Mysterious Mister O Strikes Again - RPLOG

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It is a warm, breezy day in Firmament, and the calls of seabirds fill the air this close to the docks. The invitation said to show up here at this warehouse. So this is the place, and this is the time. A number of curious beings, all holding similar invitations are making their way along the alleys that lead to this secluded spot. The warehouse seems unremarkable from out here, and the large main doors are closed, but an immense gator in an ill fitting suit is waiting by a side door and taking tickets.

From a small side alley comes a quick, hissed voice. "Hey! Over here!"

Rokarion was idly walking down the streets of Firmament next to his partner, Zuri. The plant being was for once dressed up for the occasion, a ruffled white shirt with a dark green cravat and a matching dark green coat and trousers, with two blade scabbards hanging from his sides. The young flower looked nothing if not the archetypical swashbuckler in his outfit. As he got near the location, the plant's head titled towards the source of the strange voice, "Wait but a moment, my blue jewel. I am going to nip off to that alleyway." And without a moment's hesitation, Roka gracefully marched towards the source of the voice, a hand at his rapier.

Zuri follows after Rokarion, smiling brightly at him. Feels good to be out and about, even if this is likely to turn sour like the last time they followed one of these invitations to an anonymous warehouse. He's dressed fancily, a tailcoat worn over a frill shirt, matching trousers and black leather shoes. Dressed to impress! He doesn't have the time to be surprised by the voice from the alley when Roka makes him blush. He clears his throat and looks at the other members of the group, gauging their reactions.

Bazalt walks along a grin on his Muzzle-last time he thought it was a strange party this time... the wolf knew what to Expect, and was rahter cheerily padding along, invite in hand. The wolf was just about to turn outta an alley when he heard the voice, Ears perked he frowns and looks about, looking from Zuri to Rokarion as the plant leaves "Hrrnn.. Gets intresting before we even enter.."he then shrugs and Heads in the direction it seems the voice is comming from.

Molly doesn't seem to have dressed herself any more for this than a usual day's work, wandering around in her set of brown and greys. She glances down uncertainly at her invitation, eyes darting around the others in attendance before selecting one to latch onto for the evening, scurrying over to the wolf with her tail flicking anxiously as she creeps along, toward the voice.

Dressed in a green and gold, high-collared shirt and a matching skirt, Rixo looked all the part of a classy lady. Maybe not so much the dainty maiden kind, but a refined woman all the same. The panda had no weapons on her, but who needed those for a party? She almost didn't even notice the voice calling out during her approach, but she does, and it's enough to give her pause and a turn of her head.

"... Hey, big guy!" the words ring out behind Bazalt as there's a sudden poke at his back - By a finger, that is. Behind the wolf stands Levin, his ever present grin splayed across his face as he looks up to his canine friend. The Otter's wearing his sunday best and by that it means he's wearing a clean pair of trousers, unsullied with the stench of brine from his work on the docks, and a stark white shirt that rests under his sleeveless vest that his bronze soul pendant shines against. "Who's the girl you got there? Hmmm?" he asks with a cock of his brow, quickly circling away from the wolf both to get a better look at Molly and avoid any potential smacks from him. "Levin Swiftfisher, a pleasure to meet ya', missy." the otter introduces himself with a curt bow.

Cirra heard about good food and drink, and if there's one thing this shark is, it's a gourmet. She rumbles softly as she makes her way mutely to the gala. She's traded her normal oilskin coat for one more befitting a former Acting Lieutenant on a merchant vessel. That is, she's wearing a midshipman's uniform, but with slightly fancier trimmings. She looks over the crowd gathered, tapping her choker and glad the creator wetsuit is pretty well hidden under her uniform.

The voice from the alleyway belongs to a tall, silver furred fox. "Can't talk long," he says quietly, "Don't want the croc to get suspicious. I can't stop everyone going in, but you lot look like you might be able to handle yourselves." He looks from side to side, making sure no one else is around. "Listen," he says, "The host of this little soiree is a Lockedjaw from Ishara and I have reason to believe he is up to no good. I can't get in myself. No ticket. But I could use some eyes inside. You let me know what he is up to and I'll make it worth your while." The nervous fox stares at the group with piercing, dark eyes. "Well?" he asks, "What are you waiting for?"

Rokarion eyes the fox as he speaks before shrugging pushing a finger on the fox's chest, leaning closer to whisper. His piece said, Rokarion turns around and walks back towards the warehouse with Zuri, "Don't cause too much trouble, will you Bazalt?" the flowerling comments idly before movng closer towards Zuri, "So, any reason why another part is being hosted? One would think that the mysterious O had nothing better to do."

Zuri stays close to Rokarion. He looks up at the plant being and smiles. "Well, best case scenario, it's just an awesome party! Worst cast scenario, they're doing naughty things again and we're here to stop them!" He says the last bit on a low voice, giving Rokarion a wink as if he was telling him the cleverest secret. He fishes for his invite as he heads towards the door, raising it up at the croc in order to gain admission.

Bazalt nods "i see.. so it is what I thought.." he nods, and smiles abit-raisring a Brow As Rokarion adresses him. "well i'm hardly gonna make a scen-oh..Levin?" he the blinks "huh-been a while how'r you doi-" he then spots Molly and blinks "uhhh..Hi?" he nods TO Cirra and Just blinks again "well, now I feel underdressed..." he adds after looking at everyones outfit.

The little rabbit's head swivels around, ears shooting up straight and stiff at the sudden introduction of their otter friend. Her posture straightens up proper, the girl folding her hands behind her back to give herself a more respectable appearance. "Molly, m'sir," she says, giving the otter a curtsey in return, "pleasure's all mine!" She gives him a smile and bow of the head before turning up to return the look to Bazalt, her smile turning more sheepish, giving him a curtsey as well. She seems a bit uneasy to hear the silver furred being speak, offering no reply beyond a scuffling of feet to put herself behind Levin.

"My, what a pleasant lass ya' are! Bazalt, you're actually making friends with -good- folk. I'm impressed!" he otter says as he beams up at his canine friend. After giving Bazalt a quick pat on the back he turns his attention fully to the little rabbit, "So I take it you're here for the food too, huh?" he asks as he yanks out a very crumpled invitation from an inner pocket of his vest "It's a little strange honest, but hey, who am I to pass up good eats?"

"Ishara?" Rixo questions, ears twitching. "Well, I certainly -hope- no Isharans make a scene here. A party is meant to be for good fun. Being up to no good takes all the spirit out of it," she says, putting her hands on her hips. "But I will keep an eye on them, sure."

The mute nurse shark waves to Bazalt, not recognizing most of the beings gathered here. She decided to dress up a bit because it was a gala, and she wanted to be proud of her sailing eqperience, even if that sometimes puts her at odds with most land-dwelling folk. She signs to Bazalt. <You sound like you get in trouble a lot. Is something the matter?> She shrugs at the fox's warning, listening and being on her guard, but not really concerned for her safety. She spits at the mention of Isharans, having dealt with a fair few too many pirates from that area.

The fox has nothing more to say and vanishes into the shadows as the party leaves.

The big Croc at the door takes tickets with all the delicacy and grace of a steam roller, only giving uninteligible grunts in reply to any pleasantries. But seeing as everyone has their invitations, there are no problems at the door.

Inside, the old warehouse is dressed up pretty nicely. Drapes and streamers hide the walls, no doubt stained by weather and age and the floor has been swept clean. Tables have been set up along the far wall laden with food and drink of all sorts and beings of all sizes, shapes and kinds mingle around the open floor, excited by the promise of good food and drink. A little raised platform has been set up in a far corner. Probably for musicians to use later. Oversized grunts in baddly fitted clothes, much like the bouncer outside, roam around carrying trays with appetizers and drinks on them.

Rokarion snickers and shakes his head at Bazalt's complaint, "Well you are already starting one." he comments idly before looking around, "Hmmm, this is a mysterious O party. Don't worry, I am pretty sure that he prefers your kind of attire over ours." the plant being adds before he hands the guards the tickets then entering. Rokarion gives the room a glance before looking down, "No worries, squire. I will keep my eyes peeled. You enjoy yourself." Roka says before casually leaning down and lifting his salamander up before setting the amphibian comfortably on his shoulders, "No touching my petals." Rokarion remarks as he quickly prances towards one of the tables, stopping when he finally reaches one, before grabbing a plate of pasties and handing it to his passenger.

Zuri steps in as soon as the door is opened. He quickly pads towards the nearest snack-bearing table, eager to try the spread. To make sure everything is up to standard, naturally. He doesn't have the time to reach a table as he's scooped up by Rokarion and put on top of his shoulders. He grins widely. "Ha, tallest 'mander in the city! I can see everything from up here!" He peers side to side until he spots one of the grunts bearing a plate full of goodies, and quickly snatches a cream cake from it. He's already chewing greedily by the time he's handed a plate of pasties. "Aweshome!" He lets out a full-mouthed giggle as he continues to chew, looking around the party. "I wonder who'sh organished thish party." He swallows. "Must be pretty rich, famous and generally awesome to be providing this much free food."

Bazalt enters and Hums, just nodding to Cirra beore he signs back <Could say that...or that i cause trouble, maybe a bit of both?> The wolf then Nods to teh rabbit "names Bazalt, and Levin-I juust met her when you pointed that out and.. " he glances around and leans in, speaking softer "all is not what it seems here... be careful, there's somekinds strange plan behind these.. they're being used to kidnap or something..." he then pulls back and frowns. " what?" he asks himself, looking around at the guards. "wonder where our host is?" he asks, staying close to teh otehrs.

Molly gives Bazalt a confused look as he signs aside to Cirra, another sheepish grin pasted on her face as he mentions their meeting. Her ears fold and twitch slightly at the mention of kidnapping, the little rabbit swallowing her fear as she shuffles over to enter behind the plant and the salamander. "Thanky," she mumbles to the croc as she stretches high to hand over her invitation. She takes small, cautious steps around the decorated warehouse, eying the tempting plates of food and drink.

Rixo frowns at that and rubs her chin before shrugging. What an odd individual! Putting it out of mind, she turns to let herself into the warehouse, glancing around at the various guests and the food on display. "Well, isn't this quite the buffet," she murmurs, before the panda meanders off to partake!

"'course, nobody does somethin' for nothing these days." Levin is quick to whisper back to Bazalt "But who am I to pass up -free- food?" He flashes the wolf a quick, toothy grin before getting in line to pass his crumpled invitation to the bouncer, his eyes shooting wide open as he enters the lavishly decorated warehouse. "Well I'll be... Ha! Lyas is gunna kill me when he finds out he missed out on this! Onward, to the bar my friends!" With a spring in his step the otter happily makes his way to the nearest table or server that holds unclaimed alcohol.

Cirra pauses, blinking as she looks over to Molly. <Do you know everyone else? Forgot my slate at home. Hard to talk to folk who don't know sign.> Which is surprisingly fewer beings than she expected among people she knows, but still enough that it gets confusing. Granted, being invisible in conversation is good a lot of the time. People say things because they don't realize she's listening. She hands her invite to the bouncer and heads in. At the sight of all the food, she immediately starts filling a plate with as much of everything as she can get.

"Ha!" comes a loud voice from nearby, "That nosy fox stopped you too?" The speaker, a large, bear of a canine meanders over. He wears fine clothes after the Creator style, a dark jumpsuit with shiny, calf high boots and a sturdy leather belt around his thick middle. "He was probably just sore that he didn't get an invite!" the dog slurs, apparently already a few drinks in, "Dunno who this O fella is, but he knows how to lay a spread!"

This is perfectly evident to anyone in attendance. The food is exquisite and the drinks are potent, of the highest quality, and most importantly plentiful! The circulating staff, large though they might be, are efficient, keeping drinks filled and plates overflowing.

Before long, there is a curious murmur that passes through the crowd as an enormous Gator makes his way down from an upper part of the wearhouse. He wears a finely tailored suit in a guady, purple hue that offsets his vividly green eyes and the rough green-brown of his scales. He is not an especially attractive being, scars crisscross his snout and he has an impressive underbite that make his lower canines look like great, jutting tusks. He does not announce himself, but there can be no doubt from his fine clothes, glittering jewelry and confident manner that this is the host of the feast. He starts to mingle with the crowd, chatting with his guests as he moves across the floor.

Rokarion keeps looking around as Zuri is washed with the odd mixture of the flower's potent jasmine scent and the smell of savoury pasties. Roka not wanting to nauseate the salamander, picks hi up again and sets him down on solid ground again before quickly spinning around, giving the room a look. "Hmmm, not sure Zuri. You have a terrible track record of gauging the personalities of people who offer you free food." he quips as he scritches the salamander's head, eyes focusing on the croc.

Zuri looks up at Rokarion and sticks his tongue out at him before licking his own rather oversized tuskies clean of cream from the cream cake. "Hey, that's how I fell in love with you you big bully!" He grins playfully and walks off as he's wolfing down one of the pastries, making his way to a small crowd of gathered beings. He peers up at them and tries to squeeze past, to try and get closer to the supposed host of the party.

Bazalt eyes the host "so.. He's the same.." He nods to Cirra. <I know Rokarion, Zuri and Mr. Drunkard, Levin.> HE Frowns "what to do, I wonder if the food is Potent.. or.. If... it has something do with his with what he is?" the wolf stares at the Croc and Frowns, wondering what to do.

Molly shuffles around among the crowd, shying away from any beings that seem to be deep in their cups. Her eyes follow the gator as he descends, peering at his gaudy fashions. The rabbit follows after Levin as he makes his way around the warehouse, Molly plucking a glass from the tray of an insistent server. "Never seen such a place," she comments aside to Levin, taking a hesitant sip from her drink followed by a cough.

"Mmmm. I had heard about these parties," Rixo says, to no one in particular as she takes up a drink to sip on, turning her eyes to the gator. "But I had not been to one before. Pity, for how good this food is! I am sad to have missed them."

"Me neither, such is the life of a freesword I suppose!" Levin replies to Molly with a slight slurr to his words - The effects of the potent alcohol already hitting the otter like a brick. "Just pace yourself, lil' miss - Drink then bread, drink then bread.... Unless yer' a professional like me a 'course!" Levin's already gulped down three tall glasses of the closest alcohol he could find by the time the host makes his apperance, the otter cocking his brow as he finds his attention drawn to the gator man. "Who's that handsome git? The host maybe?" he mumbles to no one in particular, his bear goggles apparently already on "He looks like the richest fella in the joint, but what's up with those..." Tusks. The tusks of a certain little salamander comes to mind as Levin comes to a stop, a strange addition to both of the reptiles his alcohol addled mind notes. "... Strange, huh?"

Levin says, "(Beer goggles, even)"

Cirra takes a seat and begins eating her food, nodding to Bazalt. She keeps an eye on the crocodile, but does not do much for now besides idly draw imaginary kevinoscopes on the table with her finger. mostly to keep her mind sharp as she tastes the spread of food.

". . . any time," the big Gator is saying to a guest as Zuri pops through the legs of the cluster of guests and bounces off the purple clad legs of the host. "Well," he says, looking down at the salamander, "Who do we have here? You enjoying yourself?" This particular little intrusion has brought the well dressed gator into proximity with the rest of the group as well, though the noisy canine who accosted everyone has moved along.

Rokarion looks at Bazalt, "You could say that the delicious food is a certain speciality of your host." he comments before scowling as he notices where Zuri is standing. The scowl quickly vanishes, replaced by a smile as the plant being ends up moving himself to stand next to Zuri, "Indeed, your event is an acceptable diversion from the drudgery of everyday life, but pray tell, what is the name of our generous benefactor, and on what occasion do we owe the pleasure of your invitation?"

Zuri grins up at the crocodile. "Hello there! Really nice party you have going here!" He helps himself of another bite of meat pasty before continuing. "What's the occasion? Rather odd to throw such a lavish party out here in the dinky end of town, especially by a gentlebeing such as yourself." He walks to the croc's front, craning his neck up to look at him. "Not that I'm complaining, of course. Nothing wrong with eating, drinking and making merry, as our lives are short and tomorrow we might die." He pauses a moment, then adds. "So we best enjoy while we can, don't you agree?" He looks up at Rokarion and smiles at him.

Bazalt Nods to Rokarion "I.. see.." he folows but keeps a Bit behind the plant, listning in on the conversation as ge grabs some food to nibble. He does then Look to Levin, and keep his Eye on him, rembering waht happend to Drunken people last time.

Molly sips again from her glass, smacking her lips a few times as a shiver runs through from the tips of her ears.. She glances aside to the suddenly drunken otter, idly chatting back "Well, yes.." she says, lowering her voice as the gator gets closer. "But don't ask about it - s'rude," she cautions. She perks up an ear to listen in on the conversation, contemplating her drink for a moment before taking a more adventurous gulp of it. The rabbit eases up a bit as the potent beverage takes it's effect, bouncing on her feet idly. "May go s'far t'say it suits him," she comments with a shrug, swaying her way a bit closer to the reptile.

Rixo glances towards Levin for a moment, pondering his words before looking towards the apparent host once more. "Hmmm. I see," she murmurs, looking out over the feast again, apprehension on her face. It doesn't stop her, though, when she takes up another kebab to nibble on as she makes her way close to listen to the conversation.

Levin gives Molly a few quick nods of his head as he slurrs out a quick "Yeah - Yeeah, gives 'em a good mean look to 'em. Gotta wonder were he got the scars though - Think he's a sword? A mercenary? Oooh, maybe a pirate!" The otter practically giggles as he drunkenly spurts out his theories "A pirate treasure would be 'nuff to finance somethin' like this, huuuh?"

The Gator laughs, a rather rough, raspy sound. "Indeed, little friend," he says, patting Zuri on the head, "One could even say that indulgence is not a sin, so much as a celebration of bounty!" He waves an arm at the warehouse and the carousing beings partaking of food and drink, but mostly drink. "I enjoy rather more wealth than is healthy for one being," he says, "So from time to time I choose to spread it around a little. To be honest, the invitations are distributed at random. I only want to bring people together." He turns his tusked visage toward Rokarion. "I also like a bit of anonymity," he says, "So Mr. O will suffice, I think." The reptilian host's attention is drawn by Molly and Levin's conversation. "Perhaps so, my friend," he says in a gruff, but friendly tone, "But I'm only a businessman with a good head for trade." He winks an emerald eye. "My Father was a pirate," he grins, the scars and tusks giving him a rather piratical air despite his words. He grins at the obviously tipsy pair and produces a pair of gilt edged cards. "You two look like you would enjoy a little more private party," he says, "Hold on to these."

Rokarion maintains his cocky smirk at Mr O's answer, "Indeed, everyone deserves their anonymity. After all one cannot live without a shadow." he answers back before looking at Zuri and pointing at one of the tables, "I just saw some biscuits with Cliffside chocolate over there, why not have some?"

Zuri nods at the gator's words, still smiling. "A noble cause. Thank you for sharing the bounty with us. Generous beings like you are in short supply!" He blinks and looks at Rokarion. "Ooh, Cliffside chocolate? Best thing!" He darts off without another word, pushing past the forest of legs and vanishing into the crowd in his quest for biskies.

Bazalt Blinks and wATches teh mander Run off, chucking at his energy. "never get in the way of a Mander and his biscuits it seems.." he blinks at the Corco and tilts his head. "Private?" he Glances to Cirra then the Croc and then Levin. Hrrn what to do...

Molly nods along with Levin, a quiet 'uh-huh' acknowledging each theory as equally valid. The rabbit raises an eyebrow, an uneasy look coming over her as she hears the gator's opinions on indulgence.. but another mouthful of liquor sets her straight, a warm red spreading over her face and tinting her ears a shade pinker. Even pinker as the gator spots her and Levin, bumping into her otter companion as she sways away to hide herself behind him slightly. "Oh," she murmurs as he dispels their curiousity, offering him a giggle and a wiggle of her fingers for a wave. She stretches up again to accept the card from him, nodding. "Yes, m'sirrr," she says, confirming herself as a bit more than tipsy after finishing the last of her glass, "your generousosity'sapreeuushated."

"Of course, too much indulgence is not good, either," Rixo says, setting one hand on her hip while the other handles her ale. "As with all things, it should be treated with moderation before things run sour. And no one wants a sour meal, hmm?"

Levin shoots Mr. O a sheepish grin when he realizes his idle musing has been overheard, but his eyes light up as the gilded card is passed to him. "Oh, thank ya' sir! Thank ya' kindly!" he says earnestly as he gives the gator a proper bow - One that he stumbles a bit with but is quick to catch himself before he bumps into anyone. "And I knew ya' had some salt in yer blood, sir - Us sea folk can smell it!" He looks to his side to shoot Molly a drunken grin as he carefully places the gilded card in the safety of his vest, and then up to Baz whom he shoots a sly wink.

As the Gator is making his rounds, a quartet of beings that fit a little better in their suits than most of the waiters have taken their place on the stage and have started up a bit of light, atmospheric music.

The purple clad host seems a bit put out that Rokarion has sent the little tuskmander away, but shrugs it and the Jasmine's probing off for the sake of addressing the tipsiest members of the group. "You just show the ape upstairs those cards and he'll let you join a private wine testing," he says, patting Molly and Levin's heads with beringed fingers, "I'm sure it'll be an experience you won't soon forget!"

It seems that those two are not the only partygoers who recieved special tickets. A number of beings of various shapes and sizes, but all of them tipsy, seem to be making their way toward the stairs while the majority of the guests continue with their food and drink down here.

Rokarion rubs his chin, looking back at the gator as he leaves before turning around and leaving as well. The plant being heads towards his fellow being, stopping next to him as he indulges in his own cookies. Rokarion leans down to whisper something in Zuri's ear.

Zuri turns to face Rokarion, munching on three chocolate biscuits at once. He smiles as his lover whispers to him and nods at his words. "Mm-hm!" He nods again. "Yep, for shure!" He says, his mouth still full. The salamander tilts his hand at Rokarion, briefly showing him his palm. The little blighter has nicked someone's ticket while pushing his way through the crowd, it's right there in his hand! He grins and pockets it. "Stay safe Roka, I'm going to get me to the VIP area." He pecks a kiss at the plant being and walks off to join the queue.

Bazalt Blinks At LEvin and Grumbs-this'd be the point he'd sign or shadow-talk to him but no... Instead he looks at him with alot of concern before he makes his way to Rokarion. "so.. WE gonna snoop around down here or.. just keep our eyes on the host?" he asks, shooting another glance to Cirra and then Levin, Bloody stupid Otter.

Molly giggles again as she has her head patted, ears folding down as she nuzzles against his hand. She admires the card in her hand, linking arms with the drunken otter beside her and squeezing up to help support the both of them. "Oh, mister sir, you're quite a kind fellow," she slurs out, licking her tongue out a few times to scrape the taste of the drink off with her teeth. She whispers something to Levin, but it comes out as more of a slurred groan as she shifts to lean on him, staggering along with him wherever he may go.

Levin lets out a soft little chuckle as he feels the weight of Mr. O's hand pat down on his head. "Thank ya' sir, yer too kind! I- " The otter pauses as Molly tries to whisper up to him and even stumbles a bit as she shifts her tiny weight onto him, but he's quick to reorient himself and place his hand down on Molly's shoulder - More to keep himself steady then anything else. "Ya' sure you wanna go up there, lil' miss? You're a bit wobbly as it is."

Rixo seems to be holding her own drink rather well! But the burly bear woman was not unused to drinking, it seems. "Wine tasting, huh? It sounds enjoyable! Though I think I'll stick down here with my ale! I've always preferred it to wine. Though it's not bad on occasion."

Cirra raises an eyebrow as she hears the crocodile state that his father was a pirate. She shakes her head, hoping that he rose to his station through proper channels, rather than his father's ill-gotten goods. She hasn't been drinking at all, mostly because she's not one for strong alcohol.

Mister O has moved on and is wading through the crowd, chatting and sampling food and drink himself.

Rokarion is jostled by a graceful folk avian, some kind of egret who frowns hard at the contact, his tenuous mental connection to whatever he was doing obviously broken. "W-w-watch where yer going, pal!" he slurs. It is a good thing that there is no open flame nearby or this guy would go right up. "I'm a, a. . ." he trails off and frowns, then looks at a card in his sweating hand, "A V. . . I. . . P. . . a Vip! See!" he shoves the card in the flower's face, then staggers back a bit, before tipping hard into an impromptu hug with Rokarion. Once he finally rights himself, he staggers off into another party-goer.

At the stairs, a pair of goons-in-suits wait to admit those with V.I.P. passes up the stairs. In most cases they need the help of one or both guards to climb all the way to the top.

Rokarion looks at the salamander as he shows the ticket, "A kiss is not enough for this betrayal, my azure amphibian." the plant being says as he squints at Zuri before shaking his head and moving back into the ground. Thankfully, Rokarion does not even have to walk more than a couple of steps before the drunkard of an avian collides with him. Rokarion gives the egret his best unamused look as the ticket is shoved in his face. Not missing a beat, the plant being simplt takes the ticket from the stinky egret's hand as he is hugged. "Pleasure meeting you, Ser VIP." the plants comments sarcastically as he pats down his clothes, and moves back to the queue, standing behind his partner again, giving the amphibian's head a few taps, "What a surprise, apparently I have been invited to the wine testing too."

Zuri grins at Rokarion, reaching over to take his hand. "You always manage to impress me." As they near the front of the queue the salamander lets go of Rokarion's hand again and steps forward, putting on his most jovial face. "Haha! Now the real party begins!" He shoves the remaining two biscuits into his mouth and chews loudly as he moves towards the burly guards. "Up thish way, yea?" He clambers on up, his tail whipping excitedly behind him.

Bazalt Blinks "Well...Ok..." he sighs and glances at the four going up stairs.." they'll be fine...." the wolf glances around and squints. "hrm.. makes me wonders if another mister O is about?.. Probabally.. he was at the last one.." the wolf Moves ands takes some Cheese, nibbling on it as he Surveys the room, looking for anything Out of place.

"I don't like wine.. but it's tooo crowded," the little rabbit explains, bumping Levin along a bit toward the stairs, "we should take a look.. you can have some if you want." She plucks up a little cookie from a table she passes, munching on it idly. The girl takes some initiative in bringing them over to the stairway, tail flicking about as she bounces merrily upward, caught and guided by the burly guards after presenting her card.

Rixo closes her eyes and shakes her head as she glances around at the party-goers. People were starting to get a bit too drunk, and nobody was fun when they were stumbling all over themselves! So she helps herself to one more refill of her ale mug before she starts towards the door, a hum on her lips, when they're not to her drink.

"Haa, yeah! A bit a breathing room up there, I bet." the otter agrees with a nod as he's lead along to the stairs. Levin presents his card to the bouncers with a broad, toothy grin - as proud as he can be to be given such an honor. "I bet it's a real party up there, huuuh?" he asks the bouncer as he gives him his card "I ain't much of a wine fella myself, but I'm always lookin' to broaden my pal... pal-out? Yeah, that's it!"

The upstairs part of the warehouse has been even more lavishly decorated than the main floor. The walls are draped with thick, wine colored curtains and the windows have been covered so that only dim, warm lamplight fills the space. The floor is scattered with a number of low tables surrounded by piles of soft pillows where beings can lounge and partake of the good food that has been laid out on the tables, while being served fine wines by a trio of waiters that never stop circulating. Many beings in various states of drunkeness and cognizance are already here. The space is certainly quieter and cozier than the festivities downstairs.

Zuri slinks in, somehow having managed to trick the guards despite not having made preparations to look inebriated. Maybe jovial is a good enough substitute. He keeps his profile low for now, slinking into the middle of the crowd of beings that have been herded to this 'VIP' room and breaking off from the other members of his group so as not to arouse suspicion. With a shifty glance to the side he reaches into his pocket and retrieves... a meat pasty. He chomps on it surrepetitiously and slides it into his pocket again. Always good to have a snack around!

Molly squeezes against Levin's arm, ears perking up. She seems to relax in the less crowded environment, glancing around with half-lidded eyes. "Why, isn't this somethin'.." she mumbles, waiting to follow Levin's lead. She regards the tables of food and the glasses of wine patiently - though she does pull him aside for a moment to grab a snack for herself, turning her head up to him as she munches.

Rokarion might not have tasted a drink in his life, but at the very least he spent a lot of his time with his partner or in the Freeswords inn, and he knew fully well how do they act, so thankfully it wasn't that much of a hassle to pull an impression. The moment he is inside the room, the young plant picks up a glass of wine and begins exploring the room.

"Oi, I think it is - Or... Huh?" the otter slurrs back to Molly, his alcohol infused mind not exactly up to task with interperting her words - or anything else - properly. Still, Levin's eyes light up at the sight of all the alcohol circulating around the room, a soft chuckle coming from him as Molly drags him along. "Heeey, lil' miss, good idea! Like I said, bread then booze!" The otter happily takes a sweet after he flops down onto a set of pillows surrounding a table of food and eagerly munches into it.

It looks like Levin has the right idea. Or at least the popular one. This area does not seem to be one for wandering around, but more for lounging around. A well dressed goat who looks quite comfortable in his fine uniform stops by each table to check on the various beings in happy, drunken stupors. Otherwise there is not much to see up here. Occasionally one of the waiters will disappear behind a curtain and return with more food and drink.

Zuri slinks towards one of the groups of beings crowded around one of the tables, and plops down to lounge with them as he helps himself to some cold cuts and wine. "Howdy folks!" He exclaims excitedly to the beings sharing the table with him. "This is the life eh? I had my doubts at this whole warehouse party gig but yeesh, proven wrong I was! Party of the year!" He glances around the room, trying to keep tabs on where his friends are.