Benefit for orphans and stories - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
Having checked on her children at the Solacious Manor, done all that needed to be done there, Mira busied herself with preparing for another fund raiser for the orphanage. This time, deciding it hold it at Freeswords itself instead of the orphanage or the church. Renting the place was costly for her, but wroth it if it braught in more donations then it cost her to set up. Currently, she waits outside the building proper, to greet guests, a few coming in already.
Fenris wanders up to the Freeswords Inn munching on a large, red apple. When he sees Mirana standing at the door he grins and gives a happy wave. "Hello Mirana," he says, "What is going on?"
Alef sits at a table by the fireplace, popping her neck softly and scratching at a paper on the table. looking over at the door she smiles, waving Mirana over to her table.
Tzerya sits at the bar with a near dazed expression as she seems almost confused by what was going on. After a few inquiries, she had decided to stay, giving a small salute to Mirana with her glass before returning to her drink.
Siyu stretches and yawns a little bit at the bar, his customary beer is next to him, he's been drinking, and wiggling his hips some, he's tired! The alst couple of days at the Orphange have been...noisy.i His own fault, he's taken all the blame of course. The matron wasn't happy about letting the little maestros have all those instruments, but they were oh so happy/. Chewed out, noised at, and all manner of worn out. He's going to get a little tipsy this weekened.
With a gentle creak, a breeze pushes the door to the inn open--so quiet, it's not even enough to bother the bartender this time! Following the breeze is Dupree, the blond-maned, walleyed grey mare--and seeing the knot of Gifted about, she claps with excitement. Crowds! She loves crowds!
Alanis is dirty, she stinks like a ton of garbage. That last work to the guild was.... no, she won't talk about that. She wants to forget about it, so she goes to the Inn. But, wait a moment, why is a priestess here...?
Looking around, Mira greets thoughs who come in, "Welcome Fenris, good evening Alef. Hello Tzerya, Siyu. Oh, Dupree, it has been a while! And good evening Alanis." she says, giving a careful curtsey. A few more nobles and the like walk in with her, smiling wide. "And remember, a portion of all proceeds tonight go to the orphanage, as well as all donations. The orphange needs weather-proofing again, and the children new bedding from the winter. Please, if you find it in your hearts, give what you can. And thank you all." she says. Murmur and bustle starting up after her short announcement.
Alef smiles softly. "If I can help I will." Nodding gently standing by Mirana at the door for a moment. "You feeling ok? last I saw you you were... abit down." Patting her shoulder gently. "Long as your ok." Smiling gently, going to her table and relaxing.
Siyu blinks a bit, and he looks at his drink and he looks at Mira, "Lady Solacious...I...I've been donating to the orphange, b ut is this some manner of regular drive? Like a yearly donation?" he asks as he'll try and hop down from his bar stool, beer in hand. Swishing his hips over towards her, running a hand through his longer hair, "I mean offically for the orphange, not somthing yourself is doing, or the House Solacious..."not that he hasn't been donatining, but it didn't occure to him that the orphange would run an offical drive.
Fenris raises an eyebrow at the gathering of nobles and freeswords alike. Well, this is unusual. "We've been helping out a bit at the orphanage ourseves," he says waving idly at Siyu. "But I am certainly willing to contribute," he rummages about in his bags and pulls out a heavy bag of crowns to hand over to Mirana.
Grinning at Mira as she spoke, the rabbit quickly reached down to her belt, taking a rather large satchel from it. Setting it down with a soft jingle, she counted the crowns in it before a soft smile appeared with a wiggle of her ears. "Ohh, I suppose this should work fine. I am so rarely in town that my donations have been lax...", she chimed before tossing Mirana the satchel full of crowns.
Alanis looks around and thinks "Lots of people, maybe family and some important fellows from the guild, and dirt all over my body, it's just perfect, it can't be worst, well, maybe is the G.K. Himself comes here..." She get closer to the priestess "Good day and sorry for the stink, i'm ... well.. i didn't know about your... benefit... maybe i should go and take a shower..."
Mirana spends 1 Crown to: Donation thingy
Dupree blinks at Mirana's announcement, one eye focusing on her while the other one drifts up to the rafters. "Orphanage? Donations?" Her coutenance droops as she thinks. "But I don't have any beddings to donate!" she blurts out, heaving a deep sigh...and catching a whiff of Mirana's aroma. Sniff. Sniff sniff. Her nostrils flare as she leans in, snuffling the pleasant redolence with an intense curiosity.
Tzerya spends 100000 Crown for RP reasons.
Fenris spends 10000 Crown to: Donation to Orphanage
Alef spends 250000 Crown to: donation to Orphanage
Alanis spends 100 Crown to: because i'm cheap
Mirana walking around collecting from soul gifted and noble alike, "Thank you, thank you all. Thank you." The large coin purse from Tzerya makes her eyes go wide. That was much much more then she spent to rent the place to begin with! "And to answer questions, I try to do a benefit at least once a year, though not always at the same time of the year." she says, continuing to collect from those who would give, passing it off to another priest following her. The large crown bag from Tzerya was not something easy to carry. "Now, before we all order or food, a short prayer." she says, bowing her head and crossing her hands at her groin, "On great creators, thanks be to those who are here today, for their help to those who need it." She says, the priest's back practically breaking from Alef's donation!!
Siyu considers, "Peace and strength, the House Solacious has many more resources then me, but here I am, a noble rat in spirit if not in coin. So..." he is a bit tipsy, "Take what I can spare, through war or other tragedy, really they should at least be comfortable..." he nods his head as he'll wobble, not from the booze, but from the weight of coin he'd offer. Huffing a little bit as he struggles, but hands it over.
Siyu spends 300000 Crown to: For the orphans!
Fenris is glad to see so many people here to support the orphanage. The sack of instruments he had made would provide lots of entertainment, but these donations would keep food on their table and a roof over their heads. The tiger stands in silence during Mirana's short prayer.
Tzerya grins as she watches her own donation cause a bit of struggle and happily bows her head during the prayer, barely managing to contain a snicker as she watched the poor priest carrying Alef's donation. She seemed rather cheerful at the displays and the prayers, though a small 'ha' escaped her as she watched the priest carrying the rats' donation, feeling a bit of sympathy.
With all that money going to the priestess hands, Alanis feels a little... cheap with her modest donation, but done is done. And she hasn't any more right now. So she sits behind, to not dishonor herself anymore...
Alef smiles softly. "Im glad I could help Mirana. Helping the orphanage is a wonderful way to spend crowns." Nodding gently, sipping her tea. offering to help the priests carry the crown anyway she can.