The Blackback Caper - RPLOG
It is a warm, clear afternoon in the sparkling streets of the castle district. A sleek, black panther dressed in modest finery is leaning against the wall of the Solacious compound wearing a red poppy in the buttonhole of his shirt. That must be the contact. Looks like the same guy from last time.
Lothar walks down the street slowly and purposefully, the skunks once long hair cut short into a bob almost and free of trinkets and such. His cloak pulled tightly around him, he looks rather like a proper noble that wouldn't draw attention in a location such as this! After all, the Solacious hire plenty of Blackback tutors for battle magics and the such, not even to mention for children with specialized learning conditions. Upon seeing the contact though, the skunk moves over a little bit and dips his head to the man, smiling pleasently from under his hood.
Thelergramor would, ironically, just finish up a shift guarding that door that the unit is so fond of in the manor... Wearing dark clothes, but nothing that stands out too badly. Aside from the hood and large assortment of weapons and tools... Heads outside to meet the contact. Wants to keep an eye on the thievery; keep it from getting out of hand. And inform to his superiors later. Maybe. Glances between the skunk and panther, says: "Hey, how's it going?"
Noosha skulks along behind the gang, clad in drab greys that really only serve to highlight her bright pink fur and lavender ruff. Around her waist is a belt full of some of her favorite 'tools'--shivs, lockpicks, a couple strange pouches, what have you--and she carries a long crowbar by the crook as if it were a cane. Those golden eyes glimmer as she spots her favorite mark--er, good friend Thel!--and she shuffles through the mass of knees and legs, appearing amidst everyone. She squints warily at the panther--she always hated working with contacts; they just represented another liability, another link in the chain to weaken--and flashes a pointy smile that doesn't exactly suggest friendly trust of this stranger...
Shliek steps out of a shadowed alley with a grey cloak covering most of his body. His small frame melds well with his surrounding as he approaches, keeping a keen eye on the others nearby.
Kaelli was, quite simply, BORED! As such, when the note of inquiry slithered through the city's seedier sections, the tigress decided that it might be fun. Her attire for the occasion consisted of a long traveling cloak that conceals her leather armour and weaponry; each item carefully tailored to a darkened finish and secured should stealth be on the event schedule. Mismatched eyes scan the area and settle upon faces both familiar and otherwise as the feline notes the contact and those already clustered nearby. A little smiles curves the woman's lips and she shakes her head faintly as she approaches.
Semran having spent most of her day coopes up in the diseased pig drinking. The wolfess more or less jumped at the chance to do a little work, and perhaps earn a nice bundle of coins. So she gathered up her stuff, and swiftly made her way out the door to meet up with the others
The panther nods at the motley gathering. He pulls a small box from within his voluminous coat and opens it. Inside are a number of exquisitely cut soul gems. "Glass," he grunts handing the box off to Lothar, since he is closest. "The genuine articles are over there," he says, nodding across the square at the Blackback Manor, "Seven rare soul gems being kept on display in the Manor's grand foyer." He points at the box he gave to Lothar with a gloved hand. "Replace the gems with these fakes and bring the real ones to me," the panther hefts a bag that jingles with the weight of coin, "I'll have your pay ready. I don't much care how you do it, so long as it get's done. Any questions?"
Lothar blinks slowly as he looks at the box, before he looks at the manor, and then back to the contact. He wanted him to steal from the blacbacks? The young noble skunk just sort of stood there for a moment in thought as he pursed his lips for a moment with contemplation. This was his family that they wanted to steal from, and beyond that a key -legacy- of his family! He knew he should have felt more turning him against this, but with the group here, and some attempts at justification for it the skunk holds the box close as he clears his throat. "Yeah, sure." And with that turns on his foot and steps slightly away from the group as he awaits the others, before tugging up a short little mask over his muzzle.
Thelergramor glances around at the group, pondering... yep. Knows most of them. Might need to keep quiet about this then, doesn't want to screw them over. "Yeah, you sure there're seven? Any idea on the layout or... I've never been in there. Bah, I'll figure it out." Rubbing at his muzzle, in kind of a moral quandary for a few seconds... And gets over it. Seeing Lothar don a mask, The wolf tugs on his hood, makes sure his prosthetic leg is covered, and awaits an answer to his question, while glancing around for anyone who'd recognize him. Aside from those gathered...
A tiny scowl erases Noosha's toothy smile. She was a little wary of ths plan.
"This one has many questions, yes. You know where they are, why do you not do it yourself? If you wish this job to succeed, what are we up against, where is the floorplan, what are the directions? Fate cares not if one lives or dies, and so this one does not trust fate to provide. And..." she squeaks accusingly, whirling about to stare down Lothar, "how does this one know you are not a turncoat, Skunk?" My! Such a big mouth for such a little Hyena.
Shliek narrows his eyes and stays a few feet back from the rest. He remains silent, sizing up the rest of these beings he will sopon be working with.
Theft of soul gems? Well, that felt uniquely dishonest.. Still, it wouldn't do to let any skills fall into disuse, now would it? The tigress maintains a pleasant expression as the thoughts tumble about and when she reaches a decision on the matter, the only change is that her smile increases a sliver. Stepping up beside Thelergramor, the feline gives a little hip bump to the side to nudge the wolf as she notes his concealment measures. "We always seem to meet in such unusual circumstances," she comments in a relaxed and conversational tone. Seeing that the miniature hyena has things quite well covered on the question front, Kaelli simply watched the panther closely.
Semran glances between the two of the group she knows namely Thelergramor, and Lothar. She does this for just a moment before focusing on the panthers words. She rubs her chin, and let's out a slightly dissapointed sigh. As she had been hoping for a job that sounds a little more exciting than stealing a few soul gems. But she then shrugs off her dissapointment. After all a paying job is a paying job. "Sooooooo how much would we be getting paid for this should we pull the job off?" She says while for the most part ignoring the pint sized hyena. As she turns her focus to Thel, and his feline friend. "Well well wellif it isn't the flirtatious wolf from the Inn." She says with a faint grin.
The panther draws a thin rapier and quickly scratches a hexagon into the dust of the street. "This is the grand foyer," he says, "the display cases are here, here, here, and here." He marks out seven Xs along the walls of the hexagon. "There is usually a guard stationed at each case," he says, "Up to you how you take care of them." He sneers at Noosha. "Why stick my neck out," he says, "When I can use yours instead? It will be worth your while, I assure you."
A guard at each case? Lothar tenses for a moment at that as he almost feels his mouth go dry for a second. Now there was no argument, the chance that if he didn't help someone of his family, or a friend could get killed in this heist would be too great. The Skunk narrowing his eyes then as he leans over to look at Noosha as he almost growls out his words through the mask. "Because I am here you pint sized -Shit-! What noble in this damn country would bother stealing from their own house, when they could just walk in and just sell the damned things with less suspicion than answering a request to help a theft? Now cut you're damned mouth before you end up getting the entire city to hear us." The skunk huffing at that as he flicks his tail with irratation and shakes his head. He couldn't act like a noble now, not if he wanted to make sure the ended alright in some regard.
Thelergramor is bumped into by Kaelli, so he answers her first: "Indeed we do. Didn't think it'd be like this, though." A small smirk, as he peers at the layout in the dust. Commits it to memory; which hasn't been too strong lately... Then looks over to Semran. "Yeah, that's me. Don't worry, I'll keep this professional." Isn't really sure it's good to be recognized so easily before a job like this. Shrugs it off and nods at the remainder of the group, Shliek, Noosha and Lothar. "So... the guards. We should be careful how we handle those. Noone needs to die tonight." Doesn't butt in on the exchange between Noosha and Lothar, trusts the skunk, but gets where the hyena is coming from.
Noosha simply blinks at Lothar. Well, he certainly doesn't conduct himself like a noble. She could think of a few arguments why a noble would do that...but her hands were itching to get into action and get on the goods, and there were enough patsies to take the fall if things went south. With a cheery little wink she instead switches to studying the map. One room, seven boxes, seven guards. Too precious for a hired hand to risk his own pelt on. She finishes studying with a nod. "Each with their own guard, each guard looking out for one another. This one believes we should not risk a fight..."
The maned wolfs ears lightly twitch as she listens to the jaguar talk while for the most part focusing on talking to Thel. However she does look down at what their contact had carved into the floor. Easily commiting the pattern to memory before turning her gaze back to Thel. pot
"Well it's simple then... we need to incapacitate the guards silently with a sedative dart or other delivery method.", the bearded dragon says, finally speaking up from beneath his cloak. "A quickly expanding knockout gas, or poisoned needle, pricked into their skin."
"My, my," Kaelli softly muses, her lyrical voice holding an tone of consideration, "That layout certainly complicates things." Much like her rather passive expression, there was no real consternation in the words, merely thoughtfulness. Glancing sidelong at Thel, the tigress then chuckles softly, "Perhaps we should get a drink some time, this particular meeting brings up such curious questions!" For her part, the feline simply seemed amused by the interaction between the skunk and the hyena, though she was glad when the topic returned to strategy. "Is there just the one main entry point?" she queried, glancing back toward their contact. "Any windows, grates or the like?"
The maned wolfs ears lightly twitch as she listens to the jaguar talk while for the most part focusing on talking to Thel. However she does look down at what their contact had carved into the floor. Easily commiting the pattern to memory before turning her gaze back to Thel. "Oh who said I was worried? I am sure you will behave during the job. Otherwise you would be in a lot of trouble, and I would have to scold you." She says as she smirks, and winks at the wolf. Before looking back to the jaguar. "Any idea if the gems are booby trapped?"
"No traps," the panther says, "Only locked cases and guards. Though Blackback guards are not really known for their brain power." He makes three more marks on the impromptu map. "There is the front entrance," he says, "Open until the scholars go to their beds, and two entrances from within the manor itself." He folds his arms and begins to look impatient. "And that is all I have for you," he proclaims, "feel free to back out any time. It's no skin off my tail."
Lothar shakes his head to the panther as he turns and waits for the group as he clears his throat. "No, no. We've got it yes. So when people are ready, we can go... And I am certain I can make up a distraction for the guards, so there shouldn't be a need to fight." The skunk frowning as he looks around. "But a group this size walking in would draw attention."
Thelergramor shrugs, pocketing his hands, pondering pondiferously... "I dunno, sedative could work. Biggest issue is the number of guards. One or two? Easily seducable. Guards get bored. And lonely..." Knows from experience on that one. "But, uh, we might not want to try that. Heh." Really starting to think he doesn't need his weapons; would probably not give a good impression. So, he disarms. Drops all his lethal instruments. Hides them nearby... kind of. Should be fine... "Alright, I'm ready to go." Keeps his hidden wrist crossbow with him. No point being -completely- unarmed. Turns, and answering Kaelli and Semran with a nod, starts towards the Blackback's place.
Noosha absently frowns in thought. "The gems are in an open why are they not in a safebox or a vault? They must be on display. What stops us from entering the chamber as we are?..."
She looks the Panther up and down. "Why not join us? This one is well-experienced with locks...but one needs distractions, and you would do." Another glance at Lothar, a predatory grin creeping up her muzzle. "You too, Skunk. Perhaps you could convince them you are a Blackback, yourself."
"Opening the cases and swapping the gems should be a trivial thing... perhaps we smaller, less noticeable folk among us should take the responsibility of switching the gems, while you taller folk... distract the guards, in whichever way you see best, yes?" The small lizard speaks with a firm confidence towards his capabilities.