The Creationists plots - RPLOG

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The posters are everywhere, 'Beings taken in the dead of the night or in broad daylight' 'Secure your children, keep everyone safe.' While the recent epidemic of abductions has been limited only to those who show the signs of a Sacred Family, all are cautioned to be on the alart. It is a warm evening as Mirana looks about, reading a poster, this one with a reward, "Something needs to be done, but where to even start looking?" she asks no one in particular. A storm brews overhead, with the promise of a rain filled night, and Mira shivers a bit, a parasal in her pack.

Bite sways down the street as she examines the posters, giggling at one as she produces a simple spark, nodding contently. Storms are no fun, but they are wet, and this makes her almost as happy as lighting her enemies on fire. She stops and looks to Mirana s she passes her on the street, giggling and smiling. "Hello there sssweetie." she hisses and waves to her, not at all subtle or quiet about her activities. She doesn't seem worried about the posters at all, although her tentacles are notpresent on her form for the time being, likely a precaution.

Angus hurried down the street to catch up with Mira as he tightened his weapons belt and threw his pack over his back. "Oh, hey Bite." He manages to force out as he skids to a stop next to his sister. "What are you doing here?" He asked in all honesty, he looked once more to the sky and it's promise of rain as he frowns, pulling up his hood. "We could start looking at the last abduction sight, it might help Mira." He shrugged, his twin tails still visible as he glances at the poster once more.

Rixo shuffles along the street at the leisurely pace of one with no destination in mind, and no business to tend to. She slows to a stop as her eyes catch the small gathering around the poster. Not wishing to intrude, she remains silent, but keeps her ears open. Maybe they'd mention something useful to her own search.

It's a lovely evening, ripe with the potential for a lovely storm. And even though he's not a huge fan of lightning, the badger does enjoy a good rainfall. Cedric is out in his everyday clothing, no suit of armor tonight, just waiting for it to rain as he takes a leisurely stroll through the streets of Firmament. He has no destination in particular; merely wandering, as he happens upon the gathering crowd with a smile, not having noticed the posters just yet. "Evening everyone." he says in a jovial tone, more sociable than his personality when encased in his usual armor.

Eyeing a nearby poster as well, Ictus looks over at the group and blinks, "Hey." he wanders over as he eyes the sky, "Just had to start raining today..." he shrugs and hmms as his tails swish, "Would be nice if they could give more information though..."

Mirana looks to Bite and hugs tightly, "Miss Bite, good to see you, very good to see you, how are you doing?" A flash of lightning foretells the storm about to begin, and makes Mira look up at the sky. "Do, you like storms as much as the ocean water?" She asks, and smiles. Then Angus arrives, followed by Cedric and Ictus. She nods, "Yes, someone should do something about this, and that is my plan. Now, any suggestions? I have some ideas, but I'd like to hear from you all first." It seems Mira is just fine now, back to her usual self, but if someone were to look closely, it is obvious that something is bothering her. SHe doesn't notice Rixo, at least not yet.

Bite giggles and returns the hug eagerly, tilting her head. "I'm fine sssweetie, taking a walk and seeing some posters." she hissse and smiles. "Not really, the ocean is the best, but storms are okay." she adds as she looks to Angus and offers a wave to them and then Cedric and Ictus, not seeing Rixo. "We could always bait them out, they couldn't take all of us if we worked together."

Angus noticed that Mira seemed a little anxious, but he didn't make a comment about it. "Sounds like a good plan. Anyone have any suggestions?" Both Ictus and Cedric recieve a nod of greeting from the fox, but when he notices Rixo he quirks an eyebrow. "Oh, hello there Miss." He smiled, giving a slight bow to the strange panada as he stands there. "What brings you here?"

Rixo tugs her own hood up, glancing at the sky for a moment before looking back to the group, smiling to Angus. "I am just looking around. I heard there were problems with abductions, and I was hoping to lend a hand. If you are planning on hunting them and would like an extra pair of hands, I would be more than happy to help." She stands up straight and dips into a polite bow of her own.

Cedric puts his waving hand down and nods. "Hrm..? Abductions?" he asks, looking around and noticing the posters. He walks over to examine them, his features going from neutral to concerned as he looks them over. "Ah... that's troubling. Yeah, I'll lend a hand if I can be of any use." he says, looking to the others. "Should probably try to find some clues... unless we already know where these beings were taken to?" the badger inquires, though he doubts that's the case, or they'd be home by now.

Ictus hmms a bit and nods at that suggestion, "Sounds like a plan... But it doesn't seem like it'll be that easy... I mean, they've been taken in broad daylight too." he looks at Bite and nods in agreement before he blinks at Rixo, "Ah, hello there." he smiles

Mirana nods to Bite, "Bait sounds like a plan, but, who and where? Any ideas on that?" she asks and looks over as Rixo comes up and her headtilts a bit, "Oh?! Who do we have here, Lady Mirana Solacious is my name." She says with a curtsey. then over to Angus and back to Ictus, "Yes, the 'bait' would have to be kept safe somehow, and, beings that can take others in broad daylight, that won't be easy." Finally to Cedric, "Yes, clues would be helpful, but, so far no one has found anything." A few sprinkles and Mira takes out her parasal, protecting her from the incoming rains.

As Bite was about to give an idea a dart flies over and into the scerpent's neck! She looks to stagger a bit, as the poisons it was coated in work quickly causing her to fall forward. Mira quickly tries to catch her and hold her up, but looks to be struggling to do so, not the most athletic fox about, as she starts looking around, head swarving from side to side.

Angus is taken by surprise when Bite is dropped by something, possibly a dart but he didn't know. "Take cover!" He manages to yell before he ducks down, looking for the nearest spot that their unknown attacker could be hiding at, not to mention a place to hide and seek shelter from the darts as he draws his Rapier.

Rixo drops down into a low stance, frowning. "Do you think it is them?" She nods at Mirana. "I am Rix, it looks like proper introductions will have to wait." Her hands wraps around the hilt of the concealed dagger, but she does not draw it yet.

Cedric gets down to the ground after the dark flies past, looking rather shocked about this! He looks around for the source of the throwing dart, but isn't quite able to spot anyone.

Ictus nods to Mira and hmms a bit, "Well, I suppose-" the Bite is struck! He unsheathes his daggers and looks around for the assailant, "Creators... What was that about?" as he takes cover with the others, searching for the dart thrower still

A bag is dropped into the square the area quickly filling up with gas! "SMOKE BOMB!" Mira shouts out and starts caughing and hacking, eyes burning. She starts to try and whip up some air math to blow it all away, but, alas, focusing on mathmagic because very diffacult when you can't breath and your eyes are watering. She just about has it figured out when she feels a sharp pain on her neck, and her world goes black. Soon, everyone feels a similar pain, the drugs quickly taking effect!

Angus lets out a muffled curse as Mira proclaims that it is a smoke bomb, his cloak going over his muzzle to try and help shield him from the gas. "Where are they!" he yells, putting his blade away as he looks around, clearly not able to see anything. He actually started debating on using his own air magic before he was hit with a sharp pain before he started to fall, the darts agent taking effect.

Rixo coughs as the smoke fills the area, bringing her arm up to try to protect herself. It does little good however, as drugs send her straight to the ground with a soft thump.

Cedric coughs through the smoke, and is about to trace some air math before the sharp pain of the drugged dart hits him. His vision blurs and he drops his hand, unable to focus on the math before passing out.

Ictus blinks at the gas and grunts as he sheathes his daggers to cover his nose with an arm, lacking anything else to really help, "Damnit..." he coughs a bit as everyone else goes down and winces as he feels a pinch in his neck, "Gah, creators... Damn you..." then he slumps to the ground, out like a light

It must be a few hours later, as the storm is raging by now. Angus and Rixo find themselves on the pavement of the square, soaking wet by now, but safe otherwise. There are no signs of the others anywhere to be seen!

The rest, Mirana, Ictus, Cedric, and Bite would be found somewhere underground, and in far worse shape. Mira is still out cold and in a very bland robe, no ear rings, no charms at all, not even her house seal! Everyone would find themselves devoid of anything but a simple robe, though most should soon be waking. Not even their soul pendants are to be found.... "Careful now, even without their charms and weapons, they have their Sacred abilites, don't look directly at them, don't listen to them, if you have to move them, do so carefully." comes a voice.

Angus groans as he starts to wake up, his fur plastered to his form from the rain. "Dammit...what just happened." He grumbled groggily as he stood up, shivering lightly thanks to laying on the cold hard pavement. "...Mira, Ictus....Cedric, Bite?...." He blinked as he looked around, seeing only the prone form of Rixo near him....and no one else. "Damn...."

With a grunt, Rixo pushes herself into a sitting position, even taking the time to yawn. "What happened?" She looks around, seeing only Angus. "Did the others already leave? If they were taken, why did we get left?" After rising to her feet, she takes a moment to wring out her hood, for all the good it will do.

Meanwhile, underground! Cedric starts to stir awake, groggy from the effects of the drug, and feeling an uncomfortable void from being separated from his soul pendant. He groans as his eyes start to open, and wearily looks around to try and figure out where he is, though his vision is still very blurry. "What... where?" is all he manages to get out.

Ictus groans as he slowly wakes and quickly looks around before falling back dizzily, "Huh? What happened?" he blinks as he realizes he is unarmed and grunts, "Damnit..." then his eyes go wide as he realizes he's without his soul pendant, "Oh fuck... Not good." that being very quiet

Mirana starts to wake up herself, but it doesn't take mer much to figure out the reason for her drained sensations. She keeps her dark eyes closed, it isn't well known that she is a soul blessed, and she'd rather keep it that way. Still not opening her eyes she starts to raise up, "Where are we Ictus?" she asks recognising his voice. But she is soon taken to the ground by a sharp punch, "Stay down!" comes a grough voice." as she is struck accorss the muzzle. "Don't move and you all will live." Says a coyote, who struck Mira. The room is square, and bricked with torches hanging everywhere, and quite large. Only one door, with bars and the coyote is there with a tocan and a rhino. They all have odd black robes on, and carry swords and crossbows "Just stay here will we are ready for you, and ... little harm will come to you." Mira spits out some blood and finally opens her blank eyes.

Outside Angus and Rixo have nothing to go on at the moment besides the fact that they are being rained on.

"Damn,damn,damn." Mutter Angus as he started to look around the area, trying to see if there were any clues, any signs that could help him find the others. "Why didn't I pay attention, should of known someone would be watching..." Unlike Rixo he didn't even try to wring out his cloak, considering it was just soaked beyond that beling able to help, and he sighs. "You okay..." He asked the Panda, turning around to give her a curious look. As he tried to think of anything that could help...

Rixo nods, folding her arms. "Yes, I am okay. I'm more worried about the others. I am sort of new here, so I am less aware of the situation than you are, I'm sure. Where do you think they were taken?" Her eyes scan the area, lending her help in looking for signs or clues. "What about you? Are you injured?"

Cedric groans again, looking around and wincing at the sound of the vixen being struck by the coyote guard. He sits up a little, looking at the crude, weird robe they put him in while he was unconscious. "Ugh... don't put weird things on me." he says in a daze, staring over at the coyote and company as he tears the robe off of himself and sets it aside. They took him here, so they must know what he is. He's betting they wouldn't actually maim him unless they were prepared for what comes with that. At least he'll try to make them uncomfortable with his nudity!

Ictus blinks at Mira and shakes his head, "I don't know..." he blinks as his cousin is hit and growls impotently, "Hey!" as he starts to sit up, "You want to take it out on somebody, take it out on me!" he growls more as he tries to take a swing at the one who struck Mirana

Mirana groans a bit as she sits up slightly, "And.. what do you have planned for us?" she asks looking at the trio with her blank eyes. She holds her head as a dull throb comes to her. "And, why should we trust that we won't be killed?" She says and that earns her a backhand, "Quiet!" Quips the coyote. The Rhino walks up to Ictus and points his sword at him, "If I were you, I'd not be asking for trouble." he says, and that is when Cedric removes his robs, getting a gawk from everyone. The tocan says, "Badger.. put that back on, or I'll remove any parts I don't like." She says. Bite is still sleeping on the ground.

As they search around Angus and Rixo find a good trail! It leads out toward the Mange Square! The rain pours down harder, threatening to desolve the little trail they have, another flash of lighting brightening the night sky.

Bite stretches and yawns, letting out a "Mmm" as she reaches to her side and attempts to hug something that clearly isn't there, falling on her face when she tries to hug and pull them close. She wakes up with a start and hisses "Ariella?" as she looks around and throws her robe off as though it were a blanket. She stands rather dumbfounded for a second before turning away from the room and covering herself with her tail and hands.

"Only a few bruises I picked up before all this happened, honestly I'm more annoyed then really hurt." Angus responded as he looked around once more, his eyes skirting over the trail for a second before he finally notices it. "I don't know where yet, but I'm about to find out." He glares sharply at the trail, before he looks up at the weather, knowing that it wouldn't last long and that they needed to act fast. "Seems that they weren't as stealthy as they thought." He chuckled, pulling his hood back up before he draws his daggers. Following the trail to see if they can find the kidnappers.

Rixo glances at the trail, then at Angus and nods. "Right, let's go find them." She chases after the fox, still keeping her dagger sheathed. "Hopefully they won't be expecting us."

Cedric mumbles something and folds his arms in response the toucan. "I won't." he says, beginning to feel a little less sluggish now. "I'm not moving or fighting back. I just don't want to wear your weird little sheet." he says to the bird very plainly, in a matter-of-fact voice. "And aren't you supposed to not be looking at or listening to me?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at his captor. Yeah, at this point he'd probably deserve a good punch in the face, but he's groggy and very unhappy at the whole situation.

Ictus growls as his swing is dodged and sighs as the sword is pointed at him, "Fine..." getting himself killed wouldn't get him anywhere he blinks as he finally notices Cedric's... Defiance... and rolls his eyes as he takes a seat by Mirana, "So, you aren't going to tell us anything? Wonderful..." he stares at the guards with his unsettling eyes

Cedric is belted into the face by the handle of the toucan's sword, "You will put it on, or I'll carve..." and she looks over to Bite and Ictus, "those two's hides off so you can wear that instead!" The coyote and rhino laugh at this, the rhino looking to Ictus, "Oh, you will know soon enough, so-" then a whistle intruptes him, and they look around, "Which one first?" The coyote moves to Mira who was just starting to lean over into Ictus and try to think of something to help, "Her, lets start with the vixen." he says. She looks up to them and tries to keep from their grasp, but isn't at all able. The rhino joins with the coyote and they haul her off, the toucan staying behind and closing the door, locking it. "Now, the rest of you, be good, and we won't have to rough you up anymore then we already have.

Topside the trail leads to an abandoned house in the Mange Square. The place is boarded up, as if it hasn't been used in a long long time.

Bite blinks and feels for her soul gem, which is missing! She thinks this over and smirks, turning to the toucan. "So sssweetie... you took my soul gem?" she hisses to the toucan, her face a wide grin. "You know, the shadow can get us now." she says pointing to herself. "You know how strong the shadow are?" she quizzes in a delighted tone, curling over like something was wrong.

Angus doesn't like the situation as they come upon the house, his senses alert for any possible movements from with. "So, do we knock and say we are here to sell cookie and cheer?" He teases, trying to make a joke even if his heart wasn't in it. Shaking his head he doesn't wait for an answer as he sighs, crouching down to make himself less visible in the dreary weather as he circles the house. Looking for a possible entrance, both daggers hidden underneath the folds of his cloak.

Rixo hangs back, slowly pulling her dagger free, but keeping it, and her arms, hidden under her own cloak. Once Angus has a bit of a lead, she starts following again, intent on watching his back and the area around the house while he looks for the entrance itself. "I don't see any sentries yet, so I suppose that's a good thing. Might make it easier for us to get the jump on them."

The badger's head is forced to the side by the toucan's hilt-bash, and he lets out a growl as the bird threatens others. Well, whatever... the clothing-optional defiance was fun for a while, but he knows when to give it a rest. "Fine." Cedric utters in compliance, spitting some blood from his mouth as he grips the horribly unfashionable robe, balling it up in his fist and bringing it to his face to wipe away some blood from his mouth prior to putting the flimsy garmet on... backwards.

Ictus blinks as Bite and he are threatened, he shakes his head at Cedric and sighs. Then he blinks as Mira is taken and shakes his head with a growl, "Damnit..." he looks down at his hands and punches the floor before blinks at Bite, "Wha? Oh creators no!" he knows there aren't any shadows around, but it's worth a shot as he backs away from her

the toucan looks over to Bite and starts to laugh, "Oh you haven't been without your soul stones that long... it takes a day, right?" Then she starts to look worried, "Doesn't .. it?" She doesn't want to have to deal with a shadow! She runs over to the chest and pulls out one of Bite's soul stones randomly along with her empty soul pendant, throwing them over to her, "Here! Just, don't, don't bug out on me." she says almost in a panic.

Angus isn't able to find much, however Rixo finds a part of the ground that looks like it has been distrubed recently. The rain continues to make it harder to find clues however, the only indication that something was a miss being how uneven the mud was.

Bite quickly throws her soul pendant and gem on, stretching and allowing herself to adjust to it. She sits rather quietly, non responsive as she remains in relatively the same position.

Angus found nothing in his search of the outside of the house, and really started debating on prying a few of the boards out of the way with his daggers. He was wasting time, he didn't know what they were doing to the others but he had a feeling that he wouldn't like it.

Rixo quietly beckons to Angus, lowering her voice. "Over here, I think I found something." She kneels down near where the mud is uneven and pokes around with her knife, looking for a hatch or some other object of note. "The ground is a little uneven. There might be something hidden."

"A..." the badger starts, staring at the toucan with his unnerving black eyes. "A day?" he asks, incredulously. "How long have we been out? We don't ever take them off!" the badger exclaims, trying to feign panic, before going quiet. Very quiet. He just fixes his eyes on the bird, staring directly at her.

Ictus sighs in relief as Bite gets her soul gem and looks to Cedric curiously, "Can... Can they switch that quickly?" he looks confused, he doesn't actually know if they can switch that quickly though, "Are you just going to let them devour us!" he looks to the guard with his best whimper of fear

Mirana yips out loud enough to be heard from the large cell that is holding Bite, Cedric, and Ictus as they start doing, whatever to her, then some yelling, "Pheonix

Mirana yips out loud enough to be heard from the large cell that is holding Bite, Cedric, and Ictus as they start doing, whatever to her, then some yelling, "Pheonix! Perfect! Load her into the next one, and strap her down tightly!" Soon more screams and yips can be heard, "What luck with a Pheonix, we already know how much they can heal from." The yelling continues over some loud grinding sounds.

The toucan looks worried again, but this time she uses her head, she digs around in Ictus and Cedric's belongs, making sure to select a gem this time, one she knows is the weakest they should have, the Parent Gem. She tosses them to the pair, along with their empty soul pendants, "There... that should.. keep you all quiet! Now set there and wait your turns. She locks up the chest again and stands infront of the locked door.

After poking around for a bit, a ring would easily be found, and a trapdoor to be seen. It was hastily covered with the mud and dirt.

Bite looks up at the toucan and grumbles something unintellegent, before standing up and pushing towards them rather slowly. "Now that we know where the key is, we don't really need you. You know why I prefer to be called a soulless, as opposed to a gifted being sssweetie?" she hisses, letting whatever knowledge came to her get her ready. "Grab a torch sssweethearts, shes outnumbered and clueless about what it really means to be soulless, about the dark cruel thoughts our minds really carry. If she did she would have left already." She moves to grab a torch, certain if they decided to make a move her friends here would be able to handle the bird, but stops short and focuses on the torch nearest the toucan, using it as a source to amplify her works in an attempt to light the toucan aflame.

Angus nods as the trapdoor is revealed. "Good finding Rixo." He whispers, sheathing both his daggers as he grabs hold of the ring. "Get ready, don't know whats underneath this thing." He grunts, already pulling on the ring to open the trapdoor.

Rixo steps back, her stiletto at the ready as the trapdoor is lifted up. "What's the plan once we're in?"

Cedric tries not to blow their cover by looking too disappointed after he sets the near-useless soul gem into his pendant and realizes what it is as soon as he sets it around his neck. Useless. He rarely used this one, even as a cub. He blinks his eyes a few times in response and lets out a relieved sigh. In truth, the relief is genuine considering he doesn't really know how long it'd take to attract shadows, himself. He stands up straight and nods at Bite, even knowing there's not too much he can do to help with this shoddy soul. "My parents were both Cliffside mathemagicians. My father a professor in fire math." he says with a grin. It's not a lie, but that truth doesn't actually give him any power, outside his bluff. He moves gingerly towards the wall to grab a torch of his own.

Ictus nods to the guard as he catches the gem and pendant, "Thanks." he puts them on and looks to Bite as she starts, he nods as he grabs a torch while absorbing the information from his gem, "Now... How about you run... We may let you live." He grins as his eyes narrow at the Toucan

Mirana continues to scream out as the grinding sounds continue "NOW NOW, Don't make her pass out too soon, we need to know if the healing she can pull of on herself is suffeciant to keep her from undergoing their typical 'revival'. Does this trigger when the Phoenix goes under, or can it happen while they are still awake and alart." And whatever they are doing must be painful, as the loud sounds of bone cracking can be heard, "Also, be a bit more careful with this one, she's carrying a kit or two, make sure it only crushes the chest and hips." Whoever it is yells loud enough to be heard over all the various sounds.

The toucan flintches at the increased flames and the approching soul gifted. She turns sharply and fumbles with the keys, soon opening the door and rushing out, slaming it behind her, just in time to hear a loud ringing sound, "Intruders!! We've been found! Quick, get out of here!" She shouts out the direction that the coyote had lead Mira. Soon the scrambling over many feet can be heard.

Bite giggles and snatches the keys, opening the chest to retrieve her things and cover her prone body. When she's fully geared up, swapped her soul gems out and feels she can get about again, she moves to check the door is unlocked before leaving it closed. "Gear up sssweethearts, lets get out of here and save Mirana, shes crying for help."

"Dammit!" Angus snarled as he heard the bells start to go off, there goes their stealthy approach. "Come on!" Dropping the trapdoor he slips in and takes the steps two at a time as he draws his daggers. The screams making him more and more angry as he plans exactly how he is going to 'Greet' His sisters captures if he gets his hands on them....

Rixo darts into the trapdoor after Angus and pushes her hood back for unobstructed vision. She halts for a minute as she eyes all of the doors, but shrugs it off and continues her chase. "Keep your eyes out for keys as you go!"

Cedric nods in reply, leaving the torch he was about to grab to hurry towards the chest, hearing the commotion outside their cell. "Yeah, I don't like the sound of that." He digs through the unlocked chest and finds all of his stuff. He was only carrying a few soul gems tonight, unfortunately... what was in the pendant, and his parent gem, which he removes and replaces before gathering up his clothing and dressing himself properly. He removes the dirty and slightly bloodied robe and... puts it into his travel pack for mysterious and mischievous reasons, before slinging it over his shoulders.

Ictus chuckles darkly as the bird runs and nods to Bite as he grabs his, as well as Mirana's, gear. "Thanks Bite." He quickly swaps gems and hastily dons his belongings before heading out the door with the others, looking towards where they took Mira before dashing in that direction

Mirana stops screaming as the stange beings run about collecting artifacts and other things, "Hurry! Out the back! Move! Now!" Calls out a louder voice. Scrambling can be heard as they run about. Soon, all the footfalls can be heard heading the same direction, "Move quick! I'll slow them down!" And anyone in the hallway would be able to see a large stone fall into place, sealing the door way that leads to where Mira is, muffling all the sounds except one last scream. The beings reach out from the cells, "Please.. help us, don't let them take us back there." a few say "Please, we.. we don't want... to be.. no one comes back out.." other say. There aren't many locked up, but Kitsune, Dragon, Griffon, looking about it seems that they have been able to aquire at least one of each dedication here.

Bite opens the door to the pleads, and shoves the keys at someone who will take them. "Open the cells, I need someone strong to try and move the rock with me." she hisses, deciding brute force and magic combined should help. "Lets go sssweetie, I'm not in peak shape but we don't have much time." she adds as she works her earth magic to try and move it.

Angus heard her screams become cut off and it makes him even more worried for his sisters well being. He skids to a stop next to Bite and the other, before he nodded to Bite. "Alright I'll help, Rixo see if you can help." He flashed Rixo a slight smile before he walks up to the Stone block, both daggers in hand as he waits near the stone door.

Rixo glances towards the cells. "Don't worry! I will do everything I can to get you out, shortly." She sets up near the door and nods. "I will do what I can, but earth math is not my fort�. Did any of you manage to find keys for those cells?" She's not entirely sure what the rest of the group has been up to til this point.

Cedric helps along with Bite's earth magic, not having the proficiency right now to add his own to the mix, though it seems like the serpent has it under control, he still attempts to help push the door aside on his own strength. At the very least, it'll hopefully get them in there and to Mirana quicker.

Ictus growls at the last scream and shakes his head, "Damnit..." he waits by the door as he looks to Angus with a nod, "Let's get Mira out." as he gets out a dagger to fight with as he watches the door for any traps

The door holds stubbernly a moment, but soon the combined efforts dislodge it and it is sent flying open, a surprised bull standing on the other side, "You'll never stop the efferts of the Creationists!" He yells before turning to run. Behind the group the remaining beings with sacred families continues to hold out thier arms and hands pleadingly. Meanwhile, Mirana can be seen strapped to a stone table, with two stones resting atop her, one across her chest, the other on her hips, and it looks as if she can barely draw breath! The bull starts to dart down another pathway, but is a bit slow moving.

Bite proceeds to move to Mirana, pulling out her care kit as she looks them over and frowns. "Sssweetie are you okay?" she hisses, trying to figure out how to operate the device and free her.

Angus sees his sister in agony and it only makes him madder, and when the Bull starts to run he finally has someone to take that anger out on. He dashes off after the bull, throwing himself in a tackle as he trys to flee.

Upon obtaining the keys from Bite, Rixo turns around and busies herself with trying to free the others, confident that her group can handle what is behind the door.

Cedric quickly decides that Bite has things under control here, and he's not about to let Angus have all the fun here. He nods and makes a dash off in the direction of Angus and the bull!

Ictus hmms? at the bear and growls visciously as he charges after Angus, "You bastard!" as he lunges at the the bear, daggers at the ready

Mirana looks to Bite and points to a wheel on the wall, swinging her arm in a counter clockwise fashion. She care barely breath and her blank eyes are wide. Meanwhile the bull is tackled by Angus, and rolls, turning to fight, but is quickly cut down by the group! His final words, "The..... creators are no... thing......... all.. all.. is..." and he says no more. Rixo is thanked many times over by the various beings she frees, getting many hand shakes and hugs as they flee out the trap door and off to their homes.

Bite moves over to the wheel and turns it with all her miigiht, getting the rocks off of Mirana's form. She hisses to Rixo who has likely finished up "Come help me sssweetie she needs it, and bring the keys."

Angus does not care for the bulls final words, as he gives the crumpled form a viscious kick. "How Ironic, nothing talking of nothing. Pathetic." Turning around he walks over to see what he can do to help Bite and Rixo with his sister.

Rixo finishes up with the other captives and hurries over towards Bite with the keys. "Of course." The panda puts the keys into a satchel to free up her hands as she goes to help.

Well, it wasn't the toucan they defeated, but it'll have to do. Cedric reaches into his travel pack and retrieves the bloodied robe from earlier and crumples it up before tossing it at the bull's lifeless body. He nods at Angus in agreement and follows him back in to help release Mirana from her cruel torture.

Ictus frowns at the bull and growls, "Just had to die didn't he?" he shakes his head and grumbles before he remembers that Mira needs help and he has her gear, he returns to the room Mira is in and winces at her condition, "Mirana! Are you ok? Here..." he picks out her pendant and and puts it around her neck with a frown, "I don't think I can do much else..."

Mirana tries to breath a bit as the stones are moved off of her as Bite turns the wheel. With broken ribs though, she can only really gasp. "T...the b.. belts.." she manages to get out, and there are three belts, once under the stones, that hold her to the table. The damage would be evident. Her chest has been crushed, ribs likely smashed, same with her hips. It would be easy to tell as well that she'd be in great pain just breathing, let alone anything else, even being moved would cause agony. As her necklace is placed on her neck, the color returns to her eyes and her struggled breaths get a bit easier. She looks to Bite mostly, and coughs painfully, blood coming up and splatering.

Bite makes sure the wheel won't unturn before she takes her medical kit and moves over to the vixen, reaching into the satchel to snatch the key while shes at it, just in case she needs it to undo any further locks, working to free the belts and help patch up what she can, theres little she can do until they fix themselves with their dedication.

Angus has nothing he can really do to help his sister and it only saddens him more, with a sigh he walks back over to the bulls crumbled form. "Well, might as well try and see what's on the body." He grumbles, crotching to start rummaging through the bodies pockets.

Rixo stands by the wheel, ready to act in case it decides it wants to move. After a moment of digging through her bag, she retrieves the key. "You wanted this, yes? It's yours. I don't need it, now." She tosses the object over to Bite and glances over towards the others. "None of you were too injured in that fight, right?"

Cedric helps the taipan out with Mirana's restraints, though there's not much he can do about her current wounds. Even if he didn't hear their delight about her dedication, he does recall what the creator machine in the temple said about her sacred families, so through personal experience he doesn't look too worried. "She'll be alright... she'll heal quickly. Well, the wounds anyway." he says, though he's rather angry the Toucan, Coyote and Rhino managed to escape. It doesn't matter, though... he'll remember those three if he ever runs into them again.

Ictus winces at Mira as she coughs up blood and sighs, "I'm going to help Angus, maybe I can find something in the tunnel..." he sets down Mirana's stuff and starts off into the tunnel to look around

Mirana continues to gasp and caugh up some blood. She nods in thanks. "H... home.." she choakes out. THere isn't much left, a few papers that might be worth studying later. Mira is in no shape to move herself at all, and looks to Ictus. Angus would find more papers on the body. Mira finally lays back on the table, no longer willing to be awake, and letting herself pass out.

Bite yells back to Ictus to get his rump over here, to help Cedric carry Mirana out of here. She allows him to take his paper findings, intending to search the area top to bottom when they leave, starting back to the cells where she knows, that if they did similar set-ups to theirs, there are likely to be chests containing the former belongings of the captured or contained. She collects these into a produced bag if she finds them, along with anything else that might be of value or might alllow someone to be located who can talk about the ordeal.

Angus frowns at the papers he found on the body, and pockets them for later. "Whoever these fools are they aren't getting way with this." He muters, standing back up before he heads back to the main room, gathering more papaers on the way to read them later. What he really wanted to do was to destroy then entire place. But he knew that wouldn't help...

Rixo shuffles away from the wheel, frowning as she mumbles to herself, "At least they know they're not going to go unopposed now." She begins making her way to the exit, confident that the ordeal at least helped her make some new connections.

Cedric carefully begins to help Mirana off of the torture rack, waiting for Ictus to come help him support her weight so he doesn't worsen her injuries by carrying her alone.

Ictus hmms? at the call and nods as he returns, wincing at Mirana again as he helps Cedric carry her, "Sorry Mira..." he mumbles to himself as he helps move her off the rack

It would be a rough trek for Mira, but once back home, the nearly lifeless vixen would just lay upon her bed for many hours, as any willing cared to her wounds. The papers would be worth some study, but are written very oddly, and would take some time to desipher. Inside the chests was very little, mostly the personal effects people had just left behind, small baubles and trinkets.