Holly, Jolly, and Things That End in Olly - RPLOG

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The streets of shanty town are quiet in the winter coolness. Along one of the prominent streets waits Amos Longtooth, leaning against a shabby building. The shabby tom cat fits right in with his tattered coat and milky, scarred eye. Standing beside him is a very nervous looking reindeer.

Walkings up to shanty town and the familiar and hopefully not about to strike him Amos, is Thelergramor. Currently all wolfy again, what with the fur and ears pokeing from behind his plague mask. Armed and such, using his spear almost like a walking stick. All shirtless, with a red scarf and olive-brown pants worn on them legs, he approaches the Amos. "Hey, Amos. How's it going?"

Kits tended to, Eriene keeping an eye over them, Ruby helping her. With her staff at her side, Mirana looks about. She didn't have much in the way of fond memories of this place, nor much good will toward Amos, but, what better way to see what was going on than to actually see. "Greetings Sir Longtooth, you made a request for some assistance?" She asks.

Rainer is just... sittin' on a roof. The roof of the shack against which a certain shabby tabby is leaning. Holds one finger up over his lips should eyes drift his way, motioning for compliance in keeping his presence a secret, the sneaky pete. But why? ...Personal amusement, probably.

Dressed in more...plain off-whitesarong and robes than her usual wont, Surabhi draws up to the gathered crowd, hooves in the mud and a distant look on her face. She hadn't been here since they narrowly averted the riots. She felt a bit guilty for not doing more to help out here...but that's what she was here for, wasn't it?

Kit bag on one hip, hand on the other, the large Bovine draws up to the gang. "Back here again, hm?" she muses to nobody in particular, a wry smile crossing her wide muzzle. She offeres a nod to the unfamiliar faces, and then--"You again!" directed at Thelergramor. "Keep yourself safe this time, hmm? I've only got so many bandages with me!" she playfully scolds.

Dropping from the sky, Cassidy is alone today! Her usual companion not at her side, the well dress, masked fennec shuffles towards the group and adjusts her tophat. "Hello, hello! Nice to see you all today," she says with a cheery tone. "What's happening today?"

Amos looks around as the beings gather. His habitual frown deepens when he sees Thelergramor, and the sour look does not sweeten as he watches the others draw near. "I guess this is all we'll get to work with," he rasps, "Get down here pup, let's get this ball rolling." He does not bother to look up as he addresses Rainer, as if it is the most normal thing in the world for him to spy out sneaky roof wolves.

Amos gives a dry cough and drags the big blue reindeer with him forward. "Our boy Hartford here stumbled across something the other day," he says, "And you folks are here to check it out." The scarred cat gives the reindeer a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "The big guy here has been invited to join a secret society and to bring some worthy friends along," he explains, "You are all to infiltrate this meeting and learn what you can about the society." He looks around at the group and bares his teeth in a lopsided grin, showing the one, oversized fang that is his namesake. "We just need to know if it is anything more than a club," he rasps, "Can't be too careful with all these Old One cults floating around."

"But, Mister Amos, sir?" Hartford protests, "I told you! They said only Reindeer could join the Brotherhood of the Frozen Antler!" The reindeer looks askance at the gathered beings. No deer and three females!

Thelergramor answers Surabhi first: "I'll be fine, Surabhi. It's been forever since I've been stabbed." Nods and turns to Cassidy. "Hey, Cass. Good to see you." Then to Mirana, he nods. Yup. Just a nod to the woman who fixed his knee several months ago... Eh, he's smiling, but masked. A wave to Rainer and then he peers at Amos and Hartford. "So, Reindeer and males only, is what I'm getting. Could always go all basilisk and claim I'm a reindeer..." He shrugs, a viable plan... "Until they ask to see the non basilisk things..."

Mirana shakes her head. More meetings in darkness and such. "Only Reindeer humm? Not my particular specialty, sneaking and such." She says with a fair bit of quietness. Looking over as Cassidy and Surabhi join in. "Doesn't match my particular skill sets, quite appologetic. Maybe things will work out though?" She offers, pondering if it would be best to head back into the city proper.

"Aw." As bidden, Rainer gets to his feet and hops down to street level with the rest, bobbing and weaving his way around the various other beings and settling in at Theler's side, fixing his fellow lupine with a toothy grin and he stretches arms way up over his head and then folds them back behind his head. "Ey, this is Shanty Town. I bet we can scrounge up some stuff to make disguises in no time flat. Besides, secret society cult brotherhood order things always meet in really dark places where it's easy to blend in, right?"

Surabhi snorts at Amos impatiently, crossing her arms under her bust. "So, you knew this...and didn't bother sayin' it in the call for help? Either you better have a damn good reason for wastin' a bunch of good beings' time." After her little rant, some of the tenion drains from her face, and she looks to Hartford a bit guiltily. "I'm sorry. It's not right for me to lose my temper like that, but seems your taskmaster hasn't thought this through..."

Cassidy frowns a little and shakes her head. "Yes, I'm no deer. Nor am I male. I mean, I could probably kitsune myself into looking boyish, but... Hmm. I can't do deer, sorry," she says with a shrug. "But hello, Thel. I can probably go fetch my old beggar disguise, too, if needed."

Amos snorts and shakes his head. "I am very aware, Hartford," he rasps, raising an eyebrow at Surabhi's outburst, "And I have made arrangements." The scarred feline gives the group a knowing smirk. Honestly he looks a little relieved when Mirana leaves. He opens the door to the shabby building beside the group. "It was necessary to avoid mentioning the reindeer in the call," he says, "but I have been given special dispensation to use a temporary fleshcrafter." He ducks inside and gestures to the others to follow. Inside is a nondescript black box big enough for a large being to stand inside comfortably. "Step inside one at a time and we can get this operation underway," he rasps.

Thelergramor scratches at his head... and mask. "Uh... Temporary fleshcrafting, yeah?" Grumbles something about creator insanity... "I mean, it'll work but... Someone else want to go first?" Doesn't trust it. Quite obvious in his tone.

Rainer knits his brows and takes a half step away from the opened door. "Ummm..." Tail tucks and he looks between the others with his muzzle drawn in an uneasy grimmace. "Oh well, maybe being a reindeer'll be fun." So up to the box he slinks, giving it a cautious poke and waiting a few moments for signs of a reaction before finally stepping in and... "AAARGHAAAHAAAGGHHABLAGH!!" Thud. Silence. Then out springs Raindeer, sporting a trollish grin on his short new muzzle. "Just kidding. Ahahaha, check me out! I have -hooves-! Cloppacloppacloppa."

Surabhi purses her lips at Amos's scolding, a little embarrassed but still annoyed...though her countenance turns to shock after the crotchety old cat reveals a 'temporary fleshcrafter.' She never did hold much truck with the notion of reshaping themselves so wantonly... Rainer seems alright going through it...but still, this doesn't seem right at all. " ... you got such a piece of advanced technology on loan to eavesdrop on a bunch of Shanty Towners?" she asks, skepticism at the forefront of her tone.

Cassidy folds her arms and raises her brow behind the mask. "I'm sorry. But what was that? About a fleshcrafter? You want... Me to become a reindeer?" She asks, likewise skeptical. "I mean... I guess. Not preferable, but I suppose I could, if only temporarily. I change as a kitsune, and I don't think it'd be that different. Do I at least get to be a -lady- deer?"

Amos shakes his head at Surabhi. "Not just Shanty towners," he says, "Beings from all around Firmament. My associates and I are worried it might be an old one cult. And they are no laughing matter." He watches as Rainer jumps into the machine and emerges as a reindeer. "There are clothes in that trunk there if you need them," he points, "Honestly, I am glad that none of our responders were reindeer. Means there're no members of the Brotherhood already here." He gives an exasperated sigh. "Listen, it is safe as houses!" he says, "And it's a Brotherhood! Male Reindeer only!" "Besides, Lady Solacious," he says, "This is temporary. Very temporary. You only have about three hours before the change wears off. You need to get to the meeting, learn what you can, and get out before anyone gets wise." He looks around at the group, with a frown, "Any other concerns?" he asks, "Or can we get to work now?"

Meanwhile, Hartford has trotted over to look over his temporary reindeer brother. "Hey!" he says, "That is pretty neat! Nice antlers, Mister Rainer!"

Thelergramor shakes his head, gestures incomprehensibly. Glances at Cassidy. "You'll still be beautiful as a man, Cassidy." He snickers, then, "Eh, screw it. This better not make me a woman, Amos..." Doesn't trust it. Gets all up in that fleshcrafter... Emerges as reindeer. Pulls off his mask; doesn't fit his face... readjusts the straps. Fits fine! "Yeah..." Nods, takes a few steps away... checks his pants. "Yep, still a man." Shrugs.

Raindeer was just starting to examine those antlers for himself when Hartford comes over to compliment them, and he continues to rub and squeeze them all over as he lowers his gaze to address the only natural cervidae in their midst, "Ha, they're neat! ...I never thought to ask before, but do they -do- anything?" His bottom lip juts out as Theler emerges in his altered form as well. "...Hey, wait a minute -- why do you both have bigger horns than me?"

The look of wariness is still stuck solidly on Surabhi's face, but it doesn't seem to hurt Thel either...this still seems awfully strange, though. "Associates, hm? Before I go changing the form the Creators were happy to give me on your say-so...who would they be?"

Cassidy keeps her arms folded and stares intently at the machine. "Well. I guess. I won't like it, and it'll be awkward from my own body. But if it's only a little bit, then so be it." She removes her own mask and hat before stepping into machine. She closes her eyes for the duration, and when she steps out she's not looking the most... Happy. The black furred reindeer adjusting her- His, bowtie before resettling the hat atop his antlered head. "I feel ridiculous."

"Of course it's ridiculous," Sinead says, as the ferret makes her way to the group. She sets her bag aside, then gives the chewed-up tomcat a nod. "Amos." The ferret looks over the small group, sighs, then takes the next spot in line for the 'temporary' crafter. "This had better be as important as you said."

Amos had thought that the shabby coat and perfunctory mannerisms and surprising resources would give him away as a member of the King's Spyguard. "I work for the Good King, Lady Strongheart," he says, "I probably even have a badge and paperwork around here somewhere. Now MOVE!" The shabby feline has sauntered smoothly up to the bovine woman while he was talking and gives her a firm shove into the machine, giving a satisfied nod at the burly reindeer that steps out the other side, even as Surabhi undoubtably glares daggers at him. He looks at the shiny new herd of reindeer men. "You look fine!" he rasps, "Now if we can move along?" He gives Surabhi a LOOK, "We have not got much time."

Hartford shakes his shaggy head, standing a good head and shoulders taller than even the tallest of the group. "You're just younger, Mister Rainer," he says, "Every year they grow in a little bigger." At a nod from Amos, the big blue reindeer coughs and looks embarrassed to be addressing the group. "Um, well, uh, Hi guys," he stammers, "Uh, I guess we can go to the meeting now. It's not far." He gives a smart salute to Amos, who returns it lazily, then marches out the door and down the street.

Thelergramor nods and stuff. "Yeah, I'm ready to go." Rubs his mask again, his now different fur bothing him to the point he doesn't want to touch it... Grins, peers at Rainer. "Not the first time part of me was bigger." He means his muscles. Shh. Moves over to Cassidy. "You look lovely, Cassidy." Pats shoulder, possibly, then heads towards Hartford. "I'm ready to go talk to this club if you are." Squints at Surabhi, then shrugs. Adjusts his mask again and nods at Sinead in greeting.

"Well that figures." Raindeer goes into full pout mode, folding his arms across his chest and huffing at his lot, eyes following each of the remaining members of their group as they file through the machine, and making incredulous gestures as, one after another, they each come out looking manlier than him. In the end, all he can do is hang his head and heave a defeated sigh, falling into step with the rest. "This is so unfair."

Surabhi stumbles into the machine quite unexpectedly, and emerges as a hefty, bulky, white all over with an ashy grey spot down her--er, his neck, normal horns replaced with...quite the rack. S--He instinctively looks upward at the new weight on his head, though naturally he can't see much more than a couple prongs. Well, it seems legitimate, though he's uncomfortable in this new skin. And looking a little ridiculous, still dressed in a woman's flowing white robes...