The Golden City - Departure - RPLOG
Fenris stands at the top of the gangplank of the large airship anchored in the Firmament shipyards. He is talking with the captain, and supervising the final loading of supplies and equipment. "I am sure that the Freeswords I have hired will be here soon, captain," the big tiger says, "We should be ready to set out soon."
Cassidy shuffles along the streets, parasol held over her head and Natska at her side. Dressed in a regal dress, and a large bag slug at her side, she approaches the airship and offers a nod towards Fenris, tail flicking behind her.
Aruc approches the airship with two large bags slung over his shoulders and various gear strapped to his Brown leather jacket. He appears to be struggling to carry the full load of the bags, and looks ready to collapse at any moment. An examination of the overburdened wolf would reveal a sticky black substance clinging to his boots and trousers.
Natska makes her way towards the air ship, at Cass' side. She's dressed in simpler fare, a shirt, jacket, and skirt, and has a pair of heavily overstuffed n large bags over her shoulder. She looks up at the ship as they arrive, then grins and makes her way towards the deck.
Rokarion walks with a slow step towards the airship, the plant being pushing in front of him a small, wooden wheelbarrow filled with the bags and equipment of the two beings. "Hope that I packed enough biscuits to last you through this trip, Zuri." Rokarion said teasingly with a tiny smirk as he looked at the salamander at his side before focusing his attention on the ship.
Kazel catches up to the group in slow steps, looking at her small black book, which she holds in front of her with one hand. She carries a duffle bag on her back, along with several weapons and is wearing a short pair of brown pants and a white blouse in addition to her regular boots. She snaps her book shut and stuffs it into her small satchel before giving everyone a short nod.
Zuri giggles at Rokarion's teasing words. "I can pace myself! And besides, I have a carrot!" He punctuates it by taking a bite from said root veggie and chewing it down eagerly. He peers up as he spots the airship along with Fenris and all the other familiar faces, and offers them an energetic wave in greeting. He turns to Rokarion. "How many cookies did you pack? Just, you know, so I can pace myself properly..."
Fenris shakes his head at the gathering crew. "You would think we were leaving for a month the way you people pack," he says, "This is not a pleasure cruise!" The tiger's disapproving look becomes a welcoming smile. "Welcome aboard anyway," he laughs, "Any extra cargo can stay here. Only take what you need for the next day or so to your cabins at the aft." He turns to the captain and nods. "Ready when you are, Captain," he says, then goes to help the others with their things before the ship sets sail.
"This is what I need," Cassidy says simply as she turns to move off towards her cabin, bag going with her. "I have to be prepared, after all."
Natska frowns at Fenris for a moment, then hefts one of her bags. It clinks. "Armor and weapons for when we get there. It doesn't exactly pack light." She hefts the other bag. "And my travel kit, with everything I need for a few days to a week in the wild, plus my spell crafting tools and research notes, in case they are needed." Then she smiles, and turns to follow Cass.
Aruc trips just before reaching the gangplank. One of his two bags bursting open upon making contact with the dock. A loose assortment of leather strips and metal bits are scattered across the ground as the wolf regains his senses.
Rokarion smiles at the perky salamander as he continues pushing forward before looking at Fenris and shrugging, "We didn't really bring much. Just supplies for three or four days." the plant being answered back before handing Zuri a small box as he picks up some bags and lets the rest of the supplies where Fenris pointed, "No idea, should be about a hundred?" he said with a smirk, "I know, hardly enough for a day."
Kazel shrugs and makes her way towards a cabin. "I only packed essentials." She quickly pulls her book out again and continues her slow pace while reading, even on the ship.
Zuri nods as he collects the box from Rokarion "I'll have to ration it veeery carefully." He smiles at Fenris. "This is mostly medicine stuff and some food, and some biscuits. Just in case, you know!" He pauses as he sees Aruc's rather ungraceful fall and rushes over to help him up.
A pair of sailors quickly join Zuri and get poor Aruc loaded onto the ship along with the others before hauling the gangplank aboard. There are shouts and calls and the ringing of bells as the ship prepares to depart.
"Come meet me in the stateroom once you have stowed the things you will need during the trip," Fenris says, "I'll need to brief you on some of the details of what we will be doing, and it is better that we talk sooner, rather than later."
The cabins themselves are quite small. Just big enough for one bunk (Two beds stacked atop one another) and a pair of trunks in each one. And these are the guest quarters! It seems that three rooms have been set aside for the freeswords, so there is no extra space.
Cassidy looks over the room and nods. "This is plenty. Two beds, all we need," she says, looking towards Natska as she drops her bag on one of the trunks. "Any preference? I'm small enough to fit comfortably in either." She glances back towards the door, prepared to make her way towards the meeting room.
Natska grins at Cassidy and drops her bags near the beds. "I'm sure we'll sort something out, hun." She leans in to kiss Cassidy on the muzzle, then offers her arm to head to the stateroom.
around this time aruc has managed to gather his gear and make his way onto the ship proper. this is of course after missing the full tour.
Rokarion drops the bags he brought with him on the lower bed before looking around the room then back at Zuri, "Well, quite cozy it seems." Rokarion said with a shrug, "Hmmm, I am assuming you will be wanting the top bunk, but we can discuss that later." he says before opening the door of their room and gesturing for Zuri go to the stateroom.
Kazel throws her bag into her room and most of her weapons onto the bottom bunk, only leaving her rapier strapped to her hip. She quickly makes her way to the statesroom, with a hint of annoyance on her face.
Zuri grins at Rokarion. "I'm sure we can discuss it later and-" He interrupts his own sentence to dart into the room. "Dibs on top bunk!" He clambers up as quickly as he can and settles in, claiming it as his own. He reaches into his biscuit tin and grabs himself a victory prize. Biscuit number one!
In the Stateroom, Fenris is waiting with one of the officers, talking quietly. When the others start to arrive, Fenris waves away the sailor and smiles at the group. "Perfect timing!" he says, "I usually like to watch the lift off from on deck, but this is a good second choice." The big tiger indicates the large bank of windows on the far wall of the room. "Join me," he says, "Then we will get down to business."
The bank of windows faces the rear of the ship and shows the receding coast of Firmament. The ship is actually moving quite slowly, which is to be expected of a vessel setting out from port. After just a few moments, there is a whistle signal given from above and Fenris, along with the ships officers present reach out to hold on to affixed bits of furniture and railings.
The ship suddenly lurches forward violently and the rear view starts to recede faster and faster as well as dropping away! Soon, the glittering surface of the Aqua Magna can be seen stretching behind the ship with no wake marring its surface.
Aruc trips on the stairs on the way back! he shouts "it keeps happening!"
Cassidy steps up to the window next to Fenris, ears flicking. "Mmmh. What is there to speak of that you didn't already tell us, Fenris?" She asks, glancing at the tiger. "Did you uncover anything new?"
Natska braces herself when the whistle sounds and she sees others do the same, and once the ship has steadied she relaxes and gives Fenris a nod. She joins them at the window, watching the ocean, then looks to Fenris. "I remember you had... secret information."
noticing that the airship has begun its journey decides to set aside his cumbersome bags in favor of exploring the ship.
Rokarion leans on one of the walls when he hears the whistles, motioning for Zuri to do the same before he looks at Fenris and giggles, "Oh, secret information? Always love when employers hide something until you can't turn back. I think you are picking some bad habits from the spirits, Fenris." the plant being says in a teasing tone before stretching his arms, "So what information do you have?"
Kazel crosses her arms and smirks at Rokarion while moving her wings a bit. "Talk about yourself about the unable to return part." She chuckles silently into her hand. "I jest, but it is starting to become a regular thing, is it not?"
Zuri hops towards Rokarion and does as he is instructed to, leaning against the wall for support and giggling as the ship does its quick lurch forward. "Woooo, awesome!" He holds onto Rokarion as he peers over at Fenris, listening in quietly.
"No secrets," Fenris says, "Just a briefing on what we will be doing." The tiger gives a bow as the captain enters the stateroom, the ship on its way. "Our captain has agreed to take us straight to our destination, rather than stopping in Shralesta and leaving us to make our own way," he explains, "Which will significantly reduce our travel time. Unfortunately, the ship will not be able to stay. We will be left on an uninhabited island with no outside contact for a week before the ship will be able to return. If this is unacceptable to you, then I welcome you to enjoy the rest of your flight relaxing at my expense." He looks around the table at the others.
Cassidy glances at Natska for a moment, then back towards Fenris. "Then perhaps we should go to Shralesta, first. And ensure that we have a means of transportation. How far off the coast is it?" She asks, settling her hands on her hips. "Not that it matters much I suppose. I'm sure we can turn it into a vacation once business is done."
Natska quietly snorts. "It should be fine," she replies, smiling. "We'll all get along."
Aruc is still aimlessly wandering the airship. Unaware of any important information that he may be missing out on. while rounding a corner he mumbles to himself, "atleast i did not drop the alchemy suplies in the other bag, stuff is so volitile it might have set the whole dock aflame..."
Rokarion raises a brow at Kazel, "Metaphorical, not physical, missie." the plant being answers back before resting a hand on the head of the salamander clinging to him, "Hmmm, so a whole week in some ancient ruins. Doable...but now I am assuming that we might get a spirit to heckle us while we are there for that long."
Kazel grins at the jasmine for a second before turning her attention towards the tiger. "Sounds simple enough, one week is not much for a little camp out in the wilds. Anything we need to know about those ruins?"
Zuri pouts. "One hundred biscuits isn't going to be anywhere near enough for a week!" He maintains the pout for a few more seconds, then giggles. "That's okay, I expected this would last long, hence all the medcine and supplies Rokarion and I prepared for this."
"The city is empty," Fenris says, smiling a little at Zuri's joke, "Navigating the city will not be an issue. I have seen most of it. I do not know what sort of wildlife we can expect and I know almost nothing beyond the doors of the vault, but we should be able to handle anything on the island. As for Spirits? I have no doubt they will take an interest in us. This is one of the places their own war started, after all."
Cassidy glances at Natska and nods. "Depending on how far it is, we might even be able to slip back to Shralesta on our own! We'll have to see. But certainly, it'll go fine either way, I am sure."
Natska perks her ears at Fenrus' statement, turning to fully face the tiger. "Tell me more? What happened there?"
Rokarion rubs his chin and nods his head, "That sounds interesting. How told you about it in the first place?" the plant being asked before kneeling near Zuri and whispering something in his ear.
Kazel simply nods slowly and leans back onto a wall behind her, while she lets her eyes wander over the assembled group. The bat bites her lower lip, but then shrugs.
Zuri listens to Rokarion's whisper, then pecks a quick kiss at his cheek. His big bright smile doesn't fade as he turns his attention back to Fenris. "Oh, I didn't know there was a spirit war." He nibbles on his lip thoughtfully, recalling an encounter with Ser'Ther that did not end very amicably..
"It was a long time ago, Zuri," Fenris says, "But they hold long grudges." He looks to Cassidy. "The island lies a little more than a day of sailing away from the Jade Coast," he says, "The city was once the center of a great empire. One that had a long, proud history and a short, ignoble end."
Cassidy raises her brow at that. "Really? I thought it'd be closer to Shralesta. Well then. Guess we'll be stuck there," she says, nodding at Natska. "But that's fine. I'm sure we can set up a little camp on the beach and make due."
Natska catches Kazel looking her way and flashes the bat a cheerful smile. Her ears perk at Zuri's question and she gives him a little nod. "It is the whole reason there is a Corrupt Court, and not just Life and Elemental. And why they do not get along today." She smiles faintly again, then looks down at the deck, pondering.
Rokarion nods his head, standing up after Zuri kissed him before rubbing his chin, "Indeed, a war so destructive it spelled the end of the ancients' civilization. Spirits take their rules quite seriously."
Kazel give Rokarion a small nod before staring at the ceiling for a moment. "Are we searching for anything or is it just general exploration?"
Zuri nods quickly at each being in turn. "Let's make triple sure we don't start anything while we're there then huh?" He salamander siezes another biscuit as he listens in.
Fenris shakes his head at Kazel. "No, no exploring at all," he explains, "There is nothing left in the city. It was a ruin long before even the race that inhabited Promise before us was gone." The tiger produces a pile of carefully sketched drawings and maps and spreads them on the table. "This is the Golden City," he says, pointing out an incomplete city map, "We are not here to map the city or to claim it. We are here only for something locked away in the great vault of the city. According to my source, and yes, Rokarion, it was a Spirit, there is a weapon of some kind that will help us against the Craige sealed there."
Cassidy looks over the maps, leaning forward with a soft hum. "If everything is dead and no one goes there anymore, hopefully that means there will be no resistance. Unless there's pirates using it as a staging ground or something."
Natska gives Cass a small nod. "Mmhm. I would feel safer if we secured the island on the first day, and made sure it was unused."
Rokarion sighs and leans on the railings, "Well nothing new then. But I will be exploring the island once we are done." the plant being said with a smirk, "I got a new sketch book that needs filling."
Meanwhile, aruc lost as ever has wandered back abovedeck. confused and frustrated he shouts "thats it I give up!" After sitting down next to his gear he mutters " ehh, i doubt i ammissing anything important anyways."
Kazel rolls her eyes. "Yes, sounds simple. Abandoned city, probably no opposition." She chuckles. "As if it is ever that simple. Especially with anything where spirits are involved."
Zuri grins at Kazel. "That's the bit where we earn our keep!" He peers up at Rokarion, then back towards Fenris. "Can't think of any more questions..."
Fenris nods and smiles around. "Are there any more questions?" he asks, "If not, I quite enjoy watching the air magicians work. I am sure that you are probably all ready to rest up and prepare. We have a little better than a day aboard before we arrive."
Cassidy shakes her head and flexes her fingers. "No. No questions for now! Do you, Natska?" She asks, looking at the jaguar. "If not, shall we retire to our cabin?"
Natska gives Fenris a small shake of her head, then offers Cassidy her arm. "Certainly, love."
Aruc giving up on giving up has once again begun to wander the ship. after a short bit of exploration he nocices the sound of conversation behind a nearby door. he begins to open the door into the room holding the rest of the groups meeting. He calmly state" i was wandering around the ship looking for you guys. Did Imiss anything of note?"
Rokarion shakes his head, "No questions here either." the plant being says before quickly scooping up Zuri and setting him on his shoulders, "We are going to retire to our room then, have a good night ladies and gents." and with that Rokarion began moving towards the room's exit, the cabins his goal.
Kazel shakes her head. "Nothing left to ask,really." With that the bat makes her way to her cabin as well, rolling her eyes at Aruc who missed the whole conversation.
"Weee!" Goes the small salamander as he's scooped up and put atop the plant being's shoulders. He waves at the gathered beings as he's carted off by Rokarion. "See you in the morning!"
Fenris gathers up his drawings and maps and stows them away in a cupboard as he follows the others out. "I will try to fill you in as we go, Aruc," he says to the confused wolf, "And you really shouldn't wander an airship. It can be dangerous if you wander where you shouldn't. Come on." Looks like the adventure will begin soon.