Spirits seminar
"Good afternoon, brothers, sisters, guests," a clever-clanned goat says as he steps up to the podium. "Thank you for joining us today in this small forum, and we will endeavour to be brief.
"As you all have been no doubt made aware of, various entities have been making themselves known all across Promise, and by extension, much of Sweetwater. They are collectively known as Spirits or Old Ones - although I'm not quite sure how the terms originated, it nevertheless seems that the distinction between the two is whether the entity is benevolent or malevolent. For good or ill, though, their appearance and activities over the past number of months - about Mossy Stone, Saltide and even Firmament itself - have shown that these episodes will only increase, and the number of common beings who know about them will expand, too. This problem is compounded by the fact that there's not much we know about them, aside from what they've chosen to reveal.
"It certainly is a concern when the actions of spirits, old ones and their followers directly impact the security of Sweetwater and the ability for all beings to live a peaceful life, but we have other concerns about how this might affect our society as a whole, especially when it comes to both the nobility and Creator Church. Hence for the topic of this forum today - in which I'd like you all to express your concerns - we've managed to invite a number of beings who've had some modicum of contact with these entities, and perhaps ask them to share their experiences and concerns with the rest of you."
Selena sighs quietly as the goat begins to speak, opting to finish the page she was reading before slipping a mark in and quietly shutting the book. The opening statement goes by quickly, though the latter comments on nobility and the Creator Church prompt Selena to raise a hand and speak.
"With all respect, my initial thoughts on the matter are simple: Who is nobility was determined by deeds in past as opposed to pacting with spirits or dedicating to a sacred family. The connection doesn't strike me as anything more than tenuous. If the noble houses of today should be concerned about anything, it should be doing their utmost to live up to their names and not worrying about some spirits." "As for the creator church, I recall hearing of some interesting deities in Shralesta that were worshipped there and nowhere else. Can you deny the creator church has a significant standing there as well? I for one don't think this is a significant problem as long as the ideologies of the creator church and its own purpose remain as they are."
Mirana looks over to Selena fondly and smiles. Until she hears the words spoken. She listens well enough, but shakes her head after. She too has soemthing to say on this, raising a hand, carefully standing after, "Excuse me, but, anything that may concern the safety and well being of all the children of Promise should be looked at carefully by its ruling bodies, its social resources, and those who tend to our universal needs. If not these people to help us, and to look into our affairs as needed, then whom would do such? While I can agree that discovery should be left to those with a better connection to the Great Spirits themselves, communication, and openness will be the keys to proper understanding." She smiles softly after.
Fenris perks up at the announcement. Stories! "Ha!" he mutters to himself, preparing to memorize the procedings for later pillaging, "I knew there was a good reason to be here." Aside from the food, of course. It was the Tales people hinted at that drove the tiger mad. It seemed like no one was willing to talk about their experiences with the spirits. And they would make SUCH songs!
Rahn nods. The emergence of the Spirits, and especially of the so-called "Old Ones" was troubling. It would be wise to know what these. . . beings. . . were. Perhaps they were part of the reason the creators had been gone so long. The rhino shakes the thought from his mind and focuses on listening and seeking after Truth.
Angus smiles as he hears familiar voices, his hands now tangled together in the string he had. He doesn't stand up but he speaks. "Granted both comments have their merits, but did we not come here to talk about the Spirits and the old ones? Not about we lazy nobles and the Church?" Turning a little he flashes a smile in Selena's direction, hoping she doesn't get to mad at him....as he tries to free his hands.
Kurzon does something he rarely does in a group, he speaks up. Raising a hand he seeks acknowledgement before speaking "Pardon me and with respect to those gathered and those that know more than myself...But I have heard that even these spirits that have been considered malicious are still oath and thereby law abiding despite their actions that have been counter to our interests. Has anyone stepped forward to negotiate a contract that could end in peaceful coexistence? To broker a means to acheive all goals?"
Angry murmurs at the outspoken Selena, but no one's going to move against a percieved loudmouth - or at least, not in public. The forum moderator gives Angus' comments a nod, trying to aliemorate the situation somewhat. "Ahem. Well. There is merit to both statements, but allow me to clarify my opening words. By societal effects, I was speaking with regards to events over the last few months within our own borders. As you know, some countermeasures to the activities of these Old Ones have already been started in both places where they have been discovered. And while there are no doubt those within our own fold have already started on their own, the defense of all of Sweetwater is primarily headed by the nobles. This is the main angle which we seek to pursue today.
"As for these abandoned gods, the main difference is that to date, no one has seen these abandoned gods of Shralesta's, yet we have seen, and indeed, are continuing to host on our own soil the Creators. The same goes with these spirits and old ones. Remember the commotion which occured when the Creators landed, in which beings unfortunately lost their lives attempting to reach the Creators in their vessel despite being warned back. Similarly, we have heard of cults springing up in service of these Old Ones - these would not be a problem if they were not as troublesome as that which they serve, to make an understatement. It is our hope that we can discover what it is that drives such folk to throw their lot in with such clearly malevolent beings, and perhaps the Church can guide them away from such temptation, as is our duty.
And finally, to Kurzon: "Neither Academy nor Church know much about what these Old Ones want, whether we can offer them anything, or even if they can be trusted the regenge on such a negotiation. Unless there is someone amongst the audience who can tell us why they would not do such a thing?
Selena looks back over to Mirana for a moment after her response, raising an eyebrow. "At what point did I state that the spirits were not something to be addressed? You've misunderstood what I've said. opening statement from the speaker included concern regarding the effects they may have on society, and that was what I addressed. This is not about nobility or religious forums, but it IS about the spirits and the impact they will have. As the speaker has said, this does concern all of us, but that does not mean it should be perceived as a threat to the integrity of our society as a whole."
"You have an excellent point regarding Shralesta's lesser gods, however if I might pose a question: With the advent of all of the spirits lately, can any of us say beyond the trace of a doubt that none of the spirits may fit the the descriptions of those deities and be treated as one?"
"In one of the first few encounters with the spirits, there was obvious animosity between the two courts - the Old ones and regular spirits, or the Corrupt court and Life court. If you consider that what occurred at Mossy stone and Heartfall were the work of the Old ones before the Spirits arrived on promise, their cults were already in place and praising them. That would be the percieved 'peaceful agreement' Kurzon has referred to as far as I can tell. There is enough animosity between the people of promise and the 'Kindcraft' already that I don't believe such a solution could occur, much less with the Life court's animosity to the corrupt court."
Mirana takes in all that is being said, it was a lot to take in, and a lot to understand. She stops to ponder a moment while answer to Selena, "Too correct, and if I did misunderstand then my apologies." she gives "It is important to make distections well known." The talk of the old ones as just other spirits gives her more pause again, "I'd like to point out, that even if the Old Ones were the first spirits to be encoutered, they are far from the agreeable sorts, look at Kindcraft, Heartfall, and Mossy Stone, each, as the dear Selena has said, were their work. We would do best to ensure that connections with these types and their actions are kept to a minimum. It could be that the Great Spirits are the ones the Shralestra did once worship is possible and deserves more investigation." She says. "It could be, that, perhaps it is some inbalance between things that has caused both to happen here?" she offers.
Fenris grins at the sound of familiar voices. Mirana was the one big exception to the shyness about spirits. She made a better pitch for her Spirit patron than a horse seller for his wares. While light on the Spirit stories, there was certainly no shortage of drama in this little forum.
It is all that Rahn can do not to cry out. The Creators had returned!? Here!? He is filled with simultaneous elation at the advent of the Creators and crushing sorrow that he had not been there to witness it. He is so overwhelmed that he nearly jumps from his seat to go see the sacred site. "A time and place," he says, closing his eyes and turning his attention back to the discussion. There was obviously much he did not know about recent events.
Angus sighs a bit as he rises, his hands still bound in the string. "I do not mean to add my voice to those that speak against this Forum. But you are incorrect in saying that the defense of Sweetwater is being headed by the nobles. There are only two nobles I have seen that have even though of putting themselves between these old ones and Sweetwaters walls. Myself and my older sister Mirana. Throwing money to the guard is not going to help a thing." The fox speaks out as he tugs at the knoted mess binding his hands together. "And I can personally tell you that without further effort from everyone, these old ones will eventually break through our walls."
Kurzon frowns, his thoughts swimming as he immerses himself in this forum, for once not taking notes but actively participating in what he beleived was his reason for walking the world. " I have nothing but respect for the actions of those nobles I have been privilidged to stand and fight beside. For good or ill, wisdom or folly...they have been decisive and swift, an example to observe and a tail to follow."
In this he gestures toward Angus, bowing his head in respect before continuing. "I hope they remain a pillar to support our community and take actions worthy of their ancestory. But for those of of us not gifted with such lineage and know only service to our faith and convictions...there must be some...guiding light aside from fear to direct our actions involving these creatures. What of the will of the Creators? Have they any guidance on the matter? If it is to be left to beings such as us, must we rule out appeasement as an option? Will we make a taboo of something we don't understand and inadvertantly drive all those that feel misunderstood under a single inglorious banner? I ask this not as a voice of dissent, but as a humble being who wishes to minimize how many more times he may have to raise his hand against misguided foes that share the same blood as us all. To strike at angry shadows, wild beasts even is fine, but I pray for action that doesn't lead to a gathering and inciting of the misguided."
The goat nods at Kurzon and raises a hand for calm. "Appeasement, for the moment, is highly unlikely. As what has been mentioned by the Lady Solacious, they appear to be intent on extending their influence without any sign of limits, with obvious ill effects upon much of Sweetwater society. When they and their followers kept within law and harmonious order, merely preaching on street corners, they were tolerated. That has changed. Disturbing events that enroach upon the safety of all beings in Sweetwater - and perhaps all of Promise - are afoot, and now the question is learning of their intents and purposes, rather than their actions. As for the Creators, they appear to be as befuddled as we are on this topic, as evidenced by the reactions to the Creator known as Sinclair to the spirit Shalia when the latter manifested before the former.
"On other topics...very well then, young Lord Solacious. What do you suggest? And as for the others, if I'm not wrong invitations were sent to those who have had considerable contact with these Spirits. Would some speak up as to what their motivations are, and perhaps fill us in on any pertinent information which may have been missed and they wish to make public knowledge?"
Selena sighs quietly, looking back over her shoulder to regard Mirana for a few moments before murmuring just loud enough to carry over to the vixen; "I've asked you before not to patronize me. I won't ask you again." She deadpans, writing something down on a sheet of paper. "That might be because - for the thousandth time - Creators. Are. Just. People. Where were you when they were here and interacting? The only known intention of the court of life at present is to gather followers to combat the Corrupt court, whose motives are much the same. That's less aparrent in more passive spirits, but overall the difference is what they do with their followers. It might be more distressing that the spirits don't have a particularly high view of the creators if it remains the same as the first few times they interacted with beings, but frankly I don't think that's relevant. I'd strongly suggest renting a library pass and doing some reading on the subject; both Svetlana and myself have published our observations on the Spirits there and It'd be absurd to think you're all here to hear something you could easily read on your own. Failing that, you all now know there's reading material on the subject."
Mirana had done it again, then again, she really couldn't much help it, Selena was a sweet dear in her eyes, "My appologies again Selena. I mean no harm." Never would she quite understand it seems. More listening to be hand, more understanding, and a request for pertinent knowledge. This was something she was more then willing to provide, "My dear orator, I feel I can speek for the spirit known as Shaila, she being my patron, we have talked long, an I feel the work that I do, I do for her. While the experiences to be had from reading Svetlana and Selena's work should not be missed by any, I know from my experience that she wants nothing more then all us Children of Promise to live in the safety a child can know being held to th bosum of their mother, to grow, and becomes as fruitful as we can be." she says. Then, teh comment about the creators, and seeking to stem the possible outcome, "And on our glorious creators, there are many ideas and possiblities as to whom they are, but as The Great Spirit Shaila has put it, they are to us as a father and mother are to their newborn, and it is our station to give them the reverance and respect they deserve of such a station, at least that has been my understanding as a Priestess."
There it is, that refusal to talk about personal experiences with the spirits. Fenris sighs in frustration and wishes he could pin Selena down get her to spill the story. "But what are they like?" he moans loudly into the susurrus of whispering scholars. "What do they look like? What do they want? Yes, society, yes religion, but what did they do or say? Who are the spirits and the old ones?" The tiger stares around at the gathered scholars and nobles. "That was my out loud voice, wasn't it," he says flatly.
Angus stands there remaining silent as Mira and Selena speak, trying to unbind his hands the entire time....which he still can't seem to do. "You wish to know what I suggest? Do more then just throw coins at the threats. We need to mobolize and stand beside the beings that stand here today that can call upon the spirits." Blast this stupid string! "Oh in the name of Creators, Mira, Selena. Mind helping me with this?" He grumbles rather loudly as he lifts his hands to reveal his perdiciment, before he starts speaking again. "I myself have stood before an old one. Akros, lord of Decay. A stinking, vial monstrosity that seeks to claim the swamps for itself and its callers. The Creature alone has killed more beings in Shanty town then a single Kindcraft, and yet its actions still remain unanswered."
Kurzon's note book came out finally, careful words written to ensure he asked hard questions and performed long reading. But his stylus falls from his grip when Angus finishes his speach. The swamps. Alef fell trying to escape harm in the swamps. Angus harbored guilt from fighting in the swamps anf Akros was the source of all that pain.
Akros. And now he had an answer, a target and a focus. His notebook closed with a slap and the forgotten stylus snaps under the weight of his tread, he no longer could hear the words of the assembly, he needed to go and read, he needed to prepare...he needed to fight.
Selena pivots for a moment to face Fenris, raising a finger as thought to indicate 'Just a moment'; walking over to Angus and cutting the strings carefully with a leather knife - not exactly the best solution to the problem, but... After murmuring something to the fox, she moves back to her place and continues; "Fenris? If you wanted an answer to that you could've asked." She replies, rubbing her temples.
"Kendrac, the spirit I'm more familiar with, usually appears in a form much like a deer or similar being with yellow fur and bright green lines over his fur - much like the lines on mine, though the difference in color doesn't seem to mean much. He often carries a staff with him made of black material of some kind, much like this only larger." - taking out her 'gifted' weapon, she holds it up briefly so that it can be seen by those present. With that, she looks back to the goat, adressing him specificall; "You're right, it's not. And yet... There you stood, bringing them up. Incidentally I haven't heard Doctor Sinclair claim to be anything more either." She replies, picking up her bag. "Unless anyone has further questions, then, I'll accede to the host's request I leave. There's precious little more to say on the subject of spirits that isn't wild speculation."
Mirana shakes her head softly at the commotion coming up, despite her efforts. As Selena describes Kendrac, she decides to discribe Shaila a bit more, "Shaila appears when asked, as a mother great in stature, soft in tone and easy of word, looking all a mother could hope to be. Or, at other times a great speciman of the paternal kind, and still other times both. She always is sweet of word, and easy of voice, gives the most delightful hugs, so reassuring..." with Angus being tended to by Selena, she is free to fall back into her chair at the wonderful feelings invoked by memory, "The.. most perfect patron I could ask for." she says softly. Then, recovers herself, standing again, "Ex.. excuse me sweeties, but, Shaila's gift is jewelery, like this," she holds a hand to her golden earring, "As for her mark, well.. those who know my... my physical stature a year ago could easily see that." she says, with an awkward smile.
Fenris is sorry to se Selena go. She certainly made this interesting. And she had a story to tell! Glancing around the room at the angry crowd, however, he could recognise an. . . unappreciative audience. He tries to wave his gratitude to her as she leaves. He'll just have to get the story from her later. And Mirana! Who could ask for a better source. The tiger quietly slips what looks like a sticky bun from a nearby table and listens to the fox tell about her patron.
Rahn shakes his head. He isn't ready for crowds like this. He has spent too long in the wilderness to feel comfortable with all this commotion. He sits quietly and tries to wait it out.
As soon as Selena cuts the bindings he's Free! Angus flexes his hands, happy to actually be able to use them again after that acursed string tried to trap him. As Selena leaves Angus raises his voice so that all can hear. "Selena. How many encounters have you had with Old ones, and their callers." He asks, giving her a slight smile as he turns to stare at the Goat.
Selena looks back over the hall when the fox asks her his question, furrowing her eyebrows for a few moments before she starts; "All right, There's been quite a large number of times for the cultists, but not as many for callers of old ones specifically - Possibly few to none depending on how the term 'caller' is defined. My first encounter with cultists would've been a few weeks after I arrived here, with a caller at heartfall assuming that the high priest of the Kindcraft was one, several more cultists when the Ironsoul's Defenders recovered their tome, another few when I was trying to research it. I believe one of the monsters that attacked a small village in the Silvervein pass was either a significantly high-ranked follower or caller of one of the old ones associated with undeath... The name eludes me at the moment, though."
"Kendrac's had me move about several times - it is part of his pact - to hinder them, but no significant encounters have resulted from that. I think the most recent close associate of an old one that I've encountered was one of Akros's black gops." "Well then. I'm not too difficult to find if anyone wants to follow up on anything I've said." With that, the wolfess turns back to the door and walks through it, shaking her head slowly in disdain.
"Enough! Enough!" Yet try as he might, the goat can't get the hubbub under control. Eventually, with a sigh, he bangs a fist on the lectern, using a bit of air mathemagic to amplify his voice. "This forum is adjourned. We will reconvene at a later date to finally flest out our official policy regarding Spirits. Please, leave in an -" his voice lapses, realising how empty the words he's about the say are. "-Orderly fashion."