Dressed to Impress - RPLOG

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Today was promising to be fun! Having just finished an evening tea in the study in time for a courier on the back of a mule bearing packages and crates. Seems like the clothing she had ordered was finally here! After having it brought down to the guest rooms, she calls for her two friends to assemble, leaning against Natska with a grin on her face. "They're going to look classy and gorgeous after this, I know it," the fennec says with a mischievous tone.

"I am certain they are," Natska agrees, nodding her head; she gives her wife a small squeeze with the arm around her shoulders, and then a quick kiss on the cheek. The jaguar had dressed for the occaison, as well, in a slim, green evening gown.

Jera was till in her simple grey robe. Not having left the castle yet since she visited. The kit fox answering the roll call.

Fenris walks in, wearing a long, soft robe, looking much more composed than she had been when she arrived the other day. "Ready!" she cheers with a grin, "I confess that I am excited to see what you have in store here."

Cassidy pats down her violet gown and steps towards the collection of boxes, organized in two neat piles. Four for each. "Okay! For you have I have four outfits. Two formal, two casual. Of the casual, one has pants, one has a skirt. I -think- you two know how to dress casually by now, even as a lady, so I'm sure I don't need to explain how a shirt works, or even how to put on a skirt, I hope. So I'll give those two to you outright," she says, collecting a quartet of boxes to hold out to the two. "The form ones, however... Those are what we'll be trying on tonight."

Natska grins as she looks over the piles, then nods her head; she doesn't add anything herself, though, since Cass seems to have it all in hand.

Fenris looks over the packages and gratefully accepts the parcels that Cassidy hands her, setting them aside. She puts her hands on the folds of her robe. "Should I get undressed?" she asks, "I mean, I am pretty much decent under the robe."

Jera gets her packages and doesn't ask. Opening them excitedly to take a look at what mysterious treasures would be revealed! Girl clooothing.

Cassidy shakes her head and gestures towards a room. "Inside. Jera, if you'd like to put your casual ones in your room then meet us in Elise's room, I'll show you how to dress up all fancy like for courts or ritzy ballrooms." She collects the formal-outfit boxes in her arms and starts towards the room, tail swaying. "Corsets will be fun!"

Natska giggles, then follws Cassidy into the room, her tail swishing back and forth happily. "Yes. Inside the room. And I hadn't done much formal dressing myself before I started hanging out around Cassidy - it's not too hard to get the hang of!"

Fenris picks up his packages, excited to see what Cassidy had up her sleeves. Or in her packages, anyway. Honestly the mention of corsets leaves her a little bit worried. The kangaroo follows after, a little timidly. Once inside the room, she carefully disrobes, revealing her carefully wrapped bosom and a pair of tight, silk shorts.

Jera follows into the room as well. Pulling out one of her casual outfits and holding it over herself to see. Blushing brightly in embarrassment. A blouse with one shoulder cut off to put his fractal patterns there on display...

"Would you like to help me with Jera, Natska, while I work with Fenris?" Cassidy asks, setting the boxes down and pulling up one of them. "I should have thought to ask your favourite colours, first, but oh well! It should be flattering with the fur, at least." She pulls up a slinky, dark blue gown fitted with a black underbust corset intended more for the style than the restriction. The black accenting continues with a small frill around the ankle length hem. She holds it up to Elise and offers a warm smile. "What do you think?"

Elise smiles lopsidedly at the dress. "I think it looks girly," she says in a musical alto, "But I am willing to give it a shot." The red furred kangaroo gives the bunch of cloth an uneasy look. "So, how do we do this?" she asks, chuckling a little and looking toward Jera for a bit of moral support.

Natska whistles as she eyes Jera's clothes, then grins. "You do have such pretty fur, Jera." She walks over to the kit fox and grins, crossing her arms over her stomach. "And just let me know if you need help, dear friend. There is nothing to worry about here."

Jera removes her robe. She is much less decent than Fenris is. Wearing just a pair of padded panties...her top bared. "It's not much use getting proper clothing if they restrict my magic from echos..." The kit fox explained with a blush. And then she looks back at Fenris and nods meekly. "We have to trust the real ladies. Try it on!"

"Of course it's 'girly.'" Cassidy says, poking her tongue out. "You're a -girl-! As for how... It's easy." She holds the dress up and starts tugging the laces out of the back to loosen it. "Now... You hold it out in front of you and step into it. Then you pull it up your body and get it settled, and tighten the laces! That's it!"

Natska eyes Jera's fur for a moment, then nods her head as she turns back to the packages. She tilts her head to the side as she considers the colors, then smiles and draws out a forest-green dress with loose elbow-length sleeves, gold embroidery, and a wide black slash. "Here you go, Jera. I am sure you will fill it out better now, too," she adds with a wink.

Fenris gives the dress a leery look, then she shrugs and steps carefully into the mountain of fabric. She lets Cassidy help her slide the dress over her curving figure and settles the bodice around her waist. She looks helplessly around fro some way to tighten the laces on the thing, but can't see any way to manage it herself. "Where are the arm holes?" she asks, completely in the dark.

Jera watches her own formal attire and then just stares for a moment, stunned. She slides it on and tenderly does the knotwork behind her, used to wearing dresses! "I-is there a mirror here?" She looked around...

Cassidy nods and tilts her head towards one of the body-mirrors against the wall, "Sure is, Jera." She helps guide Elise's arms into the long, open sleeves of her dress with a grin before moving around behind the roo. "Doing the bodice yourself takes some practice. Usually, Natska and I help each other with it. While you're here, the staff can do it. Anyone around, really, but eventually you'll get the hang of it," she says, tightening the laces. "Now... If you're trying to slim your figure you can tighten it more and more, but... Personally, I prefer to use them as accessories, so I don't tighten them too much. It gets uncomfortable."

Natska nods her head and shows Jera the way to the mirror, smiling; when they get there, she takes a moment to pat Jera's hips and make sure the dress is settled properly, then checks the sash and nods her head. "Perfect, Jera. Well done."

Elise screws her face up in an incredulous look. "Girls make their dresses even MORE constricting?" she asks, trying to get comfortable in the bodice as Cassidy laces it up, "Sorry ladies, but women are crazy!" She stands still until Cassidy is done, thencarefully turns in place. "What do you think?" she asks, letting Jera take her time in front of the mirror.

"Oh god. Does the fleshcrafter melt the brain too? I am thinking of pretty ribbons and brushes and styling my hair after letting it go long." Jera giggled. And it can't be made certain if he is kidding...the kit fox twirling in the mirror experimentally.

"Appearance is... Important for women! Well, or so I've been told, growing up in a noble household." Cassidy sets her hands on her hips, looking over the pair. "You both look nice, though! See, in courts and high society, people will look at the fashion a woman is wearing. They'll gossip and talk about it to their friends! Sometimes good, sometimes not so good. So we take care to make sure we look nice and presentable when in 'polite company.'"

Natska snorts and gives Jera a light swat on the hips, grinning at the kit fox. "Jera! There is nothing wrong about wanting to look pretty," she says, giggling along with her friend. "You know, I have plenty of ribbons, would you like one?" she asks. She looks over at Cassidy, and nods her head. "Yes. Even when you are not in court, image is still important. For everyone. Women just have more to work with," she says giving Cass a wink.

Elise's feminine face pales as it acquires a look of horror. "Polite company?" she squeaks, looking from her dress to her hostesses, "Will you excuse me?" The kangaroo turns quickly to go back to her own room, but gets a bit ahead of herself, tripping over the skirts of her dress and ending up in an undignified heap. She grunts in dismay, then carefully works her way to her feet and then to a spot to sit. "What say I just watch for a bit?" she says, massaging her bruised tail.

"Only if you tie it." Jera grins at Natska and winks. Fenris catching her attention just in time so she watched her fall.

"Better be careful, Jera," Cassidy says with a grin. "She and I both have a lot of ribbons and bows, and if you're not careful, we'll turn you into a very, -very- done up lady!" She winks at that and nods at Elise. "Sure, sure. You may watch. Once we get dressing down, we'll have to teach you both how to sit and move properly in them! Though I figure Jera will have a prior advantage, there!"

Natska laughs at that and claps her hands; she takes a moment to contemplate Jera, then -quickly- scampers off, unable to resist the temptation. The jaguar returns shortly with a black ribbon laced with gold, then steps up to Jera and bites at her lip as she contemplates. "Hmmm... one big, loose tail with a big bow, Cass?"

Jera watches the bow and winces. "Such a strange color scheme you girls have...green and brown and violet and now white and bl- Oh no. Black and gold." He squinted as things got into better view. The kit fox's tail wagging behind her anyway noisily.

Cassidy offers a little shrug. "I picked my violet dress because it goes well with my fur! And I think you look good in the green and gold, Jera. Black and gold goes well with it. And I think that sounds lovely, Natska! Which reminds me... I haven't worn that black dress of mine in a while, with all the red ribbons..."

Natska sticks her tongue out at Jera, her ears perked happily. "Black to match your dress' sash, and gold for the embroidery." She gathers up Jera's hair, combs her fingers through it, then ties the ribbon in place.

Jera twitches her ears and lets out a low, pleasured murr as she tried her best to stay still. Tail is still swishing though!

Cassidy grins a little and steps up aside Natska to watch. "Yes. Don't doubt our fashion sense, Jera! We know what we're doing." She rubs her chin and smiles, tail wagging herself. "You two do this well! It's almost too bad we can't keep you both as official maids," she says with a teasing giggle. "But such is life!"

Natska steps back from Jera and murrs, her hands on her hips, examining her handiwork. "Or bard in residence. Or friend," she says, nodding her head. "You are always welcome out here, of course."

"Well. You could hire me for a bit. It's the least I could do given both your hospitality..."

Cassidy gives a more boistrous laugh, brushing her ringlets back for a moment. "Ohhh, I couldn't hire you, Jera. I like having you as our friend, yes. But if you want to pay us back... You -could- give us one of your dances, sometime. I'm sure we'd both like seeing that again."

"Yes!" Natska agrees, eagerly. She nods her head, then slips an arm around Cassidy and gives her wife a hug; after a moment she gives Jera a hug as well with her other arm. "Your performances are incredible, Jera, and I always love seeing them."

"Alright then. I will think of one...I guess I need to put in at least one dance in my new shape anyway." The kit vixen nodded her head and smiled wide. Twirling once more in the dress before starting to remove it. "You said you had something else...?"

Cassidy nods and lifts the other box she had for Jera. "Yes. That's a... More casual-formal. This is a strict-formal. The kind you'd wear to a noble ball, or into court. It's not quite as... -Exciting-, but that's by design," she says, flashing a smile.

Natska clasps her hands together and moves off to the side, letting Cass take over now; the jaguar is still smiling brightly, rather pleased with her night. "I will look forward to it, Jera, thank you. And yes. I don't have many -formal- formal dresses, myself."

Jera smiles. Looking at the new dress and then her smile fades a bit. "Oh...that kind of thing I'm not sure how to wear..."

Cassidy holds up a long, floor-brushing court dress, consisting of a black jacket to be worn over a long, bustled white dress. No embellishments to make it fancy, save for the layered ruffles, but it certainly was -elegant-. "Yes, it's not the kind you typically cross-dress in. But that's why we're here, hm? To show you how! You're a noblewoman for now, after all!"

Natska claps her hands as she sees the dress. "Ooooooh. That is -nice-, Cass. You will look stunning, Jera." She smiles, then steps up, ready to help as needed.

"I don't even want people to know I'm a noble at this rate...bet my clothes will slip or something knowing mhuck wirh these things." Jera continued to be defeated by the dress.

"Ohhh hush, I think you'll look fine in it, Jera," Cassidy says with a reassuring smile. Like the one we put Fenris in, as far as putting it on. No corset, though. Just step in, fasten it up the back, pull the straps up over your shoulders to hold it up, and the jacket goes over! The bust is padded, as it's meant to be worn without a bra."