A far too long dungeon run - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
The Lost Ones fighting the group are pushed back slightly, Rainer's charge causing only a slight tumble from the Lost One before Thel's Axe smacks down on his helmet, causing a dent and making the Lost One stumble down to his feet as the Wolves make their escape. Lucasiel and the others managing their way back and away from the charging group, though the choice to stay out in the open proves hazardous as she notes five archers hopping from their tunnel, and begining to dash closer so they can have the group in range for their makeshift weapons! The other ten lost ones coming in hot on the groups trail, and it's clear the sooner that door is closed, the better.
Rainer isn't exactly strong, but he books it best he can under the weight of the older wolf. The lingering pain in his feet from those infernal hole-riddled floors hasn't gone away, either, and each footfall brings a wince to his face. He only gets a few paces into the adjoining hall before his feet slip out from under him as before when he tried to charge the Lost Ones, and he tumbles down face first, likely sending Theler for a bit of a roll as well.
Lucasiel snorts. It seems like the others would be making their way in short order, so Lucasiel promptly dismounts her spectral steed and steps through the doorway and hunkers down with her shield, ready to help block the door as soon as the wolves made it in. She didn't want to risk any of the Lost ones getting in before the door shut.
Thelergramor is only slightly disappointed that his axe didn't cleave the head in twain. Still, denting creator steel is kind of an accomplishment. As Rainer picks him up and runs him to the other room; the bleeding wolfs vision blurs. And probably bleeds on Rainer. When the younger wolf drops, Thel slams to the ground, rolls once and looks to the door. Is a bit dizzy, from both alcohol and blood loss.
Skade stands near the door, trying to keep out of line of sight of the archers. Ever so slowly, her lumbering crusher makes it's way towards the door as it closes. The fire wisp atleast, was expendable but the honey bee had spent quite some time putting her bit of animated creator technology together. It almost looks as if it wouldn't make it but finally, it charges through, hitting it's head with a loud CLANG on the closing door.
With a loud slam, and the hiss of the machinery, the door locks shut behind the group just before the Lost Ones could get to them. The hallways dark as the lights from behind were cut off, before an emergency bulb flickers on to light the area for them. The path ahead is straight forward it seems, ending in another door with 'ME---AL B-Y" written upon it, and a simple turning door knob to open it.
"Ugh, what happened?" Fenris groans, sitting up from the floor, "And why do I feel like Brutus blackback has been dancing on my skull?"
Rainer lays there with his eyes closed for the span of a dozen or so breaths, the fur of his shoulder and upper back matted and bloody, but at last he pushes to his hands and knees, crawling to close the short distance between himself and THelergramor. There, he shifts to a kneel and begins unwrapping the bandages around his forearms, setting straight to reapplying them around the gash on the other canid's torso. And if Theler is lucid enough to fight him over it, he'll find the pup rather forceful in his insistance.
Lucasiel glances over towards the 'medical bay' and lofts a brow under her helmet before leaning against the hallway wall with a sigh. "That was... More intense than I'd have liked. I enjoy a scrap as next as the much cat, but let's try to not pick any fights that we could avoid, alright? Now then... Is everyone alright? Any outstanding injuries that need immediate attention?" She asks as she starts moving towards the door.
Thelergramor coughs a couple times, looks at his wounds. "...Dammit." Somewhere in his booze addled mind, it clicks that he should be more careful and/or control his temper, among other things. He lets Rainer take care of the wound on his torso, while taking his scarf and tieing that around his thigh. Thel chuckles softly. "Thanks, Rainer." Then glances over to the other door. Can't make out the words. As lucasiel speaks, Thel laughs, gestures to the two remaining unattended wounds on his body. "Yeah, I'm still bleeding. Not needing immediate attention, though."
Skade makes a slight tsk-tsk sound as she reaches for some medical supplies. Kneeling down next to the tiny liger, the honey bee begins assessing the damage. "I'm not exactly medically trained but one of the hermits in the zzwamp swore by these herbzz.." she says as her slender fingers begin unwrapping a bandage that seems to be covered in moss. "Perhapzz there are better supplies in the medical bay but I'll wager good coin that it's already been looted."
Fenris waves Skade away. "I'm fine," he says, carefully standing and looking back at the sealed door, "Can't believe I was downed by one of the Lost, though." The liger shakes his head and starts carefully down the hall. "And I lost Quicksilver too!" he says sadly, walking toward the new door.
"Shut up." There's a certain quiver in Rainer's voice as he snaps at Thelergramor, hissing through his teeth, as if he'd been trying to whisper. Even using all the wrapping both arms have to offer, it's barely enough to get around a torso more than a few times, likely to be bled clear through in only minutes. "Just... -shut up-." One last tug, to ensure they're as tight as he can hope to get them, and then he's pulling Theler's arm over his shoulders so he can help him down the hall. No need to worry about the pup trying to pull him along too fast, at least, Rainer's got a bit of a limp, himself.
After casting a glance over her shoulder, Lucasiel turns the handle on the medical bay door and ease it open. Slowly, at first, while she tries to peek around inside before stepping in fully, keeping her axe and shield at the ready. She had no clue what else would be awaiting them.
Thelergramor chuckles again, though he says nothing. Just lets Rainer pull him along. Thel keeps his axe in hand; doesn't have anything to say; was told to shutup. So, he does. He looks around the room, doesn't see much to be done for the moment.
Skade nods to Fenris as she stands up. Shame to let the bandage go to waste and so, she wraps it around her own arm, seeing as she managed to get a scratch in the scrap. "Very well. Let's get moving then. This place hazz obviously had visitors before. I do not think we will be able to find anything of value left." the honey bee says as she moves towards the medical bay, her boulbous rear swaying behind her as she moves. Her crusher obediently follows behind.