In the House of the Night - Part III - RPLOG

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Somewhere, it is raining and thunder and lightning crack the sky. But not here in the deep quarry. Here there is only the perpetual twilight of the glowing crystals and the eternal damp of the underground. At the appointed meeting spot, Fenris is nowhere to be found. Instead, a hulking, brutish looking sabre toothed cat stands guard. He appears to be furless, aside from a long, stiff mohawk and frowns around into the dim cavern with his arms folded across a scarred chest. The crevasse leading down to the door of the House of Night is behind the thuggish guard. But this is definitely the place.

Kazel lands close to the agreed meeting spot and spots the guard but frowns as he is the only person around. The slowly walks up to the sabertooth and crosses her arms in front of her chest as she addresses him. "Where is Fenris? And who are you?"

The Adventuring Ladies Solacious arrive in the midst of a hushed conversation, which Natska ends abrupty as she spots the guard on duty. She eyes him for a long moment, tilts her head to the side, and her tail curls back and forth. "Fenris?" she asks, curious.

Iorek wanders along towards the crowd, still holding his arm a little protectively over his torso, though he seems happy enough. He approaches the group, smiling to Kazel

Vestela is heard well before she's spotted, making little attempt to hide her arrival. Heavy footsteps and the jingle-jangle of armour echoes in the cave before the light of her torch is spotted. Soon she rounds the last corner and steps into the somewhat bigger room where they were supposed to meet. Turns out the torch was not quite a torch, more of a small ball of fire hovering in the palm of her hand. One that's quickly squelched as she approaches. She gives her paw a little shake and there's a distinct smell of singed fur wafting from her. Perhaps she doesn't have THAT much control over the elements. Or atleast fire. Silently, she finds a spot in towards the back, content to silently offer the large cat a nod and little more.

Following the group into the quarry is the youthful plant being known as Rokarion. The young jasmine is clad in his usual heavy cloak and blase facial expression. Rokarion takes out his notebook as he eyes the rest of the group, giving the gate's guard a long look, before opening his book and busying himself with whatever the plant being does as he waits for an explanation from the sabre-toothed cat.

Cassidy stands quietly aside Natska once the conversation has been hushed, gloved hands folded behind her back while she stares on from behind her mask. She eyes the odd 'guard' over, slowly lofting a brow. If that was Fenris, he looked down right hilarious.

"Naw," the scarred Sabretooth says, "Fluffy ain't comin'." He jerks his head at the cavern behind him. "You the crazies goin' in there? I'm Jet. I'm just here to make sure none of the wrong people come pokin' around and I'm paid pretty good to make sure that the right guy gets the right loot from down there," he growls. He bares his teeth in what might be a grin at Natska. "I could be Fenris for a pretty thing like you," he says with a wink before turning to the group as a whole. "Listen," he grunts, "All I know is, I let you go down, and take anything you find made of wood or stone and you get to keep anything else you want and I get paid. Fluffy said the door was open, whatever that means."

Kazel greets Iorek with a nod and shrugs at the guard, she does not really care either way. Quickly passing him and making her way into the area of the ruin once more.

"Inconceivable..." Natska mutters quietly, under her breath. Then she grins and touches a hand to Cassidy's elbow. "Good, nobody looking over our shoulder. We get to-" she stops, then glances around. "Mmm. Never mind. Let's get going, I am eager to see what else we may find!"

Iorek nods to Jet "A few of us have been in there before, we know what Fenris wants... though shame he's not here..." he follows along behind Kazel keeping close

Vestela shrugs faintly. "We get to haul rock and wood out of some damp old mine like some damned miners? What gives? And our pay is whatever we happen to find down there? That's sketchy at best. Still, a job's a job I guess. This is what I get for not checking the details before heading out." the polar bear rumbles.

Cassidy slowly turns her head to stare at Jet at that comment. Her ear flicks and she pulls a face that goes unseen behind the porcelain before nodding at Natska. "Yes. Let's go." She pushes on, walking off at a swift pace to make it back to where they'd left off, not caring to wait up on anyone that might be deciding to take it 'slow and steady.'

The steep crevasse is easy to negotiate, leading to a large, stone door that stands open, revealing an open, stone room. Not the shrine that those who have visited before would recognize as the antechamber of the House of Night, but rather a circular, stone chamber with a pedestal in the middle and three doors leading out, one bearing a stylized symbol for air, another for fire and a third for water. As impossible as it seems, the entrance seems to have moved beyond the first few doors! While the cavern is lit a dim blue by glowing crystals, the chamber beyond the door seems to be lit by daylight, though there are no apparent windows.

Above ground, Jet watches impassively as people chatter, argue or move along. "Not my business, Snowball," he grunts to Vestela, "Don't much care either way. But you probably better get goin' if you want any of the good loot."

Kazel is the first to step into the familiar room with the three closed doors. She first looks to the fire one, then to the water one. "I think we should try fire this time. Since we already explored air. Any objections?"

Natska makes her way into the room, ears perked as she looks around. "Huh! Well, then, this is interesting..." she considers the room for a few moments, then looks over at Cassidy. "I'm fine with the second door, unless you are feeling particularly called to open the first?"

Iorek looks to the polar bear as she talks, a small double take as he realises she's a bear with a slight surprised "Oh, it's not like hauling big things of stone... last time it was a little plate thing with symbols on it. That's what Fenris is looking for, helps him open this place up more se we get more treasure." he looks around the room and points at the air door "Kazel opened that with a big magic air blast and we encountered a spirit that even Fenris hadn't seen before in there... I wasn't expecting the door to be shut again... I wonder if something new is in there because the rooms seem to move..."

Vestela lumbers into the room, following the rest. The bear squints upwards in the chamber, trying to spot where the light is coming from. Her attention is quickly drawn to the doors however. "Not particularly fond of fire but sure. Why not. Blast it with fire and let's see what happens. Just out of curiocity, what DID you find in the ways of treasure last time?" she rumbles. After speaking, she takes a moment to weave some protective magic around her. Just in case...