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  • Kilsa My lady, my employer, my confidante, my inspiration, my first real friend. If not for her I probably wouldn't even be in Firmament. She is everything I've ever dreamed of being. A Noble who earned the right to be one instead of just being born into it. She gives me hope that one day I can do that too. One day, I want to be just as great as she is... maybe greater, but that might be hoping for too much. I just wonder where she disappears to all the time? Maybe I'll get to ask her soon.
  • Arimia My current commander. She seems to be a bit of a hothead, always yelling at me about something. I don't understand her methods, but I've come to trust them, as she seems to only have the best interests of everyone in mind. Her hatred of Nobles however makes me feel cautious. What did Nobles ever do to her? Well, fortunately things seem to be working out between us! And some... interesting occurrences have happened. I hope to continue exploring our budding friendships.
  • Bite Another powerful mage. She seems to always be getting into an adventure of some kind, or them finding her. She seems however to be more in it for the treasure then anything else. That isn't what an adventure is all about! An adventure is about the adventure, or getting to help Promise. She makes me think she's greedy though too, and that gives me a slight pause. Still, a powerful ally in a pinch. She makes me laugh some days and wonder what goes on inside her head others. She seems obsessed with fire, and that obsession causes me worry.
  • Ariella Now here is an interesting one! A disgraced Noble. And she fits it too. Doing street performances, like juggling or playing music, or belly dancing in public! Even displaying affection in public! She is very laid back and far too unlady-like. If she were any more laid back I doubt she could avoid getting arrested! ... And I can't help but want to be so much more like her. I'm not sure where she could have disappeared to, and hope to see her again soon.
  • Angus What can I really say about my little brother? He is annoying, persistent, and a pain in my tails! Not really, he as actually grown into a fine swordsfox. My brother is a great help, and a wonderful being overall, always helping, or at least trying to help. He gets in over his head sometimes, but he has a good heart and a good soul. I've thought about joining him in his unit a few times. But, could I really leave the Ironsoul Defenders? And why does he talk of things that never happened?
  • Yuric Now... this.. oh gosh.. what can I say.. I mean.. umm.. Give.. Give me a minute. (Looks away and takes a deep breath) Ok, the fox of my dreams! He comes from a far off island, where he was enslaved! I found him one day, when he came into the bar and walked up to me and held my hand. Things have never been the same for me since. I.. I just wish I knew where he goes, all the time? I.. I love him, but he is always gone
  • Ictus My cousin and another excellent fighter. Also with the Lightbrings, like my brother, he has shown me nothing but care and concern. Recent events make me wonder though if he, as well as the world, have gone insane. I need to learn more about my cousin here, and why he says some of the things he says.