Deserted Temple - RPLOG

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A lone cougar stands waiting a pre-designated spot along the road, his cane planted firmly against the ground as he shuffles through notes with one hand. From time to time he may be heard mumbling something to himself such as "Yes, yes of course... that would disturb the..." as he impatiently shuffles, awaiting a response to his posting. It's not everyday that you uncover a temple in the desert.

Zevran approaches the cougar from the direction of Firmament, his large sword sheathed across his back. The sword might be the only significant way of identifying Zevran to any folk who had met him before, since his current serpentine form was much different than his usual form. "So, you're the one who found the temple?" He asks the cougar once he gets within earshot.

Kilsa smiles as she walk behind Zevran. A hammer is slung over her shoulder as she listen to Zevran and the cougar. She decided to listen before speaking as she watched the two intently.

Arimia walks down the road leading past the farm toward the desert, wearing a heavy cloak, dark blue in color, obscuring most of her pink fur. A fox is following along behind her. Spotting the familiar form of the badger she makes her way to join Kilsa, stopping beside the much larger woman.

Emell heads from the way of Firmament as well. Instead of his normal clothes, he has shed them in favor of some heavier chain armor, a small buckler, and a war hammer that is clutched in his left hand. In his right is, you guessed it, another book, this one about how to disern north when your lost. His soft clinking would give him away even if you weren't actively listening for him. Upon hearing voices, he stops, and puts the book away.

Selena drops down from the sky, landing in a puff of air magic at a reasonable distance to prevent any sand from spraying up on the group that's congregated nearby. She jogs up to the group and nods her acknowledgement to Kilsa and Arimia, waiting for any information to be divulged or action to be taken.

The cougar squints at Zevran and says "You again?! So you... oh that's right... you're here about the temple aren't you? Well it's quite a sight, it's treacherous to get into though I can't quite unravel what's down there on my own at my age." he says as he looks over the group. "Quite the menagerie we have here... hopefully some of you have some brains..." he says before squinting at Kilsa and Zevran. "Don't go smashin what you don't understand, got it?"

Mirana follows close behind Arimia, she was ready for a long excursion in the woods, not out in the desert. She pants abit, "Miss Arimia, this won't be counting against me on my assignment will it now?" she asks. When they join Kilsa, Mira is quick to curtsey, "Good afternoon My Lady Ironsoul," thinking this close enough to offical to be formal about things, "Miss Arimia has braught me out here and I hope to do good by you both." She turns to look everyone over, taking note of Selena and Emell before looking to Zevran and the cougar, "Oh, I assure you, there is some intellect here, not all brawn." And she leans against her staff while waiting for either Kilsa or Arimia to give her her next orders.

Zevran chuckles at the cougar's comment. "As long as whatever it is doesn't try to smash me first." He responds to the cougar before looking at the rest of the group that has assembled. He gives a friendly smile to those he recognizes, and a nod to the rest. He shifts his gaze back to the cougar, wondering when they will go to the temple.

Kilsa smiles, "I won't smash anything that doesn't attack me first. And rest assured that I'll asked the smarter ones of our collection what is smashable and what isn't." She winked at the cougar, "Just because I'm heavy folk doesn't mean I don't have a little grace and tact." She chuckled, "So what are the dangers we may face?"

Arimia flicks her tail glancing at Mirana as the fox asks her question. "You could have continued to clear out the forest, yet you chose to come out here. All choices have impact," the 'coon says, quite simply, before turning back to listen to the conversation, humming softly.

Selena smirks at Kilsa's comment, shaking her head bemusedly. "Hopefully there won't be too many things actively trying to kill us down there." She comments, directing a friendly wave to Mirana. "Good to see you again."

Emell nods and adjusts the buckler on his arm up just far enough to be able to grip his weapon in both hands. "Well, as long as nothing decides to come to life, I won't be smashing anything. If something tries to kill me...well, I can't vouch for my actions then." He says, as he glances to the cougar, then around to everyone present as he continues to listen to the conversation.

The cougar sneers at Emell before shaking his head. "This way, watch your step and don't fall into a crater, it could be perilous." he says as he guides the group along the road into the desert, in the distance a very clear line of craters can be seen, which the cougar leads the group towards. As they approach them he points to a single, very large crater with a stone structure sticking out of it. "That there used to be a dune of sand, now it's all uncovered and ready to go in. Trouble is the door is blocked, you gotta go in the hole in the top." he says as he points with his stick to a portion where the ceiling had collapsed. "I suppose you all have some rope?"

Mirana follows the cougar with caution, making sure not to get too far ahead or behind Kilsa and Arimia, "Of course Miss Arimia, just means I'll have to work twice as hard when I get back then." She says still determined. When they get to the crater, she looks about, holding her staff in one hand. She whistles a bit at the expanse, "Well, rope I wasn't expecting to need, but a bit of math can solve that problem." and she gets to calculating what it would take to propel herself across, gesturing as she prepares a spell, "Unless you don't think that a good idea Miss Arimia or Lady Kilsa." she says looking to her superiors.

Zevran glances at the craters as the group moves through the desert. "I see you've been busy." He says to the cougar as they approach the temple. He takes a few moments to look at the portion of the temple sticking out of the ground. "Damned rope. Why can't there ever be a staircase." He mutters quietly to himself. "It had better be some strong rope." He says so that the others can hear.

Kilsa reaches into her travel bag and pulls out a little bit of rope, "I don't think this will enough. I only uses for hunting and turning in a bounty." She looks around, "Any of you math experts can come up with someone that doesn't involve rocketing yourself or anyone else along?" She smiles at Mirana, "I would hate to have you get hurt in case something goes wrong." She explains.

Arimia flicks her ears slightly and lowers her hood, then shrugs off her cloak revealing her tentacled form. She hands the cloak to Kilsa. "Hold this Miss Ironsoul." She starts to fish around in her things before pulling out a lengthy coil of rope. "This should be enough. One of us has jus' gotta climb up there. No flyin' 'cause I'd rather avoid bein' blinded by desert sand. So. Who is up for some climbin'? I can if nobody else wants to."

Selena shrugs. "Sure, I can check the lock on the door or just remove it completely if you're too worried about using air math. I don't see a problem with it." She nods to Mirana, then back to the group. "Though I'm not very good with locks. I can take a look at the door while Arimia - or whoever else - is climbing, but don't expect any results."

Emell blinks. "Well, I'm not sure how good of a climber I am, but I can give it a shot if nobody else is going to?" He says, hesitantly looking at how high the ceiling is from where he is standing. He's silently hoping that someone else wants to climb to the roof, because he'll probably fail--and that's the last thing he wants to happen.

The cougar looks expectantly at the group, sighing to himself before he begins to slowly scale the walls. He jams his walking aid into a crack in the wall land begins to climb up upon it, repeating this step as he makes a little ground.

Mirana stops her spell work and looks over to Arimia and Kilsa, then around the group. "Well, I'm not sure a bridge made of sand would work, and if it were ice we'd likely just slip off of it, or it would melt. But, Miss Selena? Miss Arimia? If you think between the three of us we could make a solid bridge or stair out of the material around, I'd be willing to assist. I'm not much on climbing to be honest." And she looks to Kilsa, feeling that she's disappointing yet again.

Zevran watches as the cougar starts to climb the temple, chuckling a little at the sight. "I'm not much of a climber. But I could try to throw one of you smaller folk up there if you want." He suggests.

Kilsa smiles and switches her soul gems, "I would probably suggest against throwing anyone but I can take another up this wall pretty easily Mirana hop on may back and keep a good grip on my armor." She looks at the wall and visualizes the climb with the mind set of a ninja. "This wouldn't be that hard." She started to do a light serious of stretches, "Climb on. I'm ready."

Arimia gives a small shake of her head at the fox, saying, "Not all problems are solvable with math." She hands the rope to Kilsa and steps back slightly, tilting her head to look up and watch. She glances away briefly as a large spiked form stomps through the sands toward her quickly revealing itself to be a golem. The 'coon says, "About time you caught up, oaf."

Selena nods to Mirana. "We're not going to find much in the sand around here that's useful, I don't think. If people are so worried about the sand goign everywhere from air magic, we can jut glass a little bit of ground and the problem's solved for long enough, if we're not summoning hurricanes to pull everyone up." the wolf chuckles at Zevran's idea, "I wouldn't need to be thrown to get up there, but that doesn't mean I could pull everyone else up." She paces back and looks up the wall critically.

Emell looks up at people climbing the wall and exhales softly. "Well, hopefully throwing sand everywhere will be the least of our problems on this trip.." He says, reluctantly, as he looks up at the wall somewhat. "Also..throwing might be a bad idea..what if your aim is off?" He left it at that, because he didn't feel like going into detail.

Kilsa scales the wall with ease, Mirana in tow, as she and the old man reach the top at relatively the same time. The old man looks down at the remaining adventurers and shakes his head. "Is this really what we've all come to?" he says and waves his staff at them. Turning around he can see there is already a rope up top, multiple ropes to be exact. It seems there are already visitors. "I knew I shouldn't have left. Look at this. Get up here and hurry." he says as he throws one of the ropes down the wall, the other remaining where it is, leading into the structure.

Mirana hops off of Kilsa's back and looks down into the room, then to the rope leading inside. Being a bit too eager to prove herself, she grips the rope between her gloved hands and gives it a tug to insure it is secure. "Allow me the honor of checking inside Lady Kilsa, if it is unsafe I'll be sure to report back up as quick as I may." and she takes the rope, preparing to lower herself in, but waits at the edge of the opening for Kilsa's command before going any farther.

Zevran watches silently as the cougar reaches the top and tosses a rope down. He pulls on the rope to make sure it is secured before climbing to the roof. "Looks like somebody beat us here. At least this trip won't be boring." He comments as he looks at the other ropes.

Kilsa looks at Mirana and smiles, "Crusader Training 101, Your tougher than any mathematician but you need to take hits so they can summon earthquakes, flames or oceans. We will both go and if its unsafe I will count on you to ensure that the damage is minimized to everyone." She smiles and grabbed a rope, "Lets be off then."

Arimia grabs one of the ropes tossed down and starts to climb up after, her golem moving to climb as well. The metal construct simply climbs up the wall of the temple however, using sharp claws to make handholds. She takes her cloak back from be badger, securing it on herself and raising the hood. "I'm going to follow a short way in, not all the way to the ground, just enough that my silhouette isn't visible against the sun shinin' in through the hole, then I'll wait there to relay an all clear or an indication we're all needed down there, if you need to keep quiet for some reason."

Selena sighs quietly. "Well, that works too." She chuckles quietly, and climbs up. "Can't say I came prepared, can I?" She quips to the Cougar upon reaching the top, waiting for Kilsa and Mirana to give an all-clear or other notification it's fine to proceed.

Emell is right behind Selena almost as he grabs a rope and climbs up to the top as well. "Well, I'm sorry that I forgot to bring a rope." He says to the cougar as he looks at the hole, but stays far enough away so as not to give away the fact that whoever--or whatever--is inside there now has company.

Once the group is up top, the cougar allows Mirana and Kilsa to take the lead inside. The inside is partially lit by sunlight, the inside looks almost baren. Against the door sits a pile of sand and rubble that fell in when the ceiling collapsed, and along one of the walls is a large gash in it, only large enough for sand to trickle in through, as evident by the sand at the base of it. At the end of the room is a large staircase, going downward.

Mirana steps down off of Kilsa's back once more and looks around in the dim light. She mutters a bit and looks back to her Lady, "Give the word Lady, and I'll make a small flame so we may have some better light.???" But she is distracted by a curious crest on a nearby wall. She takes a couple of steps closer to it, "Kilsa... I vaguely remember this, this crest." She bends down as if to pray a moment, holding her medallian close to her. Hiding her actions as best she can from Kilsa, she opends a belt pouch and takes out a soul gem, opens the hidden compartment in the medallian and swaps the gems, and when done, stands back up thinking over all the Noble Houses she'd studied and anything she may have heard about older royality, nobility, and religions. As she thinks she looks back to Kilsa, "I'm sorry Lady, but if you want that flame it will take me a moment."

Zevran seems a bit discontent as he watches Kilsa and Mirana descend into the temple. "Maybe I should just go in there myself. Not like any folk in there would be a problem. I hate waiting." He grumbles quietly, not loud enough for anybody else to hear. "So, you have any clue what might be down there?" He asks the cougar as he waits to see if Kilsa and Mirana find anything.

Kilsa the moment the badger is inside she switches her soul gems, "Ahh... Back to normal." She says before look at Mirana, "Take as long as you need, I need the time to change out this gem any way. The bottom slot of my necklace sticks a bit." She grumbled as she looked over the ruins while still fumbling with the gem.