Shopping with the Girls - RPLOG
In the market place, things were just slowing down, most beings closing shop for the day. The tailor shop was just about to turn the sign over from open to closed when in walks a wolfess carrying a fox! The tailor, a raccoon sighs and says, "Welcome, welcome, what can I do for you both." Angel sets down Angus and smiles, "We are here for clothes of course!"
Wulf is soon inside the store as well. "You better make room sitr, your about to have.... ALOT of company, most looking for clothing."
Angus just frowns as he is brought into the Tailors, his arms crossed as his tails flick in annoyance. "I um..." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his muzzle. "If you have anytime to spare while working with the others, I wouldn't mind looking around. Might be in need of something to wear when not in combat." He frowns up at Angel as his tails flick. "Mind putting me down?"
Kialla giggles at Angel's rather excited demeanor. "A lot is a bit on the generous side of things, don't you think, Wulf?" she give, her brother rubbing his neck with a chuckle as Kia reaches out to Ruffle Angus' ears.
"Oh, I know this place lass," Dio comments as he enters the door, hands upon Sveta's shoulders and goading her inside. "Ya did a good job gettin' the blood outta my coat lad. Looks good as new!" And indeed, the coat that had previously been stained quite heavily with his own blood from their expo adventure looked rather clean. Though, the same thing can't be said for the hastily patched up hole in his pants and his ripped linen shirt. "Now then lass, I said I'd help these fine fellows but I'm afraid I don't know too much about dresses 'n' all that," he says in a hushed tone to the goshawk. "So... Mind helpin' out a little?"
Leian wanders into the room alongside the others, her tail flicking rapidly behind her as she looks about in awe " Oh my, such a selection... I'd.. I'd not know where to begin... Blast..." she sighs, her ears dropping atop her head slightly
Sveta sighs as she's pushed by Dio into the store. "Must I? If they really needed one, I could probably sew together one of my own - it would be so much easier and cheaper, and I'd get more practice that way. Honestly, I'm just here to keep an eye on those two and my fashion sense probably isn't to their that case, why are you here, anyway?"
Angel smiles a bit more, but the tailor's eyes go wide, looking at everyone walking in and even more coming! He goes for the sign, but... it is too late, too many are already in. "Ok.. well... what are you looking for exactly.. we have lots on sale as for the premade articles, or I can take messurements and make something that is a bit more personally yours." He says picking up the messuring tape, the needles and some medicinal herbs. Angel just looks to Angus. "What do you like My Lord? Something to show me off? Something colorful? Or something that will match my fur?" she asks, before "Ok, ok, please, look over our selection and if you have any questions, feel free to ask..." this is going to be a long night." Finishes the shopkeep.
Wulf giggles and walks over to the shopkeep, adjusting herself and making it clear she'd need sizing. "All right, well i want to see what you got and wether i can stomach weaing it, but if i can i'll need it made for me. My measurements aren't exactly... normal fare."
Angus looks to Angel and just blinks. "Well um....why not something to match your fur then?" He was never really someone who understood fashion to be honest. Shaking his head he turns, and frowns at Dio as he walks over to the Lion and takes his hat back. "thanks for grabbing it for me, wouldn't want to lose something I just got huh?"
"Why am I 'ere? Well..." Dio takes his hands off Sveta and coughs what is certainly a fake and forced cough. "Well, I said I'd help out a little an' give a man's opinion on what looks good 'r not. Ya know... Right?" Once more, the lion runs a hand through his mane and shines a very goofy smile at a magnitude only a silly person such as himself could attain. "An' besides... Can't say I wouldn't mind seein' ya in a dress again. One ya didn't have to borrow an' more yer size," he chuckles, leaning his head down to allow Angus to take his hat back. "I thought I looked pretty good in it, fox-kit!"
Leian's tail sways as she goes to one of the displays, looking it over with a soft frown on her muzzle, looking between it and the one just next to it fervently with a sigh " Oooh, I just don't know.. Blue? Green? Red?...
"Um...ah...that was a special occasion. I can always get one if the situation calls for it. Whatever would I do with something that I never use, anyway?" Sveta's gaze turns from Dio, to Angus and Angel, then to Leian and the others browsing the displays, and visibly winces in complete opposition to Dio's goofy smile. "Best not to buy something that would just sit unused in my wardrobe and get all moth-eaten. Perhaps I should just...uh...observe. And don't make the joke about me wearing the same thing all the time, unlike you, I've at least ten of this same outfit in my room. That's how much...uh...I like it."
Angus adjusts the brim of his hat as he smiles at Dio. "Yes, it does look good on you. Maybe you should get one made." He teases the lion, before his gaze shifts to Sveta...and he shrugs. "Live a little, I'm sure there is something in here that you think will look nice on you. And if it's the issue of not wanting to waste the money then there is no need, I can pay for it." He offers her a slight smile, knowing all to well that his offer will probably be refused out right. But he still puts it out there.
Angel walks over to start browsing herself. Bumping in to Leian she looks over at what she is looking at, "Humm... try blue first! And no peeking!" she says as she looks over her shoulder. She looks around for something that matches her plain brown and red fur, grumbling a bit, "I... just don't know.. Sveta! I need another girl's eyes please." she says as she looks over the dresses, not consitering a skirt with a top, at least not yet. "What do you think of this one?" she asks holding up a rather bland looking dress of simple red tones and brown colors.
The tailer looks to Wulf as she asks to be messured, "Ok ok, back this way please miss, and I'll messure you up, shouldn't take more then a few minutes." and he walks behind a privacy screen, once of many, ready to close it the moment Wulf is behind it.
Wulf looks around and shrugs to follow the Tailor. "all right, I'mma comin. Be right back people." With that she is through the door and it shuts closed.
Kialla mms... giggling as she fully pads into the shop, smiling as she looks about at the various things. Looking at the various outfits as she takes the time to look at the brightest colored outfits of purples, golds, and greens. Looking mostly for something with a few patterns on them as she browses... trying her best to find something in her size... she might have to follow Wulf's example.
Leian tilts her head towards Angel a moment as she considers her a moment " Blue? You sure? Will it go with my white fur well? Hmm.. Perhaps a light blue.."
"Oh? What's with all the pausin'? Usually yer quite the talker!" Dio begins to smile in a more devious fashion, circlilng around the goshawk and peering into her eyes. "Ahh, but ya looked so good in a dress lass! An' that one wasn't yer size even." He then turns back around, peering at the various dresses. "Maybe try one on fer the lassies 'round here! Just tryin' one, no need to take it home 'r nothin'. I mean, yer already here, right? Get outta that thing yer always wearin'."
Sveta scowls and is about to say something probably ugly to Angus, but Angel's words stop her cold. Grabbing ahold of Dio by the hand, she urges him along as she reluctantly she steps over to the wolfess and dips her head, as if intending to use the lion as a shield. "Only if you try something on yourself." With that, she turns to Angel, pointing first at the wolfess' voluptous frame, and then at her own practically scrawny, flat-chested self. "Well...I suppose the only way to know for sure would be to try it on, really. It looks decent enough, so long as the colours don't clash too badly with your fur. Although, I must're acting different today. Did something happen?"
Angus rolls his eyes at Sveta, noticing that scowl. Seems that she has at least something to say to the fox. Sighing he walks over to the wall and leans against it, tilting his hat down to cover his eyes as he goes quiet and allows them to shop for dresses.
Angel nods to Leian, "Yes light blue I think would look pretty, but try it on first." She looks next over to Wulf as she walks into the privacy stall, no fewer then 8 more beside it. When Sveta suggests her trying it on she nods and starts toward a booth herself, but stops when Sevta asks her a question. She looks giddy a moment and strolls back to Sveta to whisper something carefully to her then back to the stall to try it on.
Inside Wulf's stall a startled gasp! "You are about as big as Lady Mirana! Where are you all getting these outragious things!?" he cries out before regaining his composure and continuing to messure... "Miss.. we have a few things that might fit you in stock, but most things are going to have to be hand made." he explains, waiting for Wulf to be ready again before opening the door.
Wulf blushes at the tailor. "You don't wanna know, respectfuly sir." The husky lets him finish measuring and sighs. "May as well show me what you have sir, i don't want you to have to measure me and get nothing for the effort."
"Hey! Where we goin' lass," Dio exclaims, suddenly finding himself being dragged by the hand once more by the goshawk. Though it must've been a cute scene from a third-person perspective, a smaller and younger bird dragging along a much larger and older lion about by the hand. "I don't think I'd look too good in a dress lass," he chuckles at his own joke, but then looks down at his ripped shirt. "But in all seriousness, maybe I need a new shirt to go under my coat. The coat stays of course, fer reasons I've already told ya." For emphasis, the lion tugs upon the ornate trim of his coat, and then gestures towards the many rips on his linen shirt. "I think that dress will look good on ya lass," he comments and nods towards Angel, chuckling after hearing the keeper's reaction. "I think brown would look good on ya personally," he says, looking back at Sveta.
Leian takes a full body, wide strapped, sky blue dress and a knee-high skirt from the display and heads into the stalls, dissapearing behind the door, a soft humming escaping the stall as she does whatever she is doing inside, shuffling and ruffling heard from within' to any who listened enough.
Sveta blinks. She looks at Angus, then at Angel, back and forth, back and forth. "Well, if it appears to have helped, I can't say I'm completely against it. I...won't say that it's not distasteful, but if the solution is that simple, albeit unsavoury..." she sighs. "Well, at least you still seem happy. I suppose a new outfit is in order for you to celebrate." She turns to Dio. "Yes, yes, I know about the coat. Shirt and pants, then, and please be proper about it. And brown? I'm already wearing brown..."
Angus raises an eyebrow as Sveta seems to stare at him for a few seconds, but he doesn't make a comment as he moves over next to Dio. He looks Dio over, and then shakes his head as he tries not to laugh. "I think the coat is the only thing that should stay honestly."
As the goshawk looks back and forth between two people, Dio parrots her actions in a comedic fashion. "I can only wonder," he mumbles under his breath, crossing his arms. "An' to be honest," he returns, looking at Angus and Sveta. "I don't know what to replace my pants 'n' shirt. I got 'em from a merchant on my travels ya see. Before that, I was wearin' armor all the time. So..." Again, he nervously rubs at his mane. "I don't know the first thing about clothes! Mind helpin' me out a little?"
Angel giggles inside and lots of shuffling around and soon she comes back out in a slightly ill fitting but matching well dress. "What do you all think?" she asks posing a bit but looking like she can't breathe.
The tailor steps out with Wulf, "This way to the... larger section please miss." he says escorting her along to a section that looks like maternity clothes!
Leian steps out of the dressing room, wearing a full length dress down to her foot-paws, her foot-paws wrapped around by a red silk strap down to the top of her paws, covering her ankles only. She walks down a bit shyly in the dress, as she looks about with a soft nip of her lips as she tilts her head " Like... Like this?" she spins around slowly, her tail hanging from a small slit in the back of the dress, hanging low behind her
Wulf honestly... would look a bit pale as she is moved toward the larger section, but she says nothing; instead electing to simply follow the tailor. She takes a glance over to the group, her eyes lingering on Leian for a moment before tearing them away.
"Well, if you were wearing armour, you must've had an undershirt on or something," Sveta says. Right now, she suddenly seems more interested in hanging around Angel than dealing with Dio. "Frankly, anything will be an improvement - you change into something, and then I'll see about getting one of my own. design sense is a little limited in that regard, but it's fairly elegant. Elegance is always good. Angel...perhaps have the tailor let it out a little. You still want to be able to move freely, don't you?"
Angus crosses his arms as he looks Angel over. "I think it looks nice." He smiles, nudging Dio. "No worries, could always the tailor I use. He definitly could help you...considering I don't have any taste in fashion either." He teases the lion, and gives Wulf a curious look as she is lead over to another section of the shop.
"Oh hoh hoh! Ya look wonderful lassies." As the two step out of the dressing room, Dio latches his eyes on the pair and their new dressing arrangements for a few moments before clapping his hands and smiling. "You'll be able to slay any man in yer path with clothes like that." The lion then looks down to Sveta, looking at her for a bit and then smiling. However, not the devious smile from before. A nice, warm, and friendly one, soon complimented with a pat on her shoulder. "Ya know lass... As much as I'd like to see ya put on a dress again, I'd never change what ya choose to wear even if I 'ad the power. Yer clothes 're... Well, you! A perfect an'... Beautiful fit." The lion coughs into his hand, looking around the store and averting his eyes to latch onto no one in particular. "Never too good with words I suppose," he says, taking his hand off Sveta's shoulder. "Perhaps I should just get my shirt repaired finally, huh?" And then, in the middle of the shop, Dio sheds his coat and lifts the ripped shirt over his head, exposing his many and large scars, and the cut-in tatto upon his left shoulder that says 'END'. "LAD! Mind doin' a repair job fer my shirt 'ere?" While holding his shirt into the air, he looks back at Angus. "Oh? You'll 'ave to introduce me."
Angel nods a bit, and walks over to the racks and shelves again, this time selecting a very plan vest, and a skirt, "Ok.. I.. was betting most anything I picked out would have to be altered." She looks over to Leian and smiles, "That does look regal, are you a noble?" she asks a moment before looking back to Wulf, "Umm... if you don't like what is over there.." she says and she seems almost, comfortable shopping around, her ears aren't twitching and her eyes stay focused. "My Lord! My Lord, what do you think?" she asks before stepping back in to continue.
The tailor goes white a bit when Sveta mentions alterations as well! "Oh... what a night.. but it will be a lot of crown I suppose.." then he looks around, "Wait.. who is going to be paying for all this?" he asks eyes going mostly to Angus!" Then he continues with Wulf, "How about something in... white, would that be nice?" he asks.
Leian's ears fall slightly in sudden embarassment at all the questions and shakes her head softly " N.. No.. I am not a noble.. I merely thought a longer dress might be nice to have around.. For more.. Formal events perhaps?... I.. I don't know..." she snatches up a scarlet top and ducks back into the dressing room. Seems her shy side fell through.
Wulf eyetwitches. "i may need a white one later... but white isn't really my color. Got anything thats darker in color and blue or something that would go good with my fur?" Her Fur is a grey in color, close to white and darker where the normal markings of a siberian husky would go.
Kialla approaches the tailer, smiing to him as she coos, looking down to him with a grin. "I think i would need to be fitted for something... i doubt you have much, if anything in my size..." she gave, rubbing her muzzle as she finished browsing most of the avaiable clothing in the shopkeeps little shop.
Angus blinks as he is looked at, and his ears pin. "....Guess I'm paying then...well. Guess I'll try and at least see if you have something that's in my size. If you cater to kitsunes that is." He smirks at the tailor, eyeing Angels selection of clothes before he starts to browse around the shop.
"Oh, fine. Hold this for me, you great big oaf." With that, Sveta shrugs off her cloak and leaves it in Dio's hands, then mutters to herself. "Well, I promised. If I'm going to do this, then I might as well do it properly. It's not as if I'm beholden to buy anything, anyway." With that, she stalks down the aisles, picking out outfits as best as she can with one arm, then makes a beeline for the dressing room. It takes far longer than the others, but eventually, she reemerges.
The dress hangs a little loose on her thin frame - seems like she favours autumn colours, the fabric being a uniform crimson with white trimmings, slits cut out for her wings just about the shoulderblades, complete with a sash of white silk and matching stockings that seem completely out of place with her boots, which she hasn't changed. The effort's reopened her wound a little, staining the sling, but great care has been taken to not get any blood on the tailor's merchandise.
"Alright then tailor lad, I'll leave my shirt 'ere for repair an' pick it up later if ya don't mind." The now shirtless lion takes his ripped shirt and places it on the counter, not really waiting for a response of any kind. "Hey lass, what're ya up to," he says, now suddenly finding himself holding the goshawk's cloak. "Ya don't have to do that, lass. I was just jokin' around with the whole wearin' a dress thing."
And then, she emerges once more from the dressing booth, Dio looking honestly quite amazed. "Yer... Quite beautiful lass," he mutters under his breath, closing the distance between them. "But I think this'll help out a little." With a warm smile, he walks behind Sveta and places her cloak back on her body and pats her on the shoulder once more.
Angel steps out again showrly after Sveta and in a too tight vest, but the skirt fits well, then she looks over to Sveta, "Oh! That is beautiful!! My Lord!! I want something like that, don't you think that is so pretty? I really want to be pretty for you..." she says, the dress and the vest/skirt combo would work well for everyday use though. She catches the comments about her outfits and blushes a bit, "I'm.. nothing really, you are all just being nice now..." she says, rubbing an arm slightly.
Angus would find lots of clothing with designs that could easily be altered for many tails, browns, whites, blues, mixes of lots of different things, most things designed for beings his size as that is what most beings are!
As Wulf talks though, the tailer gets to work trying to find something for her, "Umm.. no.. no I don't have much in your.. sizes Ma'am.. but if you want I could have something made in three days.." he says, then Dio offers more work for him! He holds his head and looks back to Angus, "I'll.. just bill your house... you are Lady Mirana's brother, yes?" he asks.
Sveta fluffs and flaps, readjusting her cloak and redoing the clasp - a bit of an achievement with one hand. "Tsk. I didn't say I would be buying it, but a promise is a promise. I said I would, so I am." She picks uneasily at her clothing and looks askance. "It's a bit too big, really. Well, I ought to be putting it back where it belongs. I just feel...uncomfortable in this thing..."
Then the tailor looks up to Kialla, "By.. the.. creators!?" he says, "Ok miss..ok.. umm.. get in the dressing room please I'll.. need the extended messure for.. someone of your stature.." he says, "Excuse me miss, I can have anything you select altered to fit you though." he says leading Kia to the changing rooms.
Angus tries not to cringe visibly as he is just recognized as Mirana's brother, and turns his gaze towards the tailor to give a nod. "Yes, I am Angus Solacious. And there is no need, I can pay by myself." He snatches up a shirt and a pair of pants and walks over to one of the changing rooms quickly to try his selection on.
Leian steps back out of the dressing room once more, this time wearing a knee-high skirt with a slit riding up her right thigh, her tail swaying slowly behind her, as she tugs lightly at the scarlet blouse she wore over her form, the straps wrapped around her forearms as she looks around, showing it off slowly " W.. Well.. How about.. This one?" she tilts her head. The straps on her ankles and paws were a flowing emerald green silk this time
Wulf frowns atr the answer that she'd need a custom made one, much like her dress for the pillows. "Damn... ah well, i'll decide if i want something later." That all said and done she heads back to the group looking grumpy and nausiated at the same time. "The dresses do look very pretty on you all.
Kialla gently punches Angus' in the shoulder, "I said i would pay earlier, for everyone, even." she coo'd to Angus, before she's lead away by the tailer before she can make much of a further comment.
Dio smiles, putting his hands on the goshawk's shoulders again and giving them a few firm pats. "Ya look great in it, lass. Though, let's get the back the goshawk we know 'n' love, shall we? I'll help ya out of that dress since ya only have one arm if ya want." Oh my, quite a thing to say, and Dio doesn't seem to pick-up on it. What a silly lion. "An' then... Is there anythin' you'd like to see me in I guess? I... Well I'll leave it up to you."
"Something clean will do, that's all I ask. In fact, that's all I think anyone will ask of you." Sveta looks at the small pile her own clothes back in her hand. "Don't get me wrong, it's nice to play dress up, but this is just making me uncomfortable for some reason or the other. Yes, don't mind me if I just change back into my old clothes, please. Somehow, I feel a lot better just wearing my own skin." With that, she's back off to the dressing room.
Angel gives a slight whine, "My Lord?" she asks, maybe he didn't like pretty. "I guess that is all the better, I'm not much to look at and a nice dress wouldn't change that." she says mostly to herself though anyone close would catch it. "I guess I should see an armorour to get new chain made for myself..." she says gently and waits for the tailor to get back, she will need things altered!
Inside the booth Kia is messured up, "Miss... what did you eat to get so large!? 10' 4" what.. I don't quite, I'm not going to have anything to fit you, but we can alter anything you select if you wish." he says and waits for Kia to be ready before openning up the door. Once out he looks to Sveta and Dio, "If alterations are needed miss and sir, I can make them... seems I'll be burning the candle at both ends tonight." he says
Wulf stays quiet for now, her eyes resting on dio a bit too long to be appropriate before tearing them away to watch Leian angel and the others trying things out.
Didn't take long for the fox to reappear, wearing an emerald green silk shirt and dark brown trousers. "Angel, you look nice in a dress. Just look for one you like." He comments back, giving her a slight smile as he fusses with one of the cuffs. "think I might need to try something else...feels like the sleeves are a little to short..."
Kialla gives a nod to the tailer, smiling as she comes back out. She humm'd quietly as she giggles... "YOu're quite pretty as you are! and some clothes will make you stand out more in that." she gives encouragingly to Angel with a smile, "Now, do you want to help me pick out some dresses and outfits on my own?" she gives, whispering some to the wolfess as she spots Angus coming back out of the stall in some rather rich looking clothes.
Dio watches as Sveta enters the booth once more and turns to look around the store. He didn't quite know what to wear, but watching Angus emerged gave him a few ideas. Without noticing he's being stared at, he begins walking around the store and eventually finds a pair of long brown pants. Slowly, he gets out of his shorts, and strips down to his underwear and bandage covering his bullet wound. Without feeling a whisper of embarrassment, he slips the pants on and tacks on the appropriate buckles. He then sets upon a quest for a shirt. "What to pick," he murmurs under his breath, finally picking up a matching and plain looking shirt of sorts, not too far off his original and pulls it over his head. "There! How 'bout that, lads! Not bad, right?"
Meyna stops outside of the door and checks her pistols, cracking the breach and making sure everything's in place. She glances over her shoulder, waiting on someone likely while the pistols are holstered. She then cracks her knuckles, steps into the business and looks around the room before heading straight for Angus while calling out, "Oi, I'm here to collect for the, please don't shoot me fund. It's a sub-group of, 'you owe me.' Any problems with the idea?" She pretty much ignores everyone else, she's got drinking money on the line.
Selena makes her way in along with the leopard with a slightly amused grin. "Well, you certainly aren't mincing words." She comments, then glances about for a moment and rubs the back of her head. "Though I'm more surprised you haven't had the payment delivered already. You did do your job, didn't you?" She asks, waving over to Wulf, Sveta, Dio, Angus and generally all the familiar faces. "Wulf, I thought you said something about not disappearing without warning?"
Sveta emerges from the dressing room, clad in her old work clothes and begins the long ardous task of putting everything back on the racks, giving everyone a nod as she passes by them - except Angus, who's rewarded with a tited head and piercing look. She's almost done, in fact, when Dio pulls off his usual antics, and her eyes narrow as she marches up to him and grabs for a ear, tiptoeing to do so. "Whatever are you doing? Act with some propriety Behave, or I'll never feed you again!"
Angel nods a bit to Angus and over to Kia after that whisper. With whatever she told her, her tail starts wagging behind her, "Yes please.. Wulf would you help us too?" she asks "Please help me pick a few things out, something if My Lord wants to take me out... and a few like you just discribed." she says seeming delighted. Whatever had happened to her she seems overjoyed and relaxed, quite strange. She watches as Dio changes in the middle of the room, completely averting her eyes, "What... is wrong with that Lion..." she asks paying attention to the shelves and waiting for Kia or Wulf to pick something for her while, "Oh Kia, I think that that would look nice." she says, pointing out a purple and gold once piece dress, though as Meyna comes in and mentions a 'please don't shoot me fund' she growls, moving quickly to the belonging she came in with, drawing Fang and Claw.
Looking to Leian the tailor seems quite happy with her selections, "Very pretty on you Miss, that one is 100 crown." he comments but then notices the lion changing in the middle of his shop, the arrival of two new customers and... then the words and drawing of daggers... "Oh creators!!! What is... this?" he says.
Well now...this was unexpected. Angus was in the middle of messing with the cuff of his right arm when Meyna barges in and makes a beeline for him. Angus tried to hide his surprise as he looks the lepoardess over, and just nods. "Angel, please go back to picking out clothes. I am perfectly fine here." He gives her a half smile, still trying to keep his cool as he turns to the tailor and decides to let out a little of his anxiety in the form of a joke. " just an average day, what? You don't like a little bit of chaos?" Turning back to Meyna he finally manages to stop messing with his cuff. "Now, how much do I owe you for your services then?"
Leian tilts her head slightly as all the others talk amongst themselves before she slowly walks into the room, browsing the other displays while still wearing the clothes she was displaying, ears folded a bit atop her head, her tail falling still behind her, before rubbing her chin and turning to the tailor and nodding " You really think so? Alright.. I'll take this one and wear it out.. Though I think.. Maybe something green like these silk bands I am wearing? I don't know.. What else do you think?..."
As Sveta approaches, Dio has a wide smile on his face, as if he didn't see what was awfully wrong with his recent actions. "So, how do I look lass? No more holes 'r anyth- OW!" The lion grunts out in pain, leaning his head down to avoid the goshawk from pulling any harder than she needs to on his large leonine ears. "I'm sorry /dear/, fer whatever I did," he says in a mocking tone, pouting and crossing his arms over his chest. He would've stepped over to intervene with the brooding trouble, but it would seem the fox-kit would have it handled with a bit of coin. Funny though, being paid right in from of him the funds that got him shot. "How much fer the shirt 'n' pants, tailor lad," he shouts over, ears still placed in a lock.
Wulf subtly crouches a bit, eyeuing the cat... well until she gets sick and starts to cover her mouth, running towards the door grazing past Meynas tail and out the door. Retching sounds can heard and a splat. The husky doesn't come back in as she is probably not gonna be any help and it's be bad form to puke in the shop.
Sveta lets go of Dio's ear. "I don't know how you lived before you came to Firmament, but you do not undress in polite company. I'm being completely serious here, yes." Her gaze roams around the room, taking in Meyna first, then Selena, before settling down with a few flaps of her wings.
Meyna glances back to Selena and says, "Sort of. The guards showed up and things still got broken, but I did tell him half was due up front no matter what. Had to shoot two people." She looks back and points, "Those two as a matter of fact." She doesn't really sound anything other than matter-of-fact about it. Then she puts her arm around Angus' shoulder and pulls him away from the group with a grin and cheerily says, "Now that's the right answer. Come on, we'll sort out something fair. You /did/ pay for their damages too right?" At Angel's drawing of the daggers, she rolls her eyes and says, "Settle down, maybe if you'd helped out like the bodyguard I'm assuming y'are he wouldn't be here still all ridiculous looking."
Kialla mmphs some, picking up the one-peice dress as she watches Angel pad off with a frown... Angus seems to have it handled however as she smiles again, rounding up the otherwolfess with a smile as she picks out in turn, a bright red skirt and a clean white sleeveless shirt for Angel, white in color. "That's a nice pick... how about this for you?" she asks the smaller wolfess.
Selena blinks and gazes about the ensuing chaos before glancing back to Meyna. "Ah... That'd account for the machine I heard Sveta broke. So what exactly IS going on here today?" She asks confusedly, gesturing about the gathered beings. Wulf's rapid departure catches her a little off guard, barely moving aside in time for the husky and muttering something to herself - by the time she's collected her thoughts on the subject, the canine's already outside and out of earshot. Sveta's chastising of Dio is met with a shake of her head and a comment; "I missed something, didn't I? Well, one way or another it's good to see another sane being around here."
Leian spends 100 Crown to: for blouse and knee-high skirt
Angel puts back her dagger but continues to eye Selena and Meyna, "Kia.. did you find something for me too?" she asks walking back over but keeping an ear out for if things go south, "I am far from My Lord's bodyguard, but if that is what he wants to make me, then that is what I will be." She says then looks back as Kia suggest something, "Oh that is nice.. how about this one for you?" she offers what could only be discribed as a Sailor Moon outfit... Taking what Kia offered her she heads back to the changing stalls.
As things calm down the tailor makes for Leian, "Here, yes, that would look good, but why not have a veriety, we can set you up with all different kinds of sashes and bands for them." he offers, hoping to satisfy his customers and get the shop closed... finally.
Leian tilts her head to the tailor, as she looks at him curiously " Oh? What do you have in mind? A variety would be nice. Something.. I don't know.. Aluring? I am a musician.. And it'd be best to catch the eyes and ears, both, of those I play for, when not the children instead." she rubs her cheek a moment contemplatively
Dio rubs at his recently pulled ear with a minor whine, looking like a punished child more than anything. "I though those booths were fer women and shy folk. I've never 'ad to hide while chagin' lass! Never!" With another 'hmph' and nose to the sky, he picks up his coat and puts it back on and slips his old clothes beneath his arms. Suddenly, Dio sneezes after being pointed at. Someone was certainly talking about him, but of course, the situation was being handled. Hopefully. Wearing his new clothes, he proceeds for the counter and does a little jig to break them in. "So, how much fer the clothes," the lion asks
Angus doesn't really make a comment when she throws an arm over his shoulder and leads him away. "Now, what exactly is the amount that I owe you for your services?" He asks rather calmly, finally noticing Selena and giving her a wave as he stands there. At the mention of Angel being a bodyguard he frowns. "I am in no need of a body guard, but at the moment when I needed your help I did have to admit I had my hands full. Considering I was trying to use the device."
Kialla giggles some, when Angel pulls out the outfit.. she takes it anyway with a smile. She gives a soft hum... She picks out arather ornate appearing green dress for Angel as well now with a smile, "Is this pretty?" she asks, holding it up to the fellow wolfess with a smile. "I'll pay for anything you like or pick out that you want.
Meyna grins to Angus and says caustically, "Aww, you've got a little camp follower. How cute. She pulls those daggers again and I'm shooting her in the foot." Then she rubs her chin and says, "Well, despite my best efforst the machine was broken which... was pretty surprising. Most people don't have the wherewithal to hobble over and break something after being popped in the leg like that. Impressive really. Not going to hold you for the full price, just my usual retainer, ammo and at least the lion there's bills and we're all set."
Sveta mutters and rolls her eyes at Dio's exlclaimation, but deigns to hold her comments in...for now. Instead, she hobbles over to Meyna and pulls out a small bag of crown. "Here, for me as well. Catch."
Selena shakes her head at the commotion, moving just around the side of the door in Sveta's general direction - making no attempt to hide her disdain for Angel. The bird's movement towards Meyna, much less the passing of coin prompts a quirked brow. "Why exactly are you paying her, Sveta?" She asks curiously, sizing her up for a moment. "I'd have thought Angus was covering her payment, but I've never seen the a being pay their attacker, if I'm not mistaken."
Angel comes back out in a short short skirt, pink, and a matching cute top with a bow over her bust, she looks a bit embarrased, but looks around, "How.. does it look?" she asks. Ear twitch ad Meyna, seems that calm relaxing feeling is quickly leaving her. "Thank you.. Kia, but I think I'm done today.." she says and picks up what she selected, "If My Lord will permit me, 5 of each of these and.. 3 of what I'm in now please." She says
The tailor looks thankful a moment, "Well, green, pink, light blues, rose, we can switch the bands and ribbons to make it fit just about any situation, just another 15 crown for each color." he says, and eyes Angus, "For all your wolf friend is asking, that will be... 800 crown, including any alterations she needs." he says, carefully eyeing what is going on in his shop.
Angus catches the bag of crowns before it gets to Meyna, and he gives the Goshawk a blank gaze. "My actions, my consequences. I've already caused enough trouble for you, I will not see you pay for your own injuries." Shaking his head he pulls out his own coin purse and looks to Meyna. "Forgive me if I do not know the going rate for your services, how much will that set me back?" He then turns to the Tailor. "That will not be a problem, just allow me to move to the changing room and put on my regular clothes before I pay. If that is allowed?"
Sveta gives Selena a dip of her head. "Ah, Selena. I hadn't expected you to be here. Well, she was promised a job, and she came through, even if I was the victim, and a promise, an agreement, is just that - an agreement. She may not want payment from Angus -" there's ever so a slight emphasis on the name - "for me, but if..." her face darkens a moment as Angus catches the purse. "Suit yourself." She turns to Angel. "Um, that might be a bit excessive, but if you feel good in it and believe it will help, then by all means."
Leian tilts her head slightly as she considers a bit " Well, I was meaning other clothes.. Not just the bands.. Though I am wishing to buy what you have of those, also, however."