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Infront of the healer's buidling, sat the old rat from the day before, clad still in his plague gear as he looked out over the empty street with tired eyes as he awaited the freeswords. His hands clutching his walking cane as gentle moans emit around him, and it's safe to say he's having a momentary break from his last rounds.<br> <br>Fenris saunters onto the scene, carefully adjusting his long coat and his gear for easy access, then pats the metal hide of his hedgehog golem, Speedy. "Heard you could use some help," he says simply as he stops before the old rat.<br> <br>Angus arrives once more to the village, this time in more combat ready gear as he checks the strap of his blunderbuss, his staff in hand as he walks over to Traxico once he notices him. "Hello again, how are the patients doing?" He asks curiously as he looks at the empty cots with a frown. <br> <br>Cassidy was in her suit as she usually was, but unlike yesterday she had elected to walk  up to the rat, rather thand rop from the sky. She takes a moment to adjust her hat before giving a polite bow. "Hello again, yes. I am here to help once more. And hello to you both as well, Fenris, Angus."<br> <br>A lion comes jogging towards the group, ornate coat fluttering within the wind along with the typical sounds of heavy equipment that follow. Wanting to be better safe than sorry, he again ties a bit of cloth around his muzzle before eventually reaching the group. "Good day to ya all," he greets with a small dip of his head, the base of his spear resting gently upon the ground after a solid smack. "I was trainin' 'round these parts an' I thought it was a good time to come an' check up on things."<br> <br>Thelergramor has abandoned his coat due to the weather. His hat and scarf remain, said scarf pulled over his face. Gloves, pants, and boots are also worn. His assortment of weapons stays the same as the previous day. Whistling the same dreary tune from his last visit, he walks up behind the rest of the group, hands in his pants pockets. He says nothing, just awaits the inevitable round of questioning.<br> <br>Natska approaches the group she sees gathering in the village at the healer's tent; she had been slow to leave the city, but made excellent time. She pauses, gives the rat a small bow, and smiles at her friends and allies as she glances over the small group.<br> <br>Traxico looks up at Fenris first, giving a slow nod before looking to the rest of the group. "Help, yes. I'm afraid the concoction I made to delay the effects of the disease, managed to save only slightly over half of the patients. It seems the others were too far gone." The old Rat pushing himself to his feet as he clears his throat. "Which makes today more important than ever, time is what will save those we can. I've no tasks for you to swab and feed the sick, no I can handle such now. I need you all to travel deep into the swamps, to the Festering Pools. A few plants there called Creator's Tubes grow, short tube like root plants. They do not fare anywhere else in the swamp, and the few of the village whom dared left this morning knowing the risks, but have not returned." His voice sounded slightly hollow at that, his gaze turning slowly to the swamp, before assessing the group once more. "I cannot offer more than yesterday, and I apologize greatly. So I must beg you to find the plants for those whom are sick, without it my chances of finalizing this cure will not work I'm afraid."<br> <br>Fenris's gaze hardens at the report of all those deaths. "You would not need to offer anything, sir," he says, "If we can save any of your people, it will be reward enough." He casually fiddles with his soul pendant for a moment, feeling that some magical power will benifit him better today than martial knowhow. "Just point us in the right direction," he says, nodding to his gathered friends and fellow Lightbringers, "We will get what you need."<br> <br>Angus gives a curt nod as he turns his gaze to the swamp. "I must agree with Fenris, I believe the money would be put to better use then for paying for our help, you can keep my share of what you offer us." He states as he once more checks the strap of his blunderbuss, pulling back the hammer on it quietly as he prepares himself.<br> <br>Cassidy frowns softly and rests a hand on the pommel of her sword. "Yes. I will also suggest that you use my cut to help the families in need. I offer my help to you and these people free of charge. It's the least I can do, with how hard things are already. And this at least falls in my range of talents."<br> <br>"Oh..." Beneath Dio's mask, a small frown forms upon hearing the unfortuante news. A singular hand raises vertically in front of his armored chest as he mutters a silent prayer within his mind before continiuing onto business. "I'm sorry to 'ear 'bout that. We'll go 'head an' leave immedietly to save as many as we can."<br> <br>"Well, shit." Says Thel, as he suppresses the urge to kick a nearby rock. "To reiterate what my companions said, keep your payment. Maybe look into getting me a mask like yours." He shrugs. "Now, about these 'festering pools'. Dangerous, yes? I assume Belchers and Gops?" A hand leaves his pocket, holds the 'hilt' of his knife.<br> <br>Ear flicking, Natska listens to the report. She frowns and then nods her head. "We will go at once to find your root," she answers. "And hopefully we can find the others of the village. Come on," she motions her head towards the swamp, speaking to the group now. "Let's go."<br> <br>"I... Thank you. Thank you all." The Rat dipping his head low, almost as if he was ashamed before clearing his throat. "Gops, perhaps. The Festering Pools themselves are dangerous, and if you venture into them you could face fate worse than death. Just as well, there are Kirck hives around you must be careful on, and at last, Stranglevine. That deep into the swamp, Stranglevine can grow thick and large, sometimes with krick nests inside to work together on their feeding frenzy." The Rat looks to the swamp for another long moment before sighing. "... We should have never lived near such a forsaken place. But alas, I'd venture with you if I could... Merely continue to the west after you enter the swamp, and soon you should smell the Festering Pools." The Rat bowing slightly, before hobbling back to his spot, sitting down as he looks over the group once more. "... Please though, be safe."<br> <br>Fenris snorts. There are far worse things in the deep swamps than kricks and stranglevines. He looks toward Angus and Cassidy, remembering how torn up they had been after their last foray into the deep swamp. And with all the activity from the Corrupt Court lately, the tiger did not doubt that old Akros was stirring again in the worst parts of the swamp.  
Infront of the healer's buidling, sat the old rat from the day before, clad still in his plague gear as he looked out over the empty street with tired eyes as he awaited the freeswords. His hands clutching his walking cane as gentle moans emit around him, and it's safe to say he's having a momentary break from his last rounds.<br> <br>Fenris saunters onto the scene, carefully adjusting his long coat and his gear for easy access, then pats the metal hide of his hedgehog golem, Speedy. "Heard you could use some help," he says simply as he stops before the old rat.<br> <br>Angus arrives once more to the village, this time in more combat ready gear as he checks the strap of his blunderbuss, his staff in hand as he walks over to Traxico once he notices him. "Hello again, how are the patients doing?" He asks curiously as he looks at the empty cots with a frown. <br> <br>Cassidy was in her suit as she usually was, but unlike yesterday she had elected to walk  up to the rat, rather thand rop from the sky. She takes a moment to adjust her hat before giving a polite bow. "Hello again, yes. I am here to help once more. And hello to you both as well, Fenris, Angus."<br> <br>A lion comes jogging towards the group, ornate coat fluttering within the wind along with the typical sounds of heavy equipment that follow. Wanting to be better safe than sorry, he again ties a bit of cloth around his muzzle before eventually reaching the group. "Good day to ya all," he greets with a small dip of his head, the base of his spear resting gently upon the ground after a solid smack. "I was trainin' 'round these parts an' I thought it was a good time to come an' check up on things."<br> <br>Thelergramor has abandoned his coat due to the weather. His hat and scarf remain, said scarf pulled over his face. Gloves, pants, and boots are also worn. His assortment of weapons stays the same as the previous day. Whistling the same dreary tune from his last visit, he walks up behind the rest of the group, hands in his pants pockets. He says nothing, just awaits the inevitable round of questioning.<br> <br>Natska approaches the group she sees gathering in the village at the healer's tent; she had been slow to leave the city, but made excellent time. She pauses, gives the rat a small bow, and smiles at her friends and allies as she glances over the small group.<br> <br>Traxico looks up at Fenris first, giving a slow nod before looking to the rest of the group. "Help, yes. I'm afraid the concoction I made to delay the effects of the disease, managed to save only slightly over half of the patients. It seems the others were too far gone." The old Rat pushing himself to his feet as he clears his throat. "Which makes today more important than ever, time is what will save those we can. I've no tasks for you to swab and feed the sick, no I can handle such now. I need you all to travel deep into the swamps, to the Festering Pools. A few plants there called Creator's Tubes grow, short tube like root plants. They do not fare anywhere else in the swamp, and the few of the village whom dared left this morning knowing the risks, but have not returned." His voice sounded slightly hollow at that, his gaze turning slowly to the swamp, before assessing the group once more. "I cannot offer more than yesterday, and I apologize greatly. So I must beg you to find the plants for those whom are sick, without it my chances of finalizing this cure will not work I'm afraid."<br> <br>Fenris's gaze hardens at the report of all those deaths. "You would not need to offer anything, sir," he says, "If we can save any of your people, it will be reward enough." He casually fiddles with his soul pendant for a moment, feeling that some magical power will benifit him better today than martial knowhow. "Just point us in the right direction," he says, nodding to his gathered friends and fellow Lightbringers, "We will get what you need."<br> <br>Angus gives a curt nod as he turns his gaze to the swamp. "I must agree with Fenris, I believe the money would be put to better use then for paying for our help, you can keep my share of what you offer us." He states as he once more checks the strap of his blunderbuss, pulling back the hammer on it quietly as he prepares himself.<br> <br>Cassidy frowns softly and rests a hand on the pommel of her sword. "Yes. I will also suggest that you use my cut to help the families in need. I offer my help to you and these people free of charge. It's the least I can do, with how hard things are already. And this at least falls in my range of talents."<br> <br>"Oh..." Beneath Dio's mask, a small frown forms upon hearing the unfortuante news. A singular hand raises vertically in front of his armored chest as he mutters a silent prayer within his mind before continiuing onto business. "I'm sorry to 'ear 'bout that. We'll go 'head an' leave immedietly to save as many as we can."<br> <br>"Well, shit." Says Thel, as he suppresses the urge to kick a nearby rock. "To reiterate what my companions said, keep your payment. Maybe look into getting me a mask like yours." He shrugs. "Now, about these 'festering pools'. Dangerous, yes? I assume Belchers and Gops?" A hand leaves his pocket, holds the 'hilt' of his knife.<br> <br>Ear flicking, Natska listens to the report. She frowns and then nods her head. "We will go at once to find your root," she answers. "And hopefully we can find the others of the village. Come on," she motions her head towards the swamp, speaking to the group now. "Let's go."<br> <br>"I... Thank you. Thank you all." The Rat dipping his head low, almost as if he was ashamed before clearing his throat. "Gops, perhaps. The Festering Pools themselves are dangerous, and if you venture into them you could face fate worse than death. Just as well, there are Kirck hives around you must be careful on, and at last, Stranglevine. That deep into the swamp, Stranglevine can grow thick and large, sometimes with krick nests inside to work together on their feeding frenzy." The Rat looks to the swamp for another long moment before sighing. "... We should have never lived near such a forsaken place. But alas, I'd venture with you if I could... Merely continue to the west after you enter the swamp, and soon you should smell the Festering Pools." The Rat bowing slightly, before hobbling back to his spot, sitting down as he looks over the group once more. "... Please though, be safe."<br> <br>Fenris snorts. There are far worse things in the deep swamps than kricks and stranglevines. He looks toward Angus and Cassidy, remembering how torn up they had been after their last foray into the deep swamp. And with all the activity from the Corrupt Court lately, the tiger did not doubt that old Akros was stirring again in the worst parts of the swamp.  
"We will be as safe as we can," he assures the old man, tying a handkerchief around his own face in preparation to trek through the worst parts of the swamp. The tiger whistles to his golem and starts off in the direction that the old rat indicated.<br> <br>Angus glances back at Fenris, nodding in turn. "We will get you what you need, there is nothing to worry about that." He states. He was ready for anything in the swamp, but that did not mean he wasn't wary of what they could encounter out here, it always pays to be cautious.
"We will be as safe as we can," he assures the old man, tying a handkerchief around his own face in preparation to trek through the worst parts of the swamp. The tiger whistles to his golem and starts off in the direction that the old rat indicated.<br> <br>Angus glances back at Fenris, nodding in turn. "We will get you what you need, there is nothing to worry about that." He states. He was ready for anything in the swamp, but that did not mean he wasn't wary of what they could encounter out here, it always pays to be cautious.<br> <br>Cassidy kicks up a mild bit of air magic, hoisting herself several inches off the ground. "Lead on, friends." She puts a hand to her hat to ensure that it doesn't blow itself off with an errant bit of wind. She just didn't want to risk getting that suit dirty.<br> <br>"Right!" Dio slams the base of his spear into the ground and thrusts out his chest proudly. "Ain't nothin' a group o' highly trained beings can't 'andle. I just 'ope we don't run into any o' those cultists o' whatever out there. Gops we can 'andle with ease." Reaching back, the lion clicks a strap, allowing his tower shield to slide off. With a small hoist and grunt, he brings it to his front and prepares to move out. "Let's get this done 'fore the sun falls down too far," he claims before heading out.<br> <br>Thelergramor shrugs. "Great... should be fun." as usual, the wolf is less concerned than he should be. Deep swamp doesn't sound too bad to him, having been in dirty, foul places during his tenure as a bandit. He turns to head into the swamp, pulling his bow into his hands, following behind the lion.<br> <br>Natska starts off in front, setting a brisk pace, although she slows down for the others to catch up. As they get far enough away through the village, she shoots a glance to Angus and Cassidy, then includes Fenris with a small nod as well. "So many people, dieing so suddenly." She shakes her head. "It frightens me. Do you think it is natural?" she asks, tone quiet, as they head out into the swamp.<br> <br>The Rat nods and gives them a wave farewell, not moving far from his spot as he resumes his solem gazing from before with a hollowed sigh. The Group's trip for the most part is surprisingly uneventful as they enter the swamp... Remains of local wildlife laying about, heralding to the group that had went before them having at least made it past the begining of the wildlife. Though, the group soon comes across two divergent paths beaten out by the first group, one heading to the north-west, while the other continues straight to the west.
The air around the swamp however, seems as muddled and busy as one would expect. Individual kricks the size of a thumbnail buzzing back and forth around them, though thankfully without any swarm to cause them harm. That eery sensation one gets from being near the domain of a corrupt spirit prevails around them though, as is natural given Akros' sway over his beloved Gobs within the area, but it doesn't feel like there are any immediate threats from it, more just the heavy handed presence of the old one in a favored domain.<br> <br>Fenris points to the direct westward path. "The old man said to go west, right?" he asks the others, "Why did the earlier group split up?" He surveys the area carefully, and readies a bit of air magic, just to be prepared. "I think that we should follow his instructions," he says. <br> <br>Angus taps his chin a bit, frowning. "That's a good question, one that might go unanswered since we should follow his directions yes." Natska's question catches his attention, and he turns to look at her. "I don't know if it's natural or not, but eitherway I hope that we can cure it before it claims more lives." <br> <br>Cassidy twirls around lightly in the air to look at the others. "Hm. I'm not sure why they split up, really! But we shouldn't, I imagine. We are more equipped than the towns people, no doubt, but... It would be safer to stay together, yes. And no, I don't think it's natural, Natska. For a time I suspected that famliy from yesterday, but I think they're clean. But I still very much believe it to be foul play."<br> <br>"Quite strange," Dio says to no one in particular. "If they didn't follow the instructions, maybe somethin' distracted them instead. Cultists can sometimes be the tricky sort. Could've promised 'em a cure o' somethin' an' stabbed 'em in the back. Course, that's all just me guessin'." Using the base of his spear as a walking stick, the lion continues west, agreeing with the group's decision. "We'll 'ave to investigate the other path later."<br> <br>Thelergramor takes an arrow from his quiver, nocks it. Holding the arrow in the same hand with his bow, while his free hand scratches his chest, the wolf speaks. "Well, staying together is safer but if you want me to scout the other path real quick..." He shrugs, lets the question hang in the air. He steps over to one of the dead wildlife corpses, crouches, looks at it briefly. "Might find the lost peasants. Or their corpses." Looking back to the group: "It's just a swamp, really. I get into trouble I'll come back to the group. What's the worst that could happen?" He chuckles. "And if it's not natural, we might need to kill someone later. Only difference I see."<br> <br>Natska's notched ear flicks and she considers his offer, taking the moment while the others pause to peer at the other trail. She has no comment though, shrugging her shoulders and moving down the path to the west as Dio continues, her tail slowly swishing back and forth, ears twitching at the sounds of the swamp.<br> <br>The mystery of why the group split seemed like it'd be unresolved for the most part, as the main portion to the group appears to carry on with the path to the west. The undergrowth growing thicker, before emptying out into forcing them to wade in the wet portion of thw swamp itself. Dirtied water soaking feet up to the knees unless they came prepared. Half way up though, they find one of the first party, or at least the remains... A single male boar, face down in the water with his right leg missing, and judging from the way his clothing didn't seem torn from it, he had fallen victim to a gop, and lost his leg before bleeding out.
If Thelergramor does continue his path to the North West, he's rewarded with easier terrain to traverse as his feet are left to remain dry. Although, he's not able to see or really hear from the group due to the vegetation and terrain difference, his only option would be to backtrack should he be overwhelmed... And soon enough, he finds a group of three bodies, all clumped around the base of a tree in the path. Judging from the way they were facing, they were confused and frenzied when something overtook them!<br> <br>Fenris shakes his head as Thelergramor moves away. But the wolf is responsible for himself. Looking over the swampy ground, the tiger takes a leaf out of Cassidy's book and conjures up a bit of wind magic to keep himself walking along the top of the water. "Eyes open people," he says quietly, "Gops are the worst when they get the drop on you." He scans the trees ahead, above and along the water line.<br> <br>Angus gives Fenris a nod as he straps his staff to his backpack, taking his blunderbuss in a two handed grip as his eyes narrow and he starts to move cautiously, keeping his footing steady in the water as he tredges forward. Wondering what Thele was up to now that he had decided to split off.<br> <br>Cassidy frowns softly as she watches Thel wander off, but lets him go. He's a grown man, and she's not his mother. "Mmm. Gops are pretty bad sometimes. Though I'm more worried about coming across callers out here. Though at the same time, I welcome it. If we could find any callers that might be responsible, well. A little cleaning house never hurt."<br> <br>Not wanting to get more wet than needed, Dio uses a bit of air magic to get just above the swamp as well. "We'll 'ave to come back an' give 'em a proper burial. It's the least we could do fer someone who risked their life fer a cure." The lion dips his head gently towards the dead in a gester of respect, but soon continues onwards for the sake of the ultimate objective.

Revision as of 04:54, 28 July 2014





The Village from the day before was eerily silent today, most of it's residents appearing to have vacated away from the healer's tent and building... Actually, judging by how empty some of the buildings appear, it seems a majority of some of the families decided to cut their losses and flee since yesterday. A few of the cots around the tents seem empty now, the flaps for the tents flipped open to show the vacancy.

Infront of the healer's buidling, sat the old rat from the day before, clad still in his plague gear as he looked out over the empty street with tired eyes as he awaited the freeswords. His hands clutching his walking cane as gentle moans emit around him, and it's safe to say he's having a momentary break from his last rounds.

Fenris saunters onto the scene, carefully adjusting his long coat and his gear for easy access, then pats the metal hide of his hedgehog golem, Speedy. "Heard you could use some help," he says simply as he stops before the old rat.

Angus arrives once more to the village, this time in more combat ready gear as he checks the strap of his blunderbuss, his staff in hand as he walks over to Traxico once he notices him. "Hello again, how are the patients doing?" He asks curiously as he looks at the empty cots with a frown.

Cassidy was in her suit as she usually was, but unlike yesterday she had elected to walk up to the rat, rather thand rop from the sky. She takes a moment to adjust her hat before giving a polite bow. "Hello again, yes. I am here to help once more. And hello to you both as well, Fenris, Angus."

A lion comes jogging towards the group, ornate coat fluttering within the wind along with the typical sounds of heavy equipment that follow. Wanting to be better safe than sorry, he again ties a bit of cloth around his muzzle before eventually reaching the group. "Good day to ya all," he greets with a small dip of his head, the base of his spear resting gently upon the ground after a solid smack. "I was trainin' 'round these parts an' I thought it was a good time to come an' check up on things."

Thelergramor has abandoned his coat due to the weather. His hat and scarf remain, said scarf pulled over his face. Gloves, pants, and boots are also worn. His assortment of weapons stays the same as the previous day. Whistling the same dreary tune from his last visit, he walks up behind the rest of the group, hands in his pants pockets. He says nothing, just awaits the inevitable round of questioning.

Natska approaches the group she sees gathering in the village at the healer's tent; she had been slow to leave the city, but made excellent time. She pauses, gives the rat a small bow, and smiles at her friends and allies as she glances over the small group.

Traxico looks up at Fenris first, giving a slow nod before looking to the rest of the group. "Help, yes. I'm afraid the concoction I made to delay the effects of the disease, managed to save only slightly over half of the patients. It seems the others were too far gone." The old Rat pushing himself to his feet as he clears his throat. "Which makes today more important than ever, time is what will save those we can. I've no tasks for you to swab and feed the sick, no I can handle such now. I need you all to travel deep into the swamps, to the Festering Pools. A few plants there called Creator's Tubes grow, short tube like root plants. They do not fare anywhere else in the swamp, and the few of the village whom dared left this morning knowing the risks, but have not returned." His voice sounded slightly hollow at that, his gaze turning slowly to the swamp, before assessing the group once more. "I cannot offer more than yesterday, and I apologize greatly. So I must beg you to find the plants for those whom are sick, without it my chances of finalizing this cure will not work I'm afraid."

Fenris's gaze hardens at the report of all those deaths. "You would not need to offer anything, sir," he says, "If we can save any of your people, it will be reward enough." He casually fiddles with his soul pendant for a moment, feeling that some magical power will benifit him better today than martial knowhow. "Just point us in the right direction," he says, nodding to his gathered friends and fellow Lightbringers, "We will get what you need."

Angus gives a curt nod as he turns his gaze to the swamp. "I must agree with Fenris, I believe the money would be put to better use then for paying for our help, you can keep my share of what you offer us." He states as he once more checks the strap of his blunderbuss, pulling back the hammer on it quietly as he prepares himself.

Cassidy frowns softly and rests a hand on the pommel of her sword. "Yes. I will also suggest that you use my cut to help the families in need. I offer my help to you and these people free of charge. It's the least I can do, with how hard things are already. And this at least falls in my range of talents."

"Oh..." Beneath Dio's mask, a small frown forms upon hearing the unfortuante news. A singular hand raises vertically in front of his armored chest as he mutters a silent prayer within his mind before continiuing onto business. "I'm sorry to 'ear 'bout that. We'll go 'head an' leave immedietly to save as many as we can."

"Well, shit." Says Thel, as he suppresses the urge to kick a nearby rock. "To reiterate what my companions said, keep your payment. Maybe look into getting me a mask like yours." He shrugs. "Now, about these 'festering pools'. Dangerous, yes? I assume Belchers and Gops?" A hand leaves his pocket, holds the 'hilt' of his knife.

Ear flicking, Natska listens to the report. She frowns and then nods her head. "We will go at once to find your root," she answers. "And hopefully we can find the others of the village. Come on," she motions her head towards the swamp, speaking to the group now. "Let's go."

"I... Thank you. Thank you all." The Rat dipping his head low, almost as if he was ashamed before clearing his throat. "Gops, perhaps. The Festering Pools themselves are dangerous, and if you venture into them you could face fate worse than death. Just as well, there are Kirck hives around you must be careful on, and at last, Stranglevine. That deep into the swamp, Stranglevine can grow thick and large, sometimes with krick nests inside to work together on their feeding frenzy." The Rat looks to the swamp for another long moment before sighing. "... We should have never lived near such a forsaken place. But alas, I'd venture with you if I could... Merely continue to the west after you enter the swamp, and soon you should smell the Festering Pools." The Rat bowing slightly, before hobbling back to his spot, sitting down as he looks over the group once more. "... Please though, be safe."

Fenris snorts. There are far worse things in the deep swamps than kricks and stranglevines. He looks toward Angus and Cassidy, remembering how torn up they had been after their last foray into the deep swamp. And with all the activity from the Corrupt Court lately, the tiger did not doubt that old Akros was stirring again in the worst parts of the swamp. "We will be as safe as we can," he assures the old man, tying a handkerchief around his own face in preparation to trek through the worst parts of the swamp. The tiger whistles to his golem and starts off in the direction that the old rat indicated.

Angus glances back at Fenris, nodding in turn. "We will get you what you need, there is nothing to worry about that." He states. He was ready for anything in the swamp, but that did not mean he wasn't wary of what they could encounter out here, it always pays to be cautious.

Cassidy kicks up a mild bit of air magic, hoisting herself several inches off the ground. "Lead on, friends." She puts a hand to her hat to ensure that it doesn't blow itself off with an errant bit of wind. She just didn't want to risk getting that suit dirty.

"Right!" Dio slams the base of his spear into the ground and thrusts out his chest proudly. "Ain't nothin' a group o' highly trained beings can't 'andle. I just 'ope we don't run into any o' those cultists o' whatever out there. Gops we can 'andle with ease." Reaching back, the lion clicks a strap, allowing his tower shield to slide off. With a small hoist and grunt, he brings it to his front and prepares to move out. "Let's get this done 'fore the sun falls down too far," he claims before heading out.

Thelergramor shrugs. "Great... should be fun." as usual, the wolf is less concerned than he should be. Deep swamp doesn't sound too bad to him, having been in dirty, foul places during his tenure as a bandit. He turns to head into the swamp, pulling his bow into his hands, following behind the lion.

Natska starts off in front, setting a brisk pace, although she slows down for the others to catch up. As they get far enough away through the village, she shoots a glance to Angus and Cassidy, then includes Fenris with a small nod as well. "So many people, dieing so suddenly." She shakes her head. "It frightens me. Do you think it is natural?" she asks, tone quiet, as they head out into the swamp.

The Rat nods and gives them a wave farewell, not moving far from his spot as he resumes his solem gazing from before with a hollowed sigh. The Group's trip for the most part is surprisingly uneventful as they enter the swamp... Remains of local wildlife laying about, heralding to the group that had went before them having at least made it past the begining of the wildlife. Though, the group soon comes across two divergent paths beaten out by the first group, one heading to the north-west, while the other continues straight to the west.

The air around the swamp however, seems as muddled and busy as one would expect. Individual kricks the size of a thumbnail buzzing back and forth around them, though thankfully without any swarm to cause them harm. That eery sensation one gets from being near the domain of a corrupt spirit prevails around them though, as is natural given Akros' sway over his beloved Gobs within the area, but it doesn't feel like there are any immediate threats from it, more just the heavy handed presence of the old one in a favored domain.

Fenris points to the direct westward path. "The old man said to go west, right?" he asks the others, "Why did the earlier group split up?" He surveys the area carefully, and readies a bit of air magic, just to be prepared. "I think that we should follow his instructions," he says.

Angus taps his chin a bit, frowning. "That's a good question, one that might go unanswered since we should follow his directions yes." Natska's question catches his attention, and he turns to look at her. "I don't know if it's natural or not, but eitherway I hope that we can cure it before it claims more lives."

Cassidy twirls around lightly in the air to look at the others. "Hm. I'm not sure why they split up, really! But we shouldn't, I imagine. We are more equipped than the towns people, no doubt, but... It would be safer to stay together, yes. And no, I don't think it's natural, Natska. For a time I suspected that famliy from yesterday, but I think they're clean. But I still very much believe it to be foul play."

"Quite strange," Dio says to no one in particular. "If they didn't follow the instructions, maybe somethin' distracted them instead. Cultists can sometimes be the tricky sort. Could've promised 'em a cure o' somethin' an' stabbed 'em in the back. Course, that's all just me guessin'." Using the base of his spear as a walking stick, the lion continues west, agreeing with the group's decision. "We'll 'ave to investigate the other path later."

Thelergramor takes an arrow from his quiver, nocks it. Holding the arrow in the same hand with his bow, while his free hand scratches his chest, the wolf speaks. "Well, staying together is safer but if you want me to scout the other path real quick..." He shrugs, lets the question hang in the air. He steps over to one of the dead wildlife corpses, crouches, looks at it briefly. "Might find the lost peasants. Or their corpses." Looking back to the group: "It's just a swamp, really. I get into trouble I'll come back to the group. What's the worst that could happen?" He chuckles. "And if it's not natural, we might need to kill someone later. Only difference I see."

Natska's notched ear flicks and she considers his offer, taking the moment while the others pause to peer at the other trail. She has no comment though, shrugging her shoulders and moving down the path to the west as Dio continues, her tail slowly swishing back and forth, ears twitching at the sounds of the swamp.

The mystery of why the group split seemed like it'd be unresolved for the most part, as the main portion to the group appears to carry on with the path to the west. The undergrowth growing thicker, before emptying out into forcing them to wade in the wet portion of thw swamp itself. Dirtied water soaking feet up to the knees unless they came prepared. Half way up though, they find one of the first party, or at least the remains... A single male boar, face down in the water with his right leg missing, and judging from the way his clothing didn't seem torn from it, he had fallen victim to a gop, and lost his leg before bleeding out.

If Thelergramor does continue his path to the North West, he's rewarded with easier terrain to traverse as his feet are left to remain dry. Although, he's not able to see or really hear from the group due to the vegetation and terrain difference, his only option would be to backtrack should he be overwhelmed... And soon enough, he finds a group of three bodies, all clumped around the base of a tree in the path. Judging from the way they were facing, they were confused and frenzied when something overtook them!

Fenris shakes his head as Thelergramor moves away. But the wolf is responsible for himself. Looking over the swampy ground, the tiger takes a leaf out of Cassidy's book and conjures up a bit of wind magic to keep himself walking along the top of the water. "Eyes open people," he says quietly, "Gops are the worst when they get the drop on you." He scans the trees ahead, above and along the water line.

Angus gives Fenris a nod as he straps his staff to his backpack, taking his blunderbuss in a two handed grip as his eyes narrow and he starts to move cautiously, keeping his footing steady in the water as he tredges forward. Wondering what Thele was up to now that he had decided to split off.

Cassidy frowns softly as she watches Thel wander off, but lets him go. He's a grown man, and she's not his mother. "Mmm. Gops are pretty bad sometimes. Though I'm more worried about coming across callers out here. Though at the same time, I welcome it. If we could find any callers that might be responsible, well. A little cleaning house never hurt."

Not wanting to get more wet than needed, Dio uses a bit of air magic to get just above the swamp as well. "We'll 'ave to come back an' give 'em a proper burial. It's the least we could do fer someone who risked their life fer a cure." The lion dips his head gently towards the dead in a gester of respect, but soon continues onwards for the sake of the ultimate objective.