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Rixo's alert gaze for the criminals isn't too successful, a myriad of sailors appearing to watch with alert eyes from the ships around them, as a crowd of onlookers line the shore. "For those I've not met before, my name is Assistant Investigator Luxania... And if you all follow with me, I'll take you to the scene, feel free to ask as many questions as you need to." The moussette turning on her heel as she begins to walk down the docks to the dillapitated boat at the end.<br> <br>Rixo gives a polite, but wordless, nod to both Selena and Cedric before lingering back. "I will be right with you." The crowd was too thick for her to see what she was looking for... So the obvious solution was to try to disperse it a little. Reaching up to lift her helmet a little, she sets her helmet down and instead raises up some kind of huntsman's horn. Perhaps if she gives a startle, her target will be revealed. And so, she blows into the horn. Long and forlorn, that was really only the start of it, and if that didn't work, the phantasmal steed that quickly comes to her side might.<br> <br>Asher is visibly relieved when some beings he recognizes from the guild arrive and take control. Thanks to his lessons with Fenris, he was much more confident in his abilities, but he still did not feel like he would be able to handle something like this on his own. "Hello, Cedric. Hello, Siyu" he says quietly as he starts to follow Luxania. He also bobs a little bow to Selena and the others, though he does not know them as well. The corgi looks just a little ill at the idea of what sort of scene they might be headed for. He remembers the murder investigation he witnessed in Shanty town all too well. The little dog puts on a brave face and trots along with the others, though he jumps at the sound of Rixo's horn.<br> <br>Nodding politely to Cedric, the wolfess rubs the back of her head a little; "It's good to see you as well, Cedric. You've been well, I trust?" A slightly more terse greeting is given to the rodent - at least not ignoring them, "Siyu."
Rixo's alert gaze for the criminals isn't too successful, a myriad of sailors appearing to watch with alert eyes from the ships around them, as a crowd of onlookers line the shore. "For those I've not met before, my name is Assistant Investigator Luxania... And if you all follow with me, I'll take you to the scene, feel free to ask as many questions as you need to." The moussette turning on her heel as she begins to walk down the docks to the dillapitated boat at the end.<br> <br>Rixo gives a polite, but wordless, nod to both Selena and Cedric before lingering back. "I will be right with you." The crowd was too thick for her to see what she was looking for... So the obvious solution was to try to disperse it a little. Reaching up to lift her helmet a little, she sets her helmet down and instead raises up some kind of huntsman's horn. Perhaps if she gives a startle, her target will be revealed. And so, she blows into the horn. Long and forlorn, that was really only the start of it, and if that didn't work, the phantasmal steed that quickly comes to her side might.<br> <br>Asher is visibly relieved when some beings he recognizes from the guild arrive and take control. Thanks to his lessons with Fenris, he was much more confident in his abilities, but he still did not feel like he would be able to handle something like this on his own. "Hello, Cedric. Hello, Siyu" he says quietly as he starts to follow Luxania. He also bobs a little bow to Selena and the others, though he does not know them as well. The corgi looks just a little ill at the idea of what sort of scene they might be headed for. He remembers the murder investigation he witnessed in Shanty town all too well. The little dog puts on a brave face and trots along with the others, though he jumps at the sound of Rixo's horn.<br> <br>Nodding politely to Cedric, the wolfess rubs the back of her head a little; "It's good to see you as well, Cedric. You've been well, I trust?" A slightly more terse greeting is given to the rodent - at least not ignoring them, "Siyu."
"Well. That's unfortunate..." She mutters, gesturing to the crowd, watching Rixo's actions with a slight bit of concern before turning back to Luxiana. "You don't say... I don't suppose we're going to be looking through the scene again, or is this going to turn into a look at the crowd? I'm guessing the weapon was much the same as the last time I was 'in attendance'."
"Well. That's unfortunate..." She mutters, gesturing to the crowd, watching Rixo's actions with a slight bit of concern before turning back to Luxiana. "You don't say... I don't suppose we're going to be looking through the scene again, or is this going to turn into a look at the crowd? I'm guessing the weapon was much the same as the last time I was 'in attendance'."<br> <br>Cedric nods to Selena's question, lifting a hand to slick forward his rainsoaked head fur and chuckles. "On the whole, I've been well. Some days more than others." he says, moving his hand to the side to scratch behind his own ear for a moment, then allows his arm to fall back to his side.
The badger nods to Siyu, giving him a friendly wave. "Nice to see you as well, Siyu!" he says to the rodent upon his arrival. "Well met, indeed!" he says, although his expression has gone a little grim at the thought of the scene that awaits the group. His ears stand at attention at the panda knight's horn blowing. That's not something he'd expected, although he'd have to admit it's an interesting tactic. He starts to glance around at the crowd and the area in general for anything that might be noteworthy before they begin their investigation.<br> <br>Siyu mms, "Justice doesn't wait for sun I suppose." he offers hopefully adding a bit of levity to the mouse girl. Glancing up at the rain and taking his place in the parade of Freeswords. The blowing of the horn does cause his large ears to flatten down, the rodent rather sensitive to sounds and he keeps them flat till it's done. He nods to Asher, "Good day Asher..." he himself is concerned what's cause the guards to be so tight and the mouse girl so dour. It appears as if this is going to be somthing very unpleasent indeed. He looks over at Selena and Cedric, "You were here the last time? Was it the same as the first? Pistol shots?" he inquires as he follows along.<br> <br>At the sound of Rixo's horn the crown seems to gawk fully on here, before the phantismal steed appears... Needless to say though, when that creature comes into being there's a myriad of shocked gasps and paniced fleeing from the common folk. Leaving behind only a handfull of individuals, most of whom are large folks with the exception of a group of five small folk all pressed together on the deck of a ship with pale faces. The horn and steed -does- draw the guards attention though, as a dozen or so loaded crossbows and spears are suddenly pointed in Rixo's direction. It did seem the guards -were- as paranoid as the regular civilians when it came to ghost steeds riding onto the docks.
"STAND DOWN! STAND DOWN!" Luxania screams out as she turns around and points a rather rage filled finger in the direction of Rixo. "What is wrong with you?! Get that -thing- out of here!" She lets out a sigh and reaches up to adjust her glasses with a grumble, before turning to Selena. "Look at the crowd? We're in a heavily trafficed area, not the back of an alley. No gunshots were reported, and the bodies were only discovered when a patrolling guard found them... And as Captain Titanus is absent, I'd -appreciate- it if you didn't all stir the crowd up into a paniced fear induced stampede." She turns back around before marching her way back to the boat, to stand at the entrance to the gangplank, with two tarped bodies layed out on the deck of the ship. "As it is raining and these bodies deserve respect, I'll uncover it when you are all ready."<br> <br>Rixo squints around, not seeming to heed the weapons pointed at her at first. Probably not the first time she's been in a situation like that in her many years. "Do you want to catch them or not?" she mutters coldly, waving a hand to dismiss her steed as she shoulders her hammer again and lets her helmet down. "Many people are dying. Sometimes a little scare to disperse the crowd to make it easier to find a culprit... Is better than letting them get away yet again to kill more." She huffs and makes her own way over to the bodies. "If you're afraid to do what it takes to potentially find them, then more will die. No one was harmed by MY actions, however." Such is the life of a vigilante. No appreciation!<br> <br>Asher's ears lay back flat against his head as he watches Rixo and her ghostly horse. "What was that?" he asks no one in particular. He is honestly a little sorry to see the phantasm go, because then his eyes are drawn inexorably to the covered bodies. He steels himself and prepares for what lies beneath the tarps.<br> <br>Selena raises her eyebrow. "That sounds about average, Cedric." She notes, turning back to the others. "I wasn't here personally last time. I've heard a little from Rixo, though."
"Frankly I'm glad that some of the crowd's gone, but if the culprit's smart then fleeing with the rest of the crowd is just going to make it harder to catch them, wouldn't it?" She asks the panda a little pointedly before her attention turns back to Luxianna. "It's not a surprise, but it was a bit more of a crowd than Mange Square afforded as well. You'd be surprised how much traffic is there on a normal day. Anyway, I don't think we're here to argue, so... We should probably get on with things."<br> <br>Cedric says nothing off the phantasmal steed, though he recognizes it. He'd stopped using those chakra nearly a year ago, for his own reasons. Though seeing the display sort of made him want to find them again. Shaking his head he looks back to the others. "It did clear out some of the gawkers, so we can get on with this. No need for hostilities." he says to the guards, raising his arms slightly in a sort of... 'let's all settle down' kind of gesture. He turns around to face the remaining crowd, trying to discern any suspicious activity from those who're left... particularly those small clanners...<br> <br>Siyu wasn't expecting the spectral horse after the horn. Not to mention the reaction of the crowed. He stops his walking and gapes when the horse disperses the crowed. Wincing at the panic and the weapons, glancing left and right, keeping his ears flat. "Esh..." is the sound he makes, gritting his teeth. He turns back to the corpses, "Yes the matter at hand. Poor souls though they be. Or were I suppose. He squats down, while he waits for the others to gather, he looks around at the end of the dock for anything out of place. It's a dock, near the water. Somthing bright and shiney, out of place, somthing of that sort. He'll turn his attention to the bodies though when there uncovered. <br> <br>Luxania narrows her eyes at Rixo while she crosses the gangplank, reaching down to grip the two tarps before yanking it away to reveal the victims. It does seem a tad stranger than before given that it consists of two male bloodhounds with adaptable folk seals on their clothing... And the clothing, is none other than the uniform of a guard, complete with an investigations badge on their shoulder. Though, the usually clean and well made guard uniforms are torn up along along the front of each of them, as if someone had been trying to dig into their chest with a knife. Any blood that'd normally be present for such a murder seems to have been washed through the decks with the rain, leaving just the rather sureal scene before them. "I am -well- aware that people are dying Rixo, but I am a -guard-. You were requested to aid in an investigation, -not- begin a panic mob and witch hunt." She sighs and turns back to the bodies. "That is Investigator Maxwell, and Investigator Timothy... They were the other two investigators under Titanus' command, and my superiors." Her voice having dropped to a rather quite tone as she moves out of the way for them to board the boat.
The guards -do- heed the call to stand down as Rixo's steed disperses, a plethora of the heavy clan giving scowls that they must have learned from the good Titanus personally... Those whom do remain of the civilian crowd as well, seem to be mainly making notes and writing any under barrier to the rain they could find, most likely jounralists or criers for the city. Though the group of five small folk remained just as bundled together, with the paranoia lingering over them.

Revision as of 05:20, 1 May 2014





The shipyards are filled with a deathly silence, as the sounds of the variety of workers seems to have silenced along the usually busy area... Guards linning the length of the docks leading down to a small delapitated ship that seemed about five years over due from just being sunk into the waters or burned for safety. Thick ropes tying it to the docks are all that keep it afloat anymore, though it does seem to have become a popular fishing platform as of late, with a variety of ragged nets and thick ropes leading down to traps on the water's floor.

The guards seem to be missing the usual bear captain, his 'sunny' disposition absent... Instead, a rather worried looking Small Folk Mouse girl stands at the entrance to the docks, along with two large heavy folk guards as she awaits the call to be answered.

Rixo shuffles onto the scene, not seeming to mind or even notice, the rain landing against her plate. Her hammer propped on her shoulder and a hidden, sour look on her face under the helmet, she approaches the mouse. She lingers back for a moment, glancing around the scene for the two culprits they had established. Or any likely suspects. So far they had shown a liking to remaining near the scene to eavesdrop, so she might just spot them this time.

Asher patters quietly onto the scene, wearing a heavy cloak over his usual, well made working clothes to protect him from the rain. He has heard the rumors around town about some madmen going around and killing folks. In fact, it has caused a bit of trouble for his business, since the killers are supposed to be Small Folk. "H-hello?" he says tentatively, approaching the guards, "I-I'm from the guild?" The tiny dog looks uneasily from one guard to the next, hoping to see a familiar face.

Selena clicks her tongue, the wolfess pacing through the district with a sigh - aparrently having noticed the distinct lack of noise from her house in the Maritime district. "What exactly's been going on this time..?" She queries with a heavy sigh, looking over the myriad guards, then to Rixo and Asher - "And hello to you both as well - I don't suppose this is another killing?" While she couldn't have been effected by the rumors flying around directly, it's still not too difficult to imagine why a being might be a bit concerned about a serial killer on the loose.

A hooded figure with a pink-nosed black and white snout protruding from the darkness of his hood arrives on the scene. The light rain hits the cloak drawn around him and fastened at his chest with a broach bearing the symbol of the Graceful Clan and a light chainmail shirt jangles underneath the dark rust colored cloak as Cedric makes his way towards the scene, having heard the bells ring out through the city.

With every step the badger makes, a rather heavy looking firearm sways holstered at his side, sticking out at the side of his cloak. The blunderbuss is painted with black and white along the handle to resemble the face of a badger.

Anyhow, he approaches behind the others, greeting the somewhat familiar, pudgy lil' corgi man with a friendly smile as he reaches up to pull down his hood. He offers a wave to Rixo as well, having worked with her a little on the previous murder case, as well as their trek through the kitsune temple. He just hopes she won't say anything about... 'that'. He nods politely to Selena. "Hello, Selena! Good to see you again!" he says to her before turning his attention on the large bear guard and... Lunaxia.... "And hello again, you two. What's happened this time?" he asks, tilting his head inquisitively.

Siyu is dressed more for work this time around. Leather and ring mail, tight and form fitting though. It only creaks a few time as he walks and follows along with the others. He thinks he recognizes the mouse folk from the first night. Giving her a nod as he listens to the situation. He does look armed, a pistol and a few other things at his belt. The rain doesn't appear to bother him so much. "I'm here to help as well" he nods to Asher's words, "Though I wasn't here for the last murder. I assume there's been another given the call." He sees Rixio looking around, and gives a glance to the crowed as well. Trying to get a good handful of faces into his mind since he doesn't forget much. Just looking over faces while he waits for the report. He looks around Selena and Cedric too. He bobs his head, "Well met friends" he offers to the pair.

The guards around the smaller woman tense up as the armed freeswords approach, though she's quick to silently wave them off and pull out her papers. Her right hand holding them tightly as her left holds up a parasoul. For a rather unusual reason, she seems a tad more sullen compared to the other times. "Good fortune to you all, and thank you for answering my call. I'm sad I had to suggest such in weather like this, but with captain Titanus absent and our investigation team--- Well... I suppose you'll see." She sighs and waves the two guards off whom them begin to travel down to the foot of the docks.

Rixo's alert gaze for the criminals isn't too successful, a myriad of sailors appearing to watch with alert eyes from the ships around them, as a crowd of onlookers line the shore. "For those I've not met before, my name is Assistant Investigator Luxania... And if you all follow with me, I'll take you to the scene, feel free to ask as many questions as you need to." The moussette turning on her heel as she begins to walk down the docks to the dillapitated boat at the end.

Rixo gives a polite, but wordless, nod to both Selena and Cedric before lingering back. "I will be right with you." The crowd was too thick for her to see what she was looking for... So the obvious solution was to try to disperse it a little. Reaching up to lift her helmet a little, she sets her helmet down and instead raises up some kind of huntsman's horn. Perhaps if she gives a startle, her target will be revealed. And so, she blows into the horn. Long and forlorn, that was really only the start of it, and if that didn't work, the phantasmal steed that quickly comes to her side might.

Asher is visibly relieved when some beings he recognizes from the guild arrive and take control. Thanks to his lessons with Fenris, he was much more confident in his abilities, but he still did not feel like he would be able to handle something like this on his own. "Hello, Cedric. Hello, Siyu" he says quietly as he starts to follow Luxania. He also bobs a little bow to Selena and the others, though he does not know them as well. The corgi looks just a little ill at the idea of what sort of scene they might be headed for. He remembers the murder investigation he witnessed in Shanty town all too well. The little dog puts on a brave face and trots along with the others, though he jumps at the sound of Rixo's horn.

Nodding politely to Cedric, the wolfess rubs the back of her head a little; "It's good to see you as well, Cedric. You've been well, I trust?" A slightly more terse greeting is given to the rodent - at least not ignoring them, "Siyu."

"Well. That's unfortunate..." She mutters, gesturing to the crowd, watching Rixo's actions with a slight bit of concern before turning back to Luxiana. "You don't say... I don't suppose we're going to be looking through the scene again, or is this going to turn into a look at the crowd? I'm guessing the weapon was much the same as the last time I was 'in attendance'."

Cedric nods to Selena's question, lifting a hand to slick forward his rainsoaked head fur and chuckles. "On the whole, I've been well. Some days more than others." he says, moving his hand to the side to scratch behind his own ear for a moment, then allows his arm to fall back to his side.

The badger nods to Siyu, giving him a friendly wave. "Nice to see you as well, Siyu!" he says to the rodent upon his arrival. "Well met, indeed!" he says, although his expression has gone a little grim at the thought of the scene that awaits the group. His ears stand at attention at the panda knight's horn blowing. That's not something he'd expected, although he'd have to admit it's an interesting tactic. He starts to glance around at the crowd and the area in general for anything that might be noteworthy before they begin their investigation.

Siyu mms, "Justice doesn't wait for sun I suppose." he offers hopefully adding a bit of levity to the mouse girl. Glancing up at the rain and taking his place in the parade of Freeswords. The blowing of the horn does cause his large ears to flatten down, the rodent rather sensitive to sounds and he keeps them flat till it's done. He nods to Asher, "Good day Asher..." he himself is concerned what's cause the guards to be so tight and the mouse girl so dour. It appears as if this is going to be somthing very unpleasent indeed. He looks over at Selena and Cedric, "You were here the last time? Was it the same as the first? Pistol shots?" he inquires as he follows along.

At the sound of Rixo's horn the crown seems to gawk fully on here, before the phantismal steed appears... Needless to say though, when that creature comes into being there's a myriad of shocked gasps and paniced fleeing from the common folk. Leaving behind only a handfull of individuals, most of whom are large folks with the exception of a group of five small folk all pressed together on the deck of a ship with pale faces. The horn and steed -does- draw the guards attention though, as a dozen or so loaded crossbows and spears are suddenly pointed in Rixo's direction. It did seem the guards -were- as paranoid as the regular civilians when it came to ghost steeds riding onto the docks.

"STAND DOWN! STAND DOWN!" Luxania screams out as she turns around and points a rather rage filled finger in the direction of Rixo. "What is wrong with you?! Get that -thing- out of here!" She lets out a sigh and reaches up to adjust her glasses with a grumble, before turning to Selena. "Look at the crowd? We're in a heavily trafficed area, not the back of an alley. No gunshots were reported, and the bodies were only discovered when a patrolling guard found them... And as Captain Titanus is absent, I'd -appreciate- it if you didn't all stir the crowd up into a paniced fear induced stampede." She turns back around before marching her way back to the boat, to stand at the entrance to the gangplank, with two tarped bodies layed out on the deck of the ship. "As it is raining and these bodies deserve respect, I'll uncover it when you are all ready."

Rixo squints around, not seeming to heed the weapons pointed at her at first. Probably not the first time she's been in a situation like that in her many years. "Do you want to catch them or not?" she mutters coldly, waving a hand to dismiss her steed as she shoulders her hammer again and lets her helmet down. "Many people are dying. Sometimes a little scare to disperse the crowd to make it easier to find a culprit... Is better than letting them get away yet again to kill more." She huffs and makes her own way over to the bodies. "If you're afraid to do what it takes to potentially find them, then more will die. No one was harmed by MY actions, however." Such is the life of a vigilante. No appreciation!

Asher's ears lay back flat against his head as he watches Rixo and her ghostly horse. "What was that?" he asks no one in particular. He is honestly a little sorry to see the phantasm go, because then his eyes are drawn inexorably to the covered bodies. He steels himself and prepares for what lies beneath the tarps.

Selena raises her eyebrow. "That sounds about average, Cedric." She notes, turning back to the others. "I wasn't here personally last time. I've heard a little from Rixo, though."

"Frankly I'm glad that some of the crowd's gone, but if the culprit's smart then fleeing with the rest of the crowd is just going to make it harder to catch them, wouldn't it?" She asks the panda a little pointedly before her attention turns back to Luxianna. "It's not a surprise, but it was a bit more of a crowd than Mange Square afforded as well. You'd be surprised how much traffic is there on a normal day. Anyway, I don't think we're here to argue, so... We should probably get on with things."

Cedric says nothing off the phantasmal steed, though he recognizes it. He'd stopped using those chakra nearly a year ago, for his own reasons. Though seeing the display sort of made him want to find them again. Shaking his head he looks back to the others. "It did clear out some of the gawkers, so we can get on with this. No need for hostilities." he says to the guards, raising his arms slightly in a sort of... 'let's all settle down' kind of gesture. He turns around to face the remaining crowd, trying to discern any suspicious activity from those who're left... particularly those small clanners...

Siyu wasn't expecting the spectral horse after the horn. Not to mention the reaction of the crowed. He stops his walking and gapes when the horse disperses the crowed. Wincing at the panic and the weapons, glancing left and right, keeping his ears flat. "Esh..." is the sound he makes, gritting his teeth. He turns back to the corpses, "Yes the matter at hand. Poor souls though they be. Or were I suppose. He squats down, while he waits for the others to gather, he looks around at the end of the dock for anything out of place. It's a dock, near the water. Somthing bright and shiney, out of place, somthing of that sort. He'll turn his attention to the bodies though when there uncovered.

Luxania narrows her eyes at Rixo while she crosses the gangplank, reaching down to grip the two tarps before yanking it away to reveal the victims. It does seem a tad stranger than before given that it consists of two male bloodhounds with adaptable folk seals on their clothing... And the clothing, is none other than the uniform of a guard, complete with an investigations badge on their shoulder. Though, the usually clean and well made guard uniforms are torn up along along the front of each of them, as if someone had been trying to dig into their chest with a knife. Any blood that'd normally be present for such a murder seems to have been washed through the decks with the rain, leaving just the rather sureal scene before them. "I am -well- aware that people are dying Rixo, but I am a -guard-. You were requested to aid in an investigation, -not- begin a panic mob and witch hunt." She sighs and turns back to the bodies. "That is Investigator Maxwell, and Investigator Timothy... They were the other two investigators under Titanus' command, and my superiors." Her voice having dropped to a rather quite tone as she moves out of the way for them to board the boat.

The guards -do- heed the call to stand down as Rixo's steed disperses, a plethora of the heavy clan giving scowls that they must have learned from the good Titanus personally... Those whom do remain of the civilian crowd as well, seem to be mainly making notes and writing any under barrier to the rain they could find, most likely jounralists or criers for the city. Though the group of five small folk remained just as bundled together, with the paranoia lingering over them.