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<div></div><br> <br>It's a quiet evening - not many beings wouldconsider trudging through the sewers let alone the far more treacherous tunnels, leaving them quiet enough for beings to traverse without many problems - especially with a little assistance from the academics holed up in their safe room.
The group's grown from the three that were once present, now including a handful of freeswords in its own right, Selena present if only to discuss something or another with other beings from the academy. There's a generally spirited atmosphere despite the gloom, a quiet cheer rising from the group as a trio of beings lug in a mostly-intact but powered down servitor.<br> <br>A flick of the tail, a rumble from Flora's muzzle as she shakes the assorted crap out of her fur, inadvertently wetting any poor being that dares stand too close to her with raw sewage.
Her twin tails twitch lightly behind her, and her eyes cast around the area. The servitor is observed for a moment, and it almost looks like Flora is planning to just take it apart then and there to figure out how it works, although she still holds her ground. "Flora did not enjoy the sewers, no... Not a nice place to be," she murmurs, ears folded back faintly.<br> <br>Sveta enters the chamber at Flora's side, the goshawk's huge tower shield strapped to her back but ready to be unslung at a moment's notice. Thankfully, she hasn't had cause to use it yet, and leans on her spear as she surveys the familiar surroundings.
"It's not that bad," she tells the tigress. "The water may smell a little funny, but it's already clean. It's not as if we really discharge raw sewage into the sea..."<br> <br>Some of the beings murmur amongst themselves as Flora and her entourage approach, whether out of respect, derision or surprise is hard to tell, though such is the price of fame.
Selena doesn't seem to notice immediately - perhaps because of the new acquisition or because of the discussion, but it doesn't take too much effort from one a water clan axolotl to bring her out of the conversation and over to the group. "Flora, Sveta. Good to see you both. I haven't been down here in a while, but nothing's changed." She greets with a half smile. "It's an impressive place, if you mind the lost - the servitors tend not to make as much of a problem of themselves."
"Anyway, I should get to the point. Since you're looking for the spark, the best place would probably be here or one of the old rooms the team here found when they were exploring. It's your choice, honestly, and in the worst case it's a backup plan, but... I can't guarantee anything."<br> <br>Flora mumbles and shakes her head again. "Flora doesn't like water... And smelly water is... Worse, yes," she mumbles, her ears folded back, before she looks towards Selena, silently.
"Flora... Thinks further away is better, yes," she mumbles, her head canted lightly... "Flora thinks that if this... Spart would appear here, it already would've, maybe, yes..."<br> <br>Sveta cocks her head at Flora's words, but shrugs in her usual nonchalant manner. "I don't think I have anything to add to that," she says. "The Undertunnels are still full of danger, but it's nothing the three of us couldn't handle. Besides, I don't get self-conscious that easily, but all these folks staring at us is probably going to create quite a bit of 'noise', as you put it. Wouldn't suggest going all the way down into the limestone caverns, but somewhere...I don't know, inspiring would be appropriate, I think."<br> <br>Selena nods back to the cat, making a sympathetic face of her own - it's fairly plain she's not terribly fond of the sewers either. "If we knew of any entrance from the ground that didn't involve them, I'd have told you about it. And I'm only going to say this once - we're NOT going into the caverns." The wolfess replies, biting her lip.
"That said, there's probably a few options. I'm not sure what to look for exactly, but there's a machine room - though I'm told it's fairly hot because of the steam pipes that are under it - an old library that was found in one of the last expeditions I was on here... It might be a stretch, but there's also a piece of walkway in the lower ruins that runs between the upper floor and some more of the broken steam pipes. If there's a place you want to start in particular..."<br> <br>"If this... Spark is the spirit of discovery, the library wouldn't work, no. Libraries hold known knowledge, not new knowledge... Flora doesn't suppose there are labs?" she mumbles for a moment, before raising a brow curiously... "What's in the machine room and walkway? Why... Why is the walkway interesting?" she mumbles, her tails flicking lightly.<br> <br>"Not as has been discovered, I'm afraid. The machine room is...full of parts, but unfortunately no one's figured out how to actually get to them through the barrier. The servitors pass through it just fine, but any beings are repulsed and the wall's too hard to chip away at. Not to mention that doing so would be just short of sacrilegious.
"As for the walkway...I'm not sure it's so much of a discovery as it is an inspiring sight, albeit dangerous. You do have to see it for yourself to understand what I'm trying to get at."<br> <br>There's a brief bit of attention directed to Sveta at mention of the mere word 'sacrilegious', though little more than a scowl from a machine priest that's directed to Selena shortly afterward - the wolfess rolling her eyes as slightly. "Anyway.  Sveta's right. The beings here haven't found any laboratories here. It's a bit odd when you consider the scope of the place, too - it seems to be the only thing this place doesn't have."
The wolfess moves through the door an motions for the others to follow, adding, "The machine room could make for a good detour if we're heading to the walkway, though. It might prove interesting to take a look while we're here."
One of the other beings towards the exit - that same axolotl from before - speaks up abruptly; "Lost patrols haven't been coming too far up, so... So you should, er, be safe unless you go to the caverns, miss. A-and you as well, Ladies Longtail, ma'am." The meek being flushes embarrassedly as though speaking out of turn, fidgeting a little and shifting back. "Sorry. Sorry. U-um.. I'll just be... Over here..." And then suddenly they're back again, pushing a map of the area towards Sveta and Flora insistently. "But take this anyway! Ladies Longtail, before you go."<br> <br>A nod, a tailflick, and a smile towards the Axolotl, as if trying to reassure him. Soon enough, she's  taken the map offering another thankful smile towards him. "Flora appreciates the thought, yes. Anything else Flora should keep in mind?"
Soon after, she turns back to Selena, nodding faintly. "Sounds good to Flora, yes yes."<br> <br>"It's your decision, Flora," Sveta replies. "If we have a map, then getting there is much easier now. Although I do wonder just how long it took to map out those tunnels. That labyrinth is a potential deathtrap." She adjusts the weight of her shield. "I'm just here to keep you safe, in addition to your little kitten there." She points at Bastet. "Want to lead, Selena? I'll bring up the rear."

Revision as of 16:23, 29 April 2014





It's a quiet evening - not many beings wouldconsider trudging through the sewers let alone the far more treacherous tunnels, leaving them quiet enough for beings to traverse without many problems - especially with a little assistance from the academics holed up in their safe room.

The group's grown from the three that were once present, now including a handful of freeswords in its own right, Selena present if only to discuss something or another with other beings from the academy. There's a generally spirited atmosphere despite the gloom, a quiet cheer rising from the group as a trio of beings lug in a mostly-intact but powered down servitor.

A flick of the tail, a rumble from Flora's muzzle as she shakes the assorted crap out of her fur, inadvertently wetting any poor being that dares stand too close to her with raw sewage.

Her twin tails twitch lightly behind her, and her eyes cast around the area. The servitor is observed for a moment, and it almost looks like Flora is planning to just take it apart then and there to figure out how it works, although she still holds her ground. "Flora did not enjoy the sewers, no... Not a nice place to be," she murmurs, ears folded back faintly.

Sveta enters the chamber at Flora's side, the goshawk's huge tower shield strapped to her back but ready to be unslung at a moment's notice. Thankfully, she hasn't had cause to use it yet, and leans on her spear as she surveys the familiar surroundings.

"It's not that bad," she tells the tigress. "The water may smell a little funny, but it's already clean. It's not as if we really discharge raw sewage into the sea..."

Some of the beings murmur amongst themselves as Flora and her entourage approach, whether out of respect, derision or surprise is hard to tell, though such is the price of fame.

Selena doesn't seem to notice immediately - perhaps because of the new acquisition or because of the discussion, but it doesn't take too much effort from one a water clan axolotl to bring her out of the conversation and over to the group. "Flora, Sveta. Good to see you both. I haven't been down here in a while, but nothing's changed." She greets with a half smile. "It's an impressive place, if you mind the lost - the servitors tend not to make as much of a problem of themselves."

"Anyway, I should get to the point. Since you're looking for the spark, the best place would probably be here or one of the old rooms the team here found when they were exploring. It's your choice, honestly, and in the worst case it's a backup plan, but... I can't guarantee anything."

Flora mumbles and shakes her head again. "Flora doesn't like water... And smelly water is... Worse, yes," she mumbles, her ears folded back, before she looks towards Selena, silently.

"Flora... Thinks further away is better, yes," she mumbles, her head canted lightly... "Flora thinks that if this... Spart would appear here, it already would've, maybe, yes..."

Sveta cocks her head at Flora's words, but shrugs in her usual nonchalant manner. "I don't think I have anything to add to that," she says. "The Undertunnels are still full of danger, but it's nothing the three of us couldn't handle. Besides, I don't get self-conscious that easily, but all these folks staring at us is probably going to create quite a bit of 'noise', as you put it. Wouldn't suggest going all the way down into the limestone caverns, but somewhere...I don't know, inspiring would be appropriate, I think."

Selena nods back to the cat, making a sympathetic face of her own - it's fairly plain she's not terribly fond of the sewers either. "If we knew of any entrance from the ground that didn't involve them, I'd have told you about it. And I'm only going to say this once - we're NOT going into the caverns." The wolfess replies, biting her lip.

"That said, there's probably a few options. I'm not sure what to look for exactly, but there's a machine room - though I'm told it's fairly hot because of the steam pipes that are under it - an old library that was found in one of the last expeditions I was on here... It might be a stretch, but there's also a piece of walkway in the lower ruins that runs between the upper floor and some more of the broken steam pipes. If there's a place you want to start in particular..."

"If this... Spark is the spirit of discovery, the library wouldn't work, no. Libraries hold known knowledge, not new knowledge... Flora doesn't suppose there are labs?" she mumbles for a moment, before raising a brow curiously... "What's in the machine room and walkway? Why... Why is the walkway interesting?" she mumbles, her tails flicking lightly.

"Not as has been discovered, I'm afraid. The machine room is...full of parts, but unfortunately no one's figured out how to actually get to them through the barrier. The servitors pass through it just fine, but any beings are repulsed and the wall's too hard to chip away at. Not to mention that doing so would be just short of sacrilegious.

"As for the walkway...I'm not sure it's so much of a discovery as it is an inspiring sight, albeit dangerous. You do have to see it for yourself to understand what I'm trying to get at."

There's a brief bit of attention directed to Sveta at mention of the mere word 'sacrilegious', though little more than a scowl from a machine priest that's directed to Selena shortly afterward - the wolfess rolling her eyes as slightly. "Anyway. Sveta's right. The beings here haven't found any laboratories here. It's a bit odd when you consider the scope of the place, too - it seems to be the only thing this place doesn't have."

The wolfess moves through the door an motions for the others to follow, adding, "The machine room could make for a good detour if we're heading to the walkway, though. It might prove interesting to take a look while we're here."

One of the other beings towards the exit - that same axolotl from before - speaks up abruptly; "Lost patrols haven't been coming too far up, so... So you should, er, be safe unless you go to the caverns, miss. A-and you as well, Ladies Longtail, ma'am." The meek being flushes embarrassedly as though speaking out of turn, fidgeting a little and shifting back. "Sorry. Sorry. U-um.. I'll just be... Over here..." And then suddenly they're back again, pushing a map of the area towards Sveta and Flora insistently. "But take this anyway! Ladies Longtail, before you go."

A nod, a tailflick, and a smile towards the Axolotl, as if trying to reassure him. Soon enough, she's taken the map offering another thankful smile towards him. "Flora appreciates the thought, yes. Anything else Flora should keep in mind?"

Soon after, she turns back to Selena, nodding faintly. "Sounds good to Flora, yes yes."

"It's your decision, Flora," Sveta replies. "If we have a map, then getting there is much easier now. Although I do wonder just how long it took to map out those tunnels. That labyrinth is a potential deathtrap." She adjusts the weight of her shield. "I'm just here to keep you safe, in addition to your little kitten there." She points at Bastet. "Want to lead, Selena? I'll bring up the rear."