Test of Strength - RPLOG

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This day in firmament, along the busy main concourse with the shops and Inns and the travel heavy pathways, a peculiar stand has been set up, a bear folk behind it waving to folks who are all gathered to see people make a spectacle of themselves. "Step right up, that's right, right up and test your frame, a crown for a chance at one of these lovely little bobbles." he says as he gestures to some items. "All you do is smack the board with the hammer, smack it good, and see if you can make the metal up top cry out like a baby with a rank bottom!" Behind him is a rather crudely built oddity, a board which seems geared to push up a loose bit of metal on a pole in a see-saw fashion, and slots on it for various weighted devices to be shoved on. A boar steps up and slams the hammer down, the device going up a way towards a crudely marked section, labeling him a sucker on the board nearby.

Issi was wandering through the city when she came across... this. This should be interesting, if not for the heavy clans trying to overcompensate, certainly for some of the smaller folk posturizing. The smaller viper takes a view point behind the crowd, watching the little event the bear had going on. She rests against her staff, just making note of the rest of the surroundings. Looks like this was the event of the day.

Rainer must have a song stuck in his head, as he seems intent on inflicting it on everyone he passes, strutting on down the concourse shimmying and shaking and clapping his hands to the rhythm that exists entirely in his own mind. Not so engrossed in his solo dance party is he, however, that he fails to overhear the barking of the carnie, and so he sashays over for a peek, marvelling at the fantastic wooden contraption like it's on par with the wonders of the Creators. "Ah-haha, that is brilliant! How has nobody ever thought of this before?!"

A flick of her three tails, and Flora slinks into the area. "Simple. Nobody needed it before, no. That's why nobody thought it up. Nobody needed it, and nobody connected the dots," she mumbles as she looks between Rainer and the device, rolling her shoulders lightly and flicking her ears as she looks about the area, shrugging lightly as she looks at the carnie herself.

"This way, lass!" A lion claims boisterously as he looks back over his shoulder to check up on the tigress following him in. "O' at least, I think so." Dio scratches his cheek for a moment, standing at the entrance to the area and looking all about amongst the crowd. And speaking of crowd, his eyes eventually fall upon the attraction of the hour. "Ah ha!" He exclaims with a satisfied clap and a rub of his hands. "'ere we are. Let's go."

Making his way through the crowd while occasionally making sure Kaelli is still following, the coat toatin' feline steps right up as requested. "Oh! Oh!" Stuck in the crowd, Dio puts his arms in the air and begins waving for the bear's attention. "I desire to test the the metal o' my frame an' win fame, fortune, glory, an' bobbles!"

Kalt slowly makes her way through the crowd, her poncho pulled tightly down over her form to keep wandering eyes away for the most part... Although, the Sheep folk Nurse following after her, chattering incistantly into her ear does indeed draw some attention. "... And that's why I'm more than happy to bring you out to the square Kalt~ You can help me pick out the next batch of cloth for the new stuffed animals I'm making, and oooo~ I could make one of you! What do you say?" The Vixen's ears pressed flat as the woman speaks, before she spots the Carny and grins gently, turning on a heel to face her escort. "Uhm... M'havin' a better idea, why don'tcha pick out some cloth, an' I pick out sumptin, an' then we go an' make them all surprised together eh?" The Sheep woman giggling happily at the suggestion, before hugging the Vixen as she runs off.

With the Vixen now free from her escort, she's left to sigh in relief as she makes her way over to the scene. "S'cuse me, pardon, thank you kindly... AH! Hey there Rainer, an' Flora. Goin' up to do this all an' see if'n you got what it takes eh?" A pleased grin crossing her muzzle as she looks to the friendly faces, giving a chuckle at Dio before shifting her position to peer more openly at the machine.

There was a thing! A new thing! And what feline didn't enjoy nosing about shiny new THINGS?! Ears perked up, the pale tigress followed her companion's lead and moved over towards the little leverage-based contraption. Tail flicking about in curiosity, Kaelli examined the bear and his device through the crowd for a moment before looking over to Dio's enthusiastic display. One hand rising, the feline concealed a grin behind her fingers while the crowd mostly masked her faint giggle.

The bear looks out over the crowd, he has two fresh ones, and he points out towards Kaelli and Dio. "Felines abound, come on around! Seen that and I think you've got the itching, why don't we get you going? It's just a crown!" he says with a smile, gesturing out over the table. "And we do have bobbles sir! I bet you'd go great with this little one here! What do you say?" he adds, the boar from before rubbing the back of is head and patting his belly fat with a laugh before lurking off to the side for his friends to rip and or cheer him up.

Issi hmms, watching Kaelli and Dio step up to the machine. There was some trick to this, but it was just a contraption. She keeps to the back of the crowd watching what goes on. Its not that she just thinks that its probably not going to be something anyone was going to win. Given that it was just a game made sense. She shrugs, her mind liked to wander like that. It was something to do and watch for the day to alleviate boredom.

"How, exactly, was there never a need for a thing that you can smash with a hammer and not break before?" Rainer is unconvinced of Flora's reasoning, and he fixes the tiger with a skeptical squint, though he can hardly keep the kid-in-a-candy-store grin off his face in the presence of so much spectacle, showing off all his teeth when he turns that smile on Kalt. "You bet. I'm just giving some folks a chance to embarass themselves before I get up there and style all over them, y'know, hahaha!" His hands to go his hips, then, and he immediately after angles his head down to look at them, like he realized something that ought to be there was missing. "Oh, uh... right. I kinda threw my coin pouch away the other day. Can y'spare a Crown?" Thus he fixes the fox with his best pleading puppydog face.

"Flora isn't going to try, no.. Flora'll just watch, yes... Flora doesn't like lifting heavy things. Also, miss Kalt can follow Flora to the manor afterwards, yes. Flora has some designs for the arm, yes yes," she murrs with a smirk, tails swaying behind her, before she looks at the device again, almost as if mentally taking it apart. "There are things that don't break when being hit... But there's very few uses in daily life for a little metal thing to move when you hit another part of the device... And then hits that little metal... Thing on the top. Flora suspects it's meant to make some sound... Guns excluded, but since beings have to power this device, Flora doubts the little metal bit can go fast enough to do lasting damage."