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<div></div><br> <br>A moderate crowd gathers. Tis unusual for a Creator to put out the call for gathering, and not one easily denied, even if it comes from a mere cub of them. Said child stands just under the great Creator vessel, perched on a cube of Creator Steel as if to emphasize her position as she waits for everyone to arrive.<br> <br>Having heard the call from Juliana, Ictus wanders up to the ship and peers up at the girl, he may look a little different from when he last met her as he waves friendily a bit, "Hello Juliana." he smiles.<br> <br>Mazurek is one of those to respond to the call.  The huge draco-iguana had been taking a swim on the beach when the call sounded, which has his dark hide gleaming in the light.<br> <br>Ryusho had.come along because he had heard all about this stuff, but, to see it after his return from being gone so long is..literally a shock to him, as he seems in a daze just from sight alone in supprise, even towering over most others he still was in shock from the fact that the -idea- of creators being able to actually -be- on this planet..not just ...elsewhere and all was just an idea, a concept, not a reality when he had left on that mission so many months ago, and still finding stuff so straonge to him, for this to be real was...mind blowing to say the least as he stands there, probably not far from Ictus or Mazurek.....<br> <br>Arimia slips through the crowd, making her way toward the front of it, her cloak pulled about her. She stops once she has a clear view and watches the young Creator. She keeps her distance, however, content to wait near the crowd, in the event that she needs to slip away. As she waits she fishes about in her pockets and pulls out a thin white cylinder, raising it to her muzzle and using a small bit of fire magic to light the tip. Some sort of smoke. <br> <br>Leian wanders slowly into the area, tail swaying softly behind her. Her ears perked atop her head curiously as she gets near, looking to the child and blinking slightly, her features softening a bit " A child! Awe..." she coos slightly, smiling to her, and looking to the others about her<br> <br>She is not shy to return the wave towards any that call her name, which has her waving a lot as her name has become something of common knowledge through the city since her arrival. "I'm glad you could all make it," she says. She does not appear to put any effort into speaking, but the dangling metal card at her chest echoes her words loudly, making it easy to understand even over the crowd, "That spirit, Shaila, she taught me a secret, and it was a very hard one. I had to do a lot of research to figure it out." she says, tapping her chin lightly, "But I did, and I want to show."<br> <br>The Iguana-dragon has been very much out of the loop for quite a while now, for he has this look of one who does not comprehend anything that is being said by the child.  Having been hibernating underwater for quite some time, he has missed critical events that he just might have wanted to experience.<br> <br>Ictus blinks at Mazurek and chuckles a bit, "Hello Mazurek, how have you been?" he now has yellow patterns in his fur and three tails instead of two, he looks to Ryu and blinks at his daze with a tilts of his head, "You ok Ryusho?" he chuckles at Leian and nods at that, "Probably knows more than all of us put together though." he looks to Juliana and nods at that, "I see, what did she say?"<br> <br>Arimia tugs the hood of her cloak further about her head to try and hide the scowl that twists her features at the mention of the spirit, though she doesn't say anything. She simply keeps her odd eyes on the child, watching and waiting. <br> <br>Leian tilts her head a bit at the mention of Shaila and her ears perk a bit again " Shaila?" she softly flicks her tail a bit as if the name had sparked something of an interest " Oh, do tell!" she looks to Ictus and blinks a moment " She does? Thats amazing!" she says gleefully " And she is so adorable as well!"<br> <br>the same could of been said for the large dragon as he blinks and glances down to Ictus, "...This is real right?" he asks then he blinks, ".....am I alright? I was lost in the desert for -months- ...A lot of what I have delt with is far from what most would call -alright- and my current mindset is probably far from 'alright' too, and.........this -is- real right?" he says again simply, "This was barely a -idea- if I remember right before I had my mission I got lost on." he says as he is trying to wrap his mind around it.<br> <br>"The spirits have their own way of doing things, and at first," admits the Creator, "It made my head hurt something awful trying to figure through it, but I think I understand it." She extends a hand out, "They have more space than we do," she says as if that should make some sort of sense, "Imagine if you were..." she trails off, perhaps noticing the crowd is starting to look fairly baffled. "Let me show instead of saying." She brings back those hands, then thrusts her right hand off to the side, where it seems to just vanish into the air, cut cleanly a little past the shoulder, though it clearly is not painful to her. A shriek comes up in the crowd that parts way, revealing the Creator child's hand hovering there where it has snatched someone's scarf off their neck. It vanishes, pulled back to the child who holds it up triumphantly.<br> <br>Ictus chuckles at Leian and nods before he looks to Ryu with concern, "I see, yes. This is real and it was a shock to me as well when they arrived." he shrugs though. Then Juliana speaks up and he nods at that, "Wouldn't surprise me..." he blinks at that arm though and stares at the scarf, "How...?" he looks confused a bit and shakes his head, "Impressive..."<br> <br>Arimia tilts her head as she watches, though grows distracted by the scream, turning quickly with one hand disappearing under her cloak. Once she sees what is going on she turns back to the child, eyes narrowed slightly, before she steps forward. "Is it a device you have created that does this? Or do you do it without such aid? An' if the latter, can you teach it? It could prove quite useful to some. If dangerous if the students were not chosen with care."<br> <br>Ryusho stands there, looking to ictus then...when that happened he just kinda..stares dumbfounded, as if something just stopped working in his brain, as he stares, without blinking for several seconds before he blinks finally once, then twice, before he hears ictus say Impressive before he sits there, and...stares at Ictus, then back to the kid before he rubs his eyes, "..By the creators.......now I wonder if I'm still in the desert, and have finally gone mad....." he mumbles softly to himself as he looks around and rubs his eyes several times before he flat out -slaps- himself for a moment to make sure...<br> <br>Mazurek shakes his head slowly, looking from Ictus to Ryusho and then back, "I am afraid I have no clue what this is about.  Who is this creature in front of us, and how has this airship been able to defy the natural laws and not topple over from its weight?  I am as lost as Ryu here in this regard."  He is about to say more when the scream interrupts him, causing him to twirl about in a defensive crouch that includes the spreading of his wings.  His carelessness just might end up knocking quite a number of folk over.  He spies the hand and the scarf and is struck speechless, but remains staring away from the child afterward thanks to just not knowing what just happened.<br> <br>Leian jumps in surprise from the scream, looking around a moment, and spots the floating hand in shock " Wha..." she says startled, then looks to the child once it dissapears, and blinks seeing the scarf with her " What just happened?"

Revision as of 05:53, 21 July 2013





A moderate crowd gathers. Tis unusual for a Creator to put out the call for gathering, and not one easily denied, even if it comes from a mere cub of them. Said child stands just under the great Creator vessel, perched on a cube of Creator Steel as if to emphasize her position as she waits for everyone to arrive.

Having heard the call from Juliana, Ictus wanders up to the ship and peers up at the girl, he may look a little different from when he last met her as he waves friendily a bit, "Hello Juliana." he smiles.

Mazurek is one of those to respond to the call. The huge draco-iguana had been taking a swim on the beach when the call sounded, which has his dark hide gleaming in the light.

Ryusho had.come along because he had heard all about this stuff, but, to see it after his return from being gone so long is..literally a shock to him, as he seems in a daze just from sight alone in supprise, even towering over most others he still was in shock from the fact that the -idea- of creators being able to actually -be- on this planet..not just ...elsewhere and all was just an idea, a concept, not a reality when he had left on that mission so many months ago, and still finding stuff so straonge to him, for this to be real was...mind blowing to say the least as he stands there, probably not far from Ictus or Mazurek.....

Arimia slips through the crowd, making her way toward the front of it, her cloak pulled about her. She stops once she has a clear view and watches the young Creator. She keeps her distance, however, content to wait near the crowd, in the event that she needs to slip away. As she waits she fishes about in her pockets and pulls out a thin white cylinder, raising it to her muzzle and using a small bit of fire magic to light the tip. Some sort of smoke.

Leian wanders slowly into the area, tail swaying softly behind her. Her ears perked atop her head curiously as she gets near, looking to the child and blinking slightly, her features softening a bit " A child! Awe..." she coos slightly, smiling to her, and looking to the others about her

She is not shy to return the wave towards any that call her name, which has her waving a lot as her name has become something of common knowledge through the city since her arrival. "I'm glad you could all make it," she says. She does not appear to put any effort into speaking, but the dangling metal card at her chest echoes her words loudly, making it easy to understand even over the crowd, "That spirit, Shaila, she taught me a secret, and it was a very hard one. I had to do a lot of research to figure it out." she says, tapping her chin lightly, "But I did, and I want to show."

The Iguana-dragon has been very much out of the loop for quite a while now, for he has this look of one who does not comprehend anything that is being said by the child. Having been hibernating underwater for quite some time, he has missed critical events that he just might have wanted to experience.

Ictus blinks at Mazurek and chuckles a bit, "Hello Mazurek, how have you been?" he now has yellow patterns in his fur and three tails instead of two, he looks to Ryu and blinks at his daze with a tilts of his head, "You ok Ryusho?" he chuckles at Leian and nods at that, "Probably knows more than all of us put together though." he looks to Juliana and nods at that, "I see, what did she say?"

Arimia tugs the hood of her cloak further about her head to try and hide the scowl that twists her features at the mention of the spirit, though she doesn't say anything. She simply keeps her odd eyes on the child, watching and waiting.

Leian tilts her head a bit at the mention of Shaila and her ears perk a bit again " Shaila?" she softly flicks her tail a bit as if the name had sparked something of an interest " Oh, do tell!" she looks to Ictus and blinks a moment " She does? Thats amazing!" she says gleefully " And she is so adorable as well!"

the same could of been said for the large dragon as he blinks and glances down to Ictus, "...This is real right?" he asks then he blinks, ".....am I alright? I was lost in the desert for -months- ...A lot of what I have delt with is far from what most would call -alright- and my current mindset is probably far from 'alright' too, and.........this -is- real right?" he says again simply, "This was barely a -idea- if I remember right before I had my mission I got lost on." he says as he is trying to wrap his mind around it.

"The spirits have their own way of doing things, and at first," admits the Creator, "It made my head hurt something awful trying to figure through it, but I think I understand it." She extends a hand out, "They have more space than we do," she says as if that should make some sort of sense, "Imagine if you were..." she trails off, perhaps noticing the crowd is starting to look fairly baffled. "Let me show instead of saying." She brings back those hands, then thrusts her right hand off to the side, where it seems to just vanish into the air, cut cleanly a little past the shoulder, though it clearly is not painful to her. A shriek comes up in the crowd that parts way, revealing the Creator child's hand hovering there where it has snatched someone's scarf off their neck. It vanishes, pulled back to the child who holds it up triumphantly.

Ictus chuckles at Leian and nods before he looks to Ryu with concern, "I see, yes. This is real and it was a shock to me as well when they arrived." he shrugs though. Then Juliana speaks up and he nods at that, "Wouldn't surprise me..." he blinks at that arm though and stares at the scarf, "How...?" he looks confused a bit and shakes his head, "Impressive..."

Arimia tilts her head as she watches, though grows distracted by the scream, turning quickly with one hand disappearing under her cloak. Once she sees what is going on she turns back to the child, eyes narrowed slightly, before she steps forward. "Is it a device you have created that does this? Or do you do it without such aid? An' if the latter, can you teach it? It could prove quite useful to some. If dangerous if the students were not chosen with care."

Ryusho stands there, looking to ictus then...when that happened he just kinda..stares dumbfounded, as if something just stopped working in his brain, as he stares, without blinking for several seconds before he blinks finally once, then twice, before he hears ictus say Impressive before he sits there, and...stares at Ictus, then back to the kid before he rubs his eyes, "..By the creators.......now I wonder if I'm still in the desert, and have finally gone mad....." he mumbles softly to himself as he looks around and rubs his eyes several times before he flat out -slaps- himself for a moment to make sure...

Mazurek shakes his head slowly, looking from Ictus to Ryusho and then back, "I am afraid I have no clue what this is about. Who is this creature in front of us, and how has this airship been able to defy the natural laws and not topple over from its weight? I am as lost as Ryu here in this regard." He is about to say more when the scream interrupts him, causing him to twirl about in a defensive crouch that includes the spreading of his wings. His carelessness just might end up knocking quite a number of folk over. He spies the hand and the scarf and is struck speechless, but remains staring away from the child afterward thanks to just not knowing what just happened.

Leian jumps in surprise from the scream, looking around a moment, and spots the floating hand in shock " Wha..." she says startled, then looks to the child once it dissapears, and blinks seeing the scarf with her " What just happened?"