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The lion is tall, with a thick and heavy mane and golden fur parted by a few scars though nothing too obtrusive. He wears a light shirt and pants in a dull brow and a heavy leather jacket that has seen better days but still has a lot of life left in it. For some hours he had been hanging out at freeswords in, looking over the comers and goers and talking about a great prize to be had in a distant temple. Gathering together those that are willing to try their luck and accompany him, the lion snatches up a heavy travel sack that has a few oddly dark stains that could be small droplets of blood upon its surface and leads you all out along the road leading north from the city toward the distant Silvervein Pass.

Sally reports for duty, literally, with a crisp salute and Ictus behind her, "Lightbringer unit, reporting for duty. The north is badly infested with the Shadow, you'll want us in case they dare to show their faces." She wields a staff with a lantern hanging off a hook at the end of it.

Ictus hmms? at Sally and nods at that in agreement, "Indeed." he looks at the others curiously as they arrive

Bite smirks, recognizing everything they pass. "So sssweetie, are you bringing us to fight for you?" she giggles and looks over the group. She waves to those she recognizes with a smile.

the lion turned to stare at Sally with a rather baffled expression. Raising a hand to his forehead to slipped his fingers beneath his hat to scratch lightly behind his ear as he spoke in a deep and rumbling tone "Yes. That's great. I'm glad to know you have decides it's a good idea for you to pitch in having only had to follow me half way to our destination." he chuckles softly giving a shrug of his shoulders and letting his hands fall back to his sides with a slap before turning to the pass ahead, an arm rising to gesture toward the narrowing path "I'm hoping there wont be much fighting left to do, but if there is we're better prepared than the others were"

Sally inclines an ear, "Others?" she asks simply enough.

Bite tilts her head and frowns. "What others?" she hisses ahead, feeling as though they were left out on something. Perhaps shadow or traps are llying ahead.

Ictus hmms? and starts to say something before Bite and Sally say what was on my mind

drawing a deep breath and exhaling it as a short, sharp sigh the lion's shoulders sagged, his body slumping forward before he began to plot forward, with head raised and looking about, scanning the surrounding peaks and the cracked walls of stone that loomed in around the narrow pass "Yes. A party has already ventured out here and returned." After a brief pause and with a backward glance over his shoulder "Well... one of them returned."

Sally huffs, "Good. I would be dissapointed if this were too easy a task." She gives her staff a light swing through the air as she walks, "No glory to be found in walking."

Bite shakes her head but nods, slithering at pace with the group. "And may I ask what happened to the others?" she queries, fishing for information that may help them stay alive.

Ictus nods in agreement with Sally and watches the surrounds carefully as he walks along

Moving into the shadows of the pass a chill settles on the air. The blue sky can still be seen overhead though all around dull grey rock saps the warmth from the air. Giving a tug on the strap of the travel sack slung across his shoulder The lion reassured himself with the weight he could feel settling there, and turning back to his companions with a strained smile while still travelling forward into the pass he spoke with all the confidence he could muster "You don't need to worry. I am almost positive there will be little to no danger."

Sally draws her staff back and pops open the small hatch, setting a small fire within with a quick motion before closing it. Lantern lit, she holds the staff properly, allowing the lantern to bob as it pleases, "I've heard that said many times before."

Bite hisses and attempts to stop the other two, trying to bring the party to a halt. "Sssweetie, if something unexpected killed them, then it would be better to know what lies ahead for our own safety. This trek will do no good if the company is lost, or the one who made it before would have stayed and finished what needed to be done."

Ictus looks at the lion and nods in agreement with Bite, "Yeah, it would be best to inform us."

Following the winding path over the rough and seldom travelled trail, the entrance to the pass is soon lost from sight behind pillars of broken rock. All around the steep walls rise shrouding everyone in a gloomy darkness until the lantern is lit. As the lamp burns into life, light bounces off the walls of stone, the darkness retreating instantly though not far, forming tall shadows that stretch out in all direction. Stopping in his tracks and turning back to his companions the lion raised a hand to reach into his inside jacket pocket, fishing out a small heavy bound book bound closed with a bit of string �Well, I want there to see but I can make an educated guess or two� from overhead the sound of tumbling stones can be heard, a cloud of dust rising as a few loose pebbles come cascading down the sides of the pass. No sooner had this happened than the same sound came from the far side and then behind.

Sally swings her staff, light dancing about as she tries for a better view, "I would guess we are being penned in," she ventures, "No good way to go but forward, to meet our destiny with a unified front." She frowns a little, but isn't looking ready to flee.

Bite watches overhead using what light there is to be had, moving out of the way of anything that would harm her. Soon as the pebbles have fallen she looks ahead of and behind them, tilting her head. Are they sealed in? She begins prepping explosive magics, eyeing for places that she could have an effect on that wouldn't just collapse rocks atop of them.

Ictus blinks as the back way is sealed and grunts as he looks ahead, "No going back now I suppose..." as he draws his sword and unslings his shield

Casting his eyes skyward the large lions body stiffened, his muscles tensing and his hold upon the book and travel bag tightening as he scanned his surroundings looking for any sigh of what cause the disturbance and completely ignoring his immediate surroundings. From the side of the trail a bizarre, shambling mass of shale threw itself forward, tackling the lion from the side and knocking him to the ground. Roughly five foot tall and with four distinct limbs and a head that lacked any distinct features, it immediately began to clutching and grabbing at the now dazed feline whom it sat on top of while from behind the party two more of the creatures pulled themselves free of the rocky environment from which they were do difficult to distinguish.

What is there to do but to use her staff. Already in hand, Sally moves to drive it in against the side of the creature as her arms begin to glow with soulless power, "Get off of him, damn statue, we need him more than you do by all rights."

Bite takes note of the shale beings location and lets loose her explosive magics, putting a bit of distance between her and the creatures as she does so.

Ictus growls as he turns to charge at one of the two that sneak up on them(Dizzing Pummel)