Of Craige and Mountains - RPLOG

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The rain was curtaining the landscape this day, as near the base of Firebough mountain, a single bright red flare is sent up by one of the Reserve unit's mages to light up their location for them seaking to bring aid. There, nestled into one of the natural canyons that dot this landscape, the reserve unit has taken to holding the ground. A force of roughly seventy eight beings are clumped together, most of them armed with a traditional spear and parma, while a force of fifteen archers, and five mages work to provide range support... Though, at the moment, it seems they are spared from the intensity of battle.

Their camp is abuz with activity as beings run to and from each area, shouting out orders and commands from a large male equine in a commanders outfit brandishes a sabre while directing them as best as he is able. The rain itself has hampered the defenders some as well it would seem, those approaching from a distance would take note of three of their six cannons being bogged down in mixtures of mud and sand, as some of the cannon crews work to keep the powder charges dry with almost desperate movements.

"Hurry you lot! Those damned little bastards will be upon us soon! I want four ranks of shields and spears, archers try to get to the top of the right ledge for support! Mages ready in reserves, and get those DAMN CANNONS TO THE FRONT!" The large heavy clan Equine almost roars out as he tromps back and forth under a half raised tent, flicking his tail impatiently. Surely as well, no guard works to hinder the approach of any armed assistants for the moment.

These things were getting too close to their doorstep, and Cassidy was not at all pleased about it. Of course she'd be in attendance to help push them back, the dapper fennec slipping in to help reinforce the ranks of the magicians for the time being, until given another directive or need to move.

Arriving home to find the local outpost beseiged and in need of help, there was nothing else Natska could do but offer her immediate aid. The jaguar had taken just long enough at home to change into something appropriate for battle, and then she takes the shortcut straight down the mountainside towards the site of the flare, taking up her position with the mages at her wife's side. "Unallowable," she murmurs, tone quiet as she waits. "We will have to teach them a lesson today."

Jera made his way to the rear ranks of the archers. "Need someone to call out marks?" She offered, wearing heavier armor than usual and having a battle standard strapped to her back along with her large, serpentine bow.

Cara notices the flare while on her way to the encampment. The feline rolls her eyes and walks over to the large gathering of military officials while muttering under her breath, "Typical, the one time I take the long way to the hot springs and this happens." She sighs, and proceeds to take out her sabre. "Alright, I'll help you guys out then."

"Move it, Big Guy!" comes the call of a tiny green otter, riding atop a monstrous golem, "We'll miss the party at this rate! To the cannons!" Rain hisses and steams off the golem's shoulders as the little mustelid jumps down from his perch. "Lift those cannons!" he squeaks, "Let's get them stable!" Not one to wait for orders, that one.

The Large Equine turns to Cara, motioning the tigress to the ranks of shield men. "Stand ready behind them, if anything disrupts the ranks, you'll be on the crew to take it out." Upon the ridge, a single archer with a seargents insignia upon his helmet dips a head to Jera. "An extra bow is always needed, we haven't seen these things try and fly yet, so we should be good up here to just fire down at them." A thin gazelle reaches out to smack the seargent on the back of the head at his comment. "I swear on the Good's fucking lives, if you just jinxed us Jenkins, I will throw you down there even if it kills me."

Near the Cassidy and Natska, the mages appear to be mainly younger apprentices, with one older small clan Yorki leading them. "Thank you for joining us dears. I trust you both are knowledgable in the craft?" A few of his apprentices groaning for a moment... Fenris' arrival it seems, is met with a slight cheer from the Cannon crew as his Golem sets to work lifting the stuck device. "You're a life saver, we've got to get it up to the left ridge with the other three, but we can take it now that it's free, give the other three a hand will you?" Fenris's earth magic manages to aid one of the cannons in pushing out, but with the constant rainfall, he has issues easing the third out as well.

Farther down the ranks, a sentinel at one of the sides gives a shout, a group of ten tattered soldiers missing most of their uniform, armor, and weapons are making a full speed sprint down to the lines while hollaring at the top of their lungs, their voices unable to be heard at this range, but judging from the Company markings of one, they are a reminant of the Commander's forces...

Fenris nods at the cannoneers. "One more, big guy," the little otter cheers, urging his golem to retrieve the last cannon from the mud and solidifying the ground as best he can to get the thing to the carts. The little mustelid scrambles up the side of the golem when its task is done to get a better view of the field.

Cassidy nods at the senior mage amongst the crew, flashing a smile behind her mask. "Quite. Don't worry, we'll back you up to the fullest of our ability. This is our home they're encroaching on, after all. They're not going to be taking any land around this mountain on our watch." She laces her gloved fingers together and stretches, popping her joints before patting on her spell tome. "How do we want to do this, Natska?"

Natska raises her eyebrows at the yorki, then nods her head. "I should hope we are knowledgable, yes. We both study with the three dimensional math project." She nods, then tilts her head to confer with Cassidy a moment. "We unleash hell on them, Cassidy. Every Craige that shows its face around here. We destroy them, and do our best to protect the militia here."

Jera draws her bow taut with a marked arrow nocked, waiting to cover fire for the broken squad.

Cara nods and dashes to the back of the shield ranks. From there, she notices a rather odd sight. She stares at the new arrival of soldiers in shock with her mouth open. Then she immediately runs to the large equine and yells, "Sir, a large group of soldiers just came by and they look beaten up. I'm only guessing this, but I think the enemy is about to attack us soon."

"READY YOUR ARMS!" The Equine calls out, the front rank raising their parma's and readying their spears as the tattered survivors make their way past the ranks, nearly collapsing as they huff slightly to the Equine. "L-Large... F-Force... Caught us off g-guard." Just as well, as soon as they finished speaking, the Craiges own entrance begins as the rumbling of their feet can be heard right before they round the corner... And by the gods the swarm of them was filled to the brim with the creatures, each of the Lizard Being-like elemntals snarling and howling as fires flare from between their scales!

"FIRE AT WILL, FIRE AT WILL!" The Archer Seargent calls out as the archers on the canyon side raise their own bows and begin to fire at will, working to try and rain arrows down on the Craige, as five of the six cannons let loose with a mighty roar into the massed enemy, the sixth currently being dragged into it's spot. The Elder magister eyes the ground before the lines as this all goes down, motioning to his apprentices. "Begin softening the ground more, work to stumble their advance students." The field is left now for the freeswords to join in trying to whittle down the enemy before their clash with the lines now...

"Rock em!" Fenris cheers, astride his huge, tiger-esque golem, urging the mechanical monster into a running charge toward the oncoming Craige. Shield lines are for soldiers, after all, and Fenris is no soldier! The little otter calls up power from the earth, trying to add to his golem's considerable armor as they charge across the muddy field. The little otter is whooping and laughing in the rain, though it is hard to imagine why.

It worked before, hopefully it'd work this time, too. And with them all together in one spot, to boot! She channels her magic once more into her little rendition of a meteor rain, dropping those exploding fireballs down onto the craige advance. The fire might not be particularly effective, but the concussive force proved adequate in the past. "I meant how, dearest! There are lots of ways to destroy them!"

Standing at Cassidy's side, Natska nods her head as she raises her hands and begins running through the equations in her mind. "The usual, love," she replies. "Fire and ice, and all that jazz. Unless you want to try opening the earth in front of them, but I don't think I'm ready for that today." She falls silent then as her concentration builds, calling up a wind to swirl around the encampment and blanketing the approaching Craige in a sudden snowstorm.

"Call that archery?" Jera grinned. Loosing her arrow into the sky and working up air math to try to call up a tailwind to help all the other archers fire further. The flag on her battle standard in the shape of a chess castle flapping in the wind.

Cara begins concentrating from behind the shield users, "I better get a gauge of their strength before running in there." The feline begins to concentrate on a special mix of earth and water math. She hopes to get the equations right or otherwise it might not work as well as expected. Upon finishing, she crouches down and places her hands on the ground and the energy flows into the ground. The combined mathematical magic travels through the ground and directly to the Craige, ready to hopefully trap them in line of thick mud.

Cara and Natska's joint attempt to slow and disorient the Craige, works wonders with the apprentice mages attempts, slowing the front charge of the Craige as the arrows from Jera and Archers rain down upon them, the air magic assistance allowing every arrow to hit their mark in this target rich enviroment. The Archers seem to stand a little firmer as they rally around Jera, the Seargent scoffing as he loads up two arrows. "I'll show you archery -lady-."

Cassidy's spell manages to do some damage to the Craige, the flames not hindering them, though the concussive force does down a handfull mid charge, seconds before the line parts and Fenris' Golem charges into the fray, nocking through the middle and trampling plenty of Craige while cutting more with the defensive earth magics!

None the less, soon enough the first of the Craige reaches the front line, and the spears fly from behind the Parma's as the troops lock shields, holding them back for now!

Fenris leaps down from his golem's back, sending mental commands for the automaton to continue its general onslaught, while he tends to his own in another direction. After all, there are no nearby allies he is likely to hurt here in the sea of enemies. The tiny otter uses the soft earth around him to his advantage, throwing up bits of debris and mud to divert attacks. Once he is away from his rampaging golem, he shouts as loudly as a two and a half foot otter can, stomping his foot down with a blast of earth magic!

Cassidy furrows her brow and starts to put a spell into play, but stops and reconsiders. She'll reserve that for later, should things get dire. For now, she turns her attentions towards creating a localized, buffeting wind to batter against the Craige forces, constantly changing direction drastically to try to keep them off balance.

Natska frowns, watching as the Craige close with the army-beings. She lets the blizzard carry on - the Winter Magics often lasted longer than the flash and bang of fire - and then focused more directly on the Craige engaging her allies, focusing the bitter, biting, draining cold on them.

"You shoot like that and your second arrow dips low. You hit one of your men. Our men. You don't want that. This isn't a fucking-" Jera growled and let a second arrow sing. Trying to line up three craige in a skewer to prove a point.

Cara grins upon seeing the Craige finally get to the front line. Now she can finally do what she enjoyed doing for a long time. She finds a nice empty spot to move through the shield line and begins her attempts to slice apart as many of the Craige as she can with her sabre. All of this occurs while they are still disoriented from the whirlwind and while they are still cold from the winter magic.

"Hold the line, there cannot be that many left!" The Equine calls out, having perched himself high upon one of the supply boxes as he watched over the battle in the rain. Natska's spell works well, draining some of the heat, and making some of the Craige on the front more sluggish, thus enabling their easy death to the spears of the rank, while Cassidy's spell helps in concert with Fenris' all or nothing attack, in scattering and toppling many of the Craige! Jera's shot as well pins through two of his three targets, though one of those was on it's way to try and deal with fenris. Cara's work on the front as well aids in bringing down two of the Craige, though there are still just so many...

Almost instantly then, a loud ragged sounding horn bellows from the back of the Craiges line, a large Rhinoceros like creature, easily twenty-five feet in hight, with thick scales of stone and metal takes to the field. The creature holds no eyes, though a ornate looking Craige is set into it's back, molded in amongst the scales as it howls and chatters, directing this great battering ram of a beast as it charges forward... It's impact with the front ranks is almost instant, no amount of mud or wind detering it's path as it cleaves through the ranks like a hot knife through butter, allowing the craige to set upon the broken ranks as the great beast continues to charge... Right at the Mages, and the reserved portions of the force.