Miners in Peril - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
A rather bulky mole stands at the entrance to the silvervein pass, talking to a female Taipan. The closer one gets to him the more evident his distressed tone becomes. "It just fell on em, broke poor Johnny's leg! We gotta get them outta there fast!" the mole cries and the young snake nods in agreement. The mole practically dances in place as he spouts off worries and the urgency of the situation over and over again.
Nemoric wanders over toward the mole and taipan, looking about and assuming one of them may have called for help with the miners. As he gets closer assuming its the mole, "So how many are down there?"
A shadow crosses the ground over those who have gathered. Looking up would reveal that the Iguana-dragon has arrived on the scene and is in the process of landing nearby. After folding his wings he steps over and asks, "What's the situation?"
Peril trots after Nemoric, sticking close to the big tiger, her tail down and ears back as she looks over the area, while her hands run nervously back and forth over her forearms which are pressed to her belly. "This seems like the kind of situation where the small one gets sent into a cold dark space because she is the only one that will fit. I don't like those kind of situations. It nearly got me blown up last time"
The mole looks to Nemoric and exclaims "8 of them, my whole crew! I could hear their crys of agony, they'll be gone if we don't get them out!" The mole looks around at the group and pivots in place, hurrying off into the pass. "Come on! We can still save them!" he says dashes off. The snake tilts her head and hurries quickly.
Nemoric moves after the mole as well, pondering if earth magic wouldhelp with the cave in, looking to peril after ruffling her ears, "Then why come if you were worried about that?"
Mazurek passes his gaze over the other two present while the mole and snake hurry off, "I'm sorry to hear you were nearly blown up. I'd love to stay and hear about it, but I guess we can't tarry any longer." He follows the group, taking the rear guard unless Peril takes that role.
Peril sighs and grumbles but follows quickly after the others, hurrying to keep up as best she can while swatting at the tigers paw "Hey, If people are in danger of loosing their lives I'm not above doing something I don't like to help out."
The mole leads the group with a "Come on stop your squawking!" as he rounds a corner and into a cave. He immediately returns to view followed by two Howling Elementals. Bite begins prepping some form of magic as the mole dives for cover.
Nemoric blinks and just laughs as he begins prepping another form of magic to hit the elementals with as well. Though yeah his is actually explosive force.
Mazurek is not knowledgable about who is using what magics unless there is some verbal warning given beforehand. When the elementals appear he leaves his place at the back and rushes right in at them. Seems they've picked up an unarmed combatant, for his first move is simply to punch the things.
Peril stops in her tracks, standing well behind the others at the first hint of trouble. Dropping into a crouch and starting to summon up her own magical energies, ordering the forces and channelling them towards those in front of her to aid in their own attacks, which is notably useless to the person rushing into the line of fire.
Bite unleashes her spell and the area around the creatures is engulfed in crackling flames. "Sssweetie get back." she hisses as she realizes one of the group has run up on the elementals. The elementals themselves both resort to their namesakes, letting loose a threatening howling duet. The mole seems to have taken up a pick axe, although he stands behind Peril as he shouts out orders. "Come on we're wasting time!" he cries.
Nemoric releases a different but controls explostion right between the howling elementals tring to throw them apart from each other and interupt the howling duet they have unleashed to give others time to work on them indivdually.
The dragon was in the midst of the flames when they suddenly appeared around even him. His draconic nature protects him from the blast, yet causes the shorts he wears to have damage of its own, "Shut that mole up or he can go in on his own!" He does not back down from his attacks, proceeding into a series of kicks directed over one of the elementals.
Peril watches the elementals get roasted and the dragon go diving right in the claim all the glory, quickly giving up on channelling energies rising back to an upright posture, her hips tipping to one side as her weight shifts to one leg and a hand falls to rest on her thigh "I am not sure we should be taking a dragon down into the mine, and using fireballs and the like when we may be dealing with gas pockets also seems tricky" Her thoughts may or may not be lost in the midst of battle, but with things seemingly well in hand there isn't much for the cat to do but act as moral support
The miners orders come out softer but do not stop as he hears Mazurek. Bite preps a second spell and the fires intensify, the creatures inside scorched and torn by the assault of magic. They offer a futile set of strikes at Mazurek before one crumbles to ash beneath his heel. The other is quick to follow even without an encouraging boot to the head, and the mole rushes past the dying flames into the cave. "We have to hurry we lost time!" he cries out. The snake sighs and hurries after him.
Nemoric shrugs a bit and follows after adressing peril's questions as he follows, "Well if more mine falls in he can help dig us out? Who knows what will happen."
Mazurek does not respond to Peril's comments until the two elementals are dealt with, which doesn't take long in the first place, "Thanks for the utter lack of confidence, miss. I'm not the one tossing fireballs here." He snorts and follows the rest down into the tunnels, his shorts actually smoking from the intensity of the flames he was dancing in. He drops to all fours if his ten foot height proves to be a problem.
Peril glances about as the second foe falls, making sure nothing else was rushing to join the fray before running forward to join the moles in the mine, eager to lend aid where it might gain her favour later. "Oh believe me. I don;t have confidence in anyone when it comes to going down into small, enclosed space which could potentially be blown up with the smallest spark. Lets just try and save these people"
Ictus rushes in at the sounds of battle and blinks as he sees it's over, "Well... I see you can take care of yourselves out here." he chuckles a bit and looks around, "Where are you guys headed?"
The mole does not stop to greet Ictus, leading Bite and the others down a winding path of rocks and darkness. He occasionally stops the group to keep them from crossing paths with a kark or jarl, seemingly trying to avoid future conflict on the way to their destination. He motions to rather unstable looking portion of the cave and points down a small hole. "We dug this out recently, it's safe trust me. They're just a little further." he says as he hops down and waves the others to follow. Bite lowers her body down gently and tails the mole.
Nemoric archs a brow a brow at the hole but shrugs and follows after. If a mole doesn't know if its stable enough for so many than how the hell would he. Besides miners should know their job well enough.