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The technology is legal." And then not quite under his breath, "I swear, Parson is trying to ruin me.
The technology is legal." And then not quite under his breath, "I swear, Parson is trying to ruin me.
"Nevertheless," he continues in normal tones, "today all of you are cordinally invited on board the cargo hold of my ship, to view the wares that Mr. Parson has currently approved for sale. While I cannot release any goods at the moment due to the necessity of training your priests to use the money transfer devices, I can nevertheless take orders, and indeed, his Grace the king has been my first customer, requesting that the city's sewerage system be brought into fine working order. I hope that this display trust will help convince Mr. Parson that the inhabitants of PROMISE are capable of honouring their deeds and contracts as a civilised people. Are there any questions before we begin?"<br> <br>Fenris gives a friendly wave to his friends among the crowd as Speedy trundles along beside him. It looks like he got here just in time to get a spot with a good view. He can even see the Good King and his entourage from here! The tiger idly wonders what actual syllables the creator merchant is saying when his translator paraphrases his words. He is also painfully curious as to the kinds of things that this Mr. Herkenson has decided to make available.<br> <br>Cedric returns the tiger's friendly wave as he approaches the creator ship and tries to keep himself from showing any discomfort with Fenris as he stands nearby, listening to the chubby creator explain the terms again. He nods, having heard a slightly more extensive version of the conditions of their trading before, though this is the first he's heard of the sewers being restored. Anyhow, he keeps quiet for now, ready to see the available goods.<br> <br>Jessica approaches only as seems proper, and keeps any questions she may have to herself for the non. She angles her parasol against the bright sun above as she moves towards the front of the line, taking advantage of her noble privilege silently to become one of the first to board this strange craft and see what is being offered.<br> <br>Amaterasu, this being the first time she's heard, or seen a creator was a tad bit wary, and, given her liniage, she did her best to keep a respectable distance between herself and the Good King. Ever since that issue with her uncle, she was careful of how she went about in the massive public eye. She herself had tons of question, and was quite raring to go. However, she figured she should hold herself with a bearing similar to the other nobles in the area. This she found hard for many reasons, instead just sighing and resuming her posture of experience. She still held her tongue, she wouldn't speak until spoken to.<br> <br>"Flora has... Several questions, yes. But only two are... Important right now. Firstly, what happens to 'illegal' technology already on promise? And secondly... What exactly constitutes... Illegal? Does the scorcher count? Are there... Alternative devices like it that are legal?" she asks, almost a bit too specific, perhaps...
"Nevertheless," he continues in normal tones, "today all of you are cordinally invited on board the cargo hold of my ship, to view the wares that Mr. Parson has currently approved for sale. While I cannot release any goods at the moment due to the necessity of training your priests to use the money transfer devices, I can nevertheless take orders, and indeed, his Grace the king has been my first customer, requesting that the city's sewerage system be brought into fine working order. I hope that this display trust will help convince Mr. Parson that the inhabitants of PROMISE are capable of honouring their deeds and contracts as a civilised people. Are there any questions before we begin?"<br> <br>Fenris gives a friendly wave to his friends among the crowd as Speedy trundles along beside him. It looks like he got here just in time to get a spot with a good view. He can even see the Good King and his entourage from here! The tiger idly wonders what actual syllables the creator merchant is saying when his translator paraphrases his words. He is also painfully curious as to the kinds of things that this Mr. Herkenson has decided to make available.<br> <br>Cedric returns the tiger's friendly wave as he approaches the creator ship and tries to keep himself from showing any discomfort with Fenris as he stands nearby, listening to the chubby creator explain the terms again. He nods, having heard a slightly more extensive version of the conditions of their trading before, though this is the first he's heard of the sewers being restored. Anyhow, he keeps quiet for now, ready to see the available goods.<br> <br>Jessica approaches only as seems proper, and keeps any questions she may have to herself for the non. She angles her parasol against the bright sun above as she moves towards the front of the line, taking advantage of her noble privilege silently to become one of the first to board this strange craft and see what is being offered.<br> <br>Amaterasu, this being the first time she's heard, or seen a creator was a tad bit wary, and, given her liniage, she did her best to keep a respectable distance between herself and the Good King. Ever since that issue with her uncle, she was careful of how she went about in the massive public eye. She herself had tons of question, and was quite raring to go. However, she figured she should hold herself with a bearing similar to the other nobles in the area. This she found hard for many reasons, instead just sighing and resuming her posture of experience. She still held her tongue, she wouldn't speak until spoken to.<br> <br>"Flora has... Several questions, yes. But only two are... Important right now. Firstly, what happens to 'illegal' technology already on promise? And secondly... What exactly constitutes... Illegal? Does the scorcher count? Are there... Alternative devices like it that are legal?" she asks, almost a bit too specific, perhaps...<br> <br>:dashing her way up through the field to the scene comes Kalt, dressed in her Solacious uniform with a large satchel stuffed to the brim with what must be assumed to be what crown's she still owns after purchasing her arms. The Vixen slowly as she gets close enough before falling in near Cedric and Fenris as she straightens her posture. Her left hand gloved so as to offer a bit more covering for decencies sake, but all the same she offers a slight wave to the merchant while remaining silent.<br> <br>Siyu is trying to catch up. He had heard the ship had landed, and he wanted to make sure he arrives in time to join! There's a wagon coming behind him, freshly packed, various goods, trinkets really, trade goods, crafts. The man made it clear the last time that raw gold was worthless so he came prepared this time. Taking a deep breath he makes the wagon wait at the edge, and swish his silk clad hips up towards the parked vessel. Jessica is here? He smilesa nd bows to her. Ama and Fenris as well. Even Cedric and Kalt! The merchant recognizing most here. Folding his hands in front of him, the rodent rocks back and forth and waits to catch up on events. <br> <br>Harkenson turns to Flora, tweaking his translator to project his voice in much the same fashion a being might use a spot of air magic to do so. "By 'illegal', we mean such devices which are not in line with Creator laws and ordinances. It would be quite a challenge to completely define all of them for you - and I am no lawyer - but let this explanation suffice for now. And as for those which are already present..." he twiddles his thumbs thoughtfully. "...It has been much of a sticking point amongst the committee, I hear. For example, the numerous BODY MODIFICATION devices that were no doubt brought with your forebears. These are quite thoroughly illegal for the extent which they can change even a CREATOR, but to remove them would be to disrupt the beliefs and practices which have grown up about them. The general consensus is that while we wil not remove any present, neither will I be allowed to sell you new ones, or repair them for you. I'm sorry."
"Very well, then. If there are no further questions, let's begin! Welcome on board the UGMS Contact Light!"
There's a brief pause as the Good King and his entourage step up the creator steel gangplank, followed by the clergy and nobility, then everyone else invited. The difference in the air is marked as one enters the vessel proper - huge grates set high in the corrugated metal walls blow cool - perhaps even chilly - and dry air over much of the hold. The walls are blank, with no indication of any passage leading further into the ship, and on stands are displayed the various goods which are for sale.
For the simple, articles of creator fashion similar to those worn by Jetstream's little group, not too unlike that of beings in general design and yet wildly different in their details. A number of Creator spells in three dimensions, as opposed to the usual two-dimensional kevinscopes, all bearing peaceful purposes as explained in the writing on the stands - this one for encouraging crop growth while discouraging weeds, that one for repelling biting insects. Replacement parts for sacred doctors, as well as new devices wholesale. Small amounts of creator steel and chemicals. And of course, a number of systems in miniature, over which Harkenson is speaking with the Good King.
"It's amazing that the purification systems have survived centuries with only minimal maintenance, your Grace. Your priests did what they could, and they were excellent at it. However, if it were operating at full capacity...yes, this is a miniature...Shralesta has expressed interest in not just repairing, but even upgrading their desalination capabilities...no, I'm afriad that devices to move mountains will need to be approved on a case-by-case basis by Mr. Parson..."<br> <br>Fenris looks around the hold, amazed by the similarities to the old ruins he has seen and even more amazed by the differences. "So this is a living, creator vessel," he says to himself, "It's rather wonderful, isn't it." The tiger finds himself transfixed by the three dimensional mathemagic. "Oh!" he cries, a little louder than he probably meant to, "That makes so much more sense!" He looks around, a little embarrassed by his own outburst, but it seems that he is not the only being awestruck by the hold's contents.<br> <br>Cedric steps inside the vessel as well, not far behind Fenris but a good distance after the royalty and most of the nobility, of course. The badger browses the stock, looking nearly slack-jawed at the things on display, stopping first at the clothing he was curious about before... but then he notices the creator spells in three dimensions and stares quietly at them. "...This... this should make Selena quite happy..." he muses aloud, mostly to himself. Though he seems quite interested in them, himself...<br> <br>Jessica raises an ear at the sales-creator, "Forgive for the intrusion on your display, honorable creator, but I did not catch that word. Anti salusomething?" she says, prompting with a roll of her free hand.<br> <br>Amaterasu had invited Siyu up to join her in entering the ship, the fox looking a bit off-white, closer to a very light shade of green. "Hey." she smiles, entering with the rest of the  nobility. Once inside she noticed a marked decrease in temperature and looked about for the cause. Was it some sort of air magic she did not know about? It helped her sickness a bit, but she was still feeling rather terrible "Urp." she swallowed a bit of bile, shaking herself free of the nasty taste "I've been feeling horrible lately..." she tells the rodent eyeing the creator spells, or more specifically, their prices. She whistles a bit "Imagine having a couple of these in the shop, I'd be set for the next year, what with the little one on the way."<br> <br>Another tailflick, a slight nod. "Flora... Understands, yes," she mumbles, her tails flicking behind her as she follows after the others, silently watching the different things and not quite seeing something she fancies, so far, before she moves over to the miniature-systems. "Flora is... Curious about these. What are they?" she mumbles, gesturing at the various devices.<br> <br>Kalt finds herself speechless as they make their way into the vessel, the Vixen almost transfixed for the most part before they make it to the demonstraitions... Her eyes blinking some in confusion at the spells as she side steps around them, and moves over to the Creator Style clothing. Leaning forward some as she looks them over with a carefull eye before biting her lower lip gently, her hands moving to the satchel at her side as she gives a short nod to herself as she straightens her posture. "So... We can go an' buy these things an' all right? Uhm, are they made considerin' we ain't creators an' all? No offense an' such just, we gotta bit of a different body an' such..." The Vixen's tail flicking as if in punctuation, before she goes to look over some of the darker colored jump suits, before trying to peer around for anything that held a 'uniform' styled appearance that she could bring back to Angus.

Revision as of 20:51, 30 May 2014





A fine afternoon in the summer of tropical Firmament, a fine, warm day to behold. Already, the UGMS Contact Light has landed on the grassy tournament, the familiar sight of the merchant creator's vessel a hulking grey beast as opposed to the generally more bright and colourful star-ships of most visitors to the planet.

Today, a cold metal ramp leads up to the side of one of the large, blocky containers attached to the ship's side, cool drafts of air blasting out to grant folk some relief from the summer heat. There's considerable hubbub as curious beings, even those not invited, gather at the trader's unexpected arrival, especially with the presence of the Good King, the Royal Scholar Mione, and a number of nobles from the city.

Mr. Harkenson, the trader, has disembarked to personally usher in folk to his impromptu expo, the chubby Creator's smile appearing quite genuine as opposed to the sten or simply blank faces of his grey-jumpsuited crew. One can only wonder what he intends to show everyone today.

Fenris saunters onto the scene in his long, dark coat and broad brimmed hat. He has heard quite a bit about the various creator visitors, but this is the first opportunity he has had to deal with them in person. The tiger is here as an official representative of the Lightbringers Unit, to see what this off-world merchant had to offer. He has brought his hedgehog golem, Speedy McShieldman, along just in case there was anything worth purchasing and carrying away. Or in case of another riot. One never knows when a shield golem might come in handy.

Fenris joins the crowd on the gangplank and does his best not to ogle the creator vessel. It looks much like other creator ruins he has seen around Promise.

Cedric heard the news of Mr. Harkenson's return to Firmament, and made his way down to the grounds to see. After all, gifted were generally included in the invitation, and he was one of those! The badger carries himself through the bustling crowd, making his way up to the front to get a better view and ends up just near the gangplank.

Jessica ambles up amongst the crowd, wielding a deployed parasol to deflect the worst of the sun above from her bright white and black fur. Her movements are sedate as the mildly rounded noble casts her vision wide across others while moving to get some space for herself. Her gaze sweeps up over the imposing vessel of the gods with two parts awe and one part wonder.

Amaterasu follows after Fenris, the mage glancing between all that is present. As the Wirefur representative for today she came quite prepared, a fire elemental protectively hovering in front of the female, various spell components and a flask of tea to alliviate she who, looked just a tad bit green. This would be her first interaction with a creator, so she was a tad bit nervous. Especially after what she heard happened with the last one who decided to visit. Even then, she held herself with the bearing and stature of one who was raised on her own wit, dispite the slightly sagging posture from feeling downright horrible.

A tailflick, and Flora rides her golem into the area, grinning like the madwoman she just might be. But, a noble madwoman at that, and gifted to boot, two out of four isn't bad. That's like, halfway certified!

In any case, she soon makes her way over towards the vessel, curiously watching it, and the other beings gathered... It could be... Interesting to see if she can find something to further her research.

"Good afternoon, dignitaries of Sweetwater, ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Harkenson says through his translator. "And especially to the Good King, who has taken time off his very busy schedule at short notice to grace this event with his presence. As promised in my last message to you, I've successfully dealt with most of the paperwork on the CREATOR side of things and have returned to show you my catalogue." One of the crewmembers is snapping away and capturing images of the gathered crowd with a device, earning a stare from the merchant before the latter resumes his usual pleasant demeanour.

"However, before we begin, there are some matters I'm obliged to inform all of you - yes, my potential customers - of. I'm afraid that after extensive discussion with Mr. Parson, there have been some additional requirements set in place on the sale of certain articles of our technology, intended to preserve your culture as far as possible. A little of a letdown, but necessary, as I'm sure you'll all agree. The conditions are as such:

PROMISE's native technology is on par or exceeding the quality of the technology to be sourced.

Multiple examples of the technology are present in use on Promise.

The addition of an arbitrary number of pieces of this technology would not significantly disrupt the function of beings.

The technology to replicate the import exists, or the use of this technology is widespread.

The technology is legal." And then not quite under his breath, "I swear, Parson is trying to ruin me.

"Nevertheless," he continues in normal tones, "today all of you are cordinally invited on board the cargo hold of my ship, to view the wares that Mr. Parson has currently approved for sale. While I cannot release any goods at the moment due to the necessity of training your priests to use the money transfer devices, I can nevertheless take orders, and indeed, his Grace the king has been my first customer, requesting that the city's sewerage system be brought into fine working order. I hope that this display trust will help convince Mr. Parson that the inhabitants of PROMISE are capable of honouring their deeds and contracts as a civilised people. Are there any questions before we begin?"

Fenris gives a friendly wave to his friends among the crowd as Speedy trundles along beside him. It looks like he got here just in time to get a spot with a good view. He can even see the Good King and his entourage from here! The tiger idly wonders what actual syllables the creator merchant is saying when his translator paraphrases his words. He is also painfully curious as to the kinds of things that this Mr. Herkenson has decided to make available.

Cedric returns the tiger's friendly wave as he approaches the creator ship and tries to keep himself from showing any discomfort with Fenris as he stands nearby, listening to the chubby creator explain the terms again. He nods, having heard a slightly more extensive version of the conditions of their trading before, though this is the first he's heard of the sewers being restored. Anyhow, he keeps quiet for now, ready to see the available goods.

Jessica approaches only as seems proper, and keeps any questions she may have to herself for the non. She angles her parasol against the bright sun above as she moves towards the front of the line, taking advantage of her noble privilege silently to become one of the first to board this strange craft and see what is being offered.

Amaterasu, this being the first time she's heard, or seen a creator was a tad bit wary, and, given her liniage, she did her best to keep a respectable distance between herself and the Good King. Ever since that issue with her uncle, she was careful of how she went about in the massive public eye. She herself had tons of question, and was quite raring to go. However, she figured she should hold herself with a bearing similar to the other nobles in the area. This she found hard for many reasons, instead just sighing and resuming her posture of experience. She still held her tongue, she wouldn't speak until spoken to.

"Flora has... Several questions, yes. But only two are... Important right now. Firstly, what happens to 'illegal' technology already on promise? And secondly... What exactly constitutes... Illegal? Does the scorcher count? Are there... Alternative devices like it that are legal?" she asks, almost a bit too specific, perhaps...

:dashing her way up through the field to the scene comes Kalt, dressed in her Solacious uniform with a large satchel stuffed to the brim with what must be assumed to be what crown's she still owns after purchasing her arms. The Vixen slowly as she gets close enough before falling in near Cedric and Fenris as she straightens her posture. Her left hand gloved so as to offer a bit more covering for decencies sake, but all the same she offers a slight wave to the merchant while remaining silent.

Siyu is trying to catch up. He had heard the ship had landed, and he wanted to make sure he arrives in time to join! There's a wagon coming behind him, freshly packed, various goods, trinkets really, trade goods, crafts. The man made it clear the last time that raw gold was worthless so he came prepared this time. Taking a deep breath he makes the wagon wait at the edge, and swish his silk clad hips up towards the parked vessel. Jessica is here? He smilesa nd bows to her. Ama and Fenris as well. Even Cedric and Kalt! The merchant recognizing most here. Folding his hands in front of him, the rodent rocks back and forth and waits to catch up on events.

Harkenson turns to Flora, tweaking his translator to project his voice in much the same fashion a being might use a spot of air magic to do so. "By 'illegal', we mean such devices which are not in line with Creator laws and ordinances. It would be quite a challenge to completely define all of them for you - and I am no lawyer - but let this explanation suffice for now. And as for those which are already present..." he twiddles his thumbs thoughtfully. "...It has been much of a sticking point amongst the committee, I hear. For example, the numerous BODY MODIFICATION devices that were no doubt brought with your forebears. These are quite thoroughly illegal for the extent which they can change even a CREATOR, but to remove them would be to disrupt the beliefs and practices which have grown up about them. The general consensus is that while we wil not remove any present, neither will I be allowed to sell you new ones, or repair them for you. I'm sorry."

"Very well, then. If there are no further questions, let's begin! Welcome on board the UGMS Contact Light!"

There's a brief pause as the Good King and his entourage step up the creator steel gangplank, followed by the clergy and nobility, then everyone else invited. The difference in the air is marked as one enters the vessel proper - huge grates set high in the corrugated metal walls blow cool - perhaps even chilly - and dry air over much of the hold. The walls are blank, with no indication of any passage leading further into the ship, and on stands are displayed the various goods which are for sale.

For the simple, articles of creator fashion similar to those worn by Jetstream's little group, not too unlike that of beings in general design and yet wildly different in their details. A number of Creator spells in three dimensions, as opposed to the usual two-dimensional kevinscopes, all bearing peaceful purposes as explained in the writing on the stands - this one for encouraging crop growth while discouraging weeds, that one for repelling biting insects. Replacement parts for sacred doctors, as well as new devices wholesale. Small amounts of creator steel and chemicals. And of course, a number of systems in miniature, over which Harkenson is speaking with the Good King.

"It's amazing that the purification systems have survived centuries with only minimal maintenance, your Grace. Your priests did what they could, and they were excellent at it. However, if it were operating at full capacity...yes, this is a miniature...Shralesta has expressed interest in not just repairing, but even upgrading their desalination capabilities...no, I'm afriad that devices to move mountains will need to be approved on a case-by-case basis by Mr. Parson..."

Fenris looks around the hold, amazed by the similarities to the old ruins he has seen and even more amazed by the differences. "So this is a living, creator vessel," he says to himself, "It's rather wonderful, isn't it." The tiger finds himself transfixed by the three dimensional mathemagic. "Oh!" he cries, a little louder than he probably meant to, "That makes so much more sense!" He looks around, a little embarrassed by his own outburst, but it seems that he is not the only being awestruck by the hold's contents.

Cedric steps inside the vessel as well, not far behind Fenris but a good distance after the royalty and most of the nobility, of course. The badger browses the stock, looking nearly slack-jawed at the things on display, stopping first at the clothing he was curious about before... but then he notices the creator spells in three dimensions and stares quietly at them. "...This... this should make Selena quite happy..." he muses aloud, mostly to himself. Though he seems quite interested in them, himself...

Jessica raises an ear at the sales-creator, "Forgive for the intrusion on your display, honorable creator, but I did not catch that word. Anti salusomething?" she says, prompting with a roll of her free hand.

Amaterasu had invited Siyu up to join her in entering the ship, the fox looking a bit off-white, closer to a very light shade of green. "Hey." she smiles, entering with the rest of the nobility. Once inside she noticed a marked decrease in temperature and looked about for the cause. Was it some sort of air magic she did not know about? It helped her sickness a bit, but she was still feeling rather terrible "Urp." she swallowed a bit of bile, shaking herself free of the nasty taste "I've been feeling horrible lately..." she tells the rodent eyeing the creator spells, or more specifically, their prices. She whistles a bit "Imagine having a couple of these in the shop, I'd be set for the next year, what with the little one on the way."

Another tailflick, a slight nod. "Flora... Understands, yes," she mumbles, her tails flicking behind her as she follows after the others, silently watching the different things and not quite seeing something she fancies, so far, before she moves over to the miniature-systems. "Flora is... Curious about these. What are they?" she mumbles, gesturing at the various devices.

Kalt finds herself speechless as they make their way into the vessel, the Vixen almost transfixed for the most part before they make it to the demonstraitions... Her eyes blinking some in confusion at the spells as she side steps around them, and moves over to the Creator Style clothing. Leaning forward some as she looks them over with a carefull eye before biting her lower lip gently, her hands moving to the satchel at her side as she gives a short nod to herself as she straightens her posture. "So... We can go an' buy these things an' all right? Uhm, are they made considerin' we ain't creators an' all? No offense an' such just, we gotta bit of a different body an' such..." The Vixen's tail flicking as if in punctuation, before she goes to look over some of the darker colored jump suits, before trying to peer around for anything that held a 'uniform' styled appearance that she could bring back to Angus.