Investigation of the Warmongers pt 2 - RPLOG

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The hampster continues to look up to Arimia, then over to Selena and Angus. "So.. how can I be a' trusting any of you!? For all I know the lot of you were part of the ploting to the attacks on us!" And she tries to call out, "Lord Eldric! They're here! Lord Eldric!" Rain starts to fall soft and slowly as more thunder claps overhead, a flash of lighting jumping between the clouds. As Rogna starts to approch though, two of them look to him and pull weapons, one looking back to the offical looking wolf, "Lord, we have a visitor." Their ears wiggling at the sounds of the hampster's yelling, "And more up there Lord it would seem Lord, what do you want done?" Lord Eldric turns sharp and looks to Rogna, "Ah, better late then never I suppose. Part of the royal family even, they do mean business. Now, what do you hope to accoplish here?" He asks walking up a bit closer to Rogna, but still well behind his guards.

Angus sighs, shaking his head as he grumbles. "Well, aren't we childish.." His ears twitch as the storm rolls in and he pulls up his hood. "Snapping at everyone isn't going to prevent this war Arimia." He comments, turning to catch up with Rogna as he eyes the guards.

Arimia turns her gaze to Angus when he speaks, scowl still on her features and says quite calmly, considering her previous outburst, "You wanna shut up." When the hamster starts yelling one of her hands moves in a quick, short motion, a punch. She looks down at the hamster and says, "Shut up. You're still on the bloody ground because you could be one of the imposters we're looking for. Which nobody else here seems to be thinkin' of." Those words are rather obviously directed not at the hamster, though the 'coon's focus remains on her. "They were all impersonatin' Cliffsiders too. An' pretty well. Until I see some proof that you really are a Cliffsider, an' not someone with forged seals an' all, you're stayin' right where you are. Sorry. That's the way it's gonna be."

Rogna says "I suppose that one is one of yours? She was caught scouting our party in the midst of town before our departure, we intercepted her for questioning when I spotted you. We hope to find those who would fly your flag and incite war between our two proud countries. May I ask what your combing of the beach has turned up, and what you expect to find, Lord Eldric is it? I am Rogna, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Selena folds her ears back and looks to the side. "Right, Ari. I'll... I'll make it up to you when we're back in firmament." She murmers, taking a quiet few breaths and collecting herself, though she still looks a little upset, nodding to acknowledge the noble from the long grass.

Mitchell and Astrid are arriving on the scene. The newcomers are likely out on a wander, exploring the land, when they come upon the group that's already here. Mitchell, in his usual sorta-country clueless way, waves to the group and looks on to see what's going on.

Astrid is just walking along, as Mitchell described! "Wave to everyone you see? Not so good when they're looking to beat us up like in slums," she playfully chides her traveling companion, nudging him with her meaty paw. Upon further examination, she adds, "Is that hippo from earlier?":is just walking along, as Mitchell described! "Wave to everyone you see? Not so good when they want to beat us up like in slums," she playfully chides her traveling companion, nudging him with her meaty paw. Upon further examination, she adds, "Is that hippo from few days back?"

The hampster eeps out as she is attacked, "LORD ELDRIC!" And the wolf looks up to the party, drawing his own blade, "What exactly is going on up there Mister Rogna? If you have one of my scouts, then I'm sure that no harm is coming of her? I just got out of your 'high court' and I'd hate to have to go back there to get an explination as to why this 'misunderstanding' you claim it to be only escilated." As more come in, Eldric gives a loud whistle, more of his scouts now coming out of the tall grasses, "Mister Rogna.. do you intend to have us surrounded?" He says as he glances around, another guard draws a sword, and other levels their pike toward the newcommers, the scouts being quick to prepare crossbows. Eldric holds up his hand, "Hold.. give him time to explain." He says looking Rogna dead in the eyes. Overhead, the storm only gets worse, rain starting to fall steadily.

Angus is rather unhappy when a pike is leveled at him and scowls, he says nothing about it, but does pull his hands out of his cloak to show that he wasn't holding a weapon. "We have no intention of surrounding you Lord Eldric." His gaze turns to Rogna as he speaks, hoping that the hippo could salvage things before they got out of control.

Mitchell looks to Astrid and grins, "Well, you'll never make friends if you aren't friendly. I waved to you, and it's gotten me a good friend ever since," he jokes, playfully nudging back, then he spots where Astrid points, "Yeah, I think it is." He eyes what's going on and ahhhs, "And it looks like there's some kind of trouble," he says, having pause for a moment as he figures out if they should flee or not.

Arimia rolls her eyes and reaches out to grab the hamster's muzzle and hold it shut, saying, "I said, shut up." She looks up then, and calls out, "If we were plannin' on hostile action toward you we would have adopted a much stealthier approach. As you likely would have realized if you an' your city were willin' to look past their bloody noses on occasion. Do some actual work an' investigate things, rather than jus' accept everythin' at face value to save yourself effort. But I digress. Until I see some bloody proof you aren't these instigators your scout stays here, so we ain't got a possible enemy in the middle of us." She still hasn't seen the wolf, with the high grasses blocking her view. And as she talks her Cliffside accent would be growing stronger.

Rogna shakes his head. "Of course not Lord Eldric, and it is likely one of your scouts actions was viewed as aggressive or violent, and they are being subdued for the groups safety." he says, adding a bit more loudly "You have my word they will not die by our hands, we do not need more senseless bloodshed." before returning to his normal volume. "Now I shall ask you to stand down, you are guests in our country investigating fraudulant activity, are you not? Acting as aggressors in such a posotion is hardly becoming of a nobleman such as yourself. Now might I ask you again, what you have determined from your search so far, and what you have uncovered that might resolve this issue?"

Selena sighs quietly as the troops approach, keeping herself visible. She glances back to Arimia worriedly for a moment, swallowing and taking a deep breath before adressing Eldric, managing to keep her tone even though her own accent is apparrent. "Rogna is correct. We came here expecting dissidents as well as your cohort, but a scout skulking in the brush was not comforting... Please understand that there has been more than enough tension, more than enough suspicion around this for us to meet such a thing with skepticism. For that you have my apologies. But we're here to investigate, not to fight." She addresses the noble.

Mitchell looks to Astrid and grins, "Well, you'll never make friends if you aren't friendly. I waved to you, and it's gotten me a good friend ever since," he jokes, playfully nudging back, then he spots where Astrid points, "Yeah, I think it is." He eyes what's going on and ahhhs, "And it looks like there's some kind of trouble," he says, having pause for a moment as he figures out if they should flee or not. This seems a tense situation indeed.