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Some of the crowd depart immediately when it soon becomes clear that he's not playing his usual tricks of dispensing goodies to all present, and at that departure he shakes his head and removes his hat, holding it in both hands as if in mourning. "Those given to greed, will soon find themselves in need. Those who do not harken, their lives may darken."<br> <br>Asher patters up closer to the Puzzler, catching sight of Fenris and Flora and the Badger that had dedicated to the Puzzler at their last meeting. He frowns at the strange fox's warning. "This sounds ominous," the little corgi mutters, drawing close to his friends.<br> <br>Flora blinks a few times, her tails swishing behind her as she looks up at the Puzzler, her ears folded back lightly as she mewls a fewtimes, tailtip twitching and displaying her discomfort at those words. She's not quite sure what they mean, but... It doesn't sound good. Doesn't sound good at all.<br> <br>Cedric returns the puzzler's bow, though not as flashily, only bowing his head slightly. The badger isn't entirely sure why the problems of the greedy are his own, but he at least seems to be paying more attention now than he had last time. For one, he's actually awake this time. Which is usually a good sign. He stands nearby and listens.<br> <br>Rixo tilts her head, rubbing her cheek. "Much to do, huh? Well, you've got my interest! I'm curious as to what could be so bad." The panda shuffles a little closer, a hand straying up to scratch at one of her ears.<br> <br>Bite tilts her head and blinks. Greedy might well be her middle name but she certainly doesn't see herself in need anytime soon. Still, she listens carefully, looking to those present that she knows, opting to move towards Flora before she asks lowly "Is that the guy from the thing?"<br> <br>Fenris gives a worried frown, this seemed out of character for the outlandish spirit. He looks down as Asher draws near. "You said it, kid," he says, "Very ominous." The tiger looks up at his patron, little purple and green question marks gradually appearing on his fur as he ponders the Spirit's words.<br> <br>Satisfied that he has the attention of everyone still present, the Puzzler gives them a nod and fiddles in the air with his fingers, pulling out a small harmonica from thin air. A few notes are played on the gleaming instrument, after which he tosses it over his shoulder nonchalantly and clears his throat.
Some of the crowd depart immediately when it soon becomes clear that he's not playing his usual tricks of dispensing goodies to all present, and at that departure he shakes his head and removes his hat, holding it in both hands as if in mourning. "Those given to greed, will soon find themselves in need. Those who do not harken, their lives may darken."<br> <br>Asher patters up closer to the Puzzler, catching sight of Fenris and Flora and the Badger that had dedicated to the Puzzler at their last meeting. He frowns at the strange fox's warning. "This sounds ominous," the little corgi mutters, drawing close to his friends.<br> <br>Flora blinks a few times, her tails swishing behind her as she looks up at the Puzzler, her ears folded back lightly as she mewls a fewtimes, tailtip twitching and displaying her discomfort at those words. She's not quite sure what they mean, but... It doesn't sound good. Doesn't sound good at all.<br> <br>Cedric returns the puzzler's bow, though not as flashily, only bowing his head slightly. The badger isn't entirely sure why the problems of the greedy are his own, but he at least seems to be paying more attention now than he had last time. For one, he's actually awake this time. Which is usually a good sign. He stands nearby and listens.<br> <br>Rixo tilts her head, rubbing her cheek. "Much to do, huh? Well, you've got my interest! I'm curious as to what could be so bad." The panda shuffles a little closer, a hand straying up to scratch at one of her ears.<br> <br>Bite tilts her head and blinks. Greedy might well be her middle name but she certainly doesn't see herself in need anytime soon. Still, she listens carefully, looking to those present that she knows, opting to move towards Flora before she asks lowly "Is that the guy from the thing?"<br> <br>Fenris gives a worried frown, this seemed out of character for the outlandish spirit. He looks down as Asher draws near. "You said it, kid," he says, "Very ominous." The tiger looks up at his patron, little purple and green question marks gradually appearing on his fur as he ponders the Spirit's words.<br> <br>Satisfied that he has the attention of everyone still present, the Puzzler gives them a nod and fiddles in the air with his fingers, pulling out a small harmonica from thin air. A few notes are played on the gleaming instrument, after which he tosses it over his shoulder nonchalantly and clears his throat.
"I hope I'm making it know this is serious. Those who know me will know my behaviour today is rather uncharacteristic of me...but the Outside court has requested that I be serious, so I am, just for today. Word has it that your "Creators" have been offering you their money, and already, even before having seen or received it, the various peoples of your world have already fallen to squabbling over it - the creations are much like their creators, indeed. Hence, I bring a word of warning from the Outside court, those of my kind who have travelled between many worlds, seen many places, and witnessed many events: my advice is not to accept the Creators' money at all."<br> <br>Asher tilts his head a little. He has no idea what the strange being is talking about. "What creator money?" he asks. If it was some sort of public announcement in the last couple of days, he had definitely missed it. He watches the Puzzler's harmonica soar through the air, but knows that it is FAR out of his reach.<br> <br>A flick, a rumble, and Flora blinks a few times. "But... Flora wouldn't be able to use the money anyways, would she? Flora would need to buy things from a creator, because Flora doesn't think they use the same kind of money, no," she mumbles, before looking up again. "Why else is taking the money bad, Mister riddlefox?"<br> <br>The thrown harmonica catches his eye for a moment, but Cedric doesn't budge an inch from his spot to try and catch it. His gaze shifts from the flying instrument back to the puzzler as he nods, "I heard a rumor about it. I don't really care about their money myself. Do you know what'll happen if we accept it?" he asks, wondering to himself about why it would be a bad idea to accept their payment. As the badger ponders over it, a green question mark appears in the white stripe of fur just underneath his eye. And then another, purple, on his shoulder. There's probably a few more elsehwere, who knows?
"I hope I'm making it know this is serious. Those who know me will know my behaviour today is rather uncharacteristic of me...but the Outside court has requested that I be serious, so I am, just for today. Word has it that your "Creators" have been offering you their money, and already, even before having seen or received it, the various peoples of your world have already fallen to squabbling over it - the creations are much like their creators, indeed. Hence, I bring a word of warning from the Outside court, those of my kind who have travelled between many worlds, seen many places, and witnessed many events: my advice is not to accept the Creators' money at all."<br> <br>Asher tilts his head a little. He has no idea what the strange being is talking about. "What creator money?" he asks. If it was some sort of public announcement in the last couple of days, he had definitely missed it. He watches the Puzzler's harmonica soar through the air, but knows that it is FAR out of his reach.<br> <br>A flick, a rumble, and Flora blinks a few times. "But... Flora wouldn't be able to use the money anyways, would she? Flora would need to buy things from a creator, because Flora doesn't think they use the same kind of money, no," she mumbles, before looking up again. "Why else is taking the money bad, Mister riddlefox?"<br> <br>The thrown harmonica catches his eye for a moment, but Cedric doesn't budge an inch from his spot to try and catch it. His gaze shifts from the flying instrument back to the puzzler as he nods, "I heard a rumor about it. I don't really care about their money myself. Do you know what'll happen if we accept it?" he asks, wondering to himself about why it would be a bad idea to accept their payment. As the badger ponders over it, a green question mark appears in the white stripe of fur just underneath his eye. And then another, purple, on his shoulder. There's probably a few more elsehwere, who knows?<br> <br>Rixo grimaces a little at that, wrinkling her nose. "I came out here to get away from politics, but that certainly doesn't sound good, no. That money might come in handy, however, in dealings with the Creators. I would say let the church handle it, or have the creators hold it for us. Because I agree, no one individual should have that kind of thing. It'd only breed jealousy and war, as you said."<br> <br>Bite dives for the discarded harmonica, catching it as she hits the ground and then pops up, examining it before she hisses "Sssweetie do you want this back?" to the puzzler, following it with a "Unless the creators have crowns for me I don't think I can use what they have to offer." She listens intently, mostly for an answer on the harmonica but also for other answers.<br> <br>The little question marks dotting Fenris's fur vanish abruptly as he is momentarily distracted by the thrown harmonica. He is tempted to dive for it, hating to see an instrument lost and broken, but sees Bite snatch it from the air. Pity, it would have been a great memento. "What do you recommend, then?" he asks the Puzzler, "It's the kings and the priests that decide this kind of thing. What do you want from us? It seems that creator money would only be useful in interacting with Creators anyway. It seems silly to want it."<br> <br>The Puzzler raises his hands to calm the ensuing uproar at his suggestion. Not accept money from the exalted Creators? It seems the words of Fenris, Flora and Bite have been lost upon the crowd.
"Miss Tinkercat is perceptive. Do you even know what form Creator money takes? Not gold or silver or the fabulous prizes I dole out, but promises which you can never hold in your hand or touch. Empty things, upon the wind. Most droll.
"Your Creators would never give you money if they did not intend for you to spend it. The more unscrupulous amongst them will give you their money - well, I have seen this many times, amongst their own kind. They will sell you wonderful things that you desire, things from their world beyond the stars - those devices imbued with machine spirits, as you call them? If you are anything like your creators - as those of the Outside court have witnessed in different times and places - then you will want their fabulous treasures to the point where you have none of their money left. Then they will ask you to work for them, sell the treasures of your world, just for a little more, perhaps even give you an advance...with interest, of course. And then, like the lesser Creators, you will toil from dawn to dusk, working to repay a debt that you will never be able to repay. I believe those amongst you who dabble in the substance called "Ebon" will be familiar with the concept," he adds with a disdainful sniff.
"The kind-hearted amongst the Creators believe you deserve the money because you have been wronged. That you should be compensated, and that it is right and just for you to receive it. Yet even without malice, they do not fully understand that in your own important ways, you have differed from what they originally set out to make you. By interfering in this manner...well, there are some things a kit has to learn on their own. This world can never be truly independent if not allowed to grow into something of is own right, rather than pruned into the form others think it should take. We of the Outside court have seen this happen in other times and worlds, too.
"There are many other reasons, of course, but what is most worrying is that already kings, priests, and even peoples are fighting for whispers on the wind, for something they do not know, only save that it means favour from the Creators, perhaps, and glory after a sort. No doubt word of this will reach their ears shortly after, but my purpose in delivering this message directly to you is so that there can be no mistake as to my words on the matter. There are things afoot in the days to come. You must not let petty squabbles like these drag you down."<br> <br>Asher barely understands all of this. Well, he understands the bit about false promises and diminishing returns, but creator money? Why were the creators offering money? And what did the Puzzler mean about Creator money being empty promises? This was all very far above the little canine's low-set head.<br> <br>"Flora... Understands that one, yes," she mumbles for a moment, looking out over the square and mumbling to herself. "Flora doesn't need creator-money anyways, no. Flora likes figuring things out, yes," she mumbles, before looking up at the Puzzler and flicking her tail again. "Flora can undestand all of this, yes," she mumbles, frowning lightly.<br> <br>The badger nods, his question marks disappearing with the answer. The explanation makes enough sense for him to agree. He's certainly seen enough weakness of willpower in other beings to believe that a large portion of them would probably willingly enslave themselves for hollow promises. "Alright. Any suggestions on what we should do to convince everyone not to trust their creators? Because that kinda sounds like a difficult task, to be honest..."<br> <br>Rixo scowls ever so slightly, folding her arms under her cloak. "That is... Your words do have truth. We can't remain, or advance, on our own if we have to work and live to repy a debt to someone else. Perhaps you are right. Maybe we shouldn't take it. But how are we going to stop it, hmm? The people here in this crowd... We cannot control the world. Others will have to be told. Convinced! I can said letter home about my concerns, but that is all I can do." She glances over her shoulder, looking into the crowd with a frown.<br> <br>Bite holds onto the harmonica, still openly in case the puzzler wishes his tool back, but seems far more interested in the speech he provides. "We can always convince our leaders. From there the people of promise can be told by force, as they always have, what is and isn't good for them. This discussion needs to be taken to those in charge, that is why they are in their positions, because we trust them to make the right call."<br> <br>Fenris contemplates his patron's words. "I believe you," he says, "And these others believe you. But we are only a few small people in ONE nation on Promise. What would you have from us?"<br> <br>A little late to the party, but not to be left out, Valor hustles as fast as he can move his size able bulk and not just go careening though everything. He slows to a walk, carryung naught but the clothes he wore (His other stuff is back at the inn) and shuffles up behind the crowd, using his superior height to peer over the crowd. There was some deity in a strange green garb and hat talking to the crowd, as well as a few who stuck out. Other gifted, he supposed. Well, he was here, and that was good. Now just to do what he did best. Watch and listen, and soak information like a sponge.

Revision as of 20:04, 28 March 2014





Afternoon in Saint's Square, the busiest time of day as beings head to and from noon mass at the Creator Church. At the foot of the statue of Saint Alan sits what appears to be a being in a green pinstriped suit - those in the know will immediately recognise him as the Puzzler, that fickle spirit. Yet instead of his usual grin, his expression is somber, his hat is pulled over his eyes to shade them from the sun. Several guards have half-heartedly asked him to move along to stop attracting attention, but they're saying it as if they don't mean it. Not that one would want to be the one to try and grab the Puzzler...

Asher patters across the square on his way to Noon Mass. He does not attend every day, but after all the time he spent in the last day on special orders, he really needed a bit of time away from the shop. He comes to an abrupt stop at the sight of a familiar fox in outlandish clothes loitering in the square.

A rumble, a flick of the tails, and Flora slinks out of the small apartment she considers home for the time being. Her ears flick, and she grins broadly as she notices the fox, only to run back inside to grab something, then return as quick as she can, holding a rolled-up, poster-sized print of last time's photograph in her hand as she moves over towards the puzzler.

Cedric makes his way to the square, not on his way to mass, as he usually doesn't go to church. For whatever reason, he'd felt particularly drawn to the Saint's Square this afternoon.

Rixo shuffles along the street, boots scuffing on the pavement as she comes to rest near the statue. For once, she wasn't in her armour, having traded it out for a simple dress. "Well that's an unusual sight I haven't seen in a while," she mumbles to herself. For the time being, she opts to sit back, setting her hands on her hips as she watches, waiting.

Bite sways to saints square, interested in seeing what all the fuss is about. She approaches the growing crowd, to see the fashionably dressed gentleman from the strange poster she had aquired from a feline. She looks around everyone and tilts her head before she simply speaks up. "Hello there sssweetie, I've seen you before but you haven't seen me, can I ask why you're attracting so much attention? If not for your wonderful fashion sense." she adds with a giggle before awaiting an answer.

Fenris saunters into the square, looking up at the great statues. He follows the statue down to look at his Spirit Patron. He tips his new, broad-brimmed hat in greeting.

Valor plods along in his usual slow manner. Where were all these people going? He knew nothing of the religious orientations of the city-folk, being a hard-working country horse himself. So he just found eddies in the current of bodies, looking to what interested him. He saw the green-suited figure and was curious, but less so. He found another hole on the current and used his superior height to peer above the crowd.

The Puzzler addresses everyone present, giving a flashy bow to his dedicants before turning to everyone else gathered in the square. "I'm here to give my thoughts, it's true: today we have much to do. No riddles, no rhymes no tricks today: only I beg you to listen to what I have to say.

Some of the crowd depart immediately when it soon becomes clear that he's not playing his usual tricks of dispensing goodies to all present, and at that departure he shakes his head and removes his hat, holding it in both hands as if in mourning. "Those given to greed, will soon find themselves in need. Those who do not harken, their lives may darken."

Asher patters up closer to the Puzzler, catching sight of Fenris and Flora and the Badger that had dedicated to the Puzzler at their last meeting. He frowns at the strange fox's warning. "This sounds ominous," the little corgi mutters, drawing close to his friends.

Flora blinks a few times, her tails swishing behind her as she looks up at the Puzzler, her ears folded back lightly as she mewls a fewtimes, tailtip twitching and displaying her discomfort at those words. She's not quite sure what they mean, but... It doesn't sound good. Doesn't sound good at all.

Cedric returns the puzzler's bow, though not as flashily, only bowing his head slightly. The badger isn't entirely sure why the problems of the greedy are his own, but he at least seems to be paying more attention now than he had last time. For one, he's actually awake this time. Which is usually a good sign. He stands nearby and listens.

Rixo tilts her head, rubbing her cheek. "Much to do, huh? Well, you've got my interest! I'm curious as to what could be so bad." The panda shuffles a little closer, a hand straying up to scratch at one of her ears.

Bite tilts her head and blinks. Greedy might well be her middle name but she certainly doesn't see herself in need anytime soon. Still, she listens carefully, looking to those present that she knows, opting to move towards Flora before she asks lowly "Is that the guy from the thing?"

Fenris gives a worried frown, this seemed out of character for the outlandish spirit. He looks down as Asher draws near. "You said it, kid," he says, "Very ominous." The tiger looks up at his patron, little purple and green question marks gradually appearing on his fur as he ponders the Spirit's words.

Satisfied that he has the attention of everyone still present, the Puzzler gives them a nod and fiddles in the air with his fingers, pulling out a small harmonica from thin air. A few notes are played on the gleaming instrument, after which he tosses it over his shoulder nonchalantly and clears his throat.

"I hope I'm making it know this is serious. Those who know me will know my behaviour today is rather uncharacteristic of me...but the Outside court has requested that I be serious, so I am, just for today. Word has it that your "Creators" have been offering you their money, and already, even before having seen or received it, the various peoples of your world have already fallen to squabbling over it - the creations are much like their creators, indeed. Hence, I bring a word of warning from the Outside court, those of my kind who have travelled between many worlds, seen many places, and witnessed many events: my advice is not to accept the Creators' money at all."

Asher tilts his head a little. He has no idea what the strange being is talking about. "What creator money?" he asks. If it was some sort of public announcement in the last couple of days, he had definitely missed it. He watches the Puzzler's harmonica soar through the air, but knows that it is FAR out of his reach.

A flick, a rumble, and Flora blinks a few times. "But... Flora wouldn't be able to use the money anyways, would she? Flora would need to buy things from a creator, because Flora doesn't think they use the same kind of money, no," she mumbles, before looking up again. "Why else is taking the money bad, Mister riddlefox?"

The thrown harmonica catches his eye for a moment, but Cedric doesn't budge an inch from his spot to try and catch it. His gaze shifts from the flying instrument back to the puzzler as he nods, "I heard a rumor about it. I don't really care about their money myself. Do you know what'll happen if we accept it?" he asks, wondering to himself about why it would be a bad idea to accept their payment. As the badger ponders over it, a green question mark appears in the white stripe of fur just underneath his eye. And then another, purple, on his shoulder. There's probably a few more elsehwere, who knows?

Rixo grimaces a little at that, wrinkling her nose. "I came out here to get away from politics, but that certainly doesn't sound good, no. That money might come in handy, however, in dealings with the Creators. I would say let the church handle it, or have the creators hold it for us. Because I agree, no one individual should have that kind of thing. It'd only breed jealousy and war, as you said."

Bite dives for the discarded harmonica, catching it as she hits the ground and then pops up, examining it before she hisses "Sssweetie do you want this back?" to the puzzler, following it with a "Unless the creators have crowns for me I don't think I can use what they have to offer." She listens intently, mostly for an answer on the harmonica but also for other answers.

The little question marks dotting Fenris's fur vanish abruptly as he is momentarily distracted by the thrown harmonica. He is tempted to dive for it, hating to see an instrument lost and broken, but sees Bite snatch it from the air. Pity, it would have been a great memento. "What do you recommend, then?" he asks the Puzzler, "It's the kings and the priests that decide this kind of thing. What do you want from us? It seems that creator money would only be useful in interacting with Creators anyway. It seems silly to want it."

The Puzzler raises his hands to calm the ensuing uproar at his suggestion. Not accept money from the exalted Creators? It seems the words of Fenris, Flora and Bite have been lost upon the crowd.

"Miss Tinkercat is perceptive. Do you even know what form Creator money takes? Not gold or silver or the fabulous prizes I dole out, but promises which you can never hold in your hand or touch. Empty things, upon the wind. Most droll.

"Your Creators would never give you money if they did not intend for you to spend it. The more unscrupulous amongst them will give you their money - well, I have seen this many times, amongst their own kind. They will sell you wonderful things that you desire, things from their world beyond the stars - those devices imbued with machine spirits, as you call them? If you are anything like your creators - as those of the Outside court have witnessed in different times and places - then you will want their fabulous treasures to the point where you have none of their money left. Then they will ask you to work for them, sell the treasures of your world, just for a little more, perhaps even give you an advance...with interest, of course. And then, like the lesser Creators, you will toil from dawn to dusk, working to repay a debt that you will never be able to repay. I believe those amongst you who dabble in the substance called "Ebon" will be familiar with the concept," he adds with a disdainful sniff.

"The kind-hearted amongst the Creators believe you deserve the money because you have been wronged. That you should be compensated, and that it is right and just for you to receive it. Yet even without malice, they do not fully understand that in your own important ways, you have differed from what they originally set out to make you. By interfering in this manner...well, there are some things a kit has to learn on their own. This world can never be truly independent if not allowed to grow into something of is own right, rather than pruned into the form others think it should take. We of the Outside court have seen this happen in other times and worlds, too.

"There are many other reasons, of course, but what is most worrying is that already kings, priests, and even peoples are fighting for whispers on the wind, for something they do not know, only save that it means favour from the Creators, perhaps, and glory after a sort. No doubt word of this will reach their ears shortly after, but my purpose in delivering this message directly to you is so that there can be no mistake as to my words on the matter. There are things afoot in the days to come. You must not let petty squabbles like these drag you down."

Asher barely understands all of this. Well, he understands the bit about false promises and diminishing returns, but creator money? Why were the creators offering money? And what did the Puzzler mean about Creator money being empty promises? This was all very far above the little canine's low-set head.

"Flora... Understands that one, yes," she mumbles for a moment, looking out over the square and mumbling to herself. "Flora doesn't need creator-money anyways, no. Flora likes figuring things out, yes," she mumbles, before looking up at the Puzzler and flicking her tail again. "Flora can undestand all of this, yes," she mumbles, frowning lightly.

The badger nods, his question marks disappearing with the answer. The explanation makes enough sense for him to agree. He's certainly seen enough weakness of willpower in other beings to believe that a large portion of them would probably willingly enslave themselves for hollow promises. "Alright. Any suggestions on what we should do to convince everyone not to trust their creators? Because that kinda sounds like a difficult task, to be honest..."

Rixo scowls ever so slightly, folding her arms under her cloak. "That is... Your words do have truth. We can't remain, or advance, on our own if we have to work and live to repy a debt to someone else. Perhaps you are right. Maybe we shouldn't take it. But how are we going to stop it, hmm? The people here in this crowd... We cannot control the world. Others will have to be told. Convinced! I can said letter home about my concerns, but that is all I can do." She glances over her shoulder, looking into the crowd with a frown.

Bite holds onto the harmonica, still openly in case the puzzler wishes his tool back, but seems far more interested in the speech he provides. "We can always convince our leaders. From there the people of promise can be told by force, as they always have, what is and isn't good for them. This discussion needs to be taken to those in charge, that is why they are in their positions, because we trust them to make the right call."

Fenris contemplates his patron's words. "I believe you," he says, "And these others believe you. But we are only a few small people in ONE nation on Promise. What would you have from us?"

A little late to the party, but not to be left out, Valor hustles as fast as he can move his size able bulk and not just go careening though everything. He slows to a walk, carryung naught but the clothes he wore (His other stuff is back at the inn) and shuffles up behind the crowd, using his superior height to peer over the crowd. There was some deity in a strange green garb and hat talking to the crowd, as well as a few who stuck out. Other gifted, he supposed. Well, he was here, and that was good. Now just to do what he did best. Watch and listen, and soak information like a sponge.