Preperations for a fest - RPLOG

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Mirana paces about outside the Ironforge Orphanage. She is in her finest and looking.. well.. materinal. She takes a moment and decides to sit down, rubbing on her belly, and sighing, "What could be taking them so long, they were suposed to be here an hour ago!" She explaims, looking around a moment more. Frustration is painted on her face, along with a bit of worry.

Leian wanders up to the orphanage, tilting her head curiously as she approaches, her flute held in her paw as she heads up to Mirana " Is something wrong, Mirana? I was just coming by to play for the orphans."

Hearing that perhaps the orphanage could use a little help, Dio gladly came to the vixen's call, having been helping at location here and there and donating from time to time. He seemed to enjoy the place, but perhaps that's accredited to how much of a cub he is himself! "'ello lass," the lions says, joining up with Mira and the growing group. "Need any 'elp there?"

Eriene pokes her little fuzzy head out from the door. Having heard other beings arrive from inside the front hall, she returns to her mistress' side. She glances around, smiling shyly before looking up at her lady inquiringly, her miscellaneous preparatory tasks inside already completed diligently.

Sveta hadn't exactly planned on going near the orphanage - while she admired children in their own way, they were always a little mysterious and perhaps even frightening to her - she arrived the moment she heard Mirana needed help, arriving to join the small group. "Good evening, Lady Solacious, Dio, Leian," she says, giving each of them a small bow in order. "I heard that some help could be used around here?"

Shaytalis was out in the market when she heard that there was a need for assistance at the nearby orphanage. Storytime again? She approaches and nods to the woman outside, "You are in need of assistance?"

Kialla makes her way in, though, this time she seems to be passing by as she notices the raher large gathering. It's quite a lot of people, with Mira standing in as she moves to listen to what's going on at least, offering Mira a wave in greeting from towards the rear of the crowd. A certain fox in tow.

Angus was definitly following Kialla, but in tow? Not so much. "Heard you needed assistance?" The fox asks, a hand resting on the guard of the long sword at his side. His Rapier replaced for the day as he didn't want to wear anything flashy. "Hello Leian, Dio, Mira, Shaytalis, Eriene...Sveta." After speaking the Goshawks name he pulls down the brim of his hat, hiding his eyes as he takes a step away from her.

Mirana sighs again, and pulls Eriene up into her lap, snuggling with her handmaiden as she talks, "I was trying to organise a fund raiser for the Orphanage, a banquet. But the supplies from Cliffside I ordered havn't come in! They take the most insane route I've ever heard, up into the northern areas of Sweetwater and then down through the pass. I can't imagine why, but that is how they do. Anyway, the supplier is more then two hours late! I would just go find them myself, but... I thought it better to look for others to help me while I keep organising things here." she says, looking back in through the doors to the main hall of the orphange. "Think you can find them sweeties?" she asks, giving particular attention to Angus a moment.

"Ahh, hello lass! It's good to see ya again," Dio greets, turning around to wave at Sveta's arrival. "Though it's a little early for evenin' don't ya think?" After a hearty chuckle, the lion look at the fox-in-tow and waves at him as well. "Greetings there, fox-kit." Crossing his arms, he takes a moment to listen to Mirana's account, nodding after she's finished and slamming a fist into his open palm. "I'll help ya, lass! Anythin' to help the orphanage. Suppose we get a transport 'n' search for 'em on their trail?"

Shaytalis nods, "I know the Cliffside region. Are the supplies located in the city proper, or might they have been delayed along the journey?"

Leian tilts her head slightly " Well, thats quite the difference in plans I had for doing, but sure, I can see what I cannot do, after all, my music would be best played during such a banquet. I might not be very much of use in a fighting situation if such happens, but maybe I can distract whatever may be out there with my playing, and hope for the best, if thats the case."

Eriene nuzzles the vixen, licking the underside of her muzzle affectionately before returning her gaze to the others, her ears perking to listen, hoping there was more for her to do in a bit, always wanting to be useful.

Sveta gives Angus a careful, utterly polite nod, then turns her attention back to the rest of the group. "Pardon me, my dear Lion of Acute Time Sense. A slip of the tongue - I suppose I've been up too late last night. Very well, Lady Solacious. Where should we start looking? I take it isn't far, but if it is, Dio's suggestion of some transport would be appreciated."

Angus nods slowly as he crosses his arms, an ear flicking as he thinks over the situation. "Did the supply caravan give you a map of the route they were taking?" He looks over to Dio and nods, before he turns back to Mirana. "I'll come along and see what I can do."

Kialla gives a gentle coo, "It'll be like its own adventure, plus it'll help out here." she gives, nodding to Angus with a smile. "It should be quite interesting to see what has happened." she offers up as she shifts mosto f her weight onto one food.

Mirana smiles a bit as Eriene licks on her a moment, patting the feline softly, "Well, here is their route.." she says, leaning over to pick through her pack and pull out a map with a red line going along it, up through to the pass and over accross mountain areas to the sea, where it continues most likely into Cliffside. "They could have got lost, stuck, or anything anywhere along that route, so maybe transport would be a good idea, I doubt they would still be in Cliffside though." she says. "If anything I bet they got stuck in the pass somewhere." she says, then, sets Eriene down, "Sweetie, could you go make sure the other food isn't getting cold. I'd hate to get the supplies from Cliffside only to have everything else ruined!" she says, "Anything else you need? I really need these supplies as quickly as I can get them." she says to everyone, smiling a bit, "And.. thank you all." she finishes.

"No problem lass," Dio reassures, nodding at the goshawk. "I long fer the evenings as well. An' hopefully we'll 'ave a nice banquet to look forward to if we do 're jobs right." The lion hovers over the map, taking note of the pass in particular. "'as this pass ever 'ad trouble before? Regardless, I'm ready to go if ya can arrange a cart 'r somethin'." His hands fall upon his blade's handle, where he gives it a small flick for emphasis.

Eriene's eyes sparkle brightly with pleasure up at Mirana. Briefly glancing at the others, she smiles warmly and curtsies in her little dress, mewling in response. "Of course Mistress. I'll go and talk to the kitchen and waitstaff and see if there is any way to preserve that which has already been prepared whilst delaying the rest as much as they can.

Eriene's eyes sparkle brightly with pleasure up at Mirana. Briefly glancing at the others, she smiles warmly and curtsies in her little dress, mewling in response. "Of course Mistress. I'll go and talk to the kitchen and waitstaff and see if there is any way to preserve that which has already been prepared whilst delaying the rest as much as they can." She scampers off to do as her lady bid her, an eagerness and spring in the stepping of her footpaws.