War Memorial - RPLOG

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A cool winter wind sweeps across the barracks this fine evening, causing hair and fur to alike to stand on end and bodies to huddle under cloaks and capes. Yet despite the chill, the place is packed - with the noble houses, especially Solacious, who have a social obligation to be present at this unveiling, the currently enlisted, veterans, and those who are simply curious. All stand as they await the arrival of the Good King on the field to grace the occasion, not that they could have been seated anyway.

Selena walks slowly through the memorial garden, carefully navigating through the heavily crowded space as though she might find a slightly larger pocket of space somewhere, reading through a book of some description as she waits for the formalities to begin.

Angus grabs at his hat as the wind picks up, his cloak snapping a bit in the wind as he sighs. As it was customary he was here to watch over the ceremony, something that he was more then happy to be part of. Even if they were honoring those that had passed in the war against Cliffside.

Amelia shuffles onto the scene and halts before the statues, leaning over on her staff as she draws her hood further up. Her free hand is then used to push up her glasses as she glances among the rest of the crowd, though her attention soon returns to the front to await the Good King.

Wulf tries to slink her way through the crowded area towards where she'd Selena head. As she arrives she nudges the Wolfess a bit with her hip. "Hello my long lost friend; figured this would be a nice time to see you." Turning her attention to the statues she bows her head in silent rememberence.

Indeed, the proceedings are set to commence, and a short fanfare is blown as the royal carriage rolls up to the barracks and is met by the guard of honour. The crowd pauses for a moment as the most important being in Sweetwater steps out, performs a cursory inspection of the guard, then the crowd parts as he proceeds to the newly-erected statues where a podium and lectern have been quite hastily erected.

"Good evening, citizens and subjects of Sweetwater and the Crown, and guests. Today, we are gathered here to witness the unveiling of this memorial, dedicated to honouring all those who have fallen in the service of the Crown. Before we begin in earnest, though, a moment of silence."

Selena flinches a little as Wulf 'ambushes' her, pivoting sharply before she recognizes the husky. "Wulf!? You, calling me long lost... That's a laugh." She replies with a smile, closing her book. After humoring the moment of silence, she gestures to the large statue in front of the area and mutters something to the husky, ending with what seems to be a question, scanning the crowd for any other familiar faces.

Angus closes his eyes as he honors the moment of silence, opening his eyes and walking around once the moment is over. "Hello there Amelia, haven't seen you in a long time." He tips his hat in greeting, giving her a smile before he turns back to look at the statues.

Wulf shrugs quietly, remaining quiet for the moment of silence before turning to Selena and muttering something under her breath.

Amelia smiles at Angus and nods. "Yes, it has been a while. I went back home to Shralesta for a while. It is good to see you again, though. I arrived yesterday and thought this would be a good thing to come back to."

The moment over with, the Good King continues with his speech, a suitably lengthy and wordy one for the occasion. Everyone knows that it's not so much the content of a speech, but rather how it makes folk feel that's the point of the thing, after all, and most of the gathered folk are getting appropriately emotional.

"...And surely, there are many who, although not named here, nevertheless deserve our remembrance. For although we may not aggress ourselves, there will always be those who do, be they shadows, other beings, or even foes of which we are still learning about. And as such, we must always be vigilant and prepared to defend ourselves..."

Selena rubs her forehead as the speech drones on, one hand slipping back into her bag to fetch her book. "It's almost funny in that regard; the resemblance is there." She replies to the husky with a chuckle. "But the rifle's something I don't think I've seen her use."

Angus nods. "Well welcome back to Firmament, it's great having you back." As the Good king continues to speak he turns to focus on him. "Do you lose family in the war? Or are they all in Sharlesta?" He asks, a little curious as he draws his cloak about him to fight the chill.

Amelia shakes her head. "My family are all safe back there, yes. I went home for priestly duties. I had reports to write, family to visit, the like. No great tragedy or great event, really. How have things been here?" She keeps her voice low, out of respect.

Wulf tilts her head, whispering over to the side. "I'm not entirely sure what you mean there Selena... I honestly don't." She looks to the statue in question, peering closely at it.

"...And hence in the name of all of those who have defended Sweetwater, past, present and future, living or deceased, I commemorate this memorial in their name. Creators bless, and a fine evening to all." There's another moment of silence, and then the crowd breaks out into a smattering of applause. The whole thing might have taken a little over an hour from the Good King's arrival to his now-immiment departure, the royal carriage rolling up to the street outside to admit its portly, prestigious passenger, before departing. With the ceremony ended, the crowd begins to approach the memorial and examine it in more detail on their own time, the atmosphere noticably more relaxed than before.

Selena chuckles quietly and pats Wulf on the shoulder. "It's nothing, really." She replies, tapping her cheek for a few moments. "Either way... At least this place was finally made proper."

"It's been....rather chaotic to be honest, the old ones have been stirring a bit." The fox answers as he leans on his staff. "Lets just say that I haven't had a boring day yet, so that's a good thing right?" Angus asks with a smile.

Amelia smirks and nudges Angus with her elbow. "I suppose that is good, yes. I'm glad that you're still alive. How is your sister? She is doing well, too, I hope?" She links her sleeves, shielding her hands from the wind while her staff sits in the crook of her arm.

Wulf reaches up and pulls at her nose as Selena speaks. "Indeed.... well maybe you can tell me what your thinking about later then Selena."