Shadowy Solacious part 2 - RPLOG

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The shadow infected figure draws ever closer to the group, if it gets any closer it will have no trouble coming into contact with Ictus and the others. It's solacious house crest glistens in the limited light, the air around him seemingly full of forboding and dread. He eyes Ictus with malicious intent, there doesn't seem to be any recollection in his eyes. The two thugs groan and start moving to the front, they had a job to do and they knew it. One of them whips out a snare, the other a bag of powder.

Mirana watches as the shadow creature gets near to them. It looks at Ictus and she feels that her cousin is in more danger then anyone here. Concerned for his safty, Mira pulls some quick math to pull earth from the area around to add to and buffer the fellow fox's defence. She takes note of the thugs taking up weapons and other items, but isn't sure exactly what is going on. "Samuel? This.. creature, and who or what is Samuel?"

Ictus blinks at those eyes... Those oh so familiar eyes that were once full happiness at the sight of him and shakes his head as he tries to find his resolve, "He's... He's my brother..." as he takes up his daggers in a purely defensive position, his stance faultering a bit as he looks at Samual. "What happened to you..." his eyes are full of sorrow, he barely registers the earth math around him

Angus faults as he hears who the other fox is and turns to stare at him. "Your brother......" He doesn't have long to stare as he notices the thugs and what they are doing. With a frown he steps up next to his cousin and faces the Thugs, his Saber pointed in their direction. "Well....this complicates things."

Shaken with visions of pain and violence, Kurzon can only listen delirioursly as the words of his allies reach his ears in his disjointed jaunts in and out of conciousness, pushed back under by seering agony and possible concussions and pulled toward awakedness by concern for his people and the sounds of worried speach nearby.

Ixitixl doesn't like the looks of those thugs, and he doesn't hesitate to say so! "I, um... I don't know wh-what... those two are planning, but I don't sss... I mean I... I don't suspect we... we should let them do it." ...That is, he doesn't hesitate more than he generally hesitates to say anything. He paces forward alongside Angus, hovering a hand near the grip of his weapon, looking past the ruffians and the shadow to the battered bear on the far side. "I...if someone will, um... cover me, I'll... I'll try to help, um... him!" He gives a nod of his head to indicated Kurzon, lacking a name.

The shield of earth protection settles over Ictus, and as Angus turns to face the thugs the one with the snare nudges Angus to face forward, saying "We're the least of your problems idiot." as he works to try and net him. The fox dodges the net easily and then slams the thrower to theh ground. The other quickly reacts by tossing powder into the beasts face, which seems to disorient and weaken it but not bring it down as intended. "What the..." he says as he steps back and over his pal in surprise. The creature seems ready to strike again. Near Mirana a small child pops out to inspect the going ons, a young girl in a tattered dress holding a doll.

Mirana watches the thugs try to subdue the shadow in front of them. She wonders a moment if there is anything that could be done to stop it. She is about to try another protection spell when she notices a small child, a young girl pop out. She stops her math work and looks to Ictus. He should be fine, and she can patch Angus up later. She turns to the girl, "Come little one, this isn't a safe place." she says, moving quickly to the child and picking them up. She turns to the group again, they needed help, but, she could help them more by being ready to mend their wounds. Right now she needed to clear the area of innocents.

Ictus blinks as his brother strikes the thugs and shakes his head, "Focus... He's... He's not your brother anymore..." as he hesitantly attempts to stab the shadow in the back

Angus grudgingly looks away from the thugs and back to the fox. "Okay then..." He makes a mental note to have a 'chat' with those two after the fight and smiles to Ixitixl. "Wish granted." Steping forward he strikes, intending to hit the fox in the back of the skull with the flat of his blade.

Ixitixl spares a glance after Mirana as the vixen runs off, knitting brows. Losing more from their ranks is probably not what they need at the moment, but it can't be helped. He gives Angus an anxious nod as the grey-furred vulpine sets off to fulfil his request, and as soon as the distraction is in full swing he barrels straight through! ...In so much as one is able to barrel in a full suit of plate mail. See also: not much. But he seems to make it past the shadow unmolested? That's a start! And fairly confident that he's out of harm's way, he starts preparing his potent potables for tending to the bear. "Thankyoubecareful!"

The slowed and disoriented shadow is stabbed in the back by Ictus, and then wanged on the back of the head by Angus! It stumbles... backwards, and as it brushes against Angus it takes the chance to slam it's foot into his kneecap, the blow weakened by armor but not nullified by far. He is pelted in the face by another dose of powder, and seems on the verge of passing out.

Ictus winces as his kneecap is slammed into and goes down with an oof, he looks at his brother and shakes his head as he tries to get up, grunting as he takes the pain and probes the shadows emotions as he prepares to manupliate them into confusion

Angus knew he had to by sometime for Ixitixl as he got to the downed Priest, and he had to get Ictus out of harms way. He didn't want to hurt one of his own family to badly, but he couldn't let this go on. So he did something foolish, shoving his sabre back in it's scabbard he charges, letting out a challenge as he throws his shoulder into the shadows chest, trying to throw it to the ground as a distraction.

Ixitixl arrives at his destination! Which was a few feet from where he began! So it didn't really take all that long, I guess! It just seems that way, in comparison to the fast-paced heat of combat going on just a few paces yonder, between fox and fox and fox with special guest star powder-throwing miscreant. Already ready by the time he drops to kneel beside the bear, he sets about applying bandages and salves and all that good stuff to the out-like-a-light ursine.

Ixitixl does a great job of aiding the beat up and downed bear, but the same cannot be said for the trio of foxes. As Angus collides with the shadow fox he is met with equal resistance, sending Angus backwards and falling onto Ictus with a downward thrust elbow. The creature doesn't seem to have what it takes to stand back up, and the thug dumps the bag in it's face and helps their friend up, who begins to work with him to work the creature into the net.

Ictus grunts as he is interupted and shakes his head as Angus falls on top of him, "H-hey! What do you two think you're doing!" he struggles to get out from under Angus in hopes of getting to the thugs

Ictus grunts as he is interrupted and shakes his head as his brother falls on top of him, "H-hey! What do you two think you're doing!" he struggles to get out from under his Samual in hopes of getting to the thugs who are trying to get away with his brother... Again...