Finding the Killers - RPLOG

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For once, it seemed the weather was clear for the spectacle that was about to unfold. Clear skies letting sunlight shine down on a group of twenty some guards standing outside of the entrance of the sewers... Equiped with a menagirie of weapons, including tower shields, muskets, and even zweihanders! Infront of the group of guards, there is Captain Lunaxia standing with her repeating crossbow at the ready and helmet pulled down to just over her eyes. Her gaze stuck upon the entrance to the sewers as she stares into the darkness of the system with a morbid gaze.

Rixo quickly arrives on the scene, hammer slung over her back. Expecting the corridors to be small, she had opted to rely on her spear and kite shield today. "Finally. We can get a chance to end this. Are there guards watching the exits streetside, so they cannot escape?" She asks of the new captain, enjoying the brief sun exposure on her... Armour... While she could, before they had to head in.

Selena makes her way to the sewer's entrance, the wolfess looking much the same as any other day in comparison to Rixo, though really - being a mage it's hard to tell if she's brought any different spells. "Rixo, Lunaxia." She greets, stretching out a little before shrugging. "I'd like to hope so. Otherwise storming the sewer would be pointless. What are we expecting, Lunaxia?"

Cedric makes his way to the scene, gun and dagger at the ready under his cloak, and several new spells prepared for the apprehension of the criminals this time. He, too, had been looking forward for some resolution. Murder is bad enough on it's own, but having seen someone mourn their close family in such a visceral way for the first time in his life, it was inexcusable to this badger! Hell, some beings had parents that didn't even want them! It was outrageous.

At any rate, Cedric comes up to Lunaxia, the guards, Rixo and Selena with a wave and a grim expression. "It's about that time, huh? Good to see you all." he greets the assembled, bowing his head politely. "Just let me know what I can do, and I'll do my best." he swears solemnly, clutching a hand to his chest in salute.

Asher patters onto the scene, apparently hale and healthy once more. The pudgy little dog looks a little less cuddly than usual today, his normal casual clothes swapped out for dangerous looking combat leathers (that conveniently suck in his tummy) and several carefully placed knives and firearms. The round, smiling face sticking out of it all seems completely out of place. "Asher, reporting for duty, Captain Lunaxia!" he says cheerily, his tone belaying his worry.

Issi is there, not quite entirely by accident. But she couldn't stay away from a gathering like this. She walks up to the group wordlessly. Not with weapons drawn, not yet. She was on their side. She hmms... Sewers. Lovely. Still she's not deterred. Seems they could use all the help they can get.

Today, Brutus appears stripped of much of his finery. No jewels, no expensive silks --simply some plain armor and ill-fitting work clothes. He looks somewhat ridiculous, but his mein was a steely snarl, forged by hate and fueled by rage--he certainly didn't seem in the mood to countenance any jokes or interference. He seems to only be armed by his nasty mood, a retinue of Creator machines, a pistol, and an old, dull rusty dagger that couldn't possibly stand up to the cheapest armor. Now why would he bring that?

Lunaxia turns her attention to the group as they begin to assemble, her gaze finally leaving the dim confines of the sewers as she clears her throat. "I have taken the precautions... If they truly are down here, they will not escape this day." The mouse girl turning to make her way to the side some as she stands on a nearby crate, the grouping of guards surrounding the freeswords and their captain as they look up to her when she speaks.

"I am not Titanus... If I had my way, I would never replace him. But he was stolen from us, along with many others, by the hands of mad men... Mad men whom seek to bathe the streets in the blood of our friends and family." A long pause is givin by her as she glances to the entrance once more before looking back to the group. "... But I will -not- allow them to do this! No more is what the crowds chanted when they lynched and beat anyone slightly fighting the definition of the killers, and this day that is what we shall cry when we lead them from their cells, and down into the executioners axe! No more will we live in fear of the deaths of those we love, no more shall we be forced to stare upon their grizzly work while they gloat and laugh from the shadows!"

The Captain's hand lashes out to point to the entrance of the sewers as she snarls slightly, ears flicking back. "They hide amongst the refuse of our city, they are comfortable in there believing it's expanse will keep them safe! They have laid traps for us, they have prepared to try and kill us all. But they will be wronged on this day, for they will have nothing to gloat over as the combined might of the guards and freeswords pull them out from the shit they call home!" She gives a swift nod before looking back over to the guards and freeswords. "More squads of our fellows are inside already, clearing many of the corners of the sewers... As such, two paths remain through here. One to the right, and another to the left. Ten of my guards shall man this exit here, ready for anything. The others shall follow me to the left of the fork. Freeswords, you are givin the opportunity to take the right of the fork. If you find them, do not hesitate to strike for they will give you -no- pause! Expect every corner to hold a trap, and if you cannot take them alive, then kill them and bring me their heads."

Rixo turns her spear up and thumps the butt of it on the ground, nodding. "I shall certainly enjoy watching them perish." Looking towards Brutus she gives a curt nod. "I will be sure to do my best to make sure you get the chance to give them your proper... Response." Indeed, if she had her way there would be no cell for them. She would make sure they died down there, denied any trial or even burial, save whatever their bodies landed in.

Selena whistles quietly as the other beings cluster around the entrance of the sewers, nodding in recognition to the beings she's familiar with. "Brutus, I haven't seen you for a long while." she notes, whistling quietly. "Cedric, Asher. I'm glad to see you're both here after last time."

Selena does, however, tap her cheek. "I hope you don't mind it if they're a little singed, Lunaxia. You might remember I'm not the best at cutting things off, so I'll probably be trying to burn them. Speaking of -" She replies, conjuring up her fiery doppelganger beside her - though away from the rest of the group - "If you'd like I can send the elemental in ahead of us to scout for traps or provide light. If it's too much then I'll leave it a bit behind for support. If I do find and kill them, then I'll be more likely to drag their bodies back to you than just their heads."

"Understood." Cedric replies to Lunaxia after listening to her stirring speech, hanging his head respectfully at the mention of poor Captain Titanus. The badger nodded in agreement with Selena's sentiments, having no intention of even -trying- to take the fiends alive, if the others shared his desire for revenge, then all the better. But he didn't think any among them would object to justice served without trial, specifically not Brutus.

"Yeah, I... I need to see this through." he replies to Selena with a nod, keeping his arms pinned at his sides. He nods to Asher, Issi and... he finds it difficult to look in Brutus direction, but he manages a very polite bow to the obviously grief-stricken blackback, but says nothing further. He turns back to Lunaxia, ready to venture into the sewers.

Asher cheers along with the rest of the enthusiastic guard at Lunaxia's speech, something way down deep in his cuddly little doggy heart rising at the idea of the hunt! The little tailor reflects that on any other day he would feel ashamed of that, but seeing the madness in Brutus's eyes caused by these murders, he can't bring himself to feel sorry for their quarry at all today. The little canine checks carefully over his gear once more before following the well armed crowd toward the tunnels.

Brutus spares a grim nod to those who recognize him, though his expression does not deviate from the short, straight line. His mouth hardly seems to open as he speaks, his voice at once colder than a Thera'dorean winter and burning hotter than the sun: "Keep one alive. For me." A big, fleshy hand wraps around the hilt of that dull, rusty knife at his waist as he follows the mob.

Issi stays silent. She'd heard the rumors and the news reports. A moment later the snake has both her daggers drawn in a streak of crimson, murderers deserve no mercy, and she was fresh out. Fortunately for them, its more likely they'll die before she's done with them. A unsettling breeze starts to kick up around her. They don't scare her, they should be scared.

Lunaxia hops down from the box as the group of guards cheer, ten of the more larger heavy clan seperating to round around Lunaxia as she readies her crossbow. Her left hand extending to pull out a torch to light as she begins to wade into the water as she begins to push forward. "Send your elemental forth if you desire, we checked up to the fork for traps and found them all clear. I'd personally suggest keeping it at the ready though, if the docks showed anything, it's that these two are anything but unskilled." The Captain and her group not seeming to pause in wait for the group as they push down into the sewers on their way to the fork.

The remaining guards at the entrance are quick to pull out bits of metal and wood to help construct a barricade along the sides of the exflow from the sewers, muskets and crossbows trained and at the ready as the group is left with only forward to go...

As they would walk through the sewers after the guards, they'd find themselves wading through water that was hot to the touch, though not enough so as to burn them. A good two and a half feet of it helping to slow them all down, though it's nothing to cause any major delay, as soon after they'd arrive with the guards at the fork in the path. Lunaxia turning around to look over them all as she clears her throat. "Here is where we part. May right and justice serve you, and remember a bounty of ten thousand crowns each for whomever hands me their heads."

The path to the right for the freeswords to take was dimly lit, causing many to need to squint most likely as it seems the killers had worked to try and cut off the majority of light sources in the sewers... There's no telling what sort of traps or plans could be waiting for them down there.

Rixo gives a polite nod to Selena as well, as she starts off after the captain and her guard, shield and spear at the ready as she slogs on through the water, armour and all. Even with the murderers having water math, she was confident that naught but the mightest wave in the sea could topple her plate-clad self. "It's good to see you, Selena, even in such awful circumstances. And yes, I will try to keep one alive for you, Brutus. We're going to make them feel dread and fear before we kill them. Maybe make them watch as the other dies?"

Selena sighs quietly, looking back to the sewer entrance. "Well, then... As much as I'd usually say that beings should receive fair trial, this I think will be fair enough." She notes, shaking her head. "I don't like killing beings, but if it'd save other beings..."

The wolfess looks over to Issi as she draws her weapons, then Brutus and Cedric again. "I remember that. It was impressive to say the least. I'm sad to see beings like that waste their talents. I want to know what went wrong - if there's a diary or anything like that, please. I'd like to see it."

With that, the vaguely canine elemental floats into the sewers, moving forwards as well after murmuring something to the large skunk and patting his shoulder gently.

After entering the sewer with the othersCedric notes that the water is a bit deep. Though at his height of around 6'2, he's not entirely bothered by the fact. But after a quick glance to Asher, he realizes it might be a problem for such a small being and with Asher's injuries only just recently healed he didn't think it a great idea to let him trudge through the dirty water, and so he crouches down with the intent to let the canine piggyback on his broad shoulders. "Here, let me give you a lift, Asher. This water's pretty deep, and filthy. Just... if you have any guns on you, try to keep them away from my ears, alright?" he asks.

Asher frowns at the deepening water as the group starts into the sewers. It is with considerable relief that the little canine accepts Cedric's offer of a ride. "Thanks, Cedric," he says, "I would feel pretty stupid, getting left behind because of a little water." The corgi clambers up and wraps his little arms loosely around the badger's neck, listening as the others converse during the short trek. He frowns at the vicious words from Rixo, but he can't totally fault the big warrior. He glances back at Brutus, then decides that he should just watch the trail ahead and keep a wary eye for traps. The madness in his friend's eyes frightened him.

Issi takes off her blindfold, tying it around her arm. Now Basilisk powers would come in handy. She stays ahead of the rest of the group, but behind the elemental. She somewhat knew how to deal with traps, if not, how to dodge them. If only someone understood Shadow amongst the group, that would help immensely with communication right about now.

Brutus's face softens somewhat at quasi-Selena's words, but other than that, he betrays nothing. He seems almost as mechanical as the devices following him, as hewn from stone as the golem ahead of him, taking measured steps, unhindered by the current but in no hurry as he approaches his fate.

Lunaxia gives a slight nod before she turns to trudge down the left of the fork, her guards following her as she works to clear the other path. The group left to face the right with only the light from Selena's fire elemental. The water not increasing in depth, nor is it slowing down as well. The group's options though are only limited to trudging through the water down the path, or flight as it seemed no little side portions were present yet for them... Though, for as often as the Alchemical Mishaps sprout up in the sewers, it did seem a tad strange to find none even this far inside.

Rixo brings her shield up to her front, her spear next to it and pointing forward in a typical defensive position as she moves through the water down their own passage. "Help me keep an eye on the sides? I'll cover the front," she offers, reading to serve as a mobile barricade for the others. One of the callings of those with armour, certainly.

Selena tsks softly as she moves on, shifting her elemental to aid on Rixo's right flank as they approach, the wolfess conjuring a small ball of light at the opposite side to aid in illumination. "They're going to want to attack us before we can strike back." She notes simply, tsking. "I'll try to keep my eyes on the paths, but I can't look backwards and forwards at once. I'll take the side with my elemental if need be, just so I can control it more easily." she murmurs, keeping her voice low.

The badger follows along, with the corgi hoisted up upon his back, he walks carefully to make sure Asher doesn't fall, looking around and finding the lack of Alchemical Mishaps rather odd, to be sure. Could this mean that someone's been keeping them well-culled? Or perhaps they were dying to the possible traps that Lunaxia had mentioned. He puzzles over the multitude of possible reasons for their scarcity, purple and green grooved and dotted punctuation marks beginning to mottle his visible fur slightly, yet again.

The badger nods, agreeing with Selena, and voicing his thoughts, mostly to Selena in a questioning way. "You see it too, right? Don't you think the lack of monsters here is... just a bit odd?" he asks the others, a low and quiet voice. "Almost as though they've been cleared out by someone, or something?" he says, voicing his theories. "I could be wrong, but it gives me a bad feeling..." he says as he continues trudging against the rapidly flowing water with the others.

Asher holds carefully onto Cedric's shoulders, but is worried about all of the water here. "Be careful!" he says quietly, "The murderers were very good at water magic." The corgi pats Cedric on the shoulder. "Cedric, I think it will be better if you aren't carrying me." he says, "let me down." The tiny canine waves off the badger's confused look and focuses briefly, before jumping lightly off Cedric's back and alighting gently on the surface of the water, stray bits of wind making his ears and some loose straps on his combat gear flutter. Asher spares himself a second to be proud of himself for this little trick, doing a little hop and pirouette. "Watch your feet," he says, skimming along the surface of the water like a water-bug, "There could easily be traps under there too." He scans the walls and ceiling for wires, or holes or other indicators of traps.

Issi sighs. [Don't know if anyone can hear me, but I sort of don't care at this point. Wherever they are, they are going to die. I've run out of mercy. They will NOT leave a corpse!] Her living weapon is showing. Though in honesty, after she stopped one assassination, spared and spared a cultist, among many other things, only to end up with more murders, she was at the limits of her patience for this. She was going to make good on that statement, in the most horrid ways her Shadowy mind could devise.

Brutus grunts and takes on the role of protecting the lead flank. Fury and frustration could make for quite a heady drug; he was almost certain he could survive the worst hex or a cannonball to the face on sheer hatred alone, and he would be all too happy to dispatch anyone or anything assisting those bastards. With a husky command, his entourage does an about-face, and he continues his march, backward. A voice flickers through his consciousness, and he perks up, though his backward steps don't slow at all. [So...this is what I was researching. Impressive. Leave some for me, though. I don't want them dead. I want them to know pain, and suffering. I want them to crave death and be denied.]

The push down into the path is slow, and quiet save for the groups own conversations... That is, until they could spot a brief flicker of light from one of the smaller side tunnels that connected to their way, standing out blatantly with the still operating light sources within it! However, they are alerted to another cause for alarm as Rixo's boot would strike something hard below the water, causing a sharp clack and the sound of metal breaking to resound out as a rusty bear trap tries to catch her foot! It only manages to cause the most minor of inconvienences, not even managing to scratch through her armor as it appeared too poorly maintained to do any real damage. Though, it seems more than likely there are more in the water, and they could even possibly be effective ones! Still though, they only had the option of forward through the darkness of the tunnel, or pushing forward another thirty feet to the entrance to the side tunnel!

Rixo pauses briefly for a moment, looking down as she feels something latch onto her plate boot. She thrusts her spear down to pry the rusty contraption free before tossing it to the side and continuing on, this time poking at the ground with the butt of her spear ahead of her steps, to catch any further ones as she brings up the front. "Watch your feet. There are traps in the water, and I might miss one."

Selena's ears perk up at the sound of the snapping of the trak, furrowing her eyebrows a little. "Well. I suppose walking is right out for those of us that don't have armor." she murmurs to herself. "Thy know where we are now, and they're definitely waiting." She notes, moving her small fire (Not the elemental!) back to the area closer to her and the group. "Rixo." She notes, "If we can avoid the traps then set them off later, they'll have less chance to tell where we are and how fast we're moving. When we get to the corner, don't round it until we know there's nothing there that's going to kill anyone. Even someone in armor's going to get hurt by a good trap."

Cedric feels the same sensation through his consciousness as Brutus. Though he hadn't heard it before, either. [Y-Yeah... I can hear you. Am I...] a word fades out as he tries to speak in the shadow language, a bit unpracticed in the language. [...correctly? I agree. My shots...] again his voice fades out a little, his expression unchanging. He's not at all used to doing this, and it's obvious his own contributions towards the research wasn't as substantial as Brutus' own. [...their legs. Should cripple them...] Once again, the fading of his voice, and then a final few words. [...aim is true. Then they're all yours.] Hopefully it was enough to get his message across.

He stops in his tracks, looking around at the water in front of him as he heards the sharp clack of the trap and the sound it makes as it snaps against the dark knight's armor. If the badger were to step into one of these, he'd need to react quickly, as his boots serve no defense against such a device. "G-got it... traps... at least we know we're onto /something/." he says, trying to see the silver lining. He chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, his eyes darting about in a frenzy. He's finding it hard to move his feet forward, and not just because of the water resistant. His feet feel too heavy for him to lift and he might actually be a little bit scared, for once. If someone doesn't snap him out of it, he might just get left behind.

Asher barely suppresses a yelp of surprise at the water muffled clang of the trap. No one seems to be hurt though, so that is good. The little dog eye's the lit tunnel ahead suspiciously. It doesn't really seem like the murderers to be so obvious and careless after all of their other sneaky moves. "I'll go check it out," he says quietly, scanning carefully for other traps as he glides quickly and quietly along the surface of the water. He is completely oblivious of the unusual telepathic conversation happening around him. The little corgi will just take a quick peek, then skate back to the others. What could go wrong?

Issi jumps, traps, of course. It doesn't deter her though. She knows their there. The viper looks about the water, there's something there, she's sure. Where is another matter. [Legs nothing. None of them will be spared. If you want at one, fine, but none of them are leaving this area alive.] She steps lighter. Her mind is already made up.

[I do not intend for them to live. I simply do not wish to kill them before they know suffering.] Who would've expected such an appetite for blood from this spoiled scion of a noble household? And not even a military one, at that.

The Corgi scout is greeted to a rather interesting surprise as he moves to investigate the bright path, greeted with a thin line of rope just barely above the water that extends to a hole carved into the side of the sewers... Where he'd notice a crossbow with a poisoned bolt primed and ready to fire into any unsuspecting person, and givin the way of these killers it could -only- be lethal!

However, he'd still get nice view down the passage, taking note of a straight corridor that leads to a set of stairs that turn a corner to the right, leading up and out of the water! A brief brush of a shadow against the stone along the wall serves to give an indication of -something- being up there... Though it's too quick for him to make out what it is for certain.

Cedric is greeted with a nasty surprise as well, as he'd feel the plate for a bear trap below his own foot, though luckily enough he's quick to get it out and the trap snaps through the water without purchase! This trap did look more new, and those edges -definantly- sharp...

Rixo's efforts are greeted with three bear traps disabled, the traps latching onto her spear for her to clear off, though the passage is far too large right now for her to properly get them all it seems!

Rixo pauses in her trap-taking to listen to Selena, nodding at the wisdom of her wisdom. "That is a good point, but... What do you propose, then? I cannot see the traps under the water, and I'd rather not keep walking without setting them off first. But of course, caution is the name of my game. At least til we find them." She glances down the lit passage, making sure Asher doesn't find himself in trouble.

"If we're going to move anything through the tunnel first, I'd suggest my elemental. It's expendable and if there's a trap to be triggered it'll just dissipate the elemental. The only problem is going to be the bear traps..." Selena replies, peering into the depths of the tunnel and shaking her head. "I can try to light the whole area, but that has the problem of forcing the beings away from us if they see it from somewhere we can't see them." She replies.

Cedric, still hesitant to take a step forward for fear of traps he can't spot, manages to muster up the courage to set a foot forward. Which, of course, with his luck happens to be right on the trigger to one of the bear traps. He jumps to the side just as he hears the mechanism go off, somehow managing to pull his foot away just in time to save it, and leans with his back against the wall, shaking in fear. He tries to figure out the odds of himself running into another trap if he sets forward again, but beings being what they are... he really can't do the math. Like, he literally can not.

'Alright...' he thinks to himself. 'You can do this. You dodged one trap, and you can do it again, now move your ass!' he goads himself. If anyone else could hear his thoughts, it'd be rather embarassing. Even though he's sure they can't, he still looks sheepish as he continues forward.

Asher looks over the simple crossbow trap and snorts. These were the clever masterminds that had eluded the guard and Freeswords for so long? "Lessee," the little canine carefully reaches up to tamper with the crossbow, his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth. Unfortunately, it is just a little too high up for him to see what he is doing and the crossbow suddenly fires with a TWANG and a loud clattering as the arrow slams into the stone wall of the tunnel. "Oops," the corgi says in embarrassment before casually cutting the trigger rope so that it won't get in the way for the others. Remembering that the murderers favored sleeping powder to disable their victims, the little dog quickly produces a handkerchief from a pocket in his leathers, dipping it in the relatively clean canal water and tying it around his nose and mouth. He slips quietly to the side of the tunnel entrance, to avoid becoming a target for a well placed pistol shot. "We may have company coming," he hisses to the group.

Issi grrs. [Watch the traps!] The corgi couldn't hear her, but really has anything mattered up till now? Thankfully noone was actually hit, but it seems they were moving the right way. [Keep Moving!] The viper was not about to let one small misstep get in the way. She was disturbingly focused.

Brutus flinches at the sound of the bolt hitting the stones. More out out shock than fear, though the burning fury had subsided to a simmer. He keeps his snarl fixed, but mentally, he breaks his silence again. [Screw caution. I have half a mind to charge down these tunnels and mete out justice alone. Any pain will just sharpen my edge...this slowness will be the death of us.]

The sound of the crossbow being triggered seems to have alerted whomever had cast the shadow from earlier, as soon a small Chihuahua clad in heavy plate armor pops out... Wearing even a thick helm that covered his full face, while in his hands was a repeating crossbow. The small dog quick to pull the trigger just as he came into view, dislodging a flurry of bolts down the corridor at Rixo and Selena! He's quick however to move right back behind the safety of the corner as he tries escape it seems as a thick fog begins to fill the air in the tunnel...

Rixo quickly ducks behind her already-raised shield, letting the bolts harmless impact her kite and armour. "So... Have we found you at last, then? Excellent. It's time to put you under." Keeping her shield raised, she stows away her spear. With him behind the corner, it wouldn't work... But her whip could. Reaching under her cloak she draws forth her length spine whip and approaches the corner, but does not go around it. Instead, she brings her hand back and lashes out, the tip snaking around the corner to snap against whoever might be on the other side.

As the being around the corner looses their flurry of bolts, Selena throws up a potent bit of earth magic to protect her skin, pulling a bolt from her clothes. It doesn't take her long to redirect her elemental around and lift off herself, quickly and silently pursuing the attackers to the end of the tunnel. "Company indeed." she comments back to the corgi.

Cedric manages to avoid any further traps as he makes for the corridor, giving chase with the others. A quick bit of math is performed on the fly, to hasten his chase, a helpful gust of wind urging him forward towards the stairs.

Asher watches the volley of bolts zip by and clatter against the far wall of the tunnel. "A Chihuahua?" the little canine cries out, "No way I'm letting a chihuahua outrun me!" The now masked corgi throws himself around the corner letting a firm blast of air precede his blinding dash down the drowned hallway, dispersing the growing fog. The corgi zips down the hall as if he was fired from a cannon, running up along the wall as he comes to the stairway and curve in the hallway! He pulls his two mismatched knives from their sheathes as he runs, ready for a fight! All that crazy training was really paying off!

Issi is already heading forward at the sight of that little dog. The rest of the group be damned. She pretty much breaks out into a run at this point, charging along with the others at the front. Not a single thought leaves her, just a sole drive to kill that dog and his companions.

The sound of battle! Brutus runs..well, that might be a bit generous--slogs towards the chaos...though he stumbles at the stitch in his side and is easily outpaced by his automat?ons...nonetheless, he mutters an apology for cursing Adestria yesterday and prays begs her for the strength to push through this pain--he can almost taste the blood of those who would do him wrong...

The chase is quick as the party begins to quite literally -fly- down the path, the armored Chihuahua 'tank' ready for them at the end with a spear in his hands to try and deliver a quick jab at Asher, though his spear is quick to miss as he's forced to retreat givin the approach of Selena and Cedric, not to mention the fire elemental as well! The elemental scorching against his armor, as it follows through with Selena's order to attack. Leaving rather large scroch marks along the thick plate, along with elliciting a loud yelp from him! The path behind him leads to a opening where walls can be seen, as it appears they had found a alcove to reside in, perhaps the second lay in wait there?

Issi is rather unlucky though, as it seems in her blind sprint down the path she had missed a trap Cedric, and even brutus had managed to run over. A dull bear trap snapping shut around her right ankle, with enough force to easily hinder any chase she could give as she now found herself rather stuck!

Rixo is less silent then Selena in her charge after the fiends. Shield at the ready, arm pulled back with her whip, she lashes out for that spear, trying to wrench it from the tiny dog's grip. Surprisingly speedy for someone in plate, she is, and she's none too happy. All of that determination, promised violence, and cold rage coming to the surface as she seeks to engage her foes.

Selena keeps her distance as Rixo moves through the water, the wolfess more focussed on the opening. With a gesture of her hand, her fiery doppelganger casts a thick smoke into the alcove before Selena conjures the more commonly-known unstable elemental into the area, another creature of fire whose appearance from the smoke makes it no more pleasant for whatever may be within, both of her magical companions moving in as they appear. "Rixo, try to keep that being down, they're still useful to us. We can get answers from them before they die."

Cedric runs through the numbers in his head, forgetting them just as quickly as he works a particularly nasty bit of magic, extending his arm forward with his palm spread and pointing at the armored chihuahua. As the electricity gathers at his fingertips crackling wildly in contrast to his stoic expression, he spots Rixo trying to wrest the canid's weapon from him, and considers halting his attack but for a moment. However... recalling Mange Square, and Rixo's whip around Fenris' throat, he loosens a bolt of lightning at the murderous hound without hesitation.

Asher slaps aside the armored chihuahua's spear as he leaps over the surprised foe's head and into the room at the top of the stairs. Spotting the darkened alcove, Asher decides that turnabout is fair play and he flings a balled up packet of sleeping powder to explode in a puff along with Selena's smoke cover. Who knows if it will be any use, but it was worth a shot. The corgi spins, knives at the ready to face down any enemy that might present itself.

Issi rips open the trap, almost as soon as it hits her leg. She doesn't even flinch, she extends the parrying blades from her bracers, turning the old dull trap into nothing more than glorified scrap metal. She retries that dash, no more traps to get in her way now.

Brutus's footsteps are slow and heavy, but he manages to make it through the tunnels relatively unscathed, pushing through the pain. The bastard in in sight, he leans against the right wall, around Issi, draws his pistol, he cries "Freeswords, gangway!", aiming for their leg and letting off a round.

The chihuahua's day was just not getting any better at all, as he soon finds himself not only shot through the leg, but also electrocuted! His spear falling as he takes a faceplant to the floor limply, twitching in his last moments before he'd expire.

Asher's the first into the room, the smoke and his own sleep powder filling up the main portion, where when it would clear would reveal a Pomsky just sitting there in a chair, hand propping his chin up as he dozed surprisingly peacefully.

Rixo takes a deft leap back as the others assault the chihuahua, scowling as he dies on the spot. "Damn. Sorry, Selena. This one was out of my hands." Unless she tried to take the hits herself, and she wasn't about to do that. Either way, she steps over the corpse, stowing her whip away and pulling out her spear once more, rounding the corner to look at the sleeping pomsky. "We've got one living here, though." She presses her back to the wall, shield still raised in case there's any more surprised. If there are, it won't get get from behind.

Asher keeps his knives at the ready as he approaches the apparently unconscious pomsky. The little corgi keeps his focus on the task at hand, trying not to think too hard about the smell of burnt flesh that fills the air. "Let's get this one bound before he comes to," he says, "I'm sure the guards will want to interrogate him." He can't help but take one tortured glance at the twitching corpse of the chihuahua.

Cedric nodded to the others, staying out of the room that Asher had flung the sleeping powder into, and letting the others take care of what might lie waiting inside. "Sh... I just meant to paralyze him..." the badger lies, terribly, shaking his head. He would stay to the side of the door with his back planted firmly against the wall with his hand resting on the flintlock pistol holstered at his side, vigilant in case of a sneak attack. He's not saying a word, but he gives Brutus what is intended to be a meaningful nod as he remains behind on the lookout. He can't steal all the thunder, and Brutus most of all deserved to put the finishing touch on this whole mess.

Issi manages to catch up with the rest of the group, thankfully quickly after that damned trap. She quickly flies past the body of the dead chihuahua. A corpse is no good to her, and nothing more could be done about him. She peers up the stairs, no traps. She has her daggers in hand as she mounts the steps, the next fight will not be so bloodless.

"Damn!" Brutus roars as the Chihuahua expires. "Damn damn damn!" as he joins the crowd gathered around the unconscious mutt. "Old Ones take them all!" He gives a sharp backhanded slap to the sleeping form. "Wake up so you can beg for death, you piece of SHIT!" he bellows, his field of vision going red. His voice fells into a deep growl. "Keep him alive. Take him in custody. Then let me at him," he hisses through clenched teeth.

Selena makes her way forward slowly - consequence of controlling two elementals becoming aparrent rather quickly. "It's okay, Rixo." She replies simply. When she does arrive at the room with the others, she takes a moment to remove the helmet from the small clanner and shut their eyes with a hand before putting it back on. "... Just don't do the same to this one, Cedric. They've done terrible things, but if there are any more of them, I want to know. If they were hired by someone, I want to know." She notes. "All of you, we... Need that one alive."

Brutus's profanities are noted by the wolfess, moving over to the blackback, putting a hand on his shoulder again. "Brutus, I need you to stay calm... If something goes wrong now then we'll need everyone lucid. If this one's there mage - I'm going to try to take their soulgem and replace it with something less dangerous for us all." She notes.

The Pomsky is easily slapped from his chair at Brutus' slap, jolting awake as he smacks against the ground. His eyes looking around as he sits up with a rather bored expression before yawning. "Oh they found us? Told him they'd find us... Stupid, stupid friend... Ah! You must be an admirer of my work yes!" His lips pulling back into a grin as he looks at the bellowing Brutus with a smile. "It's a pleasure to see you as well~"

No other traps are aparant in the room, aside from a bed roll and chest of crowns, weapons, and supplies of common use. The sounds of the guards running down through the main path the group had taken can be heard, along with a few snaps and screams as unfortunate individuals blunder into bear traps.

The Pomsky's gaze turning to Selena slowly as he snaps his fingers and waves. "Yes yes, down here woman whom would look -lovely- in one of my pieces, perhaps with rose petals in her fur? Yes... Anywho, what's this now? Hired? More of us? Shadows take me you all are -stupid- arn't you?! How many blackbacks do I -honestly- need to kill before it goes through someone's mind that we are doing a service for the city, while making art--- Well, I am right now it seems... How cruel, to kill the poor friend--- Shit forgot his last name..." The pomsky frowning as he scratches his chin.

The panda, unfortunately, didn't much care for his tone of voice. So despite knowing the group needs him alive, she takes a sharp jab at the pomsky's midsection with her spear. Not enough to kill him hopefully, but enough to make him shut up? Maybe. She doesn't even deign to reply to him with words. "Let's get this over with quickly so we can kill the crummy wretch and be done with it."

Kalt asher=Also, if youneed to hopscotch out for sleep, could always run to help the guards with the traps and make their way here. ;)

Selena scoffs, narrowing her eyes at the pomsky. "'Art'. 'Service'." She spits. "You've done neither of those things." The wolfess growls, looking back to Brutus sternly for waking the dog. "There are a lot of beings that other beings want dead. There are such things as copycats - though I suppose that'd be too flattering for someone such as yourself. And to call yourself an artist... How wrong you are. Glamorize it all you want, it is still a bloody. Wasteful. Disgusting. Murder. And you -" She replies, having her fire elemental cauterize the spear wound. "Have been caught. Whether you die here or in a cell, you will be forgotten. Nobody will miss you, nobody will mourn for you. You will remain as nothing. What I want to know, though... What made you think that your crimes would be considered beneficial? Where did you go so wrong and sink to that level?"

The badger definitely feels a pang of extreme guilt in the pit of his stomach, swallowing nervously in reply, and just nodding his compliance quietly to the wolfess before she entered the room. He hadn't been sleeping for a while now, and his decisions were obviously suffering because of it. He sighs and takes a deep breath to relax and try to purge the horrible feeling of what he'd done.

He listens quietly to the interrogation from the doorway, his guilt swiftly mingling with disgust of the most extreme sort, a low growl escaping his muzzle with the way he addresses someone he's unable to see from his vigil outside the room, with that abhorrent statement. But he takes a few more deep breaths and tries to calm himself. He hears something strange from inside the room... a wet sort of sound, perhaps? Faint. But whatever it was, he's done. He's already done what he wanted to do and he just wants to go sleep for a while.

"Brutus! No!" Asher cries out as the maddened Blackback strikes the unconscious criminal, knocking him to the ground, but too late. The corgi listens in awed horror as the other dog brags about his "art." Looking around the room, he comes to the sudden realization that he is the only person here who has any intention of seeing the criminal leave this room alive. The little canine opens his mouth to say something, but whatever he was going to say evaporates into horrified silence as Rixo shoves her spear into the mad dog's stomach. He turns away only to find the other corpse flopped on the ground. The little corgi rushes from the room and the sound of retching can be heard in the far corridor. It seems unlikely that the little fellow will return.

Issi finally pipes up after everyone else has said their peice. "Shadows take you... I will, and I will spread your creator forsaken hide all across this room. Tell us what you know, or I will tear your tiny heart out and crush it infront of your eyes." The viper's voice isn't normal. It's the pure unfiltered voice of a Shadow, right behind the fecund little snotwad. She was dead serious too, the shadow had one dagger at his neck, the other, prepping the spell to do just as she promised.

Brutus appears to have gone full circle--so angry, everything becomes clear. From shaking in rage to bathing in it, swimming in it, his motions uncannily graceful for someone so bulky. Cold, calm calculation. [Stand down. We need not rush. He'll not escape, and this is the sort of thing we should...savor.] Without a word or wasted motion, he circles the Pomsky, seizing him by the tail and hefting him upward, letting him brush Issi's blade, but not letting him impale upon it.

Let's out a sickening cough as he's first stabbed, then cauterized. His gaze heavy upon the cieling as he lets out a pained and hacking laugh at the questions. "R-Reason? F-For A-art... N-No other's, j-just m-me now... Fuckin' s-stupid... No reason~" The sounds of the guards approaching becoming closer and closer, as it seems they have found the idea of where the group is. Left to twist and shake slightly as the poison from Issi's blade torments him.

Rixo shakes her head, a low rumbling chuckle from under her helmet. "It will not even be you, for long." Then, in a lowered voice, "If we are going to kill him, I suggest we do it soon lest the guards want to imprison him. We cannot chance letting him escape. This ends today." She doesn't move to do it herself, though she does keep her blood-tipped spear at the ready. She did promise Brutus she would let him have a shot.

Selena shakes her head as Issi and Brutus move around the being, then turning aside slightly as she sees Brutus yank on their tail. "... I can't tell them not to kill you. And I won't. I'm sorry that you've lived a life so deprived that you can't value the life of another." She says quietly to the dog, then looking back to the rest of the group.

"I want no part in this being's murder. You're better than this. He'll stand trial before his victim's families and they will pass their judgment, and that would be true justice." She replies simply, dismissing her elementals and making her way out of the room around the others without another word.

For art. It'd been in the letters the whole time, of course. And still he'd wasted so much time puzzling over the reasons when there were none. The badger shook his head quietly outside the room, still listening. He could hear the shadow language clear as day in his mind, but he had no reply. Nor would he speak a word of it to anyone. At the sounds of the guards approaching, and Selena's exit, he'd push himself from the wall to walk quietly behind her, already regretful for his hand in this and desiring nothing more than to wash his hands of the matter.

Issi makes a sharp yanking motion with her empty hand, the spell doing well... Too well, she not only gets the poor pups heart, but inverts his lungs up through his throat in a rather distubing display of power and blood. The blood spray might hit her, but it merely sluces off, pooling at her feet, while his still beating heart was held in her hand. She does hold her promise, before the tortured dog dies, she holds up the organ clenching her fist, crushing it in one fell motion, dropping the heart on the floor, the rest of the blood still inside pooling with the rest. "And you die like the wretch that you are. No more a blight on this city." After that, she just turns to leave. Her mission done here. Nothing more needs to be said.

The red returns. Somewhere deep in that brain, he knew it was reasonable. But it had been his family, his parents, and now he didn't even get the catharsis of torture? With a most ignoble, unskunklike roar, he took the corpse by its short, stubby legs and swung it--hard--into the wall. Bones shattered with a crack, blood spattered on his armor, and it wasn't enough. It'd never be enough. That didn't stop him from slamming the corpse head-first into the cold stone, splitting it open. Blood. Guts. Brain. Gore. That's all that was left. And it'd never be enough. It'd never earn that respect he nearly had, never reward him with the "good job, son" he didn't get to hear. Despite the admonitions to forgive and forget, he couldn't. This had ignited an unquenchable fire within. He could never make things right in his family, but, he thinks as he drops the shattered shell of the Pomsky--perhaps he can give others the justice he was so denied.

The guards do not take long to finally arrive on scene, after all the rest of the traps had mostly been taken care of by the group, and soon Lunaxia is stepping over the first body to enter the room. The mouse greeted with the scene of the Pomsky's organs on his outside, and his broken body pretty much pulped by brutus, she cannot help but sigh slightly. "Well... That's the end of it then. Right, my boys will drag the bodies off, and we'll keep their identities quiet. I don't want pride to be found for them by other sickos.As for the rest of you, your reward will be at the guardhouse as usual." The captain making her way to the center of the room as the horrible chapter comes to a close.