Lost without an egg - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
"Alright I've called you all together to give you a interesting piece of information that is strange even by my standards. A sweetwater vistor to Shralesta has reported sighting an extremely rare creature in the deserts. The creature was using divine math but when he got close the creature attacked him with strange divine math." Kilsa shakes her head, "I over heard him talking in the freeswords and decided to take this request since his location is close to where I have landed in the city before." Kilsa walks over and passes around a set of map to each of the folk gathered. "Now this is the desert, you will have to be on your guard and this customer is thinking that he might have encounter a golem of creator tech. If he has we must find it and see what were it came from incase there is a trove of creator tech hidden somewhere in the desert. I've called each of you personally because I feel that you are the most suited to get in and get out." The Badger looks over the group carefully, "Pack for the heat and the dangers but all I want is a set of eye to confrim and if you can take it back as in tact as possible. Most of all..... Be covert!"
Mirana listens and gets her pack filled with water skins, dried meats, and is sure she is wairing something that would let her fur breath, "I'm ready My Lady." She says, hefting a warhammer up. It wasn't usual for the vixen to use heavy arms, but when going about as a priest, one should look the part. She takes the map and studies it, then puts it back in her pack. "Ok, I understand Lady Kilsa, tact and covert... I think I can at least try that." She says looking around to each of the others around her. "And.. creator tech..? Machine spirits?" She seems shocked a bit, but also excited. "I'll do my best My Lady, and make sure not to disappoint you."
Angus smiles and looks to his sister, looks like he will be able to test out his new weapons already. "More creator tech in the desert, thought we had enough of it when we brought in the egg." He comments, removing what little armor he had so he wouldn't over heat, remembered what happened last time he was in the desert he grabbed a few extra water skins as he tightens the straps on his pack. "hmmm. Quick, covert, and we have to bring it back intact...I promise I'll do my best." Standing back up he smiles at Kilsa and sticks out his tongue. "But if it happens like last time I can't really promise it will be that covert."
Rainer mostly keeps quiet, though he brandishes a cocky smirk when Kilsa emphasizes how selective she was in summoning this particular trio. While the explanation goes on he takes to studying the map, brows furrowed as he tilts the page this way and that, steals a peek to Mirana's, turns his upside-down... and finaly rolls it up and tucks it away in his belt. "Sounds like fun." he announces, at the end, with a few whip-like flicks of his tail.
Rogna looks his heavy armor over and thinks the situation over carefully before nodding, picking out extra water to lug around with him. It will start out as extra weighth but will slowly deplete itself as it runs its course. "I understand Miss Ironsoul, your trust will not be wasted. I will aid in securing the artifact and bringing it back safely, doubly so for the party." he says with a nod. He eyes the others carefully assessing their skillsets before he ensures his weaponry is in shape. He ensures to look over a map so that his sense of navigation will be maximized.
"Now Mirana, As a member of the Creator church I feel it in my best interest to warn you that things are done very differently in Shralesta as the church is concerned. If you encounter any other priest be curtious and be quiet of you intentions. I will have you taken to the city in an airship. It should be landing soon." Kilsa lead the group to the outside of the ID headquarters where a small airship landing. A smiling pink gecko jumps off and looks at the people gather, "Greeting Miss big for her Britches Ironbutt." The female give kilsa a glare which is returned before they both laugh, "Captain Drunkard... Or is it Captain wet-her-pants-at-bandits?" The badger shakes her head as the Gecko give her a rude look, "It was one time! Anyway you all board my ship, eat anything you like, drink anything you like except the blue bottle." The Gecko says as her crew begins to take take the group stuff and place them in storage. "And no math please. I like my ship in the air and not plummeting to the dirt."
Mirana listens intently to Kilsa, "Alright My Lady, I'll be ready." She says. When she sees the airship she seems stunned a moment looking up at the thing and her muzzle falls open, "Creators Bless... my goodness." She says and starts to examining it and looking around at it. When she hears the insult to Kilsa though she stops an turns to about address it, but when Kilsa starts joking back she only smiles and nods getting back to exmaining this wonderful creation. "So.. how does.. I see.. or maybe... it could.. I have to see the inside of this to really have a chance! Might I Captain..err.. Drunkard?" She says addressing the gecko by the only name she can really. She shrugs in her heavy mail, quiet unusual for her to be using that and a warhammer or a shield, but she wanted to dress the part and found them to be functionl at least. "And brother, try not to break it." She says with a snicker.
Angus chuckles at the warning and follows them out with a smile, but when he notices the airship his ears droop. "Oh...great....we get to fly." He mumbles, turning away to watch his sister with a frown. He taps his pant leg lightly in aggitation, wishing he had worn something a bit thicker to ward of the chilled air..and he wished they didn't have to fly.
Rainer takes up a spot off to the side from the rest of the group as they emerge from the building, arms propped up on the hilts of his holstered swords while the badger and gecko trade jabs. A near mischevious smile crosses his face as he takes note of Angus' uneasiness, but he just keeps nice and quiet until they're starting to board. "Ah, you've been on one airship ride, you've been on them all. View's always nice, at least."
Rogna raises an eyebrow and laughs softly, the peculiar nicknames making him gaze over the two. He eyes the captain, having already decided Kilsa is at least as big as he is, she's perfectly fine. "So you'll be taking us to our destination? I am Rogna, and I am pleased to accompany you." he offers to the captain, a hand offered out for a firm shake. When the hand transaction is completed he promptly boards the vessel.
"Don't touch my ship and you won't end up with a slip and fall from the clouds also... The name is DuCard. I am Captain Natilia Feather-blood DuCard, and I'm not a Drunkard, I just think quitin is for sissies, whimps and weaklings." The Captain growls and walk on the ship the last member of the group walks on the ship the Gecko turn the badger. "Oi! fatso, what about my half up front? I might find a mage that can make you lose all the blubber." She hears Rogna comment to her and smiles, "I'm sure we are going to get along fine." She shake his hand and smiles before look at the badger, "Now about that-" She is cut off as a fist size bag of crown hits the gecko in the face. "YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!" She says through a bruised snout as Kilsa shrugs and walks back into the Ironsoul Defeneder building as the airship takes off into the clouds. "Alright make yourselves comfy, I'm going to have a little drink." She leads the group in the lower area of the ship that had plenty of seats and windows to see outside. A muscular Beaver is currently cleaning a small bar. "Newcomers, you must be the guys we are taking to that desert. Feel free to drink anything but the Captains special." He points to a blue bottle on the counter.