NearHaven - RPLOG

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Kilsa stand at the docks near a small ship and a Pig captain, The two are exchange blows and laughing as the group approaches, "You fat badger, I swear I would have nominated my own snot as a noble before I expected you to make it." Kilsa laughed and punched the old heavy clan pig into the dirt. "Alright lass enough civil talk, I'll boat these folks for free since. " Kilsa turn to the crowd, "Alright we have a bit of an issue, The town of NearHave is pretty far north, I'll be sending you by boat to enter the town and clear out whatever ghost or creature has made the abandoned place a home. I want colateral damage to a minimum since we plan to move folk into the old houses with a little patchwork and rebuilding. Arimia, You'll be leading this operation with the exception of Mazurek here since I have no authority over him but I trust him with my life and know you can as well."

Selena takes a short bow. "I'll keep my impact to a minimum unless there's no other option." she grins. "Sounds simple enough, though. Do you have anything else you can tell us about this place?"

Arimia gives a small nod of her head, and ushers her golem onto the boat, though the raccoon stays on the shore for the moment. "How long of a journey is it? An' we'll try to keep from tearin' the town apart. But if the place is home to a bone dragon nest or somethin' I make no guarantee." She gives a shrug of her shoulders, looking at the others coming along.

Kiyasai stays behind Arimia, which makes her look a bit comic as she clutches the handle of her hammer as tightly as she can. "No, won't do anything to cause collateral damage, I promise. Won't let you down!" She seems nervous and eager at the same time.

The large dragon crosses his arms and cocks his head a bit, "She will be leading this operation with the exception of myself? What is that supposed to mean?" Maz looks more confused than anything with the choice of wording, "Also, just how far north are we talking here?" He steps up to Kiyasai and actually brushes her with his tail, "You fought admirably on the ship the other day, by the way."

Kilsa looks at Mazurek, "You are a lightbringer and thus not under my direct authority, The rest here are Ironsoul Defenders who are employed by me. I would like you to follow order but I have to put faith into you doing the right thing." She smiled and answered the rest of the question, "The trip should be only three to four hours by this little boat." The Pig next to her grunted before giving her a light jab in the arm, "Eric here will be leading running the ship, This porker is as good a Captain as he is ugly." She joked but then looked very serious, "This is not going to be an easy mission, no scouts sent there have returned, I decided that a little tougher folk were needed."

Selena nods, and turns to board the ship. "I didn't expect a cakewalk, Lady Ironsoul." she smiles. "But I prefer to ask nonetheless. Well then... What are we waiting for?"

Arimia flicks her ears, listening to the badgers words. Once Kilsa is done talking she nods her head and starts walking toward the boat, arching her body in a stretch. "So send the golem in first, got it." She boards the boat then moves to lean over the side, saying to Selena, "Presumably for the rest of you to get onto the boat!" She calls out to Kilsa next, "We'll be back when the town is cleared out, Miss Ironsoul."

Kiyasai blushes rather violently and turns around sharply, bumping into him and mewling. "T-thank you for the complement, sir. You were pretty good too!" She returns her attention to Kilsa. "No scouts huh? Are we keeping a lookout for any of them?" She gets onto the boat and wobbles a little, but gets her bearings.

A nod from the dragon to the Badger, "Your entourage is growing rapidly, Lady Ironsoul. As far as me being the only one present not of your House in any way, we have known one another far longer than I have been affiliated with Solicious or the Lightbringers." He is rather open with his friendship toward the badger, giving her a tight hug before boarding the ship.

Kilsa smile at Mazurek as the Ship starts to Move, "If you find a scout help them back but I don't think it likely." The Badger says as the ship is moving in full motion. The Captain smiles at everyone, "The lower deck have food and beds though the food aint the best and beds are hard as a frozen Fisk. Now you don't need to do much but sit back, relax and let the Flying Bacon do its thing." He chucked patting the side of the ship.

Selena chuckles at the ship's name, and waves to Kilsa as the ship departs, turning to Arimia. "Yeah, that seemed to be it." She chuckles. "What do you reckon the chances of us finding any of the scouts alive is? And possessed or reanimated don't count."

Arimia glances toward the pig as he speaks, then moves to sit down on the deck. "I'm fine up here," she says, as she settle somewhere she hopes will be out of the way and starts to go through her things, making sure everything is in order and preparing anything that needs to be prepared. At Selena's words she flicks her ears slightly and gives a small shake of her head. "Depends on what exactly happened there. But I'm thinkin' we won't find any. An' if any survived, they'll have ran an' hid. So findin' them would be more difficult."

Kiyasai sits down on the ship and tries to get a hold of her seasickness, using the fresh air on the deck to try to keep herself from making a mess of her polished armor.

Mazurek does not remain idle on board the ship during the trip. He had noted the effects on Kiyasai with regard to seasickness and moved right over to join her, resting hands on her shoulders, "Once you have been on board boats a few times you will begin to get used to how they move. I had the honor of being one of the first to experience the travel over the air on a flying ship. It was almost as though we weren't moving at all."

Eric Chuckles at Kiyasai, "Ahh I've met many that don't have there sea legs yet. Big fella you might want to hold on to her for the next bit." Four pigs with Clever folk clan seals began to preform complex math on each corner of the shift. "Alright everyone hold on to something!" The captain says as his crew rushes down into the lower decks, "Hit it!" The front two Pigs begin preforming math that causes circles to appear on the sides of the ship that suck in water while the back two pigs cause the ship to rocket forward as if caught in a water fall. The four pigs seem unaffected while the captain is gripping to side for dear life. "Wooooooohoooooo!" The Pig screams over the rushing water.

Selena nods in agreement with Arimia then looks over to Kiyasai. "I suppose we should take a look for seasickness-surpressants." she grins, before adding in a more serious tone; "Since it seems like we're going to be on the sea a lot." She sighs, though her eyes light up a little at Mazurek's mention of an airship. Choosing not to take any more time, she turns her attention to the ship and area around it. After all, it's pretty boring to just sit around doing nothing - that is, until the ship jets forwards, causing Selena to slide back a little before she regains her balance.

Arimia continues to prepare her gear, though she looks up as the pigs start performing their mathmagic. She shifts slightly to brace herself against her golem, gathering up any loose bits of gear before the boat shoots forward. She returns her attention to her gear and starts to fiddle with a wrist mounted crossbow, making sure it's in working order before strapping it on. As she does this she calls out, loud enough to hear, "When I was comin' to Firmament from Cliffside, the caravan I was with, gaurding, traveled in a boat like this on a river part of the way! You'll get used to it quick enough!"

"I'll be okay, I promise...just...*heave*" The leopardess would be green if she possibly could, but fur color doesn't easily change.

Mazurek turns his attention to the captain when the crew begins to get ready for something. Perhaps it was fortunate that he had chosen to settle into a three-legged crouch (Feet and tail) when he had gone over to the Snow Leopard, for all he needs to do is lean forward while using his tail to keep himself from bowling backward. Of course, he grabs her when the ship starts to rocket forward, making sure she isn't going anywhere. He apparently does not fear the fact that she just might upchuck over him, for he remains quite close to her, even hugging her to his larger body.

The Ride continues at a steady pace for a few hours until the captain give the order to slow down, The area that the ship has slowly into is covered by a thin fog, the water is a sickening brown and dark shapes move in the distance. The Ship come to a stop near the shore as the captain hold out a few lanterns, "I will wait for you here for a maximum of eight days but I hope you'll be back much sooner than that, I don't like this area and all I know is do not eat the red berrys or stray off the path. Things here are ambush predators, stray off the paths and fifty things you didn't see eariler will kill you. Now take there lanterns and if you in a bind stick close to someone, probably the big guy." He points to Mazurek, "Now take this path and follow it you should reach Nearhaven in less than an hour."

Selena peers through the fog, noting the figures slinking through it. "Right. Then we'll be off." She smiles. "Would anyone else like the fog gone?" She asks to nobody in particular, readying an air spell in the event she isn't the only one.

Arimia gives a small frown and stands up. She grabs a lantern before her and her golem climb off the boat. She glances back at Selena's words and says, "If you all want it, sure. But while that fog may hide things from our view, it also hides us from theirs. In theory. "She looks forward along the path before saying, "My golem'll an' I'll go first, Selena, an' Kiyasai in the middle. Mazurek, you'll take the rear, if you don't mind. I think that'll offer the most as far as protecting the group."

Mazurek smirks as he is singled out ... twice within ten seconds. He takes a lantern and joins the group on the shore, "I am the largest here, so it only makes sense that I take the rear. I can easily look over your heads to see what we need to see. If any danger threatens, you can bet they're going to be fried." He huffs a brief spurt of flame over the group's heads.

The moment the flame exits Mazurek's mouth a chittering noise echos loudly and many faces back away in the fog. There is much movent in the distance but the faces are hard to indentify what sort of creature they are. "Well. Shout at me when you back I think I will be keeping my plank raised until then." He said while dashing up the ramp to safety, "Goooood Luck!" He shouts down to the group.

Selena Shrugs and quashes her spell, only a small puff of wind leaving. "Fair enough, Arimia. My only comment to that is, they are native to this area. Chances are they're used to the fog." She sighs. "But You do have a point. My offer stands if you change your mind." She smiles, glancing ahead at the lurking creatures, brought to attention by Mazurek's fire. "...So. About that fog." She chuckles dryly, and readies herself for the chance of combat.

Arimia flicks her ears slightly and hands her lantern, now lit, to her golem and falls in behind it. "Stay close enough that you can see through the fog. We don't want to get separated if the fog thickens." She glances at Selena and gives a small shrug of her shoulders, before saying, "If you want it gone, go ahead. But it's thin enough that it isn't a big problem yet. 'Sides. The captain said the things here are ambush predators. You get rid of their fog an' they might charge. You decide if gettin' rid of it is somethin' worth riskin' with the others. But do it while we move. I wanna get to Nearhaven as fast as we can, set up in a buildin' there so we can plan out what happens next. I don't like bein' exposed here on the beach." After saying that her golem starts to move forward and she follows along behind it, though slow enough for the others to all catch up and fall in line.

Mazurek chuckles upon noting the effects of the brief gout of flame he had done, "Well, it looks like our hosts here don't like the light too much. Dispel the fog while we move if you can. I'd say a 15 foot radius around us will suffice, no?" He lets loose with another breath, this time of the air element directed to the side to see what sort of reaction the creatures have.

The Creatures departs from the area that gets cleared out by the wind, A soft yelp is heard and a dead skrith is tossed at the groups feet. A soft sound of hissing come from the fog around the group and the smoke slowly become thicker, A distinct sound of boot on rocks can be heard as the smoke increases more and more. At his strongest breath Mazurek can can only push holes into the ultra thick fog. "Oi! Remember Stick Together." The Captain calls out from the ship.

Selena nods to Arimia. "You and I both. Would it be worth making decoy lights with fire magic?" She asks. "Since Mazurek's flame seemed to get their attention so well, we could probably trick some of them if we need to. But the risk of attracting more also comes with that gambit." She offers, readying a spell on Mazurek's behalf. "Well. Let's see if I can do anything to this..." She shudders a little. "If that's even a good idea."

Arimia glances down at the dead skrith, then says to her golem, "Toss that thing back at them." The golem reaches down and picks up the corpse, throwing it back into the think fog. That done she glances back over her shoulder and says, "Lets just move. If too bad, we'll do somethin' about it. But for now let's just take the captain's advice, stick to the path, and make our way to Nearhaven."

Mazurek cracks his knuckles and digs into a pouch to swiitch out one of the gems that he has in his pendant. Which one it is won't be known unless interrogated, but it does have the effect of making him stop the trial-and-error of breath attacks in favor of taking up the rear of the group moving forward, "Perhaps the Skrith was a warning for us to stop?"

The skirth golem threw landed in the fog with a wet crunch before the sound of eating could be heard. The smoke after a short pause fade back to its normal thickness. The town is found easily enough but the place is deserted but a soft singing can be heard coming from the center along with a faint light, "Creators dun left me to die, Creators dun left me to fireeee, Creators dun left me alone to cryyyyy." The screams at the end is followed by silenct as the center of the town continues to glow. Many large building decorate the area and block a straight path to the down, a soft crackling seems to echo in everyone's ears but nothing that could make such a sound can be found.

Selena chuckles. "Probably. But we're not here to run away." She shrugs. "Unless you have a better plan?" She asks, glancing over her shoulder at the imposing dragon. "Oh boy..." she shudders at the dismal lyrics and atmosphere.