Deeper into the rabbit hole pt1 - RPLOG

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Those whom had ventured into the first expedition into the mountain cave would discover that the entrance had been widened, and hostiles cleared away! The bridge over the chasim even had a primitive railing built along it to help them -not- fall off! In the main room though, where mathmagical runes lined almost every surface, the two Sparrows sat tapping their chins right infront of an open door. The door itself would have blended perfectly with the walls, and how they found it is anyone's guess, but there they were! "... Soooooooooo... How much longer do you think they'll be? You did put up the flier yes?" The first, Marcuss asks his brother. A annoyed grunt is his only response from Dave, whom seems focused on carving something at the moment.

Fenris comes speedily up the trail, whooping and laughing on the back of a glittering feline golem. "Adventuuuuuuuure!" the tiny liger cheers as his mount takes a flying leap from the top of the narrow archway and comes to a sidding stop in the former treasure room. "Glad to see the efreeti have moved on," he says hopping from the saddle on his golem.

Rainer comes plodding in shortly behind Fenris, the expression on his face suggesting he really can't decide what to make of the liger. He tosses a glance back over his shoulder at those following, shrugs, and as he comes to a stop alongside the miniscule feline tucks his thumbs into the waistband of his pants and brandishes a toothy grin at the avian duo. "Love what you've done with the place."

Whistling a merry tune, Lucasiel comes wandering along the trail, having dismounted some distance back so as not to disturb anyone. The watery serpent trailed loyally at her side as she drums her fingers along the haft of the large axe propped up on her shoulder. "Ahoy there, friends! Looks to be another evening of wonderous adventure, no?"

Thelergramor walks slowly toward where the group is gathered, heavily equipped, mask hanging around his neck while he drinks from a flask with the word 'alcohol' scratched onto the side. He watches the sparrows with some measure of distrust; one shot him not long ago. He shakes his head at Rainers humorous comment.

Skade's arrival is heralded by a low, incessant droning. The honey bee's wings beating furiously, although seemingly invigorated by the hot air. A small fire wisp leads her towards the gathering below. A few minutes later, a grinding of gears and leathers makes itself known that one of the bee's creations has also come along for the ride, the crusher laborously making it's way on the ground. "Well well! I heard there wazzz money to be made. And so, I have arrived! Pray do tell, what's on the agenda for today?" the honey bee asks in her sing-song voice, a few S slurred here and there as bee's are want to do.

"See! I'd told you they'd show up!" Marcuss grinning as he stands and spreads his arms out wide in a welcoming gesture! "Thank you! I thought the lack of a violent, large, burning elemental was a big bonus myself. We've found a way to open one of the doors though, it was a miracle all in itself... Seems whomever sealed it, did so from -this- side. But that shouldn't be a problem, no no!" Dave lets out another grunt at his brother's enthusiasim, pointing his knife at the darkened doorway. "Party is that way, same deal as before. We opened, so we get a cut from what you find. No, we didn't search ahead of you, because I like living, and my brother likes annoying me till I die."

Rainer swings his hands from his pants to clap them before himself. "Well! I'm sure you'll -both- live long, long, very long lives. Together." He rubs his palms together rapidly, then tosses his head for an over-the-shoulder look to the rest. "Shall we?" As he starts to take point, the wolf whistles and extends a hand outreached to the grumpier of the two birds, making grabbing motions, "Torch me!"

Lucasiel rubs at the back of her helmet with a gauntlet-covered hand and nods. "Exploring a dangerous cave that's been locked away for who knows how long? Sounds fine to me! I shall take the lead this time?" She asks, hefting her kite shield and starting for the entrance.

Fenris shrugs, knowing that the sparrows are probably sending them into another deathtrap. But he has handled deathtraps before. This will be a good trial run for Quicksilver. "Some light please," he says to his golem as he follows the others.

Thelergramor finishes his flask, sways slightly. A bit drunk, it seems... The wolf pulls his mask on, tightens the straps. "Heh, they won't if they try to shoot me again, Rainer..." A small chuckle, before he responds to Lucasiel: "I could go first, if you want... But, might not end well. Usually doesn't." Waits for someone to tell him what to do, though he does draw his shortbow.

Skade seems more then fine with bringing up the rear. Her little fire wisp doesn't stray far from her and her large lumbering crusher waddles behind her swaying, boulbous hindquarters. "Unexplored ruins? Sounds azz if there could be more then one trap laying ahead of uzzz. Step with care, won't you?" she says helpfully, her antenae twitching as she does her best to watch out for any hidden dangers as they make their way into unknown territory. A small gesture with her hand makes the wisp flare up somewhat, hopefully providing atleast those walking in the rear of the party some measure of illumination.

"Won't have to shoot you. You'll probably end up actually doing yourself in somehow." Dave grumbling as he shoots Thelergramor a sharp look before handing Rainer a torch, and lighting it in one motion. Marcuss clearing his throat awkwardly for a moment. "Erm, yes! Unexplored! Probably going to be a lot of traps... And maybe a few things trying to kill you. You're out first party entering! So uhm... Let us know if you find something too strong for you instead of everyone dieing?" Looking to his brother for a moment before meekly adding a "... Please..." To that. The corridor of darkness left open for the group, the walls carved with almost perfect angles and strange symbols adorning it a plenty all around!

Fenris's feline golem shifts a little as the plates that make up its body spread apart a little, casting a reddish glow, like a campfire around it. The tiny feline keeps his eyes open from his low vantage point for any possible traps, though he is almost certain to miss the ones higher up. Just something else to learn to work around.

"No." Rainer swings around and points his torch straight at Thelergramor. "You go last, and you stay back." The voice is firm, but he looks a little uneasy trying to command the other, older wolf. He lupe steps aside to allow Lucasiel ahead and falls right in on her heels, firing one more glance back over his shoulder at Theler, drawing in deep and exhaling slowly when he turns his attention forward again.

Lucasiel glances over her shoulder and nods at Rainer as she continues on her way, keeping the shield at the ready. "As much as I'd -love- to let someone else go first and all, let's face it. I'm the most equipped one to handle the brunt of any opposing force." Her elemental trails silently at her side as she nods. "Yes, there's a reason I've got all this armour."

Thelergramor drops his now empty flask into an interior pocket of his coat, shrugs at Rainer. "Pfft. Alright, I'll stay at the back." He mumbles: "For now, anyway..." Entirely possible for everyone to have heard him. At Lucasiels words, he nods but makes no further comment. Moves after the rest of the group has advanced. He grumble something about the sparrows, unintelligible, however.

Skade scoots to the side to allow the wolf to pass. A small motion with her hand indicates she'd be quite alright with him being infront of her rather then behind. "Any idea what we're to expect to find here? Someone mentioned a fire spirit.. was that something guarding this place? They are dangerous creaturezzz, or atleast the few I've encountered." the bee buzzes from behind as she mentally prepares to weave a few defensive earth mathemagics around her, just in case.

The travelinto the corridor isn't too bad, a little cramped, but all the same it has plenty of room at least! The group manages a fair ways in, before Rainer spots what had to be the first trap... A small rock attached to a lever. It seems Lucasiel had managed to pass right over it, but his foot was about to hit it! Although, given the lack of spike walls, arrow holes, spiked cielings, or anything that even looked threatening, it's hard to tell what it could be.

"Shiyyy--!" His immediate reaction is to yank his leg away from the trigger device, and in doing so he nearly loses his balance and goes backwards to domino the whole group coming up behind him, only managing to stabalize his balance at the last possible second. Rainer huffs out a sigh of relief once that moment of tension has passed, and in a blink he's down on his belly, getting a right-up-close-and-personal look at the device. "Hey guuuuys... there's a thing here!" His free hand immediately comes around to hover ominously above the rock and lever combo, "...I'ma push it!"

Lucasiel pauses in her tracks as Rainer nearly sets off a potential trap. Maybe? The armoured panther turns slightly, keeping her shield raised towards the front but at least allowing her to look at Rainer and the lever. "Be careful if you do. Maybe have someone examine it first? I'd rather not go setting off anything we can avoid."

Fenris does not look around at Skade, but he smiles a little at the mention of the fire elemental from their last foray down here. "It was incredible, Skade," he says, remembering the bee from the inn, "I have never seen its like." In fact, all of the mathemagical workings down here were amazing! The little liger could only imagine the kind of work it must have take to both create and harness the amazing, fiery monster kept locked under that previous room.

Fenris's reverie is broken as Rainer calls out about the trap he has discovered. "Rainer!" he calls, "Not every button needs to be pushed!"

Thelergramor staggers drunkenly up towards Rainer, stepping over Fenris. "Hey, if you wanna screw with it, go ahead. Just give me a moment to look at it first... Might not be a trap at all." His vision slightly blurred, the pleasant buzzing in his head giving him a feeling of confidence in his abilities... Thel kneels next to the younger wolf, examining the potential trigger.

As the wolf pushes past her, the bee bounces backwards, nearly bumping into her own oiled crusher behind her. "Watch out!" she shouts. Being the last in the cave, she's more then prepared to simply jet out of there as fast as her wings can carry her, if things go south.

The lever looks like well... A lever. Not much to say about it. It's placement is curious, and obviously meant for people to trip on it, but as for what it does, it's hard to say. The only way to find out is to push it one would suppose!

Rainer looks sideways as Theler stoops down at his side, nose wrinkling at the smell of booze hanging off the elder canid. Gradually, as he lays there studying Theler studying the trap, his fingers curl and his arm retracts. "...Yeah, I suppose you're right." He gets back to his feet and dusts off his belly, then reaches down to guide the other wolf upright and safely around the trigger. "Also: have we met?"

Fenris shakes his head and moves along the tunnel, activating his divine shield, just in case Rainer decided that the lever truly NEEDED to be thrown. "I'm your conscience, Rainer," he says, "No one can see or hear me except you." Maybe a little snarky, but this was hardly the time to explain his 'little' problem. "You just listen to me," he says, "And we'll get through this just fine." By now, Fenris has found himself second in line after Lucasiel.

Lucasiel chuckles softly, a soft rumbling sound that echoes from her helmet. "Good. Don't want to die before our journey has even begun!" She hangs the axe over her back and lets her hand drift towards her sword, drawing it forth to keep at the ready as she resumes her forward march, shield still held at the ready.

Thelergramor lets Rainer help him up, though as he is brought around the trigger... The wolfs foot taps it. He blinks, looks down, then assumes something bad is about to happen. "Shit..." The wolf glances back, then forward, unsure what's going to happen...

Skade is watching Thelergramor intently and, when his foot hits the lever, she jumps backwards, ducking under her crusher in case the roof decides to come tumbling down or something equally terrifying. "You IDIOT!" she buzzes angrily.

As Thelergramor's foot hits the lever, a small click can be heard amongst almost deafening silence, and well... Nothing seems to happen. Well, that is before the door they entered through slams shut, and the floor beneath them shudders for a moment, before the end they were walking to seems to fall free! Dropping a good deal, as they're now standing on a 65 degree angle, well... Were. The shock from the force of it's end hitting the ground, and the speed the floor went out from them, would be enough to topple the steadiest and most graceful of beings, leaving the group to slide, tumble, and fall down the length to the end of the 'new' pathway!

The group hitting the ground onto the new metal floor presents a stark contrast from where they just were, as they're left in a large square room, with a steel walls, and a a steel cieling. Along the walls, sections of the rare metal seems to be missing, leaving what appear as black snakes spitting sparks left out, as above a low dim of light is cast from the only working box on the cieling!

"Thelergramor!" Fenris shouts as the floor shifts beneath his feet. The liger activates his divine shield and a shimmering blue bubble appears around him as he tumbles along the unexpected slide, protecting him from the worst of the shifting debris and the impact as he drops to the new floor and looks around. "This looks like a Creator Ruin," he mutters, dusting himself off and looking at the spitting tubes in the wall.

Rainer sees it coming, and tries to shove Theler in the opposite direction of the trigger, but it comes too late - and probably only serves to put the older wolf in an even more untenable position when the floor suddenly drops out from under them. He, however, manages to land on his tuckus in perfect slide-riding form, even keeping hold of his torch, and thus, amidst the other commotion of their descent, is his whoops and laughter. He even manages to leapfrog over those hitting the bottom before him to land on his feet, and as he turns back to peer up into the darkness of the shaft they were just plunged down: "I'm never listening to my conscience again."

Lucasiel pauses in her tracks as she hears Thel curse. She knew what that meant, and as soon as the click was heard a moment later she drops into a bracing stance. She braces herself and falls back onto her shield side, letting the sound of scraping metal accompany her descent all the way down til she lands with a heavy rattle. She doesn't let it keep her down long though, as she's quickly back upright and braced for any kind of assault they might face. "Be more careful," she chides, eyes darting around the immediate area.

Thelergramor blinks as Rainer shoves him and he is called an idiot by some bee who may just be a part of his drunken imagination. "...No, you're an idiot!" Ah, the belligerance of a drunken wolf...

Thel falls as the floor opens, doesn't slide in any way befitting one of the graceful folk; it thrown about and such. Lands on his chest at the bottom, pushes himself up and pulls off his mask to vomit onto the floor. Afterward, the wolf moves to pick up his bow. Checking it, it is fine. Incoherent mumbling follows. The words: "...You be more careful." Are quite clear. He picks up his hat, sets it upon his head and looks around.

Skade climbs out from under her crusher. Thank the spirits it didn't actually crush her. In hindsight, hiding underneath the contraption wasn't the best choice. Getting to her feet, she dusts herself off, her pitch-black eyes staring daggers at Thelgramor. [Spirits! If it weren't a crime, I'd slit your throat right now and save us any further trouble from moronic wolves] she thinks to herself as her fire wisp slowly floats down from above.

The commotion of their landing concluded, the group is left in the room alone it seems... Well, that's until a small figure rises from beneath one of the fallen panels. A small, half destroyed Servitor, crab like in shape, it begins to crawl it's way over to the group. Not paying them any mind, it inserts a small rod into hidden hole, and soon the ramp they had just slid down pushes it's way back up quickly, dumping anyone on it's end back into the room! The area behind it pitch black, and one would assume holding nothing good it's way... Thankfully though, another small click has a door open for them on the other side of the room, and a wave of intense heat travels through the room to give them a foreboding idea of what was on the other side of that door.

Fenris looks around the room. If it IS Creator made, it is nothing he can't handle. Assuming that the group is very lucky, anyway. "Don't go blaming me, Rainer," he says, misinterpreting the wolf's words, "I'm just trying to look out for you." He looks toward the open door and the heat emanating from it. "For example," he says, "Right now I am going to recommend we walk away from the hot lava where a giant fire elemental no doubt makes its home." The liger starts to lead the way to the darkened portal, his glowing golem padding behind him and a glowing blue nimbus surrounding him.

Rainer turns towards the rushing heat, the force of its passage enough to make his fuzzy coat wave and his poufy pants billow. His eyes bat, twice, and then the pup looks to the others for direction. "Maybe the same one we ran into last time, y'think?" He hums thoughtfully, and wanders over to where the crabbot had fiddled with the wall, poking around in an endeavour to get that door closed again. Just... y'know, to preclude the possibility of something coming out behind them.

Lucasiel stares over towars the source of the heat, frowning a little. She didn't care for the heat in her armour, so she decided to use a bit of ice magic to fix that. Nothing fancy, just to keep her armour nice and cool. "Perhaps you should just stay back and let us handle things tonight," she says, looking toward Thel. "You seem rather unfit at the moment." Back to Rainer, she shrugs. "Maybe. We could always find out."

Thelergramor spits, pulling another flask from his pockets. The heat is quite an annoyance to one dressed as heavily as Thelergramor, thus, he drinks. The flask is marked 'water only'. Recapping the flask, he drops it back into his pocket and pulls his plaguemask on. "...Right, which way..." He glares at the servitor, doesn't like the way it's moving around and... doing stuff. Tries to use his -extremely- limited skill with air magic to create a breeze before walking over to Fenris. Looking to Lucasiel, the wolf smiles. "Thank you. I am very fit, yes. I train and run often..." Must've misheard her.

Skade is still a bit shocked from the sudden tumble. Reacting on instinct, the honey bee takes to the air, filling the room with a low droning sound of her wings. Without much success, she pounds her fist against the roof that had closed above their heads. "Curses!" she mutters. It's not until now that she becomes aware of the sveltering heat coming from behind the omnious door at the other end of the room. Deciding that she'd rather take the unknown over being burned to a crisp, she starts fluttering towards Kalt's glowing golem.

Rainer's poking causes a... Beep. Then a low shock as they Servitor chirps at him with what one could swear was annoyance, before moving away. As Fenris and Rainer begin to bring their lights into the darkened corridor, they are greeted with what looks like strange flooring made of metal, with hundreds of tiny holes upon it... Horribly uncomfortable for those without shoes. Slowly though as they'd make progres down the hall, they'd find a dull door at the end, locked shut it seemed though there was a series of runes along it's front...

Fenris hops atop his golem as the hole fillied walkway becomes apparent. No need to chance slipping or tripping with his smaller feet. The liger grins as the door comes into sight. "Ha!" he says happily, "I think I can help here!" As his golem stops beside the door, the little feline reaches out to the runes.

"Ow!" Rainer yanks his hand back, swings it at the wrist frantically for a few moments, then sticks his finger in his mouth and sucks on it, furrowing his brow at the opening in the wall. His head turns to regard the retreating Servitor, the wolf muttering, "So's your mom." He picks himself up and sets off with the group, after that, quickly moving to the fore, though often turning and walking backwards to check the rear for trouble. He practically dances over the hole-riddled flooring, being one of those unfortunate souls going barefoot, and all he can say of that, once they've reached the other side, is: "Whoever built this room is a jerk."