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The Collie doesn't waste any time, as soon as she realizes the other side isn't striking back, she turns on her heel and -books- it back through the crowd of workers, trying to flee around the walls of the city to safety. Cassidy's approach however, isn't given much consideration, as the Weasel scowls and waits until she walks past, before taking his plank of wood to smack her square in the center of her back! "How's that for a fucking stunt?!" The blow doing nothing more than tripping the fennec thankfully, and getting dust on her armor. The -nerve- of that man.  
The Collie doesn't waste any time, as soon as she realizes the other side isn't striking back, she turns on her heel and -books- it back through the crowd of workers, trying to flee around the walls of the city to safety. Cassidy's approach however, isn't given much consideration, as the Weasel scowls and waits until she walks past, before taking his plank of wood to smack her square in the center of her back! "How's that for a fucking stunt?!" The blow doing nothing more than tripping the fennec thankfully, and getting dust on her armor. The -nerve- of that man.  
As if the floodgates had been opened then, all three dozen of the workers begin to charge at Shanty towners, not giving much focus to those in their way as they try to swarm past with numbers to get to the unprotected individuals. The Guards calling out from the walls, as it no doubt seemed they were sending their own reinforcements soon enough as well!<br> <br>Cassidy pauses in her tracks as the weasel hits her in the back. She slowly turns around to stare at weasel from behind her mask. "How rude." She reaches out to try to grab the weasel, arms flying out from under her capelet. If successful, she'd concentrate a large bit of air math to launch them both -straight into the air- at a rather wicked speed. She wasn't going to let them fall, to death, but it was a straight up trip to a rather high altitude. Might give him quite the scare.<br> <br>Selena shakes her head scornfully as the beings suddenly charge. "You should be ashamed of yourselves!" The wolfess fumes at the charging beings. "Did your parents raise you to act like the same gangs you're out here decrying!?" The wolfess aparrently not taking the impromptu charge too well. "Here are beings, speaking to you - SPEAKING - and look at yourselves! Prove everyone here that you're better than this, that you're not just as violent as the people you so claim to despise!" She demands - not a single mote of her magic ever manifesting; apparently seeing fit to only use words despite the situation.
As if the floodgates had been opened then, all three dozen of the workers begin to charge at Shanty towners, not giving much focus to those in their way as they try to swarm past with numbers to get to the unprotected individuals. The Guards calling out from the walls, as it no doubt seemed they were sending their own reinforcements soon enough as well!<br> <br>Cassidy pauses in her tracks as the weasel hits her in the back. She slowly turns around to stare at weasel from behind her mask. "How rude." She reaches out to try to grab the weasel, arms flying out from under her capelet. If successful, she'd concentrate a large bit of air math to launch them both -straight into the air- at a rather wicked speed. She wasn't going to let them fall, to death, but it was a straight up trip to a rather high altitude. Might give him quite the scare.<br> <br>Selena shakes her head scornfully as the beings suddenly charge. "You should be ashamed of yourselves!" The wolfess fumes at the charging beings. "Did your parents raise you to act like the same gangs you're out here decrying!?" The wolfess aparrently not taking the impromptu charge too well. "Here are beings, speaking to you - SPEAKING - and look at yourselves! Prove everyone here that you're better than this, that you're not just as violent as the people you so claim to despise!" She demands - not a single mote of her magic ever manifesting; apparently seeing fit to only use words despite the situation.<br> <br>"Yeah, you'd better scatter now while you can, else this is going to be one for the history books." Jera heads over to the side of the guards to mumble to the group what he has in mind, his hands clenching as he stares right at the gathered crowd. Air currents lift him into the air until he's lightly levitating, even the holes in his cloak not enough to keep the air from making the cloth billow loudly behind him and expose the glowing markings on his bare chest. He's just calling out a simple air magic spell to cause a heavy breeze, but he's making use of his extremely marked appearance to make himself look more terrifying.<br> <br>"Growltiger!" Fenris roars in Amos's voice, "Hold the line! No casualties!" He spares the golem the smallest glance to see that it is following his order. Then he raises a hand high in the air and lighting strikes his upraised palm from a clear sky. The air is filled with a deafening KABOOM! and the world burns white for a moment. Fenris takes this chance to launch himself through the crowd after the fleeing collie. She wasn't getting away this time. He wraps air around himself and sends lightning pulsing through his veins to increase his speed and reaction time, dodging among beings who seem to be frozen in time.<br> <br>Johnny grumbles as they don't heed his warning, shaking his head as he keeps his knife at his side, deciding to offer JUST one more warning to the first folk that approaches him, trusting his five well armed and trained by a well knowledge soulless rogue beings to handle a few of the others, leashing out with an attack intended to cripple a target, with his free hand so that he doesn't destroy their ability to do the job they oh so want to keep.<br> <br>The workers seem to Hesitate for a moment as they were not only berated, but then had to deal with Jera's stunt, and then many of them blinded temporarily?! A good dozen peeling off as well to dash to the safety of the roads and away from the group, while the remaining ones do not hesitate long, before dashing past the group, Gregor taking two down with quick works from his Baton as his group moves to intercept the remaining ones. A handfull are stopped by the golem, and Johnny's group, but all in all it seemed the group was kept just beyond the Shanty Towner's reach!
The Collie is tracked down quickly by Fenris, whom would find tackling the woman to be easy, as she covers her face and screams out. "HELP! Help he's going to rape me!" A false cry if ever one was heard, though nobody seems to pay her any heed as she struggles.
After all, why pay attention to that when a bloodcurdling scream comes from one of the workers, a life keeper's sword in his gutt easily noticed as the cause. The other's drawing their own swords as well, to put brutal tactics to work to stop the workers rather against their orders. Gregor left to turn a pale color and freeze as he watched them,  too shocked to move at the moment.
The Weasel -just- manages to avoid Cassidy's grasp before trying to stike her with the plank again as he began to pant. "Get away from me you crazy bitch!"<br> <br>With a dazzling twirl of her blue cloth, the weasel's plank is left to swing useless through the air, missing Cassidy as she relocates to behind the offender. "This needs to end," she murmurs, bringing her hands up. Closing her eyes briefly, she tries to summon a strong gust of wind, hoping to knock just about -everyone- over, though she restraints herself enough to not cause serious injury to anyone, just in case.<br> <br>Johnny's work is beyond effective as well, as the bull from earlier is left on the ground groaning in pain, but quite alive indeed.<br> <br>Selena shivers as the collie yells out, lips curling up in a snarl - then the being is stabbed. The wolfess pins her ears back more than a little before calling up to Jera - "The middle of that group, the Frog woman! You know what to do." She calls up to Jera, shooting a glare to the offending soldier before bringing forth her fire elemental, the vaguely magmaesque being flying forth over the crowd to single out the being and follow them, cursing to herself. "Where are the guards!? Get a medic - I have to catch someone NOW!" She calls, flying over in her own right.<br> <br>Jera slowly lands on his feet now that he watches the crowd disperse. Good timing too, the kit fox wasn't going to be able to hold on to his stunt any longer...the echoes of his magic having dug in deep into his fur and even left little cuts where his fractal patterns lie. He takes up his bow, knowing that a running victim that more or less always burned into his awareness right now...tailed in a clearing by a fire elemental would normally make such an easy target. Normally. His hands are bleeding too much for him to even draw the string though, grunting and then charging off in a sprint towards the frog girl, knife in hand.<br> <br>Fenris pulls the squealing collie to her feet. "I recommend you save it for the stage," he rasps, "You've caused more than enough trouble here." The disguised feline's gaze snaps toward the front line, where things seem to be turning sour. "Bone Dragons take the lot of them," he growls, but keeps a tight hold on the collie. And at least one eye. This little riot-maker was trouble and he was not about to let her get away. He only hopes that between his fellow Lightbringers and his golem that some kind of order can be maintained.
"Just what do you think you're doing here?" he hisses at the woman, "What is it you like so much about seein' the gullible killin' each other. Hmm?" "Growltiger!" he roars at his golem, "Subdue! No Casualties!"<br> <br>Johnny nods to his group to give them a signal to keep at it and regroup or fall back when they feel, and pulls out his pistol and a peculiar swordbreaker in his off hand, giving chase about the called out being. That one had a smart head on her, Selena had a reason to call out a shanty towner. He gives chase following the glaringly obvivious elemental, giving Jera an eye as he runs to gauge if they'll be any help. Why were they always bleeding?<br> <br>"Get off me! Rapist! Murderor! HEEEELP!" The Collie woman content to scream her head off it seems, thrashing helplessly in Fenris' grip before whimpering and folding her ears down as she speaks softly. "I-I just don't want to lose my job... You can't trust them! They'd take everything from us!" The Collie woman seemingly either telling the truth, or Fenris needed better interorgation methods it seemed.
Cassidy's spell does a number on the remaining workers, whom are all left laying dazed on the ground, or fleeing as the fight against them had come to a short end, just in time for the main gates to open once more as a detachment of guards come storming out into the field headed by a large Zebra. "In the name of King Good, you shall all stand down instantly!" His men surrounding the Life Keepers that had killed some of the workers for the most part, before two grab Gregor at each of his arms and force him to his knees.
The Chase for the Frog Woman is quick and daring, Jera's route mainly blocked for the most part to cost him valuable time, although Johnny's is quicker, and more direct as he's soon right behind her. A small trail of ashes falling from her robes as she suddenly stops and falls to her knees while covering her head with her hood. "Don't hurt me!"<br> <br>Cassidy adjusts her mask and quickly takes her leave from the scene, her work done, as she moves off to find her earlier target: The collie. At least with Fenris having taken her down, she was likely to catch up to them in short order.

Revision as of 07:27, 24 May 2014





The road leading to the front gate was quite literally filled with a sea of individuals whom had trecked all the way from the Shanty Town. The road was still clear enough for individuals to travel down it, and thankfully it didn't hold up the merchants and nobles trafficing through this time. Instead, the entire display appeared to merely be a civilized projection of presence, merely forcing all entering or leaving to view the poor and downtrodden from the Shanties.

That is, it would have been much more quiet and civilized, if it wasn't for a large group of workers from all walks of life, standing about around the gates while yelling at the Shanty Town individuals. Dock workers, lumberjacks, and a few more manual labor workers armed with planks of wood, pitchforks, and a plethora of torches as they shout at the large group. "Get out of here! You have your own pits to crawl back to, we don't owe you our lively hoods!" A particularly aggitated weasel shouts at a few of the residents, and judging from the way the others kept just behind him, he was the leader of this counter demonstraition.

"They have as much a right to the chance for success, as anyone! As the first texts say, all serve a purpose in this world, and to deny them such a right is the greatest crime one can commit!" Shouts a male Ram from the Shanty side, clad in ornate blue leather armor, with a plethora of hand crossbows and short swords about his person, most likely Gregor, the main head of the 'shanty council' leading this event. He's not the only one armed though, as almost two dozen 'life keeper' guards are present with the crowd, helping to block the worker's easy passage to the protestors. The indivudals honestly looked like they had lived their entire lives as bandits or cut throats, their armor and weapons a mix match of what was stolen or lotted from the dead most likely.

The city guards are currently staying back just behind the gate, and along the walls, armed and ready to enforce the safety of the city should things turn ugly... They had no plans of wadding out into a fight it seems, instead just working to keep it contained outside of the walls.

Jera lands light on his feet, cloak still billowing a little from the remnants of air math as the kit fox surveys the scene, keeping his distance for now. His heavily perforated cloak gives him some cover amongst the ragtag Shanty people, deciding to watch...and wait for backup before trying anything.

Cassidy settles herself stop the city wall, clad in armour and mask as she dangles her legs over the edge near the gate, looking down with a little frown. Nothing wrong with a protest on either side, but being rude was totally uncalled for! She adjusts her capelet a little and leans forward, looking down over the counter-protestors for a moment. "Why don't you think they have a right to try to improve their situation?"

Selena seems to be settled in comfortably near the demonstration, peering in over the huge group of beings gathered at the gates. She doesn't take too much of a fuss, simply shaking her head. "He's right, you know. There's no reason for these beings not to have a chance to prove themselves. At the very least, they deserve that much. Imagine if your children weren't allowed to take their test because of a misdemeanor from your childhood." She suggests, furrowing her eyebrows.

Fenris saunters between the two lines of protesters. In place of his usual rakish getup, he wears an old, tattered, but heavy coat of black leather belted at the waist with a plain belt with an iron buckle. Along with his patched, tatty coat, he is wearing a patched, tatty face. Fenris is wearing one of his favorite guises today, Amos Longtooth, information broker and hard nosed old soldier, a familiar face around the shanties and some of the seedier bars in firmament. His distinctive tattered ear and scarred face with it's milky left eye have been seen just about everywhere outside the castle district in Firmament. Trailing behind him is an enormous golem, probably the old soldier's own handiwork. "Now what's the problem here?" he rasps, turning to spit in the dust of the road. He glares at the rowdy workers through his one good eye, "Ain't you boys got work ta be doin'?"

Johnny casually approaches the protest from the middle, not worried about placement as he moves closer to watch, followed by his own trainees armed with fairly decent weaponry and armor, at least it isn't the cheap used stuff you find on the marketplace. As he approaches he listens to the opinions of the others as he flicks his tail and racks his brain for the right words. "Shaddup and bicker like normal folks." he finally says. "What are you all complaining bout?"

The Weasel huffs and hops down from his own spot to point at Cassidy as he yells out. "I don't care about their children's tests! I don't care about them wanting guards... I care about them wanting our Shadow forsaken -jobs-! They go out and try to prostrate themselves down to schlup boxes for a piss worth of crowns, and you think -we- can keep up with that!? I have my own kids to feed! They want to improve their situation -fine- do it in your shanties, and keep out of my home!" Another large Bull bursts forward as well, jabbing his thumb at his chest. "AYE! I lost my job helping to haul carts of stones from the mines, because now they have Apostates doing it instead of my old employers! I worked that job, and lived an honest life, why do I have to lose it to them!" The group nodding and shouting in agreement as they glare at the individuals taking the center.

Gregor puffs out his chest and frowns, stepping forward as he holds his arms out wide. "It's not that simple! We're attempting to fix up the Shanty Town, but there are still mouths to feed! Some of these men made a single mistake, and now their children have to starve for it? The only qualification they can offer of worth to the major employers, is that they -can- work for so cheap! That 'piss' amount of crowns, is often enough to see your kids fed, albeit poorly, for a week there!" The residents around him cheering and nodding, as the armed individuals on both sides take stock of the golem and Johnny's armed individuals wearily, before looking back to each other. A few of the more poor health looking folks in the front turn their gaze to 'Amos' and point. "Amos! You know how hard it is, we can't just make jobs in the shanties without money, and we have to work outside to get the money or commit more crimes!" A small beaver calls out.

Cassidy leans forward on her knees, humming. "You certainly raise a valid point, but... If they aren't going to get jobs out here, then how do you propose they 'improve their situation'? You can't just say it 'isn't your problem', because it is. It is your problem. If you don't want them taking the same jobs you are, then come up with an alternative way for them to get money."

Selena shakes her head, moving forwards a little as the beings start to yell and call names. "It doesn't make it right for them to 'take your job', but frankly the reason there aren't enough jobs to go around in Firmament is because they're working for resources that are being fed back into the city. There's not enough paid work for improving their own living conditions, so they're forced to work in the city itself." She announces over the din.

"What I suggest we should be considering is giving this debate a day in court for the beings in Shanty Town to preset their views and problems. Whether you want to believe it or not, this isn't 'Just their problem'. It's a problem for everyone here. Do you seriously expect an apostate from Shanty town to be able to afford a mining liscence or levy enough money to start a farm or lumber mill?"

"You give these beings less credit than they deserve. Some of the kindest beings I've met have been from Shanty town and some of the most corrupt from the city proper. There are robbers and swindlers in guilds as well as among those without. It's wrong to deny them the right to take a clan test and prove their worth and it's wrong to dismiss them from the very gates of the city they belong to. Think about it - this. Isn't. Right."

Jera folds his arms across his chest and grumblesw a little. "Yeah, and think about it, really. If we just reported this and get people to quell your little riot, you'd probably never even have a chance to get a job again." He sounds unimpressed, pulling up a simple air magic spell to make the voices of the group a little more audible amongst the rabble.

'Amos' waves and nods to the protesting beaver, "I know, Max," he rasps, "I know good as anybody how hard it gets out here." The scarred old tom gives the shantytowners a snaggletoothed grin. "But you're all doin' it pretty good," he say, "We ain't the prettiest trees, but we got good roots, right?" The feline turns to face the other side of the line. "And what have you got to gripe about, boys?" he asks, grinning to reveal the oversized fang that gives him his name, "There's always another boat comin' always a shipment that wants yer company over the new boys. Let 'em try their hand too. Ain't gonna hurt fine workers like yerselves." He leans against his oversized golem as steam vents from the construct's shoulders.

Johnny can't help but give a smirk as they eye his handiwork, these guys would be able to corral gangs better than some low-lives stuck in their ways, fight'in was an art. Almost a duel.. almost, until you stab them in the back. He points to Selena, and Cassidy and says "THe fox and the wolf have sum good points yah know. And, can I say it again, I don't think there'd be so much of a guard problem if the shanty town weren't so far from the actual city. I can't remember, who decided that? Might be beneficial to you know... close the gap, 'ave all you workers who are out of work build between the two and then when you're done, fill in the gaps with business and folks?"

Gregor nods and smiles at those that had stepped forward to speak for him and the shanty residents, crossing his arms with a grin as he nods and raises his voice once more. "Can't you all see? Progress is what our people are meant to achieve! By throwing those whom made mistakes into the ground, and keeping them there, we're given nothing good from it! But if we listen to them all, and focus on expanding outside of these simple mindsets, we can achieve more than we've ever dreamed of! Yes some sacrafice has to be made, but that is merely the way of this world! We sacrafice from ourselves, to allow all to achieve greatness." The Ram giving a deep nod of his head, as many around him cheer in agreement.

"Bring it to the Courts? You want us to dredge this all the way up to the courts that line their pockets through our works? If they replaced us all with them, and merely had us switch places, they'd line their pockets more! I'll not chance a thing such as that to happen so long as I can prevent it!" The workers nod and seem to grip their makeshift weapons tighter as they glare at the group, Selena's words not doing too much to calm them it seems as a Collie woman makes her way to the front, still clad in a serving wenches uniform. "You think it's that simple? To expand the city enough to attach the Shanty Town to it? What idiotic fool would do -that-?! They'd waste money to build the shops and all the works, only to have the gangs then spread like a plague into the city proper! There's a good reason why the Shanty Town is far from us!" The Bull nodding to her, before looking to Amos as he snarls slightly and points to his chest. "Will they? If you're a merchant, and instead of paying ten crown per box, you need only pay three, who in their right mind would opt for a higher cost for the same service? You don't think it will hurt us? It'll hurt us the most! The only who won't be harmed from this, are the nobles and merchants!"

Cassidy folds her hands behind her head, lacing her fingers together. "What do you suggest, then? How do think they should make money that won't impact you? There are more people than jobs. But if you have a suggestion to let them get ahead, then by all means! Let us hear it."

Selena shakes her head - "That's not what I'm suggesting at all." She replies to the collie. "Your suggestions have gone from a lack of jobs due to apostate to suggesting they'd take all of the jobs in circulation. Neither is true. Consider this: Who makes the bricks and mortar for walls and houses? Where do they come from? Who transports it? Who would be building it?" She lists. "Yes, merchants have a hand in that, but if their job is so easy and lucrative, why aren't we all merchants?"

"For that matter. Gangs in Shanty town are no different from muggers in the city, just on a larger scale. They do what they do because they need jobs, and the only way they can draw in money is through those means. And if you're so worried about your jobs, then that could be addressed in courts as well. If you do your job well enough then hiring someone with no experience would be foolish."

"Yeah." Jera offers in agreement, letting Selena take charge for the moment while he tries to weave out of the crowd to get into a more comfortable place...just in case the wolfess riles them a little too much.

Fenris raises a scarred eyebrow at the Bull, "Wouldn't I?" he asks, "Ain't you better at yer job than a bunch o' new bloods? Don't you work faster, more efficient? Yeah, I'd pay fer that." He shrugs and picks at his teeth with a claw, "But then if you ain't any better, than sure, the cheaper labor has my coin." 'Amos' frowns at the collie woman. This is one of the leaders of the anti-small folk riots! Fenris had tried to track her down after all the hubbub, but had never been able to find her. Now he wished he had spent more energy on that search. Because here she was, inciting her SECOND riot. Odds on that being a coincidence seemed slim. "Nobody here askin you to build nothin', lady," he says to her, "Only asking fer a little kindness and consideration is all." He spreads his hands wide, showing that he carries no weapon, and isn't threatening anyone. "These good beings are just askin' for a chance is all," he says with another lopsided grin before leaning in a little bit. "Don't I know you from somewhere,Miss?" he rasps.

Johnny sneers. "If you're that worried about gangs then why don't you all work your jobs and contract all these poor folks to do it themselves, with a little expertise from the better builders to make sure it's up to your 'appealing eye' codes that the city is all about. And, then while you're at it build a second guards station along the path so you have two, and hire more full time soldiers or guards to fill in the void. More jobs, more businesses along the way, means they'll need more help right?" The rat taps his foot and looks back to his group as they seem to be grasping their weapons and getting pepped for a fight.

Gregor frowns and motions to one of his 'guards' whom is quick to move and call out to his fellows as they prepare themselves just in case the Workers strike out against the group. "You're all afraid, believe me I understand your fears... But we are not here to bring harm to your lives, I swear this. We know there is nothing you all can do to see these suggestions happen, we only ask that instead of fighting us, you -join- us! If the working class, and the poor cry out to the nobles to hear us, then we can do this the right way! The way that is without bloodshed, or hatred... A tough way, but the way civilized folks should have no option but to take." The Ram doing his best to help mediate as well, his own demonstraitors backing up some as they can sense the tenstions.

"We make the bricks, we make the mortar, WE BUILT THIS CITY!" The weasel shouts at Amos, before pointing an accusing finger at the group. "They are the bottom feeders whom just now feel they deserve the same we earned! If you think the greedy bastards will side with the more expensive options, you're a damned fool and you know it!" The group nodding heavily, before the Collie woman scoops down low to pick up an old brick, testing it for a split moment before hurling it high in the air at the Shanty Town residents!

A short cry raises as a rat is smacked in the head with the brick, falling over with a gash in his head, but thankfully still breathing. Still though, the 'Life Keepers' all draw their weapons at that, readying them at the Workers. Gregor left to stand there with wide eyes before rushing into the middle. "NO! Do not bring this to blows!"

Selena watches as the collie throws the first proverbial stone - "What do you think you're doing!?" She demands loudly as she sees the brick thrown, joining Gregor between the two sides. "Is the son of a criminal still a criminal, even if they've done wrong? Look at the Longtails - even the Good King himself believes that the son or daughter of a criminal shouldn't be condemned eternally for their wrongdoings. These are still beings, no matter how you want to look at it! Some are criminals, but a lot of apostate simply were never given the chance to be tested, brought into a clan and to live life as a normal being."

The wolfess moves to the husky specifically - "There is a damn clear difference between a protest and assault. You just crossed that line, and for what? Don't you dare claim moral high ground if you aren't even willing to act civilly."

Cassidy looks down towards the collie, scowling. "That was very rude indeed. Another stunt like that and some bad things might happen. But let's not get violent, hmm? So in a pre-emptive action, as corporal of the Lightbringers, I'm going to have to place you under arrest for assault and disturbing the peace." She flicks out a pair of manacles from under her capelet and leaps from atop the wall, moving towards the collie.

"Maaaan. All the arrests we've been doing lately." Jera keeps his bow ready underneath his cloak in case he needs to take a pinning shot, growling to himself. "We already said we'll do what we can to get some improvement done to the Shanty. Anyone who's making a fuss can talk to our weapons and the guards'."

Fenris's eyes narrow at the collie. "Growltiger," he rasps, "Hold her until the Lightbringer comes for her." He does not want to give the warmonger a chance to disappear again. This is the second time she has incited the beings of Firmament to riot and violence. The undercover Lightbringer does not believe in coincidences. Not like this. Something bigger was going on. The scarred old cat then proceeds to place himself directly between the two groups. "These old hands have enough blood on them," he rasps, "I'd rather not have to bust up nobody." He looks to the 'upstanding citizens,' of Firmament on the one side. "I think you've showed which of these crews is better folk," he spits on the ground, "And it ain't the good people of Firmament." He turns his gaze on Gregor. "Go on, Pretty Boy," he says, "Get these good folks away from the crazies til we calm em down a bit. A nice peaceful walk should be nice, dontcha think?"

Johnny shakes his head and walks forward, the group putting hostilities at moderate tension. "Go on 'ife keepers, go home." he says as he moves his group in the center of things, ready to engage the non-shanty town side of the mob. "You don't want to fight me." he says plainly as he pulls out a dagger.

"You're all nothin better than those common thugs you wanted kept in place, quit throwing rocks punks."

Gregor is quick to turn back to the others, motioning to his second in command it seemed. "Get people out of here -now-! Remember your training, no swords damn it! Use your shields to block, and try to take them down and pin them!" The Ram turning to stand near Selena's side as he pulls two Batons from his sides and lets out a sigh. "Mercy upon us..."

The Collie doesn't waste any time, as soon as she realizes the other side isn't striking back, she turns on her heel and -books- it back through the crowd of workers, trying to flee around the walls of the city to safety. Cassidy's approach however, isn't given much consideration, as the Weasel scowls and waits until she walks past, before taking his plank of wood to smack her square in the center of her back! "How's that for a fucking stunt?!" The blow doing nothing more than tripping the fennec thankfully, and getting dust on her armor. The -nerve- of that man.

As if the floodgates had been opened then, all three dozen of the workers begin to charge at Shanty towners, not giving much focus to those in their way as they try to swarm past with numbers to get to the unprotected individuals. The Guards calling out from the walls, as it no doubt seemed they were sending their own reinforcements soon enough as well!

Cassidy pauses in her tracks as the weasel hits her in the back. She slowly turns around to stare at weasel from behind her mask. "How rude." She reaches out to try to grab the weasel, arms flying out from under her capelet. If successful, she'd concentrate a large bit of air math to launch them both -straight into the air- at a rather wicked speed. She wasn't going to let them fall, to death, but it was a straight up trip to a rather high altitude. Might give him quite the scare.

Selena shakes her head scornfully as the beings suddenly charge. "You should be ashamed of yourselves!" The wolfess fumes at the charging beings. "Did your parents raise you to act like the same gangs you're out here decrying!?" The wolfess aparrently not taking the impromptu charge too well. "Here are beings, speaking to you - SPEAKING - and look at yourselves! Prove everyone here that you're better than this, that you're not just as violent as the people you so claim to despise!" She demands - not a single mote of her magic ever manifesting; apparently seeing fit to only use words despite the situation.

"Yeah, you'd better scatter now while you can, else this is going to be one for the history books." Jera heads over to the side of the guards to mumble to the group what he has in mind, his hands clenching as he stares right at the gathered crowd. Air currents lift him into the air until he's lightly levitating, even the holes in his cloak not enough to keep the air from making the cloth billow loudly behind him and expose the glowing markings on his bare chest. He's just calling out a simple air magic spell to cause a heavy breeze, but he's making use of his extremely marked appearance to make himself look more terrifying.

"Growltiger!" Fenris roars in Amos's voice, "Hold the line! No casualties!" He spares the golem the smallest glance to see that it is following his order. Then he raises a hand high in the air and lighting strikes his upraised palm from a clear sky. The air is filled with a deafening KABOOM! and the world burns white for a moment. Fenris takes this chance to launch himself through the crowd after the fleeing collie. She wasn't getting away this time. He wraps air around himself and sends lightning pulsing through his veins to increase his speed and reaction time, dodging among beings who seem to be frozen in time.

Johnny grumbles as they don't heed his warning, shaking his head as he keeps his knife at his side, deciding to offer JUST one more warning to the first folk that approaches him, trusting his five well armed and trained by a well knowledge soulless rogue beings to handle a few of the others, leashing out with an attack intended to cripple a target, with his free hand so that he doesn't destroy their ability to do the job they oh so want to keep.

The workers seem to Hesitate for a moment as they were not only berated, but then had to deal with Jera's stunt, and then many of them blinded temporarily?! A good dozen peeling off as well to dash to the safety of the roads and away from the group, while the remaining ones do not hesitate long, before dashing past the group, Gregor taking two down with quick works from his Baton as his group moves to intercept the remaining ones. A handfull are stopped by the golem, and Johnny's group, but all in all it seemed the group was kept just beyond the Shanty Towner's reach!

The Collie is tracked down quickly by Fenris, whom would find tackling the woman to be easy, as she covers her face and screams out. "HELP! Help he's going to rape me!" A false cry if ever one was heard, though nobody seems to pay her any heed as she struggles.

After all, why pay attention to that when a bloodcurdling scream comes from one of the workers, a life keeper's sword in his gutt easily noticed as the cause. The other's drawing their own swords as well, to put brutal tactics to work to stop the workers rather against their orders. Gregor left to turn a pale color and freeze as he watched them, too shocked to move at the moment.

The Weasel -just- manages to avoid Cassidy's grasp before trying to stike her with the plank again as he began to pant. "Get away from me you crazy bitch!"

With a dazzling twirl of her blue cloth, the weasel's plank is left to swing useless through the air, missing Cassidy as she relocates to behind the offender. "This needs to end," she murmurs, bringing her hands up. Closing her eyes briefly, she tries to summon a strong gust of wind, hoping to knock just about -everyone- over, though she restraints herself enough to not cause serious injury to anyone, just in case.

Johnny's work is beyond effective as well, as the bull from earlier is left on the ground groaning in pain, but quite alive indeed.

Selena shivers as the collie yells out, lips curling up in a snarl - then the being is stabbed. The wolfess pins her ears back more than a little before calling up to Jera - "The middle of that group, the Frog woman! You know what to do." She calls up to Jera, shooting a glare to the offending soldier before bringing forth her fire elemental, the vaguely magmaesque being flying forth over the crowd to single out the being and follow them, cursing to herself. "Where are the guards!? Get a medic - I have to catch someone NOW!" She calls, flying over in her own right.

Jera slowly lands on his feet now that he watches the crowd disperse. Good timing too, the kit fox wasn't going to be able to hold on to his stunt any longer...the echoes of his magic having dug in deep into his fur and even left little cuts where his fractal patterns lie. He takes up his bow, knowing that a running victim that more or less always burned into his awareness right now...tailed in a clearing by a fire elemental would normally make such an easy target. Normally. His hands are bleeding too much for him to even draw the string though, grunting and then charging off in a sprint towards the frog girl, knife in hand.

Fenris pulls the squealing collie to her feet. "I recommend you save it for the stage," he rasps, "You've caused more than enough trouble here." The disguised feline's gaze snaps toward the front line, where things seem to be turning sour. "Bone Dragons take the lot of them," he growls, but keeps a tight hold on the collie. And at least one eye. This little riot-maker was trouble and he was not about to let her get away. He only hopes that between his fellow Lightbringers and his golem that some kind of order can be maintained. "Just what do you think you're doing here?" he hisses at the woman, "What is it you like so much about seein' the gullible killin' each other. Hmm?" "Growltiger!" he roars at his golem, "Subdue! No Casualties!"

Johnny nods to his group to give them a signal to keep at it and regroup or fall back when they feel, and pulls out his pistol and a peculiar swordbreaker in his off hand, giving chase about the called out being. That one had a smart head on her, Selena had a reason to call out a shanty towner. He gives chase following the glaringly obvivious elemental, giving Jera an eye as he runs to gauge if they'll be any help. Why were they always bleeding?

"Get off me! Rapist! Murderor! HEEEELP!" The Collie woman content to scream her head off it seems, thrashing helplessly in Fenris' grip before whimpering and folding her ears down as she speaks softly. "I-I just don't want to lose my job... You can't trust them! They'd take everything from us!" The Collie woman seemingly either telling the truth, or Fenris needed better interorgation methods it seemed.

Cassidy's spell does a number on the remaining workers, whom are all left laying dazed on the ground, or fleeing as the fight against them had come to a short end, just in time for the main gates to open once more as a detachment of guards come storming out into the field headed by a large Zebra. "In the name of King Good, you shall all stand down instantly!" His men surrounding the Life Keepers that had killed some of the workers for the most part, before two grab Gregor at each of his arms and force him to his knees.

The Chase for the Frog Woman is quick and daring, Jera's route mainly blocked for the most part to cost him valuable time, although Johnny's is quicker, and more direct as he's soon right behind her. A small trail of ashes falling from her robes as she suddenly stops and falls to her knees while covering her head with her hood. "Don't hurt me!"

Cassidy adjusts her mask and quickly takes her leave from the scene, her work done, as she moves off to find her earlier target: The collie. At least with Fenris having taken her down, she was likely to catch up to them in short order.