The Golden City - Tour - RPLOG

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The sun is shining on the damp grass and dripping fronds of the jungle foliage. It is a fine morning after a long, rainy night.

"Rise and shine, heroes!" comes a thick voice from the common area between tents, "Breakfast is hot and our chaperone is taken care of! Best to get a move on!"

Kazel opens the flaps of her tent and comes out of it, already in full gear. "Chaperone? I don't think anyone has mentioned one of those before." She raises an eyebrow, but shrugs and makes her way to where the voice came from.

Cassidy slips out of the tent, setting her hat on her head as she stretches out, greeting the day with a yawn and a clean suit. "What's this about breakfast?"

Zuri stumbles out if the tent he's sharing with Rokarion, the small salamander stretching and yawning loudly , then doing a few short hops to shake away the laziness. He peers about, then darts off towards the promised breakfast .

Rokarion gets out of the tent following Zuri, clad in his usual attire and all ready for the trip.

Olloch, the obese boar Spirit is waiting outside with a small pile of six packs along with a tray stacked with steaming pastries. Savory and sweet smells rise from the tray. "I have fruit and I have egg and steak," he says, holding up the tray, "Take your pick. Best to eat as we walk, I think." He gives a tusked grin at Kazel. "You don't think your fluffy nanny would let you all just roam the city, do you?" he asks, shaking his head, "Poor boy is such a stick in the mud! No, I have seen to it that he should be occupied for some time while we do our sight-seeing." The corpulent Spirit has forgone his usual finery and is dressed rather oddly in a loose shirt decorated with large, exotic flowers that hangs open to reveal his prodigeous belly. He also wears a pair of short trousers that cut off below his fat knees along with sandals on his Creator shaped feet. He waves a wide, straw hat at the packs on the ground. "Lunch, of course," he says, "For later." With that, he waddles off toward the jungle path. "Come on then!" he says as he rolls away.

Kazel gives a slow nod to the boar and picks some of the meat and eggs for herself as she sits down with crossed legs. "So, since we are appearantly not opening the vault today, what exactly will we be seeing? Not to talk down onto this city, but I was hoping to get done with the business part of this trip first."

Cassidy raises her brow, glancing back towards the tent. "Well... I guess it won't hurt," she says, taking up some of the breakfast for herself as she starts after the boar, checking to make sure Natska hasn't stayed behind.

Natska slips up next to Cassidy, giving her wife a quick grin. The jaguar is dressed in a suit similar to Cass', with her rapier at her side, and she adjusts her hat before accepting a pastry and starting in on it. "What happened to Fenris?"

Zuri pauses by the offered food with a loud gasp. "Oh wow! Thank you Mister Olloch!" He quickly gathers up an armful of pastries of both meaty and non-meaty varieties. He bites into one of them, which turns out to be a fruit pasty, and wiggles in delight. "So good! Mister Olloch makes the best food." He skips off after Olloch, tail whipping happily behind him. "I think we're going on a sightseeing tour, are we Mister Olloch? I'd *love* to learn more about this place!" Fenris' absence seems to skip his mind, right now.

Rokarion looks at the spirit before he begins moving towards the city, "Said fluffy nanny is our employer, Olloch. And as Kazel said, work comes first. Where is Fenris?" the plant being asked as he sped his pace slightly, "Besides guided tours always leave the best parts out." he comments idly.

Olloch waves a fat hand as they pass through the jungle. " He's fine!" the boar says, "Just off entertaining one of my cousins."

Kazel shrugs and takes a bite of her breakfast before talking again once she swallowed it down. "That does sound likely enough, and without him we can't open the vault." She sighs. "We might as well look around the place, I guess."

Cassidy gives a slow nod, perking up as Natska joins the group. "As long as he's not in any danger, that's alright, I suppose," she says, nibbling on a pastry of her own. "What is there to see in the city, anyway? Is much of it left standing to even see?"

Natska grumbles quietly at Fenris being waylaid, but she's happy enough to get to see the island - she missed the last city, and it's interesting to explore, especially guided by a former resident.

Zuri quickly finishes pastry number one and moves on to number two. He looks around, finally realising they're all talking about Fenris, who's missing. He blinks. He nods at Cassidy's words and skips back to walk alongside Rokarion for a bit as he listens in to the conversation going around him.

Rokarion looks down at Zuri, patting him on the head before looking around, "You have no right to disturb our work without our permission or Fenris's permission." Rokarion says in his usual nonchalant tone, "But since we are going to the city, might as well start exploring properly instead of only getting the highlights."

Olloch leads the way through the great arch leading down into the valley. "Don't be a spoilsport," he admonishes, "I promise, the city is worth it."

Kazel follows behind the spirit and keeps, despite the presence of a 'local', a keen eye on the surroundings, half expecting for something to go wrong today as well.

Cassidy shrugs at that, reaching up to adjust her hat. "Well, I certainly don't mind a chance to explore. I might've liked to handle the business first and spend the rest of the time exploring, but... Well, this works, too."

Natska just quietly nods her head as they follow along after Olloch.

Zuri smiles up at Rokarion. "Just think of how much time we'll have to get lots of scribblings and drawings of the stuff around here! We have plenty of time too right? We have supplies for several days, we have loads of food. It's gonna be great!" He sprints forward again, catching up with Olloch and matching step with him for a bit.

"While we have no idea where Fenris is, and our only assurance is our 'friend' here." Rokarion said looking back at Olloch and shaking his head, "At least we know that spirits won't hurt beings directly most of the time, so at least we can be sure that Fenris is alive." the plant being comments before looking at Zuri and raising a brow.