Wirefur Wedding - RPLOG

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The Aurora is draped all over in beautiful white canvas. The clipper ship looks like a white cathedral with rain drumming on the outside, while the inside is aglow with paper lanterns, lights reflecting off the draped canvas. It looks like everything is set up for this to be a small life-bonding. There are two rows of chairs, one running down each side of the ship, most of them filled with dignitaries and representatives from the noble houses of Sweetwater. It seems awfully quiet for a noble wedding.

At the fore end of the deck is set up a small pavilion where Fenris is standing, wearing a long, dark coat buttoned up to his chin. The left breast of the coat is emblazoned with the insignia of the Lightbringer Unit. He looks expectantly to the back of the ship at the doors of the captain's cabin, waiting for the appearance of the bride and groom.

"Mmh, I told you this would be nicer than at Cliffside with your family..." Jera murrs softly as he leads Ama onto the deck, the kit fox dressed in his best finery, looking almost noble with his slow steps. Seems like he has been rehearsing his walk for this day, not the coat behind him not swaying at all.

Amaterasu giggles a bit, leaning unoticibly on Jera's arm. "I believed you." she smiled. She was dressed in her best fineries as well. A beautiful teal-blue dress hanging about her in such a way to look stunning, and to hide the growing belly. "Hmm... It's a nice small one. Wouldn't have it any other way."

Siyu swishes his hips onto the ship, giving a gentle little chitter he's wearing silks, they're they are more muted. He really can't outshine the bride and groom, that's just rude after all. So silk with no ornamentation, just smiling and happily bowing to various people as he sees and recognizes them. He grins as he sees Ama and Jera and he swishes his hips over to them. Clapping his hands he bows politely and deeply in front of them, "All the blessings I can offer to the new couple. May your house grow strong and deep, your travels be smooth and profitible, and may your family swell so that you will never know time alone and apart." he winks some. "I am happy for you, Lady Wirefur, and now, Lord Wirefur, or is it just Sir Wirefur..." he never has quite gotten ahold of how the marriages into the noble families work, but he bows his head again, just chittering, "I offer you a Bonding gift. A boon from me. From my teasures, my crafting, my inventions. What you wish you may ask and recieve." he bows again.

Fenris raises his voice and calls out over the small gathering. "My Lords and Ladies," the tiger calls, "Good beings of Promise, we are here to witness the bonding of two good beings!" He looks over the guests as they take their seats on either side of the ship with a warm smile as Jera and Amaterasu approach across the deck. "We are here to wish joy and good fortune to Jera of House Solacious and to his intended, Amaterasu of Cliffside." There is some murmuring from some of the assembled beings, but it is quickly silenced by the Solaciouses in attendance. Fenris continues without seeming to notice, holding his hands out to the couple in a gesture of welcome.

Amaterasu giggled a bit, flicking her tail at the small mistake, she glanced around mostly to see who was in attendance. Didn't see it so much on the walk over, Her tail flicked in Siyu's direction, silently thanking him for showing up. She was a tad nervous, but Jera did make for an effective barrier to that.

Jera bows politely. In the lack of his relatives in a better place now and most his friends mostly busy with unshruggable duties, the Solacious assembly bolstering the numbers makes him feel much, much better. "Thank you, Fenris." He whispers under his breath, using air magic to make sure it carries through before he picks himself up to nuzzle against the arctic vixen with a soft, content murr.

Siyu smiles a little bit and nods, letting out a soft little cough and then stepping off to the side to let the couple talk amoung themselves. His ears going flat, but he let's them talk to the other guests, going to find some food and drink and happily hum to himself.

"I'm not sure why anyone would ask me to officiate at their life-bonding," Fenris says with a smirk to the couple, "But I am honored to be here for a fellow Lightbringer." The tiger produces a length of white silk rope and holds it up so the gathered witnesses can see. "As I bind your hands," he intones with a happy smile, "it is but a symbol of your lives, already bound fast together, your souls progressing in blissful harmony." He carefully wraps the rope around first Jera's wrist, then Amaterasu's before tying a careful, complicated knot. "There will be arguments," he says, "there will be anger, but they will only hone your love, not break it. You will have understanding, and there will be peace and fulfillment."

Amaterasu nodded a bit her hand held fast to Jera. She purred a bit her head leaning against Jera with a smile on her face "Hmm..." she murred her tail wagging quite happily. She didn't know much about the ceremony, not even stories. She only knew what was proper in a social setting, was a tad bit relaxed here.

Jera clasps Amaterasu's hand that's bound to him, even as he holds his arm still for Fenris to finish his work. A wide, silly smile on his face as he finds himself content with everything at the moment. Tail mingling with hers as well. He does, however, turn his head back slightly and give his hip a small shake to tell Siyu that he's not /quite/ out of his side job yet.

Siyu smiles and rests on the ship, just rocking back and forth on his heels, listening and smiling. The ceremonies are interesting to him, after all, his own peoples are entirely different! He grins a bit and wonders if he's supposed to start clapping?

The tiger finishes tying his knot, probably an overly complicated one thanks to his inner kitsune, and steps off to the side of the couple, turning them to face the audience. "And now, they are bound," he says to the witnesses, "Let any who would speak against their union speak now or hold their peace forever more." Fenris looks out over the crowd for any naysayers, noting with no little satisfaction that the Solacious contingent is doing the same. Probably to suppress them if necessary. In some ways, the heavy rain outside was a boon, as it had driven away any casual observers.

Amaterasu murrs happily, her tail intwined with with Jera's she leaned her head on his shoulder, her body leaning into his a tad more, the rain did make for a interesting sound, almost like Promise was clapping for them.

Jera finally watches the ceremony near it's end. It was short but satisfying, the kit fox rubbing cheeks with Ama lightly. Waiting for it to end and at the same time, enjoying every moment of the peace for now.

Siyu grins and he waits for everyone one to celebreat before he does, and then does so with a reasonable amount. No need to over do things, the rodent just happy, a lovely pair of foxes, wondering how many kits will soon be running about!

Mishka wanders along the maritime district, deciding to see Sven's Aurora for herself! And she finds it! At least her eye isn't blind. And there are festivities, too! All the better! So she lets herself abord, mindful of the dreadful water below, and looks around. "Uhh. Greetings!" This certainly wasn't the kind of party she was used to. Looked kinda fancy, and here she was in her tunic and pants.