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The woman draws a deep breath as she looks over the three remaining cards, before slowly flipping them over. "This spot will champion your environment and the people you are interacting with, the Ten of Cups. This shows a good enviroment, happiness, healthy friends and family surround you, along with goodness of reputation and peace... And next, comes your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play... And it is the page of cups, shown in reverse. A dangerous sign for love, as this shows temptation, a flatterer, seduction, and deviation. Be wary of it, lest you fall to it. Which brings me to your last card, the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course." The woman frowning as she looks to the card before taking a deep breath. "The Chariot, Reversed. A woefull sign, as it shows a victory snatched from your hands at the last second, defeat in something you should have rightfully earned as your plans collapse."  
The woman draws a deep breath as she looks over the three remaining cards, before slowly flipping them over. "This spot will champion your environment and the people you are interacting with, the Ten of Cups. This shows a good enviroment, happiness, healthy friends and family surround you, along with goodness of reputation and peace... And next, comes your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play... And it is the page of cups, shown in reverse. A dangerous sign for love, as this shows temptation, a flatterer, seduction, and deviation. Be wary of it, lest you fall to it. Which brings me to your last card, the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course." The woman frowning as she looks to the card before taking a deep breath. "The Chariot, Reversed. A woefull sign, as it shows a victory snatched from your hands at the last second, defeat in something you should have rightfully earned as your plans collapse."  
The Deer woman shakes her head to Selena as she smiles happily. "No need to pay M'lady, the Dacha clan swore that if anyone bought a horse from them, they would pay for all the drinks tonight... And thankfully we had a woman earlier make her way out with one of their horses after taming it. So, as long as the tents are raised, the drinks shall flow!" The woman pulling a cider from her tray, before handing it out to Selena with a slight curtsy.<br> <br>Angus nods his head slowly to Amterasu, squeezing Wulf's arm as his gaze flicks to hers as if to warn her not to make a scene before he turns back to Amaterasu, a pleasant mask slipping over his features as he smiles. "It is nice to meet you Lady Wirefur, what brings you to Sweetwater?" He takes another gulp of his drink as he nods to Selena. "Still, good to see you here."<br> <br>Cassidy listens quietly to the reading, looking over the charms, humming in thought as she selects four of the smaller ones and one of the larger ones, ears twitching a little as she holds them close, waiting til the woman finished the current reading so she could have her own, as well as pay for her charms.
The Deer woman shakes her head to Selena as she smiles happily. "No need to pay M'lady, the Dacha clan swore that if anyone bought a horse from them, they would pay for all the drinks tonight... And thankfully we had a woman earlier make her way out with one of their horses after taming it. So, as long as the tents are raised, the drinks shall flow!" The woman pulling a cider from her tray, before handing it out to Selena with a slight curtsy.<br> <br>Angus nods his head slowly to Amterasu, squeezing Wulf's arm as his gaze flicks to hers as if to warn her not to make a scene before he turns back to Amaterasu, a pleasant mask slipping over his features as he smiles. "It is nice to meet you Lady Wirefur, what brings you to Sweetwater?" He takes another gulp of his drink as he nods to Selena. "Still, good to see you here."<br> <br>Cassidy listens quietly to the reading, looking over the charms, humming in thought as she selects four of the smaller ones and one of the larger ones, ears twitching a little as she holds them close, waiting til the woman finished the current reading so she could have her own, as well as pay for her charms.<br> <br>Selena peers at Amaterasu for a moment, accepting the drink from the deer and giving them an appreciative nod and a 'small' tip - by soulless standards anyway, aparrently seeing fit to just ignore the name and continue her business. ""I'm glad to hear that you and they've been well." She replies to the husky before nudging the Angus an murmuring something to him.<br> <br>"I am... A little curious on if I'll find peace and happiness. More specifically... What's in my future, perhaps?" The fennec frowns a little and rubs at her ear with her free hand. "I am kind of new to this."<br> <br>Jera smiles. He sips at the drink happily and offers Ama a hug, shaking his head at the very last rune. "We should just finish the lifebonding now." He laughs.<br> <br>Amaterasu shifts a bit, the reading bothering her a tad, but she remained composed, nodding to Jera's statement "What brought me to sweetwater, you mean." she smiles, hers, apart from Angus' was genuine. "I came a little while ago, actually, a frail, sickly thing looking for a cure to an illness I had. After spending some time here, I then found the cure, and here I am." it was just a gloss over of the subject, but it was easy to tell she didn't like talking about it. Leaning against the Kit Fox once more, she nodded a bit "Jera, helped me with much when I arrived..." she offered "Too much for me to repay in any capacity within a single life."<br> <br>Wulf blinks at Angus, but she remains quiet. The Husky sips at her drink to look at Selena with a happy smile. "Thank you Selena, I'm glad they are doing well too... even thoughb Angus' name slacking."<br> <br>The woman frowns at Jera's comment about the lifebonding, clearing her throat as she motions over the cards. "I advise against doing such. With all respect, as the cards have shown me, to do such a thing in haste will not grant you victory in the end of it all." Her gaze turning back to Cassidy before she nods. "Very well, let me see..." The woman's hands moving to pull the cards in and reshuffle her deck, before preforming a more simple pattern than the one she did for Ama and Jera, drawing only five cards before she clears her throat. "The card in the center represents the attitude you assume, which here we have the nine of cups reversed. This shows mistakes, loss, disputes, false freedom, and imperfections. A dangerous card in such a spot, as it shows your thoughts threaten to consume you with negativity. The card to the right represents the thoughts and feelings that underly your attitudes, and it is the five of pentacles. This shows us that your attitude is fueld by the fears of failure, fearing of losing both materialistically, and emotionally. Be it in the way others view you, the way you've lived your life, or even in the game of love. You find yourself worrying more so often then you do enjoying it. Which then leads you to believe that if you do not force yourself to the best, or enjoy it the most, you are suffering."
A flick of her large ears, and the woman begins to flip the next two cards. "The card at the top represents how your attitude is evolving and will evolve in the future. Here we have the Seven of Swords reversed... Arguments, quarrels, uncertain council being given, or sought. You will look for the answers you seek child, but the places you shall look will strike out venomous lies, to use you to it's own end. The card to the left represents how others perceive your attitude currently, which you have drawn the Queen of Pentacles. A almost theater worthy card to mix with your others, it shows that others view you with great esteem. You are viewed as wealthy in spirit, mind, and heart."
Her fingers travel over the last card before flipping it and clearing her throat gently. "The card at the bottom represents what you cannot confront or are hiding from yourself, and you have drawn the King of Pentacles in reverse... This is a dark card for such a reading I am loathe to say, as it tells of a darkness inside of you that would see you push through any means to get to an end. No matter how wrong or dark it may seem, you bring yourself and others danger and peril."
The Deer woman blinks at her tip, before bowing deeply with a smile. "My pleasure M'lady, may the night be kind to you." Soon enough, nearing the center of the dance floor, there seems to be some sort of commotion starting about a young Collie woman, and a Caribou boy, both holding hands and judging from the shouting of one large Collie male clad in his cliffside military uniform at the boy, the duo had just shared a brief kiss.<br> <br>Angus looks to Selena and nods as he visibly starts to relax before he sighs. "I see, well I would like to formaly welcome you to Sweetwater." He blinks as he hears yelling, turning his attention to the collie and Caribou couple as he frowns. "Excuse me while I go see what this is about, if you have need of me just ask Private Jera to contact me." He squeezes Wulfs arm, flashing Selena another smile as he walks over to see what the argument was about.<br> <br>Selena spends 10 Crown for RP reasons.<br> <br>Selena pats the fox on the back gently. "I think I'm interested as well. I don't think I've ever heard of a Cliffsider getting uppity over their pick of a partner." She notes curiously, moving along in the direction of the commotion as well with her cider - and when within earshot she politely interjects with "What's the matter? I don't see anything wrong here." <br> <br>Cassidy stares down at the cards, ears perked and listening to the woman. She wasn't so sure about all this at first, but the way they played out hit a little too close to perfect for her, and she knew it. Part of her wanted to laugh. She wasn't sure why she wanted to, but she knew that'd be rather inappropriate at the time, so she gives a grim smile instead and nods. "Thank you." She lapses into silence for a moment before shaking herself out of it. "Seems even the fates has conspired against me, huh?" She asks with a bit of a jesting tone to her voice, covering up whatever she was feeling inside. "I have some charms I wanted to buy, as well, yes. Maybe they will help?" All the while her ears twitch towards the sound of the commotion by the stage. "How much will they all be, miss?"<br> <br>Amaterasu shifts uneasily... She glances at Jera, before following after Selena and Angus, a small look of apprehension on her face "Please don't be who I think it is, please don't be who I think it is..." she shakes her head, looking back to Jera to see if he was following. She had a feeling this was not going to end well, and that she was going to be ridiculed, yet again.<br> <br>Wulf follows along with Angus, hanging off of his arm like she had been earlier. As they arrive the Husky looks in between them with squint and lets Angus and Selena to talk first and hear what they have to say before she speaks up herself.<br> <br>Jera turns around and follows Ama after, noticing her discomfort.

Revision as of 07:52, 5 June 2014





The Tournament grounds are abuzz with activity today, as aids to the various nobles move and dash between hastily constructed stalls and platforms to carry out their duties. All along the edge of the grounds, smaller merchant stands have been erected for those not comfortable in rubbing elbows with nobility... Though, the -real- party is in the center of the grounds. A quickly constructed wooden dance floors takes up the majority of the space, with various nobles chatting and laughing amongst each other instead of -dancing- it seems. Granted, the younger of the nobility are busy showing each other how to move with the rhythym, but sadly enough they do not seem the majority.

Around the wooden dance floor are representatives for almost every noble family. All of them busy chatting and attempting to flaunt their wealth and status it seems, although that holds less true on the Thera'dorian side, where a hastily errected stable has been made, for the Dacha's to laugh at local nobility trying to ride their high quality horses.

Having heard of an intresting party starting up at the tournament grounds, and wanting an excuse to get out of his room at the manor. Angus decides to actually attend one of these things out of curiousity, but not by his own nooo. This time he was dragging Wulf along with him, the husky hanging off the well dressed foxes arm as he stands off to the side of the wooden dance floor, chuckling a little as he watches the dancing before he turns to look at Wulf. "Having fun yet Wulf?"

Selena seems to have had a similar idea, perhaps ironic given her rather public opinion on the subject matter. It's difficult to tell if there's an ulterior motive or not. The wolfess makes her way along in her normal clothes, making no fuss of the situation. Seeing Angus and Wulf, she offers a wave to the pair and moves along to them, flashing a smile.

Cassidy wanders into the tournament grounds, partly out of familial obligations, partly out of curiosity. As was usual for such events, she had dressed herself nicely today in a light blue gown, complete with gloves. Less usual, for her at least, was the fact that she wasn't unaccompanied today, either. A young fox at her side, though not of Solacious ilk. She paused for a moment, glancing around the area and whispering something to her companion before shuffling off to take a look at some of the merchants and their wares, the man in tow.

Jera spots familiar friends! Heading over with a few wares tucked under his cloak, mostly arcane runes and spellcrafting materials along with simple spells. This was good and ample time for advertisement, after all. "You're representing Solacious?" He catches up to Angus and asks, laughing as he waits for his own companion to show up.

Amaterasu sighs, She was wandering about the stalls, any fire in the area leaning towards the girl as she worked to calm her slight rage. The nerve of that bitch of a cousin of hers, stopping to pick up some water she shook her head. Lowering the hood on her cloak she adjusted the scrunched up fore which proudly displayed her familial crest. Her nausea was returning, so her battle then became one to prevent that from taking over her. Heading for the dance floor, she could at least try and socialize with people there, walking towards those solacious that he saw. She could at least try and be friendly with them.

Wulf is dressed in her twin's outft... it's honestly the nicest stuff she has to wear. Regardless she does look good hanging off of Angus' arm. As Angus asks her wether she is enjoying herself the husky shrugs. "I guess? I've never been much for watching things. But it is nice."

Catching sight of Selena however the girl grins happily. "Oh! Selena! How are you today?!"

"You there, m'lady and her escort, why don't you come on closer to my stall no~?" A elderly fruit bat woman calls out, while motioning them forward to her stall... Various charms, decks of strange cards, and even a few bags of runes are spread everywhere! "I am Malaya Duskcaller, and am a merchant of fate shall we say~?" The woman giving a wide grin to the 'couple' as she spreads out her arms and looks expectantly.

The group at the dance floor are givin little room it seems, as those merely chatting have no desire to move it seems... All the same, a smaller deer folk weaves her way through the crowd, holding a serving tray and plenty of small glassess of alchoholic drinks, as she approaches the group. "Good day M'lords and Ladies~! Might I interest you all in a drink?"

Angus snags a drink from the small deer as they walk by, flashing Wulf a smile. "Neither have I, but it is better then sitting in the manor is it not?" He asks as he takes a sip of the drink, before turning his gaze on the being walking towards him, his smile growing thin as he notices the family crest on her cloak. "Good evening."

He then turns to Jera, giving them a slight nod as he chuckles. "Why not? I am a noble yes?" He asks of the fox as he nods in greeting to Selena.

Selena takes a look over the charms, raising an eyebrow a little before greeting Wulf and Angus proper. "It's good to see you both again. The pups haven't been giving you trouble, have they Wulf?" A hug to each of them later and she turns back to the Deer. "What do you have, exactly?" And shortly thereafter waving over to Jera when she recognizes the constantly-covered fox.

Cassidy gives the male's hand a squeeze and smiles at the bat woman. "It's nice to meet you, Malaya. What all do you have here?" She asks, looking towards the charms and decks of cards in particular. "Looks like quite an interesting stock. I would love to know more." The well dressed man himself looks towards the bags of runes before looking around to see what other interesting things were around today.

I thought they'd have ousted you by now with the way things go sometime." Jera laughs in jest, waving Selena over and handing her a few runes. "Materials for that spell you made for me. Taken fresh from Amaterasu's import store. Do stop by!" He continues his advertisement, though not pushing it anymore about his group of friends as he waves Ama over, only briefly, not wanting to show off his glowing marks. And then he watches Malaya for a moment as a thought crosses his mind. "Could you tell us our fate? O-our fate together that is."

Amaterasu gave a nod of acknowledgement to Angus as he adresses her "Evening." the Arctic fox replies coming up to stand beside Jera "Hey, Jera. Enjoying yourself?" she asks, standing on her toes to give him a light kiss on the cheek "Sorry I couldn't show up with you. I had some... Familial issues to take care of." she sighs, sipping a bit of her water as she shakes her head to the deer "What pleasant company you have though, care to introduce us?" she asks, her tail wagging a bit as her nausea went by the wayside, after took a bit more of her water to calm her stomach.

Wulf flicks her tail and nods Angus in agreement as Angus speaks. "I guess so, but I do have my pups to entetain me back at the manor... speaking of which you still haven't named the Vixen. You should get on that dear." Directing her attention to Selena she reaches out and brings her in to rest hip by hip and rests her arm across the Wolfess' shoulders. "They've been good thank you Selena."

"Items of fortuns, runes... Cards... Even a couple of charms! Charms for pregnancy, luck, love, happiness, you name it any charm I most likely have... That, and I do readings too~! You merely decide if you want a fortune by cards, or a fortune by runes and I work to give you a swift answer..." The woman looking over to Jera and Amaterasu as she strokes her chin and nods. "I can... For a small fee."

The Deer woman bows deeply to Selena before clearing her throat. "Thera'dorian whisky, Shralestan wine, and some cliffside cider M'lady. If that is not for you though, I could go and procure some water?"

U:ll have a reading by the cards. Always loved playing." Jera smiles warmly and slips Ama a big hug, blushing at the kiss. "Mmh, if you don't already know...This is my soon to be mate." His tail rubs over the arctic vixen's torso as he grabs a drink from the deer to get Shralesta wine, leaving coins where the glass stood and settling down on the mystic's counter. "I need this for the bad news. I deserve this for the good." He explains with a chuckle.

Angus flicks his ears back and force as he eyes Amaterasu, his smile a thin line as his gaze flicks to her noble seal before looking her straight in the eye. "Angus Solacious Ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you." He states as he squeezes his glass a little, his right hand dipping into his doublet to adjust the garment a bit, fingers brushing against the hilt of the dagger there to reassure himself before Wulf catches his attention once more. "You are correct, I should give her a proper name soon." He grumbles, before he flashes Selena a soft smile. "Never thought I would see you here."

Selena chuckles quietly. "You don't say. How much would some of the cider set me back, then?" She asks, peering over the crowd for a moment and murmuring something under her breath, still staying near Angus. "I'm not surprised you'd say that. I suppose it isn't the most likely of places, but I was hoping I could find someone here."

Cassidy rubs at one of her ears, exchanging a few words with the man for a moment before letting him go to check out one of the other stalls. In the mean time, the fennec turns back towards the bat and nods. "I might be interested in a few things... Perhaps a reading, some of your charms and... Maybe your cards? Might have to tell me more about those! But I am certainly interested."

Amaterasu nods softly "Amaterasu Wirefur." the girl responds to Angus "A pleasure to meet you, lord Solacious." she wasn't lacking for manners, nodding to his friend and his date for the night as well. She seems to recognize Selena, though it's a foggy memory. Angus' motion was lost on her though, imagining as it was to be just him adjusting his garment. She chuckles a bit herself, leaning against Jera a bit "I don't see us needing to worry, Jera." she smiles, her tail brushing his as she refocuses on the conversation between the three in front of her.

The mention of Wirefur has Wulf utter a low growl. The Solacious and Firmament haven't had very good relations with them. The Husky stays quiet and reaches out for one of the drinks, a cider specifically to drink. That husky tail flicks and she removes her arm from off of Angus' for a moment to smoothen out her loincloth before placing her arm back through his loop.

"Hrm... As you wish sir. A fee of one crown for the reading..." The woman's hands reaching over to her deck as she begins to shuffle the cards, before laying them out before herself in a complex pattern, and clears her throat... "Death signifying change, serves at the atmosphere of the issue. Good or bad, transformations have, and continue to happen to your being, be wary lest the change happen too fast for you... The Knight of Pentacles serves as the force that stands in your way. Curious, as it represents a mature and responsible person... In this situation, it shows someone working head long for their goal with fool hardy persistance."

The woman gives a moment of pause to look over Jera and Ama, before flipping another card over. "This card shows the best you can achieve without a dramatic change of priorities... And it is the Fool. A card that shows one eagerly accepting all without thought of conciquences, a card filled with passion, unlimited possibilites, but at the same time foolishness, rashness, and thoughtlessness. The foundation on which the situation is based, is the Queen of Pentacles. She shows us wealth, power, nobility of the soul and blood. She gives extreme comfort, pleasure, grace, and dignity while showing a rich being whom is generous and charitable."

A flick of her ears, and the woman dips her head to Cassidy before offering a smile as she pulls out a box of charms for her to look through, before continuing the reading. "Here we have a passing influence or something to be released... And for you, it is the High Priest. The High Priest captures the good of the souls, but at the same time shows a force of one captive to their own ideas, and refuses to change with the world or situation. Next comes an approaching influence or something to be embraced, the World takes this spot for you both... A lucky sign to many, it shows triumph and success in endeavors, throughout struggle and effort. It is not a card of a victory just givin, but one -earned-... Following this card, we have the card that champions your role or attitude, Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords is a blessed one for such a question as this, as it shows great determination, along with strength, power, fertility, and a deep emotional love."

The woman draws a deep breath as she looks over the three remaining cards, before slowly flipping them over. "This spot will champion your environment and the people you are interacting with, the Ten of Cups. This shows a good enviroment, happiness, healthy friends and family surround you, along with goodness of reputation and peace... And next, comes your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play... And it is the page of cups, shown in reverse. A dangerous sign for love, as this shows temptation, a flatterer, seduction, and deviation. Be wary of it, lest you fall to it. Which brings me to your last card, the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course." The woman frowning as she looks to the card before taking a deep breath. "The Chariot, Reversed. A woefull sign, as it shows a victory snatched from your hands at the last second, defeat in something you should have rightfully earned as your plans collapse."

The Deer woman shakes her head to Selena as she smiles happily. "No need to pay M'lady, the Dacha clan swore that if anyone bought a horse from them, they would pay for all the drinks tonight... And thankfully we had a woman earlier make her way out with one of their horses after taming it. So, as long as the tents are raised, the drinks shall flow!" The woman pulling a cider from her tray, before handing it out to Selena with a slight curtsy.

Angus nods his head slowly to Amterasu, squeezing Wulf's arm as his gaze flicks to hers as if to warn her not to make a scene before he turns back to Amaterasu, a pleasant mask slipping over his features as he smiles. "It is nice to meet you Lady Wirefur, what brings you to Sweetwater?" He takes another gulp of his drink as he nods to Selena. "Still, good to see you here."

Cassidy listens quietly to the reading, looking over the charms, humming in thought as she selects four of the smaller ones and one of the larger ones, ears twitching a little as she holds them close, waiting til the woman finished the current reading so she could have her own, as well as pay for her charms.

Selena peers at Amaterasu for a moment, accepting the drink from the deer and giving them an appreciative nod and a 'small' tip - by soulless standards anyway, aparrently seeing fit to just ignore the name and continue her business. ""I'm glad to hear that you and they've been well." She replies to the husky before nudging the Angus an murmuring something to him.

"I am... A little curious on if I'll find peace and happiness. More specifically... What's in my future, perhaps?" The fennec frowns a little and rubs at her ear with her free hand. "I am kind of new to this."

Jera smiles. He sips at the drink happily and offers Ama a hug, shaking his head at the very last rune. "We should just finish the lifebonding now." He laughs.

Amaterasu shifts a bit, the reading bothering her a tad, but she remained composed, nodding to Jera's statement "What brought me to sweetwater, you mean." she smiles, hers, apart from Angus' was genuine. "I came a little while ago, actually, a frail, sickly thing looking for a cure to an illness I had. After spending some time here, I then found the cure, and here I am." it was just a gloss over of the subject, but it was easy to tell she didn't like talking about it. Leaning against the Kit Fox once more, she nodded a bit "Jera, helped me with much when I arrived..." she offered "Too much for me to repay in any capacity within a single life."

Wulf blinks at Angus, but she remains quiet. The Husky sips at her drink to look at Selena with a happy smile. "Thank you Selena, I'm glad they are doing well too... even thoughb Angus' name slacking."

The woman frowns at Jera's comment about the lifebonding, clearing her throat as she motions over the cards. "I advise against doing such. With all respect, as the cards have shown me, to do such a thing in haste will not grant you victory in the end of it all." Her gaze turning back to Cassidy before she nods. "Very well, let me see..." The woman's hands moving to pull the cards in and reshuffle her deck, before preforming a more simple pattern than the one she did for Ama and Jera, drawing only five cards before she clears her throat. "The card in the center represents the attitude you assume, which here we have the nine of cups reversed. This shows mistakes, loss, disputes, false freedom, and imperfections. A dangerous card in such a spot, as it shows your thoughts threaten to consume you with negativity. The card to the right represents the thoughts and feelings that underly your attitudes, and it is the five of pentacles. This shows us that your attitude is fueld by the fears of failure, fearing of losing both materialistically, and emotionally. Be it in the way others view you, the way you've lived your life, or even in the game of love. You find yourself worrying more so often then you do enjoying it. Which then leads you to believe that if you do not force yourself to the best, or enjoy it the most, you are suffering."

A flick of her large ears, and the woman begins to flip the next two cards. "The card at the top represents how your attitude is evolving and will evolve in the future. Here we have the Seven of Swords reversed... Arguments, quarrels, uncertain council being given, or sought. You will look for the answers you seek child, but the places you shall look will strike out venomous lies, to use you to it's own end. The card to the left represents how others perceive your attitude currently, which you have drawn the Queen of Pentacles. A almost theater worthy card to mix with your others, it shows that others view you with great esteem. You are viewed as wealthy in spirit, mind, and heart."

Her fingers travel over the last card before flipping it and clearing her throat gently. "The card at the bottom represents what you cannot confront or are hiding from yourself, and you have drawn the King of Pentacles in reverse... This is a dark card for such a reading I am loathe to say, as it tells of a darkness inside of you that would see you push through any means to get to an end. No matter how wrong or dark it may seem, you bring yourself and others danger and peril."

The Deer woman blinks at her tip, before bowing deeply with a smile. "My pleasure M'lady, may the night be kind to you." Soon enough, nearing the center of the dance floor, there seems to be some sort of commotion starting about a young Collie woman, and a Caribou boy, both holding hands and judging from the shouting of one large Collie male clad in his cliffside military uniform at the boy, the duo had just shared a brief kiss.

Angus looks to Selena and nods as he visibly starts to relax before he sighs. "I see, well I would like to formaly welcome you to Sweetwater." He blinks as he hears yelling, turning his attention to the collie and Caribou couple as he frowns. "Excuse me while I go see what this is about, if you have need of me just ask Private Jera to contact me." He squeezes Wulfs arm, flashing Selena another smile as he walks over to see what the argument was about.

Selena spends 10 Crown for RP reasons.

Selena pats the fox on the back gently. "I think I'm interested as well. I don't think I've ever heard of a Cliffsider getting uppity over their pick of a partner." She notes curiously, moving along in the direction of the commotion as well with her cider - and when within earshot she politely interjects with "What's the matter? I don't see anything wrong here."

Cassidy stares down at the cards, ears perked and listening to the woman. She wasn't so sure about all this at first, but the way they played out hit a little too close to perfect for her, and she knew it. Part of her wanted to laugh. She wasn't sure why she wanted to, but she knew that'd be rather inappropriate at the time, so she gives a grim smile instead and nods. "Thank you." She lapses into silence for a moment before shaking herself out of it. "Seems even the fates has conspired against me, huh?" She asks with a bit of a jesting tone to her voice, covering up whatever she was feeling inside. "I have some charms I wanted to buy, as well, yes. Maybe they will help?" All the while her ears twitch towards the sound of the commotion by the stage. "How much will they all be, miss?"

Amaterasu shifts uneasily... She glances at Jera, before following after Selena and Angus, a small look of apprehension on her face "Please don't be who I think it is, please don't be who I think it is..." she shakes her head, looking back to Jera to see if he was following. She had a feeling this was not going to end well, and that she was going to be ridiculed, yet again.

Wulf follows along with Angus, hanging off of his arm like she had been earlier. As they arrive the Husky looks in between them with squint and lets Angus and Selena to talk first and hear what they have to say before she speaks up herself.

Jera turns around and follows Ama after, noticing her discomfort.