The Arrival - RPLOG

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The Good King has hired each person personally, while he may be injured he has personally requested or sent messangers to each and every person present at the castle gates. A woman stands there, A heavily armored Panda with a heavy tower shield and a Large two handed sword. "Well, I see the Sweet Water forces are still strong in their soulless." She murmurs. Her accent is thick, Cliffsider possibly.

Zevran swoops down to land a few feet away from the Panda. He came as soon as the messenger had informed him of the mission. He takes a moment to look over the Panda as he hears her murmuring. "Not from around here?" He asks. He can't place her accent at first, but its similarity to a Cliffsiders accent leaves him a bit wary of her.

Ryusho would hum softly, the large dragon looking down slightly as he arrived, loaded up of course since he always tries to keep himself ready for both combat, and just in case field repairs and the like, though he then glances over to Zevran, and hums softly, as he adjusts his pack a bit with a glance around

Rainer comes running up well behind Zevran, huffing and panting heavily. As soon as he comes to a halt he has to bend over, planting hands on his knees to brace himself from tipping all the way. "Wait for... wait... for... I... haa... haaaaaah... HAAAAaaah... huff... did I... did I make it...?"

Angus leans on his musket wondering just what is about to happen as he followed the dragon here. He looks over at Rainer. "Out of breath already?"

Ryyn walks up to the group in padded armor with a small medicine pouch on his side, with a short bow and musket on his back. As he came up to the group he nodded a little

The panda shakes her head. "Of course I'm not." She says softly while adjusting. "But, the good king has asked for assistance. And I'm here to assist. There is a cavern near here that has recently opened up through the attacks of my forces." she adjusts alittle while smiling. "I will show you where it is."

Zevran becomes very suspicious as the panda admits to not being from Sweetwater, and mentions her forces. "A Cliffsider then? Why would you agree to help us? What's in it for you?" He asks warily. He doesn't seem very willing to follow this Panda.

Rainer pushes up to his full height... for all of about three seconds before slumping forward again, shoulders and chest still rising and falling with his every laboured breath. He fires off a Look at Angus but promptly turns his attention to the armoured panda. Though he frowns, he seems content to let Zevran do the talking.

Angus smiles at Rainer before turning his attention to the Panda as well. He checks his equipment making sure his pouch of medicines is secure just in case and that his knife was sharp.

Ryyn turns to the group thinking its pretty obvious why she is helping "more than likely she is in it for the money or the benefits it will grant her, or else she wouldn't go with a group of this large of enemy troops" he shoots the panda a glance

Ryusho hums softly, "...Unless of course she was also confident, or it could of been a trap, but considering the fact that the messages we received were from the Good King himself...I would say we shouldn't need to worry about that too much...."

The woman remains neutral. "There are many groups with in Cliffside. Do you honestly believe that we are all out for power and glory?" She questions with a hmms. Then she begins walking, letting the group follow or not, But she is heading where she was asked to go.

Zevran continues to gaze at the Panda warily."Do you honestly want me to answer that?" He quips back, but follows behind the Panda silently. The information about diffent factions in Cliffside makes him think back to the time some other Cliffsiders helped him out, but he shook his head to clear the memory so he could focus. He doesn't trust the Panda, but still, keep you enemies closer and all that.

Angus give Ryyn a very vulpine smile. "Are you saying that we arn't here for the money?" He jokes as they follow her. Not really know much about the Cliffsiders other then that most of them are trouble.

Ryusho shifts and looks to the others, "..I'm kinda here for the Good King." he says simply, "...Considering he sent for me rather spesifically..." he then says

Rainer looks about the rest of the group with a shrug before he sets off after the panda, using the hilts of his two swords as makeshift armrests as he plods along. "Who'm I to refuse a request from a king, after all?" he inquires of no one imparticular.

Ryyn grins in reply to hte other fox before extending his paw in a hand shake "I'm in it for the money of coarse, Ryyn is the name by the way"

The trip out of the city leads them to a ten man armed unit. All Cliffsiders. "Report back. I have it from here. It is my families duty." She nods as the ten warriors take off. "Now, I do hope you all have horses. It is quite a ride from here."

Zevran watches the exchange between the Panda and soldiers with interest. He is curious about the Panda's reference to her family, but stays quiet for now. In response to her question, he stretches his wings and flaps them a few times.

Angus shakes the offered hand. "I'm Angus it's good to see another fox around here." He shoulders his musket and glances at the Panda as he hears something about horses.

"Um..." Rainer speaks up, since this is one instance where Zevran isn't going to, "Nnnooo?" He gestures around, as if to indicate his general lack of horse-have.

Ryyn shrugs hearing the panda "I don't have a horse but I could probably steal one" grins a little at the thought as he handles the hilt of a small knife on his belt.

The panda sighs. "Then ask your guard, I'm quite sure the King would have assigned a detachment of forces for you." She comments softly while adjusting alittle more. "I shall wait."

Zevran glances towards the others in the group who don't have the ability to fly. "I'm Zevran." He offers as a late introduction to the two foxes. "Hrm...and what is your name?" He asks the Panda as he waits to see how the others will deal with their horseless situation.

Ryusho chuckles softly in thought, a horse for him? that would be interesting...then again that probably means he would need to change out of his dragon form, so he would need to be ready to re- adjust his clothes to his new size a bit for that, otherwise well, they may have horses, he would have to ask about that with the guard...right?

"Rainer." the cloaked wolf murmurs as he wanders past the group and to the gate. Eventually he returns, four horses in tow, though he keeps looking them over with uncertainty. Probably never ridden one before, himself~

Angus waves to Zevran before looking at the horses. He looks over at Ryyn and trys to hide a smile. "Is it sad that I have a friend for a horse and I'm about to ride one?"

Ryyn sweatdrops a little at the wolf "You stole the horses before I even had a chance"

The panda waits quitely now, and once the other soulless have gotten their rides. "Are we ready yet?" She questions. The direction she is facing seems to be alittle dark, something is up in that direction.

Ryusho hums softly, mounted up on one of the more -sturdy- horses, since he has his gear and all, as he looks around, though not much for riding them, he has ridden them a bit, back when he was in his required military service, and besides, he can't fly for extended times, so he is just Tegu right now, not Tegu-dragon....maybe he should try to become a tegu-dragon-grifffon-thing or something in the future, who knows....