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<div></div><br> <br>Outside the already slightly loud party taking place in the warehouse of Earl, a note-worthy plump enthusiast, and importer of fine foods, is an even louder occurance, a few guards getting hassled as they shove a few folks outside. "Get your tails out of here, you're a distruption." says one of the guards, just before his fine leather cap is pulled down roughly from behind, causing him to topple onto his rear. His partner grumbles and pushes the now laughing jackal out from behind the group. "Now clear out! Got enough of you inside we have to deal with." The group joins in the jackals laughter as they stand firm in place, an enormous heavy clan whale stepping forward to look at the guards. The group is drawing eyes from the few folks outside the party, whether in passing or on their way towards it.<br> <br>A commanding voice, threaded through with irritation cut through the laughter. "What is going on here?" Angus scowled as he walked towards the group, making sure his presence is known so that the whale didn't try anything. It wasn't hard to tell that the fox was a commanding officer considering he wear his officers uniform, the lightbringers symbol stitched to the breast of it. "I thought there was a party, not a drunken brawl." He growled, crossing his arms as he cast his gaze on all of them.<br> <br>Some heavy footsteps fall, as a figure makes its way towards the rowdiness occuring outside of the warehouse. The noise caught the badger's attention as he was walking towards the beach, and he'd decided to ease his curiosity by going to check it out. Cedric unceremoniously pushes some beings in the crowd out of the way as he walks closer to the source of the commotion.<br> <br>Sierra is riding her golem along actually, a new one, this one unpainted, probably a test run. She's carrying a bottle in one hand and occasionally taking a swig from it with each of the rather large golem's steps. Spotting the faces and the incident, she peers at it, then leans forward and murmurs, "Sulpher, if you'd please." while pointing, giving the commands to the golem as needed. She doesn't hop down quite yet once it comes to a stop, though she does grin and says, "Hi there!"<br> <br>Best to watch things from a distance first... when possible then act. Wulf is standing off on the otherside of the crowd and general uprowdiness, though when she hears some beasty mentions a party her ears flick a bit and she heads towards Angus, taking up his side and standing therer. "Indeed, parties are meant to be festive affairs."<br> <br>From behind the group steps a small clan woman, a vampire bat. She's dressed well, and she drops her smile and salutes Angus. "Permission to speak sir!" she squeaks, in a rather serious tone. This draws the attention of the others in the group who look rather puzzled by it all. The whale turns back to the guards and pushes forward towards them, but doesn't move to go past them just yet, saying "Are you gonna let me back in to get at the eats?" As he does he leans inward, and once he has he says "I'll rack you good I will, if you won't." An elderly gentleman moves away as Cedric attempts to push through the crowd, giving him a scowl, and encouraging those near him to do the same. Sierra gets another curious look, the golem getting a look over, before the jackal laughs once and says "Hi yourself." Wulf gets to accompany Angus in recieving a stare from the bat.<br> <br>Angus definitly didn't expect to have someone report to him, and his brow knit in anger. "Granted, make it fast." He commented sharply, an odd feeling playing at the back of his mind as he stared at her. He looked to Wulf and nodded as she came to support him, happy that he wouldn't have to fight anyone while his ribs were still healing.<br> <br>Cedric turns his head as he passes through the crowd, quietly staring back at those deciding to scowl at him. The badger turned his head forward again to get a good look at the others present, waving to the golem-riding lioness quickly. He fixes his gaze on the heavy clan whale, tilting his head slightly before moving on to staring at the bat. He decides to stay quiet for now, and see what happens next.<br> <br>Sierra looks at the bat, leaning back and forth on top of the golem. She leans back and slides down the back of the golem, landing with a few muttered curses. She brushes herself off, returning the wave to Cedric as she flips a few tools out and makes a few adjustments to the golem, watching the bat from the corner of her eyes. "What's the hurry? Hurrying back inside, all twitchy twitchy, eager for one thing, eager for another right?"<br> <br>Wulf stands there staring at the bat, making a mental note to watch what she is doing and pounce on her should the need arise. Her ears flick about as she listens to otherthings, waitingfor the bat to speak.<br> <br>The bat nods and says "Sir! You are a cad!" before bursting into laughter. The whole group joins in before the guards say "No, you have to leave now." The whale doesn't take this lightly, grabbing one of the guards and putting them in a tight grip, threatening to strangle them under his grasp. "I want to eat." This prompts the others in the group to back up, saying "C'mon Mike let it go! You're gonna get put down you big lug." The other guard takes a few jabs at the whale who seems to barely notice it.<br> <br>Angus rolls his eyes in response. "I'll take that as a complement, as your a few bats short of a belfry." He smirked at his dry comeback, but it disappeared as the whale started to become hostile. Drawing his Rapier he uses it to tape the whale on the shoulder, making sure that the first thing they see when they turn is the razor sharp blade. "Excuse me sir, but if your that hungry I have a feeling that we could easily accommodate you. As long as your friendly."<br> <br>Cedric keeps a pretty straight face at the exchange of words between the bat and Angus, and just quirks an eyebrow at her as he approaches. "You look familiar." the badger lies. He's pretty sure he's never seen her in his life. "Where have I seen you before?" he asks her, rubbing his chin with his thumb as if trying to figure it out.<br> <br>Sierra leans forward and taps the golem a few times, murmuring commands and tying them together with gestures. The golem takes a pair of steps forward, stands up straight, rolls it's shoulders back and vents a quick burst of steam before hunkering down and watching the whale. It's in constant movement, head and hands twitching at the slightest movement of the twitchy one. Sierra then makes her way over towards Cedric and Angus, leaning forward and murmurs, "Anything I should actually be doing other than hoping one big thing works on another?"<br> <br>Wulf stifles a giggle, her eyes turning towards the whale and Angus, getting ready to hurl herself at angus should the whale turn his attentions on him. "Well... ghetting a few big gaurds may help."<br> <br>The bat seems perplexed, thinking about the circumstances leaves her confused. She stops laughing and shakes her head. "I don't think so..." The whale turns to greet Angus, turning his whole body slowly, the guard still in hand comes face to face with the blade instead of the whale. "They said I couldn't eat no more. Said we all had to leave." he says, the guard still flailing and pulling at the grasp. Sierra is mostly ignored, the golem is not however, a few of the group moving to stand between the whale and it. Another guard shows up, throwing out a ashy feline carrying some hammers. "But..." the quiet lynx says, before the guard looks down at them and says "You're upsetting the guests." The feline retorts with "I was standing...", which recieves a swift "Go home apostate." from the guard, who turns to leave but stops when he sees the gathering and the struggling guards. He hefts his spear up and says "Release him at once!"
<div></div><br> <br>Outside the already slightly loud party taking place in the warehouse of Earl, a note-worthy plump enthusiast, and importer of fine foods, is an even louder occurance, a few guards getting hassled as they shove a few folks outside. "Get your tails out of here, you're a distruption." says one of the guards, just before his fine leather cap is pulled down roughly from behind, causing him to topple onto his rear. His partner grumbles and pushes the now laughing jackal out from behind the group. "Now clear out! Got enough of you inside we have to deal with." The group joins in the jackals laughter as they stand firm in place, an enormous heavy clan whale stepping forward to look at the guards. The group is drawing eyes from the few folks outside the party, whether in passing or on their way towards it.<br> <br>A commanding voice, threaded through with irritation cut through the laughter. "What is going on here?" Angus scowled as he walked towards the group, making sure his presence is known so that the whale didn't try anything. It wasn't hard to tell that the fox was a commanding officer considering he wear his officers uniform, the lightbringers symbol stitched to the breast of it. "I thought there was a party, not a drunken brawl." He growled, crossing his arms as he cast his gaze on all of them.<br> <br>Some heavy footsteps fall, as a figure makes its way towards the rowdiness occuring outside of the warehouse. The noise caught the badger's attention as he was walking towards the beach, and he'd decided to ease his curiosity by going to check it out. Cedric unceremoniously pushes some beings in the crowd out of the way as he walks closer to the source of the commotion.<br> <br>Sierra is riding her golem along actually, a new one, this one unpainted, probably a test run. She's carrying a bottle in one hand and occasionally taking a swig from it with each of the rather large golem's steps. Spotting the faces and the incident, she peers at it, then leans forward and murmurs, "Sulpher, if you'd please." while pointing, giving the commands to the golem as needed. She doesn't hop down quite yet once it comes to a stop, though she does grin and says, "Hi there!"<br> <br>Best to watch things from a distance first... when possible then act. Wulf is standing off on the otherside of the crowd and general uprowdiness, though when she hears some beasty mentions a party her ears flick a bit and she heads towards Angus, taking up his side and standing therer. "Indeed, parties are meant to be festive affairs."<br> <br>From behind the group steps a small clan woman, a vampire bat. She's dressed well, and she drops her smile and salutes Angus. "Permission to speak sir!" she squeaks, in a rather serious tone. This draws the attention of the others in the group who look rather puzzled by it all. The whale turns back to the guards and pushes forward towards them, but doesn't move to go past them just yet, saying "Are you gonna let me back in to get at the eats?" As he does he leans inward, and once he has he says "I'll rack you good I will, if you won't." An elderly gentleman moves away as Cedric attempts to push through the crowd, giving him a scowl, and encouraging those near him to do the same. Sierra gets another curious look, the golem getting a look over, before the jackal laughs once and says "Hi yourself." Wulf gets to accompany Angus in recieving a stare from the bat.<br> <br>Angus definitly didn't expect to have someone report to him, and his brow knit in anger. "Granted, make it fast." He commented sharply, an odd feeling playing at the back of his mind as he stared at her. He looked to Wulf and nodded as she came to support him, happy that he wouldn't have to fight anyone while his ribs were still healing.<br> <br>Cedric turns his head as he passes through the crowd, quietly staring back at those deciding to scowl at him. The badger turned his head forward again to get a good look at the others present, waving to the golem-riding lioness quickly. He fixes his gaze on the heavy clan whale, tilting his head slightly before moving on to staring at the bat. He decides to stay quiet for now, and see what happens next.<br> <br>Sierra looks at the bat, leaning back and forth on top of the golem. She leans back and slides down the back of the golem, landing with a few muttered curses. She brushes herself off, returning the wave to Cedric as she flips a few tools out and makes a few adjustments to the golem, watching the bat from the corner of her eyes. "What's the hurry? Hurrying back inside, all twitchy twitchy, eager for one thing, eager for another right?"<br> <br>Wulf stands there staring at the bat, making a mental note to watch what she is doing and pounce on her should the need arise. Her ears flick about as she listens to otherthings, waitingfor the bat to speak.<br> <br>The bat nods and says "Sir! You are a cad!" before bursting into laughter. The whole group joins in before the guards say "No, you have to leave now." The whale doesn't take this lightly, grabbing one of the guards and putting them in a tight grip, threatening to strangle them under his grasp. "I want to eat." This prompts the others in the group to back up, saying "C'mon Mike let it go! You're gonna get put down you big lug." The other guard takes a few jabs at the whale who seems to barely notice it.<br> <br>Angus rolls his eyes in response. "I'll take that as a complement, as your a few bats short of a belfry." He smirked at his dry comeback, but it disappeared as the whale started to become hostile. Drawing his Rapier he uses it to tape the whale on the shoulder, making sure that the first thing they see when they turn is the razor sharp blade. "Excuse me sir, but if your that hungry I have a feeling that we could easily accommodate you. As long as your friendly."<br> <br>Cedric keeps a pretty straight face at the exchange of words between the bat and Angus, and just quirks an eyebrow at her as he approaches. "You look familiar." the badger lies. He's pretty sure he's never seen her in his life. "Where have I seen you before?" he asks her, rubbing his chin with his thumb as if trying to figure it out.<br> <br>Sierra leans forward and taps the golem a few times, murmuring commands and tying them together with gestures. The golem takes a pair of steps forward, stands up straight, rolls it's shoulders back and vents a quick burst of steam before hunkering down and watching the whale. It's in constant movement, head and hands twitching at the slightest movement of the twitchy one. Sierra then makes her way over towards Cedric and Angus, leaning forward and murmurs, "Anything I should actually be doing other than hoping one big thing works on another?"<br> <br>Wulf stifles a giggle, her eyes turning towards the whale and Angus, getting ready to hurl herself at angus should the whale turn his attentions on him. "Well... ghetting a few big gaurds may help."<br> <br>The bat seems perplexed, thinking about the circumstances leaves her confused. She stops laughing and shakes her head. "I don't think so..." The whale turns to greet Angus, turning his whole body slowly, the guard still in hand comes face to face with the blade instead of the whale. "They said I couldn't eat no more. Said we all had to leave." he says, the guard still flailing and pulling at the grasp. Sierra is mostly ignored, the golem is not however, a few of the group moving to stand between the whale and it. Another guard shows up, throwing out a ashy feline carrying some hammers. "But..." the quiet lynx says, before the guard looks down at them and says "You're upsetting the guests." The feline retorts with "I was standing...", which recieves a swift "Go home apostate." from the guard, who turns to leave but stops when he sees the gathering and the struggling guards. He hefts his spear up and says "Release him at once!"<br> <br>The blade drops as soon as the guard came into view, and Angus scowled even more. "Did they give you any reason for why?" He finally decided to ask, the lynx recieveing a quick glance as they are thrown out of the building. "Wait....what?" The Lynx was just standing there? Angus sighed as the situation just seemed to continue to spiral out of control before he heard the yelling and noticed the spear. "Put that down. Now!" Was the foxes response, his free hand hovering over the throwing knives on his belt.<br> <br>"Huh..." Cedric gives a brief sigh to the bat lady, shaking his head. "Could have sworn I saw you someplace before." the badger tells her, shaking his head. He notices the movement of the others from the corner of his eye and turns his head to look in that direction. He turns his attention away for one moment, and there's even more commotion! "So did you come from inside there? Where the party is?" he asks the bat, keeping his attention over towards the conflict. "Any idea what's going on in there?"<br> <br>Sierra looks over towards the potential aggressors and murmurs, "Whatever the plan is, I'm sober enough to aim with a thrown bo-.. uh, well. I think the new golem's combat ready, most of it's bugs are out." She then shifts a bit and adds, "Someone should help the guard though, I wouldn't want to trust it's fine attention to detail yet."<br> <br>Wulf places a hand on her sabre and steps towards the gaurd that just threw the lynx out. "Sounds more like someone is just picky about their guests, ain't nothin wrong with being an apostate or a 'wall flower', and this is comin from someone with a clan." Her claws tap at the hilt of her sabre, twitchy and ready to move. "If Ari were here ohohohhhh boy would you get chewed and spat out."<br> <br>Selena paces along the Maritime, humming something quietly - though the tune stops as the sounds of the commotion come into earshot. She mutters something under her breath and begins moving over to the collection of beings and guards, waving to those she knows. "Sierra, Wulf... What exactly is goi-" The wolfess asks confusedly, gesturing to the lynx and guard before the argument cuts her off and she shakes her head. "Who trains you beings?" She mutters under her breath as the spear comes up, raising her voice. "Who here is in charge of these guards? I want an explanation of why beings are being threatened simply for being there. I would like to believe you beings are better than that." The wolfess rubs her temples for a moment, nodding in agreement to Wulf and murmuring something to the husky with an amused smirk.<br> <br>The bat says to Cedric "Theres a bunch of posh high society folk inside, we went in and tried the food, met a few folks and got thrown out, thats all that happened." The guard in grasp has passed out from lack of air, the whale suddenly snaps to the realization and sets him down gently. "Ah dung. I went and did it again guys." he says, his voice rattles deeply as he rubs the back of his head. The spear weilding guard scowls and says "He just strangled Rick!" as he keeps his stance, watching the group carefully. "Now look, clear out or the city guard will take care of all of you lot." The golem is watched carefully by two beings of very different heights, who look rather uneasy. "Mike, look lets just go." one of them, a sparrow says to the whale. The feline dusts himself off and looks at the guard, saying "It's not my fault you know..." The second of the first two guards, stoops down to inspect his comrade before saying "Reggie is inside, and he's in charge of the guards. Look we're just doing our job, folks are distruptive we throw em out."<br> <br>Angus shakes his head as the truth is finally revealed. "Ah, so it's a high society banquet." He had completly forgotten about the guard in the whales grasp, so when he fell to the floor he was brought out of his stupor, before his brow knitted as the guard threatens them. "Threatening an officer, and a Solacious. Obviously someone doesn't want to keep their job." He threatened back before he turned to the group. "Excuse me, but I do believe that I have an alternative that you folk could try..."<br> <br>Cedric nods to the bat, as he watches the scene, giving a short little wave to Selena as she makes the scene and then returns his gaze to the vampire bat. "Ah, that so?" he asks, shaking his head a little bit. "Sounds like a pretty dull party anyway." he adds with a quiet yawn. He doesn't really have much to do except watch, and make small talk with this bat.<br> <br>Sierra looks to the two, then looks to the gathered uh, party crashers. The golem is once more idling, quick jerky movements. Sierra murmurs, "Just give me some ideas yeah? Yeah." and then hurries over to the passed out guard, her golem moving to step between her and the others. She checks to make sure he's breathing and if not, will carefully tilt his head back to try and open the airway.<br> <br>Wulf remiains standing where she is at, smirking at Selena and mumbling back at the Wolfess.<br> <br>Selena tilts her head to the side and peers at the guard. "Thank you. I understand that you may be doing your jobs, but that means the problem lies with the person that gave the orders. Unless I'm mistaken, you should have left the apostate ourside if it's for 'high' society." The wolfess states a little derisively, tapping a foot against the pavement and chuckling back at Wulf's comment - evidently having no intention of simply moving out, or considering the gathering particularly 'refined'. "I'm not doing anything against the law by being here. You should know that as well as I do." She states flatly, watching as Sierra tends to the unconscious guard and pulling her medicines to the top of her bag in the event they become necessary.<br> <br>The guard is in fact, breathing, just shallowly. The third guard lowers his spear and says "He was passing himself off as a clanner." The feline kicks some dirt and moves to walk off, giving Angus, and Cedric a smile. The second guard says "Look, we do our job, or we get fired. I can get him if you want." The whale looks to Angus, and Wulf, and Sierra, and then everyone else and says "Whats that?" The jackal cracks up and nudges the bat, holding up a little box and saying "We could muss things up before we go yah know."<br> <br>Angus sighs and shakes his head. "No, mussing up the place would be a bad idea. I was going to suggest letting me treat you all to a meal at the Inn. A small apology for all the trouble you've gone through really." He glanced at the guard as he complained and frowned, shaking his head. "I'll make sure to have a nice long 'Chat' with your commanding office. Now, I have just one more question. Who organized this party, and what is it for?"<br> <br>Cedric's eyes wander to the box the jackal is holding, quirking an eyebrow in response to his question. "What's in the box?" he asks, wanting to know how the jackal intends to 'muss up' a party with its contents.<br> <br>Sierra looks to the pair and says, "Hey, hey now, none of that. I haven't tested that thing for combat yet, smears aren't pleasant to clean up, not fun to clean up at all." Almost as though for emphasis, the golem vents excess steam once more, a larger quantity this time. Looking back, she says, "Uh, hey this guy's alive, just out, someone should get him to a healer. Except the crazy one. Skip that, yes."<br> <br>Wulf clears her throat over at the Jakal and Bat. "You know, mussing it up would only confirm their sterotypes about ypou, you don't want to be remembered for that do you?" The husky hurridly mutters back at Sel and grins before turning back to the pairs of confronting groups.<br> <br>Selena crosses her arms. "You mean you didn't... Forget it, that'll be something your commander can deal with - Angus, it's good that you at least have that covered." She shakes her head, evidently quite unimpressed with the guards. The jackal's comment prompts her to look back up and shake her head and keeping her eyes firmly on the box. "He's right, you know. Destruction isn't an answer to violence. It'll only keep this cycle going." The wolfess nods, moving over to the guard and looking over the being for a good few moments, sighing quietly before putting a brace around the being's neck for good measure. "It would be unfortunate, Wulf. I'd rather not have to start casting spells at the moment."<br> <br>The jackal smiles. "Why my trained COLLECTION OF PIZ." he says, looking into the box, which all can clearly see contains multiple piz. "Why if they got out I bet they'd get into all the cracks and crevices." he says with a laugh. The bat giggles and nods. "They're really good at that." she adds, looking around the area. Angus is given a smile. "Ah would like that, c'mon guys we got a friend." The feline departs into the distance, swinging his hammer about with amazing skill when he is clear of people in a display of skill before vanishing from view completely. The guards look rather unamused with the threats. "I'll go get him." one of the guards say, grabbiing their downed friend and gently carting them inside. The golem is backed away from, the two moving to fall behind the whale.<br> <br>Angus nods to the group. "I'll catch up with you in a little bit, just have to have a little chat with their captain." Crossing his arms he waited there, making sure that his rank and insignia were easily displayed for when their captain arrived. <br> <br>Sierra looks around quietly, then when she doesn't hear anyone else asking, calls out, "The hell's a piz?" while trying to check for brusing on the downed guard. Not really trusting herself beyond that, she then stands up and brandishes a wrench, "Do you really need to be doing all this?"<br> <br>Wulf blinks a few moments... a piz? "Indeed, what is a piz. Tell us while we go get a nice bite to eat."<br> <br>Selena shakes her head. "Piz. Really, of all the things... I'm surprised you say 'trained', though." The wolfess comments, mildly interested at this point beyond the threat. "But I agree, it'd be interesting to hear about - but a demonstration is not necessary." She comments, looking over her shoulder to Sierra and Wulf. "They're a type of pest. Little reptiles that are hard to get rid of." She notes, moving back over to Wulf as the guard is moved off.<br> <br>The whale sets off, the jackal staying behind to say "Yep! Trained, they're special. Sure we can talk over dinner, I'll meet you thar sir." he says to Angus as he follows the Whale off. The group remains with the one guard, spear in hand. "You, you, and you." he says pointing to Cedric, SIerra, and Selena. "No entry." He waits while the guard fetches their boss.<br> <br>Angus smiles at the Jackal. "I look forward to it then, try and save a seat for me!" He jokes, before he turns to quirk an eyebrow at the Guard, and then points to the three. "You, you, and you. Are now temporary representitives of the Solacious house, which means they can not be denied entry." He shot back, just in spite of the guards actions. <br> <br>"Weird..." Cedric says, looking the guard up from foot to head and glowering at him. "I don't even recall asking for entry." he says, summoning up the most sarcastically worried look he can manage. "Oh. Wait. Now I remember; I didn't ask." he says, with fake cheerfulness.<br> <br>Sierra looks to the guard and stifles a yawn as she stands up. "Two things. Your buddy's fine, go get someone to help him out. And if I wanted in the party, you wouldn't stop me. well, maybe you'd stop me, but you'd not stop the big guy there. So kindly pull your head free and do your job. On now, go go" She shoos at the guard and looks annoyed. <br> <br>Wulf frowns as things start to escalate again, stopping in her tracks and turning back around. The husky growls at the group quietly, leering at them beneath the rim of her brow, hand on the hilt of her sabre.<br> <br>Selena laughs quietly as Angus overrides the denial of entry. "Don't worry about it, Angus. If they aren't interested in a representative of the Ironsoul's Defenders, That tells me all I need to know." She comments, shrugging. "If admission is restricted to a title, I wouldn't want entry anyway." The wolfess comments,grinning slightly at the derision directed towards the guard and offering a hand out to the jackal and others. "Anyway. I'm Selena, I work as a taskmage. Sorry we've had to meet in such a situation."<br> <br>Out from behind the guard comes a rather well dressed guard, armor given a stylish gold hint. He speaks with a cliffside accent, saying "Whats going on here?" as he looks the group over. "Are these the trouble makers?" he asks, the guard shaking his head. "They all left, they wish to speak to you sir." Reggie looks over the group, seemingly unimpressed with Angus and the lot. "So, what is it? I have duties to attend to."<br> <br>Angus doesn't really care for the captain as soon as he sees him. "I am curious as to who organized this party. I would also like to know who your superior is." He flat out asked, not bothering for to try and be nice to this rather spoiled officer.<br> <br>The jackal smiles and takes Selena's hand as they walk. "Sal'right, so you like piz then?" he inquires as he walks, the others gallivanting behind the whale to the Inn.<br> <br>Cedric takes a look at the guard captain, and finds himself nearly unable to take his eyes off the ridiculously pretentious armor he's wearing. "Hmm... I don't have any questions. It's all him." he says, pointing at Angus.<br> <br>Sierra looks to the gathered sort and says, "Hey uh.. I need to go and check things. Don't need the golem having something go really really wrong right?" She then stands up, offers a smile and climbs up to ride off.<br> <br>Wulf spits on the ground towards the boss. "You look like a milkdrinker." That said the Husky leaves, gone to join Sel off by the inn and leaving the political intrigue to Angus.<br> <br>Selena shakes her head and the jackal's hand, chuckling quietly, giving the husky a thumbs-up when she comes to join her. "I'm not particularly fond of piz, but I am interested in how you've managed to train them. It's not often I've heard someone make that kind of a claim." She replies to the canine, folding her arms across her waist having finished the pleasantries. The wolfess murmurs something to Wulf with a smirk.<br> <br>The group up and leaves Cedric and Angus to sort out the slightly irritated guard, the jackal replying "Well sometimes they just don't do what you want them to but, like anything else that lives, one can exploit their appitite and nature." The guard looks to Angus and says "Oh so a Solacious has problems with keeping the riff-raff in order, what a surprise." before he mutters something about sticking together. "So you're going to tell me that disruptive folks pulling jokes on eachother, being loud and rude, shouldn't be kept out? The offended quite a few of our fine guests. I answer to one being, Earl. He handles the pleasantries and I handle the scum, he organized the party to celebrate his outstanding sales."<br> <br>Angus rolls his eyes at the Solacious comment. "How cute, so your just the Earls guard dog then? No wonder you can't even keep your own soldiers in line." He shot back in spite of himself, his anger getting the better of him.<br> <br>Cedric says to Angus quietly, "I think his name is Earl, not a title." he says with a grin, and looks to the guard captain with a tilt of his head. He answers the question, even though it wasn't asked of him. "Well, to be fair... your men were having a hard time keeping the 'riffraff' in line. We shouldn't have had to come over and check out the fuss." he says, folding his arms.<br> <br>Wulf giggles. "Tis the general idea Selena, the general idea." turning to face the Jakal a friendly wink. "So what exactly can you get them to do."<br> <br>Jackal*<br> <br>Selena laughs quietly, plaiting her hair to keep some strands out of her face. "To be fair, they weren't doing their jobs. It's a sorry state when your guards aren't even guarding." She replies, listening in intently to the jackal. "Fair point, though how consistent is the result?”<br> <br>The jackal snickers, the bat saying "They'll go through those little metal rings you made, you should show them in a safe place." The jackal nods. "They think theres always food on the other side, but sometimes thar isn't. Like when we show off." The two are given a look, and Cedric is given a nod. "His name is Earl, he's a businessman. And we were keepin them in line, we escorted them out, the folks inside are happy. That's what we do... and if you're so good at crowd control maybe we can talk about employment badger. Plenty of crowns in it for you." The guard says, completely ignoring Angus at this point.<br> <br>Angus chuckled as he seemed to be ignored and he shook his head. "The nerve of some people..." Taking a step forward he roughly grabs the captain by the muzzle, and turns him to face his direction. "A superior officer just asked you a question, so you better damn well answer it or I'll definitly make sure your not only stripped of your rank. I'll make sure that your stuck with the worst job ever, dungeon duty. Do I make myself clear?" He snarled, his humor completly gone as he faced this fool.<br> <br>Selena says, "That sounds like I should say, It sucks I can't get higher water magic because I'm not a water clanner.""<br> <br>Cedric watches Angus grab the guard captain by the muzzle, and chuckles. He walks over getting close to the captain, replying to his crack about employment. "Tempting offer, but... I'm not sure it'd be the right job for me..." the badger answers, with an expression of what might appear to be serious consideration. "I'd need an awful lot of crown to willingly babysit a bunch of frou-frou socialites while they feast and discuss their... fancy hats, or whatever it is nobles talk about at these things." he says in a very even tone, leaning off to the side to try and peek inside at the party and maybe catch a glimpse of some ridiculous affront to hattery. He looks at Angus for a moment, shrugging helplessly. "No offense. You guys like hats, right? I don't really know. Honestly, dungeon duty sounds like a lot more fun. Probably better company too." he says, grinning at the guard captain.<br> <br>Wulf Snickers. "That so, mind giving me a demonstration? I'd enjoy seeing them perform. That I would." The Husky smiles and waits for her reply.<br> <br>Selena chuckles quietly. "That's impressive. There's probably a decent place you could set up, if you wanted - looks like Wulf is also interested." She chuckles, looking over to Wulf. with a smile.<br> <br>The jackal laughs and says "Shur thing!" as the group moves onward. The guard growls and swats Angus's hand away violently. He glares at the solacious, saying simply "I"m not a member of any reserve you may command, Solacious, I'm part of a private for hire group. Now you lay your hand on me again, nobility or not, we will have a problem, do you understand?" He gives Angus a tap on the ribs.<br> <br>Angus blinks as his ribs are tapped, and he just smiles. "Oh, so not only are you a guard dog. But your a guard dog for hire? Question is, how cheap were you? I hope the Earl got his moneys worth." He shot back, stanind on the balls of his feet just in case the captain decides to take a swing. Which he was actuall hoping for.<br> <br>Cedric just stands back and watches on with amusement at the exchange. He regrets not bringing any snacks with him.<br> <br>Wulf settles down to watch the little criters, she finds a nice seat with little difficulty. "I am ready to watch, show them off when ready gridly."<br> <br>Selena chuckles, nudging Wulf. "First round's on me, all right?" She chuckles, nudging the husky. "It's good to see you out and about again." The wolfess smiles, nodding back to the Jackal and setting herself down near the husky when they arrive at an appropriate spot.<br> <br>The guard grumbles and waves Angus off. "Be off, it's clear you're just looking to dance on my nerves, I've got work to do. I've wasted enough time with you lot." He wheels around and proceeds back inside. The guard remaining guard moves to take his post, and the show proceeds. The piz gingerly proceed through little hoops.<br> <br>Angus yawns at the guards words. "That's cute, hope your master teachs you a few new tricks." He shrugged as he turned around, done with the conversation as well. "Shall we head to the Inn Cedric? Drinks are on me."<br> <br>Cedric nods to Angus as he starts to head back in the other direction. "Yeah... this hasn't been very productive..." he says with a little chuckle, shaking his head.<br> <br>Wulf giggles dgleefully. "They are actually pretty cute... i wonder if I could get one for a pet." The Husky grins and nudges Selena. "The first one is always your round, howabout i start us off, eh?"<br> <br>Selena chuckles, then nudges the husky back. "All right, if you insist. But you'd have to be pretty careful with a piz, they aren't easy to find if you lost it." She replies, applauding politely as the show ends. "Well, on to the inn?"<br> <br>The group reaches the inn, the piz are stowed safely away, and the party continues on into the night, undeterred by the gropus presence.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 04:48, 1 June 2013





Outside the already slightly loud party taking place in the warehouse of Earl, a note-worthy plump enthusiast, and importer of fine foods, is an even louder occurance, a few guards getting hassled as they shove a few folks outside. "Get your tails out of here, you're a distruption." says one of the guards, just before his fine leather cap is pulled down roughly from behind, causing him to topple onto his rear. His partner grumbles and pushes the now laughing jackal out from behind the group. "Now clear out! Got enough of you inside we have to deal with." The group joins in the jackals laughter as they stand firm in place, an enormous heavy clan whale stepping forward to look at the guards. The group is drawing eyes from the few folks outside the party, whether in passing or on their way towards it.

A commanding voice, threaded through with irritation cut through the laughter. "What is going on here?" Angus scowled as he walked towards the group, making sure his presence is known so that the whale didn't try anything. It wasn't hard to tell that the fox was a commanding officer considering he wear his officers uniform, the lightbringers symbol stitched to the breast of it. "I thought there was a party, not a drunken brawl." He growled, crossing his arms as he cast his gaze on all of them.

Some heavy footsteps fall, as a figure makes its way towards the rowdiness occuring outside of the warehouse. The noise caught the badger's attention as he was walking towards the beach, and he'd decided to ease his curiosity by going to check it out. Cedric unceremoniously pushes some beings in the crowd out of the way as he walks closer to the source of the commotion.

Sierra is riding her golem along actually, a new one, this one unpainted, probably a test run. She's carrying a bottle in one hand and occasionally taking a swig from it with each of the rather large golem's steps. Spotting the faces and the incident, she peers at it, then leans forward and murmurs, "Sulpher, if you'd please." while pointing, giving the commands to the golem as needed. She doesn't hop down quite yet once it comes to a stop, though she does grin and says, "Hi there!"

Best to watch things from a distance first... when possible then act. Wulf is standing off on the otherside of the crowd and general uprowdiness, though when she hears some beasty mentions a party her ears flick a bit and she heads towards Angus, taking up his side and standing therer. "Indeed, parties are meant to be festive affairs."

From behind the group steps a small clan woman, a vampire bat. She's dressed well, and she drops her smile and salutes Angus. "Permission to speak sir!" she squeaks, in a rather serious tone. This draws the attention of the others in the group who look rather puzzled by it all. The whale turns back to the guards and pushes forward towards them, but doesn't move to go past them just yet, saying "Are you gonna let me back in to get at the eats?" As he does he leans inward, and once he has he says "I'll rack you good I will, if you won't." An elderly gentleman moves away as Cedric attempts to push through the crowd, giving him a scowl, and encouraging those near him to do the same. Sierra gets another curious look, the golem getting a look over, before the jackal laughs once and says "Hi yourself." Wulf gets to accompany Angus in recieving a stare from the bat.

Angus definitly didn't expect to have someone report to him, and his brow knit in anger. "Granted, make it fast." He commented sharply, an odd feeling playing at the back of his mind as he stared at her. He looked to Wulf and nodded as she came to support him, happy that he wouldn't have to fight anyone while his ribs were still healing.

Cedric turns his head as he passes through the crowd, quietly staring back at those deciding to scowl at him. The badger turned his head forward again to get a good look at the others present, waving to the golem-riding lioness quickly. He fixes his gaze on the heavy clan whale, tilting his head slightly before moving on to staring at the bat. He decides to stay quiet for now, and see what happens next.

Sierra looks at the bat, leaning back and forth on top of the golem. She leans back and slides down the back of the golem, landing with a few muttered curses. She brushes herself off, returning the wave to Cedric as she flips a few tools out and makes a few adjustments to the golem, watching the bat from the corner of her eyes. "What's the hurry? Hurrying back inside, all twitchy twitchy, eager for one thing, eager for another right?"

Wulf stands there staring at the bat, making a mental note to watch what she is doing and pounce on her should the need arise. Her ears flick about as she listens to otherthings, waitingfor the bat to speak.

The bat nods and says "Sir! You are a cad!" before bursting into laughter. The whole group joins in before the guards say "No, you have to leave now." The whale doesn't take this lightly, grabbing one of the guards and putting them in a tight grip, threatening to strangle them under his grasp. "I want to eat." This prompts the others in the group to back up, saying "C'mon Mike let it go! You're gonna get put down you big lug." The other guard takes a few jabs at the whale who seems to barely notice it.

Angus rolls his eyes in response. "I'll take that as a complement, as your a few bats short of a belfry." He smirked at his dry comeback, but it disappeared as the whale started to become hostile. Drawing his Rapier he uses it to tape the whale on the shoulder, making sure that the first thing they see when they turn is the razor sharp blade. "Excuse me sir, but if your that hungry I have a feeling that we could easily accommodate you. As long as your friendly."

Cedric keeps a pretty straight face at the exchange of words between the bat and Angus, and just quirks an eyebrow at her as he approaches. "You look familiar." the badger lies. He's pretty sure he's never seen her in his life. "Where have I seen you before?" he asks her, rubbing his chin with his thumb as if trying to figure it out.

Sierra leans forward and taps the golem a few times, murmuring commands and tying them together with gestures. The golem takes a pair of steps forward, stands up straight, rolls it's shoulders back and vents a quick burst of steam before hunkering down and watching the whale. It's in constant movement, head and hands twitching at the slightest movement of the twitchy one. Sierra then makes her way over towards Cedric and Angus, leaning forward and murmurs, "Anything I should actually be doing other than hoping one big thing works on another?"

Wulf stifles a giggle, her eyes turning towards the whale and Angus, getting ready to hurl herself at angus should the whale turn his attentions on him. "Well... ghetting a few big gaurds may help."

The bat seems perplexed, thinking about the circumstances leaves her confused. She stops laughing and shakes her head. "I don't think so..." The whale turns to greet Angus, turning his whole body slowly, the guard still in hand comes face to face with the blade instead of the whale. "They said I couldn't eat no more. Said we all had to leave." he says, the guard still flailing and pulling at the grasp. Sierra is mostly ignored, the golem is not however, a few of the group moving to stand between the whale and it. Another guard shows up, throwing out a ashy feline carrying some hammers. "But..." the quiet lynx says, before the guard looks down at them and says "You're upsetting the guests." The feline retorts with "I was standing...", which recieves a swift "Go home apostate." from the guard, who turns to leave but stops when he sees the gathering and the struggling guards. He hefts his spear up and says "Release him at once!"

The blade drops as soon as the guard came into view, and Angus scowled even more. "Did they give you any reason for why?" He finally decided to ask, the lynx recieveing a quick glance as they are thrown out of the building. "Wait....what?" The Lynx was just standing there? Angus sighed as the situation just seemed to continue to spiral out of control before he heard the yelling and noticed the spear. "Put that down. Now!" Was the foxes response, his free hand hovering over the throwing knives on his belt.

"Huh..." Cedric gives a brief sigh to the bat lady, shaking his head. "Could have sworn I saw you someplace before." the badger tells her, shaking his head. He notices the movement of the others from the corner of his eye and turns his head to look in that direction. He turns his attention away for one moment, and there's even more commotion! "So did you come from inside there? Where the party is?" he asks the bat, keeping his attention over towards the conflict. "Any idea what's going on in there?"

Sierra looks over towards the potential aggressors and murmurs, "Whatever the plan is, I'm sober enough to aim with a thrown bo-.. uh, well. I think the new golem's combat ready, most of it's bugs are out." She then shifts a bit and adds, "Someone should help the guard though, I wouldn't want to trust it's fine attention to detail yet."

Wulf places a hand on her sabre and steps towards the gaurd that just threw the lynx out. "Sounds more like someone is just picky about their guests, ain't nothin wrong with being an apostate or a 'wall flower', and this is comin from someone with a clan." Her claws tap at the hilt of her sabre, twitchy and ready to move. "If Ari were here ohohohhhh boy would you get chewed and spat out."

Selena paces along the Maritime, humming something quietly - though the tune stops as the sounds of the commotion come into earshot. She mutters something under her breath and begins moving over to the collection of beings and guards, waving to those she knows. "Sierra, Wulf... What exactly is goi-" The wolfess asks confusedly, gesturing to the lynx and guard before the argument cuts her off and she shakes her head. "Who trains you beings?" She mutters under her breath as the spear comes up, raising her voice. "Who here is in charge of these guards? I want an explanation of why beings are being threatened simply for being there. I would like to believe you beings are better than that." The wolfess rubs her temples for a moment, nodding in agreement to Wulf and murmuring something to the husky with an amused smirk.

The bat says to Cedric "Theres a bunch of posh high society folk inside, we went in and tried the food, met a few folks and got thrown out, thats all that happened." The guard in grasp has passed out from lack of air, the whale suddenly snaps to the realization and sets him down gently. "Ah dung. I went and did it again guys." he says, his voice rattles deeply as he rubs the back of his head. The spear weilding guard scowls and says "He just strangled Rick!" as he keeps his stance, watching the group carefully. "Now look, clear out or the city guard will take care of all of you lot." The golem is watched carefully by two beings of very different heights, who look rather uneasy. "Mike, look lets just go." one of them, a sparrow says to the whale. The feline dusts himself off and looks at the guard, saying "It's not my fault you know..." The second of the first two guards, stoops down to inspect his comrade before saying "Reggie is inside, and he's in charge of the guards. Look we're just doing our job, folks are distruptive we throw em out."

Angus shakes his head as the truth is finally revealed. "Ah, so it's a high society banquet." He had completly forgotten about the guard in the whales grasp, so when he fell to the floor he was brought out of his stupor, before his brow knitted as the guard threatens them. "Threatening an officer, and a Solacious. Obviously someone doesn't want to keep their job." He threatened back before he turned to the group. "Excuse me, but I do believe that I have an alternative that you folk could try..."

Cedric nods to the bat, as he watches the scene, giving a short little wave to Selena as she makes the scene and then returns his gaze to the vampire bat. "Ah, that so?" he asks, shaking his head a little bit. "Sounds like a pretty dull party anyway." he adds with a quiet yawn. He doesn't really have much to do except watch, and make small talk with this bat.

Sierra looks to the two, then looks to the gathered uh, party crashers. The golem is once more idling, quick jerky movements. Sierra murmurs, "Just give me some ideas yeah? Yeah." and then hurries over to the passed out guard, her golem moving to step between her and the others. She checks to make sure he's breathing and if not, will carefully tilt his head back to try and open the airway.

Wulf remiains standing where she is at, smirking at Selena and mumbling back at the Wolfess.

Selena tilts her head to the side and peers at the guard. "Thank you. I understand that you may be doing your jobs, but that means the problem lies with the person that gave the orders. Unless I'm mistaken, you should have left the apostate ourside if it's for 'high' society." The wolfess states a little derisively, tapping a foot against the pavement and chuckling back at Wulf's comment - evidently having no intention of simply moving out, or considering the gathering particularly 'refined'. "I'm not doing anything against the law by being here. You should know that as well as I do." She states flatly, watching as Sierra tends to the unconscious guard and pulling her medicines to the top of her bag in the event they become necessary.

The guard is in fact, breathing, just shallowly. The third guard lowers his spear and says "He was passing himself off as a clanner." The feline kicks some dirt and moves to walk off, giving Angus, and Cedric a smile. The second guard says "Look, we do our job, or we get fired. I can get him if you want." The whale looks to Angus, and Wulf, and Sierra, and then everyone else and says "Whats that?" The jackal cracks up and nudges the bat, holding up a little box and saying "We could muss things up before we go yah know."

Angus sighs and shakes his head. "No, mussing up the place would be a bad idea. I was going to suggest letting me treat you all to a meal at the Inn. A small apology for all the trouble you've gone through really." He glanced at the guard as he complained and frowned, shaking his head. "I'll make sure to have a nice long 'Chat' with your commanding office. Now, I have just one more question. Who organized this party, and what is it for?"

Cedric's eyes wander to the box the jackal is holding, quirking an eyebrow in response to his question. "What's in the box?" he asks, wanting to know how the jackal intends to 'muss up' a party with its contents.

Sierra looks to the pair and says, "Hey, hey now, none of that. I haven't tested that thing for combat yet, smears aren't pleasant to clean up, not fun to clean up at all." Almost as though for emphasis, the golem vents excess steam once more, a larger quantity this time. Looking back, she says, "Uh, hey this guy's alive, just out, someone should get him to a healer. Except the crazy one. Skip that, yes."

Wulf clears her throat over at the Jakal and Bat. "You know, mussing it up would only confirm their sterotypes about ypou, you don't want to be remembered for that do you?" The husky hurridly mutters back at Sel and grins before turning back to the pairs of confronting groups.

Selena crosses her arms. "You mean you didn't... Forget it, that'll be something your commander can deal with - Angus, it's good that you at least have that covered." She shakes her head, evidently quite unimpressed with the guards. The jackal's comment prompts her to look back up and shake her head and keeping her eyes firmly on the box. "He's right, you know. Destruction isn't an answer to violence. It'll only keep this cycle going." The wolfess nods, moving over to the guard and looking over the being for a good few moments, sighing quietly before putting a brace around the being's neck for good measure. "It would be unfortunate, Wulf. I'd rather not have to start casting spells at the moment."

The jackal smiles. "Why my trained COLLECTION OF PIZ." he says, looking into the box, which all can clearly see contains multiple piz. "Why if they got out I bet they'd get into all the cracks and crevices." he says with a laugh. The bat giggles and nods. "They're really good at that." she adds, looking around the area. Angus is given a smile. "Ah would like that, c'mon guys we got a friend." The feline departs into the distance, swinging his hammer about with amazing skill when he is clear of people in a display of skill before vanishing from view completely. The guards look rather unamused with the threats. "I'll go get him." one of the guards say, grabbiing their downed friend and gently carting them inside. The golem is backed away from, the two moving to fall behind the whale.

Angus nods to the group. "I'll catch up with you in a little bit, just have to have a little chat with their captain." Crossing his arms he waited there, making sure that his rank and insignia were easily displayed for when their captain arrived.

Sierra looks around quietly, then when she doesn't hear anyone else asking, calls out, "The hell's a piz?" while trying to check for brusing on the downed guard. Not really trusting herself beyond that, she then stands up and brandishes a wrench, "Do you really need to be doing all this?"

Wulf blinks a few moments... a piz? "Indeed, what is a piz. Tell us while we go get a nice bite to eat."

Selena shakes her head. "Piz. Really, of all the things... I'm surprised you say 'trained', though." The wolfess comments, mildly interested at this point beyond the threat. "But I agree, it'd be interesting to hear about - but a demonstration is not necessary." She comments, looking over her shoulder to Sierra and Wulf. "They're a type of pest. Little reptiles that are hard to get rid of." She notes, moving back over to Wulf as the guard is moved off.

The whale sets off, the jackal staying behind to say "Yep! Trained, they're special. Sure we can talk over dinner, I'll meet you thar sir." he says to Angus as he follows the Whale off. The group remains with the one guard, spear in hand. "You, you, and you." he says pointing to Cedric, SIerra, and Selena. "No entry." He waits while the guard fetches their boss.

Angus smiles at the Jackal. "I look forward to it then, try and save a seat for me!" He jokes, before he turns to quirk an eyebrow at the Guard, and then points to the three. "You, you, and you. Are now temporary representitives of the Solacious house, which means they can not be denied entry." He shot back, just in spite of the guards actions.

"Weird..." Cedric says, looking the guard up from foot to head and glowering at him. "I don't even recall asking for entry." he says, summoning up the most sarcastically worried look he can manage. "Oh. Wait. Now I remember; I didn't ask." he says, with fake cheerfulness.

Sierra looks to the guard and stifles a yawn as she stands up. "Two things. Your buddy's fine, go get someone to help him out. And if I wanted in the party, you wouldn't stop me. well, maybe you'd stop me, but you'd not stop the big guy there. So kindly pull your head free and do your job. On now, go go" She shoos at the guard and looks annoyed.

Wulf frowns as things start to escalate again, stopping in her tracks and turning back around. The husky growls at the group quietly, leering at them beneath the rim of her brow, hand on the hilt of her sabre.

Selena laughs quietly as Angus overrides the denial of entry. "Don't worry about it, Angus. If they aren't interested in a representative of the Ironsoul's Defenders, That tells me all I need to know." She comments, shrugging. "If admission is restricted to a title, I wouldn't want entry anyway." The wolfess comments,grinning slightly at the derision directed towards the guard and offering a hand out to the jackal and others. "Anyway. I'm Selena, I work as a taskmage. Sorry we've had to meet in such a situation."

Out from behind the guard comes a rather well dressed guard, armor given a stylish gold hint. He speaks with a cliffside accent, saying "Whats going on here?" as he looks the group over. "Are these the trouble makers?" he asks, the guard shaking his head. "They all left, they wish to speak to you sir." Reggie looks over the group, seemingly unimpressed with Angus and the lot. "So, what is it? I have duties to attend to."

Angus doesn't really care for the captain as soon as he sees him. "I am curious as to who organized this party. I would also like to know who your superior is." He flat out asked, not bothering for to try and be nice to this rather spoiled officer.

The jackal smiles and takes Selena's hand as they walk. "Sal'right, so you like piz then?" he inquires as he walks, the others gallivanting behind the whale to the Inn.

Cedric takes a look at the guard captain, and finds himself nearly unable to take his eyes off the ridiculously pretentious armor he's wearing. "Hmm... I don't have any questions. It's all him." he says, pointing at Angus.

Sierra looks to the gathered sort and says, "Hey uh.. I need to go and check things. Don't need the golem having something go really really wrong right?" She then stands up, offers a smile and climbs up to ride off.

Wulf spits on the ground towards the boss. "You look like a milkdrinker." That said the Husky leaves, gone to join Sel off by the inn and leaving the political intrigue to Angus.

Selena shakes her head and the jackal's hand, chuckling quietly, giving the husky a thumbs-up when she comes to join her. "I'm not particularly fond of piz, but I am interested in how you've managed to train them. It's not often I've heard someone make that kind of a claim." She replies to the canine, folding her arms across her waist having finished the pleasantries. The wolfess murmurs something to Wulf with a smirk.

The group up and leaves Cedric and Angus to sort out the slightly irritated guard, the jackal replying "Well sometimes they just don't do what you want them to but, like anything else that lives, one can exploit their appitite and nature." The guard looks to Angus and says "Oh so a Solacious has problems with keeping the riff-raff in order, what a surprise." before he mutters something about sticking together. "So you're going to tell me that disruptive folks pulling jokes on eachother, being loud and rude, shouldn't be kept out? The offended quite a few of our fine guests. I answer to one being, Earl. He handles the pleasantries and I handle the scum, he organized the party to celebrate his outstanding sales."

Angus rolls his eyes at the Solacious comment. "How cute, so your just the Earls guard dog then? No wonder you can't even keep your own soldiers in line." He shot back in spite of himself, his anger getting the better of him.

Cedric says to Angus quietly, "I think his name is Earl, not a title." he says with a grin, and looks to the guard captain with a tilt of his head. He answers the question, even though it wasn't asked of him. "Well, to be fair... your men were having a hard time keeping the 'riffraff' in line. We shouldn't have had to come over and check out the fuss." he says, folding his arms.

Wulf giggles. "Tis the general idea Selena, the general idea." turning to face the Jakal a friendly wink. "So what exactly can you get them to do."


Selena laughs quietly, plaiting her hair to keep some strands out of her face. "To be fair, they weren't doing their jobs. It's a sorry state when your guards aren't even guarding." She replies, listening in intently to the jackal. "Fair point, though how consistent is the result?”

The jackal snickers, the bat saying "They'll go through those little metal rings you made, you should show them in a safe place." The jackal nods. "They think theres always food on the other side, but sometimes thar isn't. Like when we show off." The two are given a look, and Cedric is given a nod. "His name is Earl, he's a businessman. And we were keepin them in line, we escorted them out, the folks inside are happy. That's what we do... and if you're so good at crowd control maybe we can talk about employment badger. Plenty of crowns in it for you." The guard says, completely ignoring Angus at this point.

Angus chuckled as he seemed to be ignored and he shook his head. "The nerve of some people..." Taking a step forward he roughly grabs the captain by the muzzle, and turns him to face his direction. "A superior officer just asked you a question, so you better damn well answer it or I'll definitly make sure your not only stripped of your rank. I'll make sure that your stuck with the worst job ever, dungeon duty. Do I make myself clear?" He snarled, his humor completly gone as he faced this fool.

Selena says, "That sounds like I should say, It sucks I can't get higher water magic because I'm not a water clanner.""

Cedric watches Angus grab the guard captain by the muzzle, and chuckles. He walks over getting close to the captain, replying to his crack about employment. "Tempting offer, but... I'm not sure it'd be the right job for me..." the badger answers, with an expression of what might appear to be serious consideration. "I'd need an awful lot of crown to willingly babysit a bunch of frou-frou socialites while they feast and discuss their... fancy hats, or whatever it is nobles talk about at these things." he says in a very even tone, leaning off to the side to try and peek inside at the party and maybe catch a glimpse of some ridiculous affront to hattery. He looks at Angus for a moment, shrugging helplessly. "No offense. You guys like hats, right? I don't really know. Honestly, dungeon duty sounds like a lot more fun. Probably better company too." he says, grinning at the guard captain.

Wulf Snickers. "That so, mind giving me a demonstration? I'd enjoy seeing them perform. That I would." The Husky smiles and waits for her reply.

Selena chuckles quietly. "That's impressive. There's probably a decent place you could set up, if you wanted - looks like Wulf is also interested." She chuckles, looking over to Wulf. with a smile.

The jackal laughs and says "Shur thing!" as the group moves onward. The guard growls and swats Angus's hand away violently. He glares at the solacious, saying simply "I"m not a member of any reserve you may command, Solacious, I'm part of a private for hire group. Now you lay your hand on me again, nobility or not, we will have a problem, do you understand?" He gives Angus a tap on the ribs.

Angus blinks as his ribs are tapped, and he just smiles. "Oh, so not only are you a guard dog. But your a guard dog for hire? Question is, how cheap were you? I hope the Earl got his moneys worth." He shot back, stanind on the balls of his feet just in case the captain decides to take a swing. Which he was actuall hoping for.

Cedric just stands back and watches on with amusement at the exchange. He regrets not bringing any snacks with him.

Wulf settles down to watch the little criters, she finds a nice seat with little difficulty. "I am ready to watch, show them off when ready gridly."

Selena chuckles, nudging Wulf. "First round's on me, all right?" She chuckles, nudging the husky. "It's good to see you out and about again." The wolfess smiles, nodding back to the Jackal and setting herself down near the husky when they arrive at an appropriate spot.

The guard grumbles and waves Angus off. "Be off, it's clear you're just looking to dance on my nerves, I've got work to do. I've wasted enough time with you lot." He wheels around and proceeds back inside. The guard remaining guard moves to take his post, and the show proceeds. The piz gingerly proceed through little hoops.

Angus yawns at the guards words. "That's cute, hope your master teachs you a few new tricks." He shrugged as he turned around, done with the conversation as well. "Shall we head to the Inn Cedric? Drinks are on me."

Cedric nods to Angus as he starts to head back in the other direction. "Yeah... this hasn't been very productive..." he says with a little chuckle, shaking his head.

Wulf giggles dgleefully. "They are actually pretty cute... i wonder if I could get one for a pet." The Husky grins and nudges Selena. "The first one is always your round, howabout i start us off, eh?"

Selena chuckles, then nudges the husky back. "All right, if you insist. But you'd have to be pretty careful with a piz, they aren't easy to find if you lost it." She replies, applauding politely as the show ends. "Well, on to the inn?"

The group reaches the inn, the piz are stowed safely away, and the party continues on into the night, undeterred by the gropus presence.