Poisoned Town - RPLOG
The weather today is thankfully free from rain for the moment, only scattered clouds dotting the area to help paint a slightly dreary picture. The Village that had sent out the call for aid, was no more than ten houses huddled together, with various shacks and smaller buildings for an inn, store, and what must be the healer's residence judging from the number of tents around it filled with sick.
The weather today is thankfully free from rain for the moment, only scattered clouds dotting the area to help paint a slightly dreary picture. The Village that had sent out the call for aid, was no more than ten houses huddled together, with various shacks and smaller buildings for an inn, store, and what must be the healer's residence judging from the number of tents around it filled with sick.
Infront of the healer's building, sits a older looking rat behind a small table, dressed in plague gear as he listens to a line of local townfolk one by one. "Yes yes, Timothy will be in tent one-alpha. Do not worry, I'll moniter him closely... Next?" Honestly, if that's the healer, it does seem like he's got his hands rather full!
Cassidy was terrible at medicine and anything more than wrapping something in a fabric and calling it bandaged. But, curious as she was, she was of course there. Dropping from the sky, hat, mask and all, she touches down a safe distance from the tents. Black cane tucked under her arm, she pauses to look around to sort out the situation in her mind.
Thelergramor approaches the tents slowly, whistling a dreary tune. Hat pulled low, scarf over face in a vain attempt to avoid disease. Walking slightly slouched over, hands in pockets. Doesn't appear to be in the best mood. Armed as heavily as always. Thel knows next to nothing about disease and healing, but came to gawk at the afflicted. And maybe help them.
Angus hums to himself as he heads the call for aid, the request for assistance against an unnatural illness something that intrested him as he twirls his callers staff a bit as he follows after Thelergramor, he knew not what had caused this illness, but he was more then willing to try and help as he walked into the village.
Dio approaches the village in all due haste, causing the equipment upon his body to jingle and clank about with each step. Within one hand, a small box of what one could assume are typical medical supplies while his other limb carries one slightly larger. The lion silently observers the unfortunate village, taking various mental notes before heading towards the healer and the rest of the growing group. "Afternoon," the lion greets, words slightly muffled by the cloth wrapped around his muzzle. "Freeswords are 'ere to 'elp ya out. Not to toot my own horn o' nothin', but I'm pretty good with an 'erb o' two if ya know what I'm sayin'."
Natska accompanies the other Freeswords to the stricken village, the jaguar following them with a brisk step. The village, as similar as it is to her own old home, causes her muzzle to wrinkle. The heavily geared healer also elicits a frown, and she moves in just a little closer to Angus.
The Rat's gaze rises at the commotion, a few of the villagers giving the group a wide berth. "Ah. You are not too late then, thank goodness. I apologize, my name is Traxico, I am the healer for this village. If all of you have a hand at healing, I will accept you all gladly... But if you do not, I have other tasks that are essentual to help." The Rat's voice is hollow from behind the metal mask, only two tired green eyes left to look out over the group as his bony hand beckons them forward... It seems the healer himself was suffering from the exhaustion of the workload, along with his own aparant age.
If they approach, it's easy to see -why- he was exhausted, as there were at least ten patients in tents right now, and judging from the size of the building behind him, perhaps another fifteen. Given the practice of rural families having large amounts of children, one can only assume at least half the patients are related in some way shape or form.
Cassidy tilts her head and draws closer, tipping her hat to both Angus and Natska as she goes. "Hello, cousin. Natska. Good to see you, if in grim circumstances, it would seem." Approaching the rat, the fennec says, "I'm no healer, but I will certainly do what I can to help with those other tasks, yes."
Thelergramor ceases his dreary tune, looking over the rat known as Traxico. Noting the good number of patients around, he grows slightly concerned. He nods to the others, Angus, Cassidy and Natska get a wave. Dio is unknown to the wolf, just gets the nod. The waving hand returns to his pocket as quickly as it left. "Right, medicine and healing, probably can't help with that. Can do other stuff to help, as you said. First though: Anyone die from this yet? Before that though, got another plague mask? I'd prefer to not get sick." His tone is bored or sad or something. Unhappy, he is.
Angus gives a tip of his hat in greeting to the others, his whistling trailing off into silence as he looks over the rat. "There are a few things I can do as a caller that might be able to help, my skills in medicine is mediocre at best sadly, but I will do what I can."
"It must be quite tough, lad," Dio responds to the rat with a small dip of his head. "Bein' the only healer 'round 'ere it seems an' all. If there's anythin' I can do, I brought some dullin' potions an' such to 'elp out a little. It won't cure anythin', but it should 'elp dull the pain a little at the least." Settling the larger box upon the floor, the lion opens the lid, revealing an assortment of common dulling potions ready for consumption. "Before gettin' to 'elpin' out with the villagers, we wouldn't mind tacklin' a task ya got. That's what the Freeswords are 'ere fer after all."
Natska raises two gloved fingers to the brim of her hat, saluting Cassidy with a faint smile. "Nice of you to drop in," she replies. Her attention moves back to the rat and she nods, ear flicking as she listens to the others. "Tell me how I can help. I am yours to direct." Her tail flicks and waves and she shoots Thel a curious glance, but decides now is not a time for questions, either.
Traxico raises an eyebrow at Thel, his head shaking as he reaches below the desk to pull a small cloth mask that he holds out. "One doctor, one plague mask. I put the warning in the job notice, I am sorry but this is all I can give." The Rat's tail flicking before he nods to Dio, then Angus with an interested perk to his ears. "A caller? Good, you can help the young ones who were only recently infected... As for the dulling potions, I'd like you to administer them to the critical ones inside. I do not know how much longer they have left, but I wish them to not pass in agony." Traxico slowly pushing himself to his feet, as he draws out a cane to lean on and walks closer to the group. "As for the other help... I have two areas I need assistance in. Firstly being, I have not heard from the Walker family today. They have the large house in the north east portion of the village, last I had heard yesterday was they were unaffected. If one could check upon them, I would appreciate it... The other more pressing task, is gathering resources. I've been working to try and find a cure, but I need more Horned Belcher spines from the swamp, and if you manage any, some black gop residue too."
Cassidy looks down at herself, then at the others. "I would be happy to go check on them. I was a scout and a runner in the army, so I am practiced at being swift." Flying also helps. "Is there anything I should be aware of before I depart? If not, I shall leave immediately."
Thelergramor shrugs. "Alright, no mask. I'll be fine though. Probably." Avoiding comments on 'passing in agony', Thel looks to the group,hearing Cassidy volunteer to check the house leaves him to volunteer for the spines. "Right, belcher spines. I'll get on that, then. See if I can't get the gop residue too." He scratches at this muzzle, turns to head off to find resources, glances back in case anyone wants to accompany him.
Angus gives Traxico a nod as he rests his staff in the crook of his arm. "Before I do that, could you point me to the your well please?" He asks, as his ears flick softly. "Then after that I will see what I can do for the young ones, before I take a look at the others." He answers as he wants to see if a hunch of his was correct.
Dio nods towards the rat with a distinct frown, but such is awfully hard to notice considering the cloth covering his face. "Very well," he agrees as he bends down and picks up the large box with a small grunt accompanied by the rattle of glass bottles within. "Awfully heart breakin'. I'll see 'bout catchin' up after doin' what I can 'ere. Maybe a few can live a bit longer so they can get this cure yer talkin' 'bout." After a nod towards the group, the lion heads towards the tents and begins administering dulling potions for critical individuals.
Natska frowns a little, but nods her head. "Alright. I won't turn up my nose at a dirty job." She looks over at Thelergramor again,and pats the wolf on the shoulder. "Gops are easy, nothing to worry about," she offers. "Cass? Angus? I am sure we will be fine, but if we get into trouble I'll call down a lightning bolt as a signal. Good luck, everyone." With that, she turns and begins making her way towards the swamp.
A quick motion from Traxico points angus to the direction of the well, and thankfully it isn't too far... Even better, given all the rain lately, it's full of water! So any work with it should be rather simple for the fox. Meanwhile, Traxico nods to Cassidy, and motions her with him as he begins to point out the house vagily. "Right there, Stone rabbit-folk on the porch. Hardy family, six children, four boys, and two girls. Mother and father both work delivering to and from the folks deeper in the swamps. If they have a red X on the door, I advise just peeking in a window and leaving."
As Dio begins to to administer the dulling potions to the critical individuals, it's aparant right from the start not only was this a terrible illness, but -painful- as well. Large sores cover their bodies, with most having lost more than half their fur. Blistors tend to form around anywhere they can scratch, and if disturbed give off a horrific stench all the same. More curious though, it seems the disease damages the eyes as well, small cateracts turning once bright pupils dull, with a milky white covering.
Natska and Thele don't have to travel long into the swamp thankfully, Horned Belchers are rather common, and soon they spy a group of four grazzing and minding their own business. The spines along their back relaxed, though ready to fire off like mini-arrows at a moments notice. No sign of a Black Gop yet though.
Cassidy gives a curt nod and steps back, preparing to take to the air. "What does the red X mean? That they are fine, or..?" She frowns a little behind the smiling mask. "If they're injured in there, I certainly don't want to leave them!"
Thelergramor crouches low, pulling his shortbow from his back and nocking an arrow. The arrow was coated with venom prior to coming here. Need to be prepared, never know when something needs to die. Glancing to Natska, gesturing for her to 'get down' as it were, he tries to avoid notice while lining up his shot.
Angus gives Traxico a nod as he walks over to the Well and leans over it to inspect the water, he frowns as he finds nothing. "Well, guess I was wrong about that." He mutters as he dips his staff into the water, taking a deep breath as he allows his staff to purify the water just in case. "Well, your water should be clean now." He states before he walks back over to Traxico and the coats. Turning he walks over to those on the coats, touching them with his staff each in turn as he sighs. "This should help them a little to resist the disease." He states, giving them a little help while still holding back in case he could help those more affected by the disease.
One by one, Dio gives numerous patients a fine dose of dulling potions, helping to at least ease the pain for the unlucky. "Stay strong fer me now," the lion says on occasion, practicing his bedside manner. "The healer says he's workin' on a cure o' sorts. Just needs some ingredients an' the Freeswords will be back with 'em soon." Along with the dulling potions, Dio calls upon a particular aspect of his soul; thermal therapy that warms the body and muscles, giving aid to the immune system and causing one to relax along with easing the pain.
Natska takes to stalking the swamps like a born predator. Which she is, really. She picks her way through patches of dryer ground, movements quiet, form low as she hunts; when they find the Belchers and Thel signals that he is going to take a shot, she nods, silently draws her sword, and begins circling the small group of amphibians so that she can flank them and pounce in at the same time.
"A red X, is a sign they have fallen too far to the disease. Many diseases carry a standard time till the infected expires but... It appears this one varies too rapidly family to family, even brother to brother. One day one will be laughing and fine, and the next... Hrm... It worries me. But since I've had the villagers wearing the masks at any time near the village, infection has dropped drastically." The Rat adjusts his own mask for a moment, before coughing gently as he waves Cassidy to the skies. "Go on then, just inform me if you see a X or not... If they are healthy, speak to them for me."
The patients are rather unresponsive for the most part, focused on breathing or merely trying to rest as Dio and Angus work with them. Though as Dio makes it to one of the more elderly patients, a heavy clan cow that was sadly a smidge too big for her cot, and so was on a bed of hay and pillows. "T-Thank you dear, you lot are a blessin'..." The dulling potions, and Angus' own work seems to be aiding most of them, as they are put to better ease, even more so as Dio's thermal therapy kicks in.
Luckily for Thel and Natska, the Horned Belchers seem completely ignorant of their presence, still happily munching and chewing. Though one -does- flash his spines for a moment, showing off how nice and razor sharp they were.
Cassidy hums softly and nods, launching herself into the air and off to search down that house. "I will be back shortly." Without another word, she's gone!
Thelergramor focuses in on the nearest Belcher, lining his shot up for placement to center mass. Even if it misses the heart, the poison still has a chance of dropping it later; if it even hits, that is. Seeing Natska get into position, the wolf lets fly his arrow.
Angus finishes off his rounds, doing his best to aid them as he walks past Dio. "Traxico, when did this this outbreak start if I may ask? Who was the first infected?" He asks, curiosity getting the better of him as he walks back over to them.
"Ain't a problem lass," Dio responds, a gentle smile growing underneath his cloth mask. "It's the duty o' Freeswords to 'elp anyone they can. I only wish I could 'elp ya more. I'll get some hot pieces o' cloth set-up fer ya an' then see 'ow the rest o' the group is doin'." Making his way towards the well, Dio searches for a bucket and some cloth in preperation of making a nice and warm hot towel to place upon the afflicted's heads.