart. "Don't worry. I felt the same way when I was forced to give up my mage classes too."
The ruins seem to be written in some language that doesn't look familiar to the group surrounds the entrance, A second cart is seen rapid approaching the group. The steeds come to a stop near the first cart, there seems to be a serpent and a Husky in this new cart.
Selena looks around the area cautiously, eyes settling on the door hatch for a moment. "Well, doesn't look like there'll be too much trouble from that trap." She comments, and waves across to the familiar snake and husky. "Bite, Wulf!" She greets the pair. "How are you two?"
Angus shrugs at Selenas comment. "Well you never know, we thought the same thing the last time we went exploring and look what that brought us." When he realizes who the cart had brought he smiles. "Bite, Wulf, Good to see you to again."
Kiyasai looks at the second cart with a resolute glare before she shakes her head lightly, clearly not who she was expecting. She pauses to look at the strange markings for a moment, but doesn't find anything that she recognizes, and then she just stands there and waits.
Bite hops off the cart, and heads straight over to the nearby others who are so eager to greet them, with the exception of Kiyasai who gives her a glare, which she confusedly returns to the feline. 'How dare they be unhappy to see her, clearly something is wrong with them' she rations. "Hey sssweeties, sorry i'm late, what's going on?" she hisses and giggles as she reaches them.
Wulf rolls off the cart, shrugging her Musket over her shoulder as she hits the ground with a faint thump. "Heya Sel, I'm doing better now that I am fully recovered. Howabout you?"
Wulf offers a wave at Angus.
The first room after the long stair case is a dusty room filled with dead rock spiders that have aged to the point of being white husks of their former glory. There is a pill in the middle with a run in it and the skeleton of a pig with bleach white bones. A weird set of text is above the skeleton while on the others side is another set of stairs going deeping into the ruin.
Selena smiles. "I've been better, I guess," Selena says to Wulf, descending into the ruins. "But at the end of the day I'm still intact. It's good to see you've recovered so well, though." The wolf smiles. Upon entering, she takes a look at the odd text and skeletons, wondering if there's any conclusion to draw.