A chance for change - RPLOG

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The overcast skies are showing the colors of sunset. The promise of rain not too far off is apparent in both the dark clouds on the horizon and the smell in the air. With a bit of bribery, investigation or luck, the lot of you have come across a small gathering of covered wagons, set up as booths. In the back, near the edge of it all, a hooded cloaked figure converses with a tiger shark dressed like a tough. Sitting closer to the wagon proper, a diamond back wearing a clean jerkin with a vest over it and fitted trousers has his arms crossed and the brim of his bowler hat pulled down over his eyes while he waits . A quick look around would show others, just out of sight, watching both in and out.

After tinkering with her machines for a little while, Mirana decided to head out for a walk. There was a ton on her mind. She seemed to be in a bit of haze, and normally wouldn't walk this way, but this is the way she walked when she meet Eriene, and she needed comforting memories right now. Walking along, her pack full of her tools, and her staff clanking as she goes. She passes by the wagons before she notices a thing, luck being the only thing that brought her here. She looks around, a bit of curiosity striking her. �What? Humm, hello there?� she calls out to the diamond back.

A strange group of beings doing strange things! The rumors sounded very promising to the heavily armored badger. It could be the same kidnappers as before! Though giving it some real thought, he had to admit to himself that it wasn't likely to be the case. Well, whatever this shady group is dealing in; he'd like to know. And possibly get paid for it. Payback for the other evening would only sweeten the deal. He managed to find the location where their wagons were stopped, and stood a fair distance away, considering his options in the matter. The last time they'd tried talking to someone directly about their evil plots, it didn't really work out as planned. And then he saw Mirana call out to the diamondback being and shook his head quietly before moving towards the vulpine noble for backup.

Selena is quite clearly not too comfortable with the atmosphere, not that she makes any attempt to hide it. After a brief look around the square, into the alley she goes with a shake of her head and a muttered comment to herself. Upon sighting Mirana, there's a nod of acknowledgement. Cederic affords a similar greeting from the wolfess before she looks over at the congregation of beings.

Having heard of these strange rumors as well, Ictus wanders nearby. He blinks as he spots Mira and hmms, "Hey Mirana, what brings you here?" he glances at the wagons and then to the diamond back casually, though taking everything in catiously

Bite sways towards the wagons with a stretch and a giggle. These wagons look interesting, and that diamond back seems important, he's getting a lot of attention. Mirana addresses him first but she moves on up to him properly, waiting her turn for conversation as he is clearly conversing with someone. She'd heard about strange things and strange happenings, could he be involved?

The diamond back grins and whistles. The two figures at the edge of the camp look over, nod and split up. The shark goes to stand near the lead cart while the cloaked figure climbs onto the second cart. He then flicks his hat up and steps forward in one smooth action, calling out, "Good evening, welcome welcome, welcome to the show. I'm sure the lot of you must be rather curious, what with the prime locale and all. We're here to offer a unique service, one you'll never find anywhere else and we're here to do it for a price you can afford." Then he steps forward, grinning to each of the arrivals. He holds his hands up and adds quickly, "I'll promise you there's no tricks to this. What we offer is the chance to be something else. You'd be surprised how flexible the boundries of our bodies are!" As his hands drop, he looks to the arrivals, starting with Mirana he says, "You seem a mite lost, are you after our services or were you about for other reasons?" Cedric's given a wary glance, a swift gesture leading the shark to stand nearby in case he starts something. Then he begins laughing as he looks to Ictus and Selena and gestures them closer. The giggle gets a curious look, then he offers a bow and says, "And you, how can we help you?"

Mirana looks to the diamond back and eeps slightly when Cedric comes up behind her. She nods and feels a bit better for having him about. However, these feelings deminish again when she noticed Selena and all her... friend? gives her is a nod. �Hello Selena.. how are you today?� she says a bit of hope in her voice. That is when she hears Ictus and she smiles again, �Cousin! How are you? Umm.. how.. how are the... umm. gems?� she asks, her tails actually wagging a bit behind her. She looks to Bite and just shakes her head. Then she watches what is going on and her head tilts, �Services? What, kind of services?� she asks, watching the whole display. �What is in the carts if I might ask?� curiosity over the whole thing starting to get to her.

Ictus ponders something and sighs, he hmms? at the diamond back and shrugs. He looks to Mira and nods, "They're fine, I'm wearing them now..." it is to be noted that he has two half gems in addition to his main pendant. He hmms a bit and steps up to Mira to whisper something to her before heading out with a wave, "Sorry, I have something to attend to."

Cedric tilts his head at the previously cloaked figure, wondering exactly what is going on here. He offers a polite nod to the others who've gathered... the rumors he heard about this group were possibly exagerated in their shadiness... but still. He does wonder what kind of services they're trying to peddle here. "The chance to be something else?" he asks, casting a look of doubt at the being.

Selena quirks a brow, curiousity piqued. She offers the familiar serpent and fox small waves, taking a tentative step forward. "I'm here on behalf of the Ironsoul Defenders. I didn't hear anything about this... changing thing, unless beings have the wrong idea about it. I doubt you'd tell me how it works, but it can't hurt to ask. I think I'm comfortable in my own skin for now, though." The vixen's reply yields a slight roll of her eyes as she flashes her a smile. "I've been fine, Mirana. Shouldn't you be taking care of your new station, or keeping your kits somewhere safer than Mange Square of all places? They just described their services."

Bite giggles again and looks to the diamond back, letting the shark spin his yarn. "Hello sssweeetie, isn't it a nice day?" she hisses as she listens to the shark, finally replying when she is spoken to with a "I heard rumors of strange things and strange folks, I thought it might be worth seeing on a fine day like this." The serpents ways in place, watching the others in the group. "What would I want to be something else for though?"

The snake frowns as a few wander off already. He chuckles, offers a bow to the remainder and says, "My apologies for being vague, it's just going to be hard for the lot of you to believe without proof and if I'd lead in with it, you'd not have stuck around for even that. I'm Fuller, we offer the chance for you to change yourself, whether it be your species or even your gender. We're not here to laugh, we're here to make money and offer a service that can't be matched anywhere else." Glancing to Mirana, he says, "Though I'd be cautious in your case, we haven't dared try it with the pregnant sort." He taps his chin and adds, "With that, we do have to mention, there is some chance of risk, though if something happens we'll do our best to fix it." Cedric's given a grin after as the snake continues, "Now now, don't be like that, perhaps you'd like to try being something bigger, something smaller, something prettier?" He laughs once more and adds in a more somber tone, "Really though, we can do it and if we get a volunteer we'd be happy to do a quick demonstration." Finally, Selena's question is noted, "Giving away the secret would give us competition and until we're established, I'm sure you understand." He looks to Bite lastly, "Those rumors are likely mixed, it's the nature of rumors, though I won't lie that we're not a weird sort or somesuch."

Mirana sighs softly and shakes her head, "My station is, and shall always be to the people of Sweetwater, how I can best preform that, may change Selena. And as for me and my kits, we are doing fine, but thank you for your concern. How is Arimia?" she says. She nods to Ictus and takes note of his whisper, looking back to the snake and his offers of a change and she answers Selena again as she talks, "I heard very clearly what you are offering, what I'm asking is exactly what these services are, and how they are accomplished, but I hear now that you have no entintions of explaining such. If you don't mind, I could look myself." She offers. She looks to Cedric for a bit of support in this. "And Bite brings up a good point as well, rumors conflicting or not, some answers are needed before anyone should haphazardly accept themselves into such a situation." She looks clearly to the snake as she finishes.

Cedric shakes his head in response to the snake, "Ah... I'm actually comfortable with what I am." he says honestly, tapping at his own arm as he considers the idea. It's an interesting idea, and he'd like to see a demonstration, honestly... but he can't actually think of anything he'd want to physically change about himself. "I guess if you want to give a small demonstration though, nothing weird, I'll volunteer." he says finally, with a nod.

Selena chuckles and nods. "I do understand that, Fuller. There's no such thing as no competition, though. You're always competing against nothing, and water math can make some small changes. Nothing on this scale, if what you're saying is true." She replies, tapping her foot on the ground for a moment as she says her piece. Cederic's volunteering is met with an appreciative nod before she looks over her shoulder to Mirana. "By joining a military unit while pregnant. Good job, Mirana, good job. Arimia's fine." She replies, an ear flicking back as she shakes her head.

Bite nods and tilts her head. "Well being weird and strange is nothing to be ashamed of, it's just different. So sssweetie, what sort of pitch could you offer to someone who is completely happy with themselves? I'm proud of who I am." she hisses and smiles. She watches cedric expectantly.

Fuller looks over his shoulder and gestures the cloaked figure over. The figure coughs into his hand, then says in a low voice, "We're using something a bit beyond simple water math miss. What we use can become permanent with the proper preperations and the proper costs." Looking to Cedric, he then asks with a hint of amusement, "What is it you'd like to change? Perhaps you'd like to spend time as another species for a short time, or perhaps as a female? No, no of course not, but you'd be surprised at the options available." He coughs into his hand after and steps back, nodding to Fuller. One might notice the shark has stepped closer as Mirana talks. Fuller looks to her and says, "Now miss, I know we're relying a bit too much on airy words, but I'd think we weren't that obscure. We're offering the chance to change things, but we're not showing the details for business reasons." Selena's comments are given a curious look, then he leans back and converses with the hooded avian. A few nods before he resumes, looking to Bite, "Everyone has some form of curiosity, it need not be permanent, but should you try it and like it.." While chatting, the crane, Barnabe wanders off towards the second trailer once more.

Mirana just shakes her head to Selena, "Yes, a good job. I haven't seen Lady Kilsa in months, haven't got word from Arimia either. And not for lack of trying. But I digress." And she looks over to Cedric in shock, "I... won't stop you Cedric, but, are you sure that is wise?" she asks. "And Bite makes a good point, from my fur pattern to my species, there isn't anything I'd change about myself." she says. Then, back to Cedric, "I mean, they even say themselves that they are unsure about this." TO Fuller she says, "If would you oblidge me by letting me take a look, I'd be put more at ease about this. If she notices the movements of the others, she doesn't seem to show it.

Cedric chuckles politely, shaking his head at the mention of becoming female. He looks to Mirana, raising his shoulders in a casual shrug. "Probably not." he replies with another laugh. He doesn't seem too worried about it. And if they start anything that seems too dangerous, he's sure between the others there's a lot of math to be flung if things go south. "Well... I guess I could spend some time as another type of being for a while." he muses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully and trying to come up with some ideas. "To be honest though, I don't really think I have enough crown on me, for this."

Selena nods, smiling slightly. "I'm aware. But for some smaller alterations, it becomes competition. Of course, that depends on your difinition of 'small', too." She reiterates. A brief pause and she turns back to Mirana. "Then we'll continue this talk later." She says simply, fishing through her bag for a moment. "I have crown at hand, Cedric. How much are you charging?" She queries, looking over to Fuller with a questioning look.

Bite giggles and looks Cedric over, a smirk coming to her face. "You would make a nice Mamba." she hisses, her tone rather teasing, although it carries a great deal of sarcasm as well. "Yes how much does it cost?" she asks curiously, thinking the situation over. "A secret process we know nothing about, would be hard to gauge price wise, you might be overcharging folks without them knowing, but, since yours is the only claim of this I've heard..."

The snake looks at Mirana, works his jaw a few times, then shakes his head and says, to Cedric with a grin, "Well, I'm sure we can sort out a price if you're actually interested in trying. It's your choice ultimately. We might have another volunteer if you're unsure though." He holds a finger up for him and calls out, "Any other takers?" before gesturing a recent addition, a mouse, a scrawny little guy, not quite small clan, but he probably wasn't far from it. He stops though as Selena offers money, leaning forward to chat with the mouse before sending him to Barnabe. "Well sir, what would you like, if you're working that out?" Bite's given a bit of a smirk, mostly for the obvious fishing. "As for the price, due to the materials we used, it'll be fifty thousand for something simple, one hundred thousand for more. We can do it permanently for something a bit more.. substantial."