The Golden Guard - RPLOG

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Outside the already slightly loud party taking place in the warehouse of Earl, a note-worthy plump enthusiast, and importer of fine foods, is an even louder occurance, a few guards getting hassled as they shove a few folks outside. "Get your tails out of here, you're a distruption." says one of the guards, just before his fine leather cap is pulled down roughly from behind, causing him to topple onto his rear. His partner grumbles and pushes the now laughing jackal out from behind the group. "Now clear out! Got enough of you inside we have to deal with." The group joins in the jackals laughter as they stand firm in place, an enormous heavy clan whale stepping forward to look at the guards. The group is drawing eyes from the few folks outside the party, whether in passing or on their way towards it.

A commanding voice, threaded through with irritation cut through the laughter. "What is going on here?" Angus scowled as he walked towards the group, making sure his presence is known so that the whale didn't try anything. It wasn't hard to tell that the fox was a commanding officer considering he wear his officers uniform, the lightbringers symbol stitched to the breast of it. "I thought there was a party, not a drunken brawl." He growled, crossing his arms as he cast his gaze on all of them.

Some heavy footsteps fall, as a figure makes its way towards the rowdiness occuring outside of the warehouse. The noise caught the badger's attention as he was walking towards the beach, and he'd decided to ease his curiosity by going to check it out. Cedric unceremoniously pushes some beings in the crowd out of the way as he walks closer to the source of the commotion.

Sierra is riding her golem along actually, a new one, this one unpainted, probably a test run. She's carrying a bottle in one hand and occasionally taking a swig from it with each of the rather large golem's steps. Spotting the faces and the incident, she peers at it, then leans forward and murmurs, "Sulpher, if you'd please." while pointing, giving the commands to the golem as needed. She doesn't hop down quite yet once it comes to a stop, though she does grin and says, "Hi there!"

Best to watch things from a distance first... when possible then act. Wulf is standing off on the otherside of the crowd and general uprowdiness, though when she hears some beasty mentions a party her ears flick a bit and she heads towards Angus, taking up his side and standing therer. "Indeed, parties are meant to be festive affairs."

From behind the group steps a small clan woman, a vampire bat. She's dressed well, and she drops her smile and salutes Angus. "Permission to speak sir!" she squeaks, in a rather serious tone. This draws the attention of the others in the group who look rather puzzled by it all. The whale turns back to the guards and pushes forward towards them, but doesn't move to go past them just yet, saying "Are you gonna let me back in to get at the eats?" As he does he leans inward, and once he has he says "I'll rack you good I will, if you won't." An elderly gentleman moves away as Cedric attempts to push through the crowd, giving him a scowl, and encouraging those near him to do the same. Sierra gets another curious look, the golem getting a look over, before the jackal laughs once and says "Hi yourself." Wulf gets to accompany Angus in recieving a stare from the bat.

Angus definitly didn't expect to have someone report to him, and his brow knit in anger. "Granted, make it fast." He commented sharply, an odd feeling playing at the back of his mind as he stared at her. He looked to Wulf and nodded as she came to support him, happy that he wouldn't have to fight anyone while his ribs were still healing.

Cedric turns his head as he passes through the crowd, quietly staring back at those deciding to scowl at him. The badger turned his head forward again to get a good look at the others present, waving to the golem-riding lioness quickly. He fixes his gaze on the heavy clan whale, tilting his head slightly before moving on to staring at the bat. He decides to stay quiet for now, and see what happens next.

Sierra looks at the bat, leaning back and forth on top of the golem. She leans back and slides down the back of the golem, landing with a few muttered curses. She brushes herself off, returning the wave to Cedric as she flips a few tools out and makes a few adjustments to the golem, watching the bat from the corner of her eyes. "What's the hurry? Hurrying back inside, all twitchy twitchy, eager for one thing, eager for another right?"

Wulf stands there staring at the bat, making a mental note to watch what she is doing and pounce on her should the need arise. Her ears flick about as she listens to otherthings, waitingfor the bat to speak.

The bat nods and says "Sir! You are a cad!" before bursting into laughter. The whole group joins in before the guards say "No, you have to leave now." The whale doesn't take this lightly, grabbing one of the guards and putting them in a tight grip, threatening to strangle them under his grasp. "I want to eat." This prompts the others in the group to back up, saying "C'mon Mike let it go! You're gonna get put down you big lug." The other guard takes a few jabs at the whale who seems to barely notice it.

Angus rolls his eyes in response. "I'll take that as a complement, as your a few bats short of a belfry." He smirked at his dry comeback, but it disappeared as the whale started to become hostile. Drawing his Rapier he uses it to tape the whale on the shoulder, making sure that the first thing they see when they turn is the razor sharp blade. "Excuse me sir, but if your that hungry I have a feeling that we could easily accommodate you. As long as your friendly."

Cedric keeps a pretty straight face at the exchange of words between the bat and Angus, and just quirks an eyebrow at her as he approaches. "You look familiar." the badger lies. He's pretty sure he's never seen her in his life. "Where have I seen you before?" he asks her, rubbing his chin with his thumb as if trying to figure it out.

Sierra leans forward and taps the golem a few times, murmuring commands and tying them together with gestures. The golem takes a pair of steps forward, stands up straight, rolls it's shoulders back and vents a quick burst of steam before hunkering down and watching the whale. It's in constant movement, head and hands twitching at the slightest movement of the twitchy one. Sierra then makes her way over towards Cedric and Angus, leaning forward and murmurs, "Anything I should actually be doing other than hoping one big thing works on another?"

Wulf stifles a giggle, her eyes turning towards the whale and Angus, getting ready to hurl herself at angus should the whale turn his attentions on him. "Well... ghetting a few big gaurds may help."

The bat seems perplexed, thinking about the circumstances leaves her confused. She stops laughing and shakes her head. "I don't think so..." The whale turns to greet Angus, turning his whole body slowly, the guard still in hand comes face to face with the blade instead of the whale. "They said I couldn't eat no more. Said we all had to leave." he says, the guard still flailing and pulling at the grasp. Sierra is mostly ignored, the golem is not however, a few of the group moving to stand between the whale and it. Another guard shows up, throwing out a ashy feline carrying some hammers. "But..." the quiet lynx says, before the guard looks down at them and says "You're upsetting the guests." The feline retorts with "I was standing...", which recieves a swift "Go home apostate." from the guard, who turns to leave but stops when he sees the gathering and the struggling guards. He hefts his spear up and says "Release him at once!"