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<div></div><br> <br>The mountain looms large ahead. Firebough has been restless lately, strange rumblings and frequent tremors have frightened away the usually abundant holiday and tourist crowds. Standing under an overhang beside a large fissure in the side of the mountain is a rather petite looking saurian. Some sort of herbivore. She wears a light shawl and looks a bit old to be leading expeditions, though she is obviously hale and healthy. She wrings her hands anxiously as another tremor shakes the ground. &quot;Not much time,&quot; she mutters to herself, her accent betraying her as Thera&#39;Doran.<br> <br>Thelergramor makes his way up the mountain; his full assortment of gear with him. Thel is in basilisk form; so he keeps from looking directly at anyone while he walks up to the woman. &quot;Problem with the mountain, yeah?&quot; Thel spoke without his usual fake Sweetwateran accent; using instead his native Thera&#39;doran one.<br> <br>Millicent slinks along the mountain paths, traveling with an easy load, taking only her light plate and two swords with her. Nothing else to it, really! &quot;Ah, hello! Is this the place?&quot; She asks, tail swaying behind her as she takes a moment to brush off her yellow coat.<br> <br>Kalt humms gently as she makes her way up the mountain, tail flicking gently as she adjusts her jacket and weapons. &quot;M&#39;figurin&#39; a lil&#39;somethin&#39; went an&#39; happened eh? Well, figurin&#39; ain&#39;t much we can go doin&#39; &#39;bout that. But be feelin&#39; free to go lettin&#39; us know your plan ma&#39;am, an&#39; we&#39;ll work to see you safe an&#39; all.&quot; The Vixen shifting some as she watches them all, brushing her hands off for a moment as she waits for the details.<br> <br>Jera has finally returned back to town from his own personal training, and immediately finds himself embarking on a mission! He makes his way to the mountain, a little more seasoned in his heavy armor and finding it not a burden at all to make the long trek up. Bow at his side, he nods his head politely to two of his fellow soldiers and stretches a little. &quot;Been a while.&quot;<br> <br>Siyu brings his medical supplies, nearly all of them, filtered maskes,bandages, potions, tonics. The rodent is nearly weighted down wih all manner of ointments salves asnd healing potions. He grunts, wearing leathers, a bit thick, not expecting so much combat as reliefe and help.<br> <br>&quot;Only five?&quot; the saurian foreigner asks, her voice tinged with worry, &quot;I suppose it will have to do. I do not think there is time to wait.&quot; She hefts a large hempen rope attached to a small, but obviously heavy sledge laden with thick, cut stones. &quot;Perhaps someone will help me to pull this?&quot; she asks, &quot;We will certainly need them in the mountain.&quot; The saurian adjusts her heavy leather gloves, a lovely, stylized image of fire burned into the backs. &quot;I believe that with your help, I can quiet the mountain once more,&quot; she says, &quot;I only need you to protect me while I work. I believe that there is a great beast at the heart of the volcano. You must only keep it at bay for a short while.&quot; She nods at the sledge of stones. &quot;I will take care of the rest,&quot; she assures the group.<br> <br>Thelergramor grins behind his mask. &quot;A beast. Fun. So, hold back the dangerous thing while you quiet the mountain. I like when jobs are simple.&quot; The basilisk moves towards the sledge, offering to take the rope and pull it himself. &quot;Let me take it.&quot;<br> <br>Millicent scratches her chin and smiles. &quot;Hmm. Protect you while you work? ANd a great beast? Seems straight forward enough! Well. I will do what I can, certainly,&quot; the fluffy being says, looking amongst her companions for the night to see who she recognized!<br> <br>Kalt taps her staff on the ground and grins. &quot;Aw, there probably sure as all hells is... An&#39; ain&#39;t no need to go fearin&#39;, I&#39;ll be knockin&#39; any beasties back into the pit which they done crawled out of an&#39; such.&quot; The Vixen blinking at Thel moving to the rope before she sets her staff against her shoulder. &quot;Aw yeah, go an&#39; put your back into it! M&#39;sure you can go managin&#39; it!&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Only? I&#39;ll have you know we&#39;ll be better than a battalion of mercenaries. And we work for much, much cheaper too.&quot; Jera snorts and then holds on to the end of the rope as an anchor so Thel won&#39;t trip on coiled rope and so the tension doesn&#39;t suddenly release and whip someone if he fumbles.<br> <br>Siyu hms, &quot;A beast? Prehaps I should add a layer of chain then.&quot; he considers as he adjusts his large heavyload of medicines and healing items. The rodent adjusting his glasses and looking over to the others.<br> <br>The fissure is not difficult to navigate. The woman nods her thanks and passes one of the two ropes to Thelergramor, keeping the other for herself and trudging heavily ahead into the darkness. The stranger has obviously planned ahead, however and has a pair of good torches lashed to her sledge to provide light in the dark mountain interior. The going is fairly smooth with three people on the ropes.
After a moment, the fissure opens into a wide, natural cavern that slopes gently downward off to the left and upward to the right. &quot;The closer we are to the flowing magma, the better,&quot; the saurian says, &quot;Prepare yourselves.&quot; She leads the way downward.<br> <br>Thelergramor is unable to not smile at the premise of fighting some dangerous beast in a magma filled mountain. Thele just continues onward; having no problems at all with the sledge pulling. &quot;So, close to the magma? Any particular idea what we might be up against?&quot; His tone is almost a bit too enthusiastic.<br> <br>Millicent casts her glance around the fissures, tail swaying idly. &quot;This is quite a neat sight, though, I must say. I&#39;ve always liked the mountains! Thought not quite as much as the valley.&quot; She takes stock of the host&#39;s preparations, nodding gently to herself in quiet approval.<br> <br>&quot;Giant Lizard thingie, careful to not go gettin&#39; crushed under it an&#39; all. Or gettin&#39; knocked into the magma an&#39; all... But yeah, ain&#39;t nuttin&#39; to go gettin&#39; too worried &#39;bout... Went an&#39; punched one before, an&#39; killed it fine.&quot; Kalt&#39;s grin one of pure, one hundred percent optimisim as she stands with the group, ready to follow with as they enter the new area.<br> <br>&quot;Hmm. No water mages about?&quot; Jera studies the group and furrows his brow for a moment. &quot;Being able to make stepping stones of magma would be useful.&quot;<br> <br>Siyu makes sure he has on his medical gloves. Inscribed in all three healing elements. Fire, Water, Earth. The runes spark a b it for being so opposite but he nods. &quot;I shall try to keep you all alive. Do be careful there is only so much my medicines can do.&quot;  He glances at Jera, &quot;I am skilled enough wih water...&quot;

Revision as of 05:47, 14 September 2014





The mountain looms large ahead. Firebough has been restless lately, strange rumblings and frequent tremors have frightened away the usually abundant holiday and tourist crowds. Standing under an overhang beside a large fissure in the side of the mountain is a rather petite looking saurian. Some sort of herbivore. She wears a light shawl and looks a bit old to be leading expeditions, though she is obviously hale and healthy. She wrings her hands anxiously as another tremor shakes the ground. "Not much time," she mutters to herself, her accent betraying her as Thera'Doran.

Thelergramor makes his way up the mountain; his full assortment of gear with him. Thel is in basilisk form; so he keeps from looking directly at anyone while he walks up to the woman. "Problem with the mountain, yeah?" Thel spoke without his usual fake Sweetwateran accent; using instead his native Thera'doran one.

Millicent slinks along the mountain paths, traveling with an easy load, taking only her light plate and two swords with her. Nothing else to it, really! "Ah, hello! Is this the place?" She asks, tail swaying behind her as she takes a moment to brush off her yellow coat.

Kalt humms gently as she makes her way up the mountain, tail flicking gently as she adjusts her jacket and weapons. "M'figurin' a lil'somethin' went an' happened eh? Well, figurin' ain't much we can go doin' 'bout that. But be feelin' free to go lettin' us know your plan ma'am, an' we'll work to see you safe an' all." The Vixen shifting some as she watches them all, brushing her hands off for a moment as she waits for the details.

Jera has finally returned back to town from his own personal training, and immediately finds himself embarking on a mission! He makes his way to the mountain, a little more seasoned in his heavy armor and finding it not a burden at all to make the long trek up. Bow at his side, he nods his head politely to two of his fellow soldiers and stretches a little. "Been a while."

Siyu brings his medical supplies, nearly all of them, filtered maskes,bandages, potions, tonics. The rodent is nearly weighted down wih all manner of ointments salves asnd healing potions. He grunts, wearing leathers, a bit thick, not expecting so much combat as reliefe and help.

"Only five?" the saurian foreigner asks, her voice tinged with worry, "I suppose it will have to do. I do not think there is time to wait." She hefts a large hempen rope attached to a small, but obviously heavy sledge laden with thick, cut stones. "Perhaps someone will help me to pull this?" she asks, "We will certainly need them in the mountain." The saurian adjusts her heavy leather gloves, a lovely, stylized image of fire burned into the backs. "I believe that with your help, I can quiet the mountain once more," she says, "I only need you to protect me while I work. I believe that there is a great beast at the heart of the volcano. You must only keep it at bay for a short while." She nods at the sledge of stones. "I will take care of the rest," she assures the group.

Thelergramor grins behind his mask. "A beast. Fun. So, hold back the dangerous thing while you quiet the mountain. I like when jobs are simple." The basilisk moves towards the sledge, offering to take the rope and pull it himself. "Let me take it."

Millicent scratches her chin and smiles. "Hmm. Protect you while you work? ANd a great beast? Seems straight forward enough! Well. I will do what I can, certainly," the fluffy being says, looking amongst her companions for the night to see who she recognized!

Kalt taps her staff on the ground and grins. "Aw, there probably sure as all hells is... An' ain't no need to go fearin', I'll be knockin' any beasties back into the pit which they done crawled out of an' such." The Vixen blinking at Thel moving to the rope before she sets her staff against her shoulder. "Aw yeah, go an' put your back into it! M'sure you can go managin' it!"

"Only? I'll have you know we'll be better than a battalion of mercenaries. And we work for much, much cheaper too." Jera snorts and then holds on to the end of the rope as an anchor so Thel won't trip on coiled rope and so the tension doesn't suddenly release and whip someone if he fumbles.

Siyu hms, "A beast? Prehaps I should add a layer of chain then." he considers as he adjusts his large heavyload of medicines and healing items. The rodent adjusting his glasses and looking over to the others.

The fissure is not difficult to navigate. The woman nods her thanks and passes one of the two ropes to Thelergramor, keeping the other for herself and trudging heavily ahead into the darkness. The stranger has obviously planned ahead, however and has a pair of good torches lashed to her sledge to provide light in the dark mountain interior. The going is fairly smooth with three people on the ropes.

After a moment, the fissure opens into a wide, natural cavern that slopes gently downward off to the left and upward to the right. "The closer we are to the flowing magma, the better," the saurian says, "Prepare yourselves." She leads the way downward.

Thelergramor is unable to not smile at the premise of fighting some dangerous beast in a magma filled mountain. Thele just continues onward; having no problems at all with the sledge pulling. "So, close to the magma? Any particular idea what we might be up against?" His tone is almost a bit too enthusiastic.

Millicent casts her glance around the fissures, tail swaying idly. "This is quite a neat sight, though, I must say. I've always liked the mountains! Thought not quite as much as the valley." She takes stock of the host's preparations, nodding gently to herself in quiet approval.

"Giant Lizard thingie, careful to not go gettin' crushed under it an' all. Or gettin' knocked into the magma an' all... But yeah, ain't nuttin' to go gettin' too worried 'bout... Went an' punched one before, an' killed it fine." Kalt's grin one of pure, one hundred percent optimisim as she stands with the group, ready to follow with as they enter the new area.

"Hmm. No water mages about?" Jera studies the group and furrows his brow for a moment. "Being able to make stepping stones of magma would be useful."

Siyu makes sure he has on his medical gloves. Inscribed in all three healing elements. Fire, Water, Earth. The runes spark a b it for being so opposite but he nods. "I shall try to keep you all alive. Do be careful there is only so much my medicines can do." He glances at Jera, "I am skilled enough wih water..."