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<div></div><br> <br>The lion is tall, with a thick and heavy mane and golden fur parted by a few scars though nothing too obtrusive. He wears a light shirt and pants in a dull brow and a heavy leather jacket that has seen better days but still has a lot of life left in it. For some hours he had been hanging out at freeswords in, looking over the comers and goers and talking about a great prize to be had in a distant temple. Gathering together those that are willing to try their luck and accompany him, the lion snatches up a heavy travel sack that has a few oddly dark stains that could be small droplets of blood upon its surface and leads you all out along the road leading north from the city toward the distant Silvervein Pass.<br> <br>Sally reports for duty, literally, with a crisp salute and Ictus behind her, "Lightbringer unit, reporting for duty. The north is badly infested with the Shadow, you'll want us in case they dare to show their faces." She wields a staff with a lantern hanging off a hook at the end of it.<br> <br>Ictus hmms? at Sally and nods at that in agreement, "Indeed." he looks at the others curiously as they arrive<br> <br>Bite smirks, recognizing everything they pass. "So sssweetie, are you bringing us to fight for you?" she giggles and looks over the group. She waves to those she recognizes with a smile.<br> <br>the lion turned to stare at Sally with a rather baffled expression. Raising a hand to his forehead to slipped his fingers beneath his hat to scratch lightly behind his ear as he spoke in a deep and rumbling tone "Yes. That's great. I'm glad to know you have decides it's a good idea for you to pitch in having only had to follow me half way to our destination." he chuckles softly giving a shrug of his shoulders and letting his hands fall back to his sides with a slap before turning to the pass ahead, an arm rising to gesture toward the narrowing path "I'm hoping there wont be much fighting left to do, but if there is we're better prepared than the others were"<br> <br>Sally inclines an ear, "Others?" she asks simply enough.<br> <br>Bite tilts her head and frowns. "What others?" she hisses ahead, feeling as though they were left out on something. Perhaps shadow or traps are llying ahead.<br> <br>Ictus hmms? and starts to say something before Bite and Sally say what was on my mind<br> <br>drawing a deep breath and exhaling it as a short, sharp sigh the lion's shoulders sagged, his body slumping forward before he began to plot forward, with head raised and looking about, scanning the surrounding peaks and the cracked walls of stone that loomed in around the narrow pass "Yes. A party has already ventured out here and returned." After a brief pause and with a backward glance over his shoulder "Well... one of them returned."<br> <br>Sally huffs, "Good. I would be dissapointed if this were too easy a task." She gives her staff a light swing through the air as she walks, "No glory to be found in walking."<br> <br>Bite shakes her head but nods, slithering at pace with the group. "And may I ask what happened to the others?" she queries, fishing for information that may help them stay alive.<br> <br>Ictus nods in agreement with Sally and watches the surrounds carefully as he walks along<br> <br>Moving into the shadows of the pass a chill settles on the air. The blue sky can still be seen overhead though all around dull grey rock saps the warmth from the air. Giving a tug on the strap of the travel sack slung across his shoulder The lion reassured himself with the weight he could feel settling there, and turning back to his companions with a strained smile while still travelling forward into the pass he spoke with all the confidence he could muster "You don't need to worry. I am almost positive there will be little to no danger."<br> <br>Sally draws her staff back and pops open the small hatch, setting a small fire within with a quick motion before closing it. Lantern lit, she holds the staff properly, allowing the lantern to bob as it pleases, "I've heard that said many times before."<br> <br>Bite hisses and attempts to stop the other two, trying to bring the party to a halt. "Sssweetie, if something unexpected killed them, then it would be better to know what lies ahead for our own safety. This trek will do no good if the company is lost, or the one who made it before would have stayed and finished what needed to be done."<br> <br>Ictus looks at the lion and nods in agreement with Bite, "Yeah, it would be best to inform us."<br> <br>Following the winding path over the rough and seldom travelled trail, the entrance to the pass is soon lost from sight behind pillars of broken rock. All around the steep walls rise shrouding everyone in a gloomy darkness until the lantern is lit. As the lamp burns into life, light bounces off the walls of stone, the darkness retreating instantly though not far, forming tall shadows that stretch out in all direction. Stopping in his tracks and turning back to his companions the lion raised a hand to reach into his inside jacket pocket, fishing out a small heavy bound book bound closed with a bit of string �Well, I want there to see but I can make an educated guess or two� from overhead the sound of tumbling stones can be heard, a cloud of dust rising as a few loose pebbles come cascading down the sides of the pass. No sooner had this happened than the same sound came from the far side and then behind.<br> <br>Sally swings her staff, light dancing about as she tries for a better view, "I would guess we are being penned in," she ventures, "No good way to go but forward, to meet our destiny with a unified front." She frowns a little, but isn't looking ready to flee.<br> <br>Bite watches overhead using what light there is to be had, moving out of the way of anything that would harm her. Soon as the pebbles have fallen she looks ahead of and behind them, tilting her head. Are they sealed in? She begins prepping explosive magics, eyeing for places that she could have an effect on that wouldn't just collapse rocks atop of them.<br> <br>Ictus blinks as the back way is sealed and grunts as he looks ahead, "No going back now I suppose..." as he draws his sword and unslings his shield<br> <br>Casting his eyes skyward the large lions body stiffened, his muscles tensing and his hold upon the book and travel bag tightening as he scanned his surroundings looking for any sigh of what cause the disturbance and completely ignoring his immediate surroundings. From the side of the trail a bizarre, shambling mass of shale threw itself forward, tackling the lion from the side and knocking him to the ground. Roughly five foot tall and with four distinct limbs and a head that lacked any distinct features, it immediately began to clutching and grabbing at the now dazed feline whom it sat on top of while from behind the party two more of the creatures pulled themselves free of the rocky environment from which they were do difficult to distinguish.<br> <br>What is there to do but to use her staff. Already in hand, Sally moves to drive it in against the side of the creature as her arms begin to glow with soulless power, "Get off of him, damn statue, we need him more than you do by all rights."<br> <br>Bite takes note of the shale beings location and lets loose her explosive magics, putting a bit of distance between her and the creatures as she does so. <br> <br>Ictus growls as he turns to charge at one of the two that sneak up on them(Dizzing Pummel)<br> <br>the stony beast that attacked the lion beat at him relentlessly, ignoring the approach of Sally to its detriment as her staff stick into its side, the blow knocking loose large chucks of its body free and sending it toppling and rolling away its victim. The lion barley had a moment to regain his seance before Bite's explosive magics took effect. Between the two shale beasts that blocked the parties retreat a glowing orb of flicking orange light popping into being hovering there for a brief moment before erupting rapidly outward with tongues of flame and a loud clap that echoed around the walls of the narrow path becoming a deafening roar. The sudden blast jarred loose a torrent of light rock from the surrounding passage and kicked up a cloud of dust that obscured vision hiding the shale beasts that had been cough in the blast from view and leaving Ictus with nothing to rain down blows upon.<br> <br>Bite hisses "Lets make our escape now sssweeties." as she moves to the lion to aid them in this endeavor.<br> <br>Sally whips her staff back and offers a white fuzzed hand down to the lion, "Back on your feet. You still in one piece?" she asks, looking him over for any serious injuries.<br> <br>Ictus grunts as he stops mid swing and steps back, still on guard incase the two beasts return<br> <br>the lion grasps Bite and Sally's offered hands and pulling himself back up to his feet. With a quick check to be sure all his limbs are intact he gives the reptile and the female fox a nod before checking on the sack still strapped across his shoulder and snatching up the small book off the ground where he had fallen "right. Best be quick. There will be more coming" he says as the single remaining beast also begins to rise back to its feet, still shedding stone in large chunks as it raised its arms in a weak effort to bar the parties path forward while behind the dust cloud begind to settle.<br> <br>Pheh. Sally steps ahead and swats the creature, exposing a softer portion of clay in its mostly rock form, driving the staff into it to finish the job, "Creator forsaken elementals, who thought it would be a good idea to create so many of the things?"<br> <br>Ictus hmms? and chuckles at Sally, "Don't know..." he backs up as he watches the back for any more<br> <br>Bite watches the creatures efforts and shakes her head, pulling at the lion in an urge to get them to lead the party onward. <br> <br>the rocky creature had seen better days and Sally's final blow with the staff seemed to finish it off, its upper torso parting from the lower and the entire thing crumbling into a pile of loose stone and scattering across the path. With the path ahead clear and all his gear recovered the lion took his opportunity to spring forward, pulling free of Bite's grip and hurrying onward down the single path laid out ahead without a backward glance.<br> <br>Arianna was patrolling in the area, trying to figure out where Ictus and Sally headed off to. She got their note that they left hurriedly and scribbled about where they were going to be checking some things out. But when the very loud explosion goes off and the giant dust cloud billows up, that really leaves only one probable location to find a party of Soul-less doesn't it? Clad in her half-plate and with her massive two-hander greatsword gripped firmly between her hands, she comes rushing through the dust cloud, blinking and waving her hand around slowly, "Hello? Anyone here?"<br> <br>Sally perks an ear at a familiar note, "Corporal Bessy!" she calls out, pause, "Lady Arianna, come and join us. You are just in time to ensure the success of this operation." She raises her lantern bearing staff up, making it easy to approach the group in the gloomy darkness.<br> <br>Ictus blinks as Arianna approaches and waves her over, "Just in time." he grins before following the lion<br> <br>Bite looks back and smirks, waving to Arianna and then waving them all to speed up a little." Bite then hisses "So sssweetie, I see you've found yourself two recruits, how is it going in that regard?" as they travel, making small talk.<br> <br>The creature might have collapsed into a formless heap but it was clearly not ready to give up. From that pile a pebbles began shooting out one by one toward the departing lion. Launched forward each one of the small fragments of the beast's own body sailed through the air though missing the fleeing feline and instead striking harmlessly against the surrounding rock. The other two shattered beasts had better luck, fling what little remnants of themselves still remained at Arianna. As the bulky armoured cow moved through the fading cloud they were struck on the snout and neck by the small derbies. Though the pebbles were too small to do any real harm they stung quite painfully. The lion was quick to make his exit vanishing around a corner ahead and leaving the party behind knowing there was little chance of getting lose in the pass.<br> <br>Ictus glances at the last two elementals and sighs before waving Arianna to hurry as he rushes after the others<br> <br>"Ma'mam." Arianna addresses Sally with a sharp and enthusastic greeting, a small nod. She then moves up beside Ictus and flashes the athletic fox man a grin, "Corporal." They have ranks and everything now. "And everyone else." A glance towards Bite, tilting her head curiously at the snake kind, as if she doesn't have much experience with them. "So what's the situation?" She falls in towards the back of the group, as if to guard their rears. But then pebbles begin launching forward, and she's forced to defend herself, turning this way and that as the stings hit her and rushing through to follow.<br> <br>With the attack over almost as soon as it has begun, Sally can do little but to hurry Arianna out of range of any followups, growling a little along the way, "Foul things, striking from behind with no sense of glory or honor at all. We are to accompany this gentle being," She gestures at the lion male, "Towards what may be an interesting find, or a sad pile of rocks. Either way, he requires us to get him there in one piece. Have you met Bite? Bite, Lady Arianna, a corporal in my unit."<br> <br>Bite smiles and hisses "It's wonderful to meet you sssweetie." as she carries on. Hopefully it's more than a pile of rocks, hopefully it's a temple full of treasure. Bite seems to loosen up as she swoons at the concept, shaking her head and looking to the lion. "How far are we from the destination?"<br> <br>Sally�s gesture toward the lion was made more toward his vanishing back side as he ran ahead quite eagerly making his way through the pass and only slowly when the pillars of rock on either side grew short and what had been a narrow passage opening out and at last the shadows were dispelled as the light of the sun once again reached the earth. Ahead could be seen the rolling foothills of a much more friendly landscape, filled with grass and streams and showing no signs of hostile beasts waiting to ambush the party. Breathing a sigh of relief the feline stopped, selecting a large boulder half buried in the soil to sit upon and waited for the rest of the party to catch up in their own good tile. The rest of the party of course, lagging slightly behind the cat were still on occasion being bombarded with the odd pebble, no longer coming from the spots the vanquished elementals had fallen but all around as the environment itself provided an ample supply of small projectiles. those attacks quickly lessened and then stopped as the rocky landscape gave way to the grasslands ahead.<br> <br>The lion greeted his companions with a wary smile as they caught up, the small book open in one hand while the other rested on the travel bag that rested at his side "Good news! I know what the entry about bewaring the attack rock was about. I think we can safely say we got past the flying darts too, ohhh and we are here!"<br> <br>Arianna nods her head, wiping her half-plate off, brushing pebbles out of her cleavage, clearing dust from her head-fur, and then stopping to take a look around. "Okay...." She pauses for a moment, looking to the others and wondering, "So where's here?" She smiles to Bite and nods, "I'm sure we can talk more later! I remember you from court I think."<br> <br>Bite blinks at the flying dart comment, inspecting her body for anything she should be worried about. She then inspects the surroundings, trying to find anything of value that she might lift from it's abandonment.<br> <br>Ictus nods to Arianna in agreement and looks at the lion curiously<br> <br>Flying darts? "Right, everyone on the watch for pressure plates, trip wires, and things like that. We dont't want flying darts coated with ancient venoms or anything equally unappealing." Sally huffs, moving to advance with the lion, eyes looking for traps.<br> <br>The lion still sat on the boulder, cross-legged with his elbows resting in his lap while he hunched over with his snout buried in the small book as her looked over the tiny script scrawled over the pages �Actually I think the 'darts' bit was a translation error. Small Airborne Projectiles would likely be better. Funny you should mention pressure points however. I think that's next!�<br> <br>Ictus blinks at the lion and shakes his head, "Oh... Great..." he surveys the area though<br> <br>Bite frowns and watches the ground. "I guess step lightly sssweeties. What's beyond that?" she hisses and eyes the walls for a second before watching the floor again.<br> <br>"Okay, so what can we expect from them?" Arianna tries to puzzle this through, pursing her lips together and spreading out just a little bit from the others. She listens to Bite's warning to 'step lightly' and gives a great huffing snort through her nostrils. Stepping lightly is... not her strong suit.<br> <br>Peril lifted his head, snapping the book closed and giving the party a grin "ohh, nothing serious. Just a bottomless pit" he chuckled, slipping off the rock and rising to his feet again before picking up the heavy sack with a grunt and throwing it back over his shoulder "And we only have to worry about the stepping stones when we get to the temple. anyone need a moment to patch themselves up or maybe just dust off?"<br> <br>Ictus glances at the lion and rolls his eyes, "Right, nothing serious..." he shrugs though and looks to the others, "I'm ready."<br> <br>Bite pulls out her medical kit and applies it to Arianna, who had recieved a few more pelts than the rest of them. "That's fine sssweetie but you can lead the way." she hisses to the lion with a smirk.<br> <br>Sally produces a small pouch of supplies, "Right, got the medicines here," After which she dispenses to any bruises that could use a bit of ointment before it becomes too late to do so, "Shall we continue then? The day draws short, and it only becomes more perilous when the sun is set."<br> <br>The lion turned to give the entire party a knowing grin as he raised his arm in a sweeping gesture toward the welcoming grasslands and the small hills within. The gentle burble of water could be heard and the grass glittered with droplets of moisture while a light haze hung in the air and all around streams could be seen, flowing from all directions toward the hills "All we have to do is follow the streams right up to the temple. It�s a piece of cake from here on in."<br> <br>Arianna takes the medical ointments, soothing away the bruises, letting Sally and bite rub the lotions into her and she takes a swig of some water. "Are there really such things as bottomless pits? I mean, they've all got to have a bottom somewhere, right?" She sounds nervous, she'll cross the stepping stones when they get to them maybe.<br> <br>Bite smirks. "I guess the pit itself could have no bottom, and fall off into another room or off a cliff." she hisses as she slithers over the stream, wanting to get wet.<br> <br>Sally huffs, "This is a poor time to consider the overall lethality of pit traps and the existential dread that comes from their bottom or lack thereof," she chastises as she heads up along the river, "I'm sure any we find will be deep enough to break a leg or two. that's deep enough."<br> <br>Ictus chuckles at Arianna and shrugs, "They must have a bottom, unless they empty into some kind of void..." he hmms? at Sally and nods at that as he foolows, "Yes Ma'am."<br> <br>"Well sure, they can still be dangerous without a bottom." Arianna begins, but then gives a briefly embarrassed laugh and a slight flush, nodding to Sally and offering a snappy, "Yes Ma'mam." She gives a shrug, her hooves not seeming to mind in the least bit being wet as she steps along through the stream, but is careful to watch her step. She continually looks around keeping an eye out, though it seems as much out of a sense of curiousity as any real military caution.<br> <br>The lion chuckled as he began moving, with head held high and shoulders back. he strode onwards with a fresh confidence with the goal almost in sight. walking right into one of the small streams with a gentle splash as the slow flowing water parts around his feet he happily proclaims. �Lovely and refreshing after the dusty environment of the pass. and If any of you want to go looking for the bottom of a bottomless pit be my guest. The rest of us can check out the temple�<br> <br>The hills were shallow and easy going for those that didn�t want to venture into the streams while the streams themselves were incredibly numerous and in most cases so shallow you could barely see them save for the glistening light of the sun they reflected. Often they were completely overgrown by grass but it was easy enough to predict where they would be, between every hill and that hill�s neighbours water flowed, always in the same direction, onward and inward, each stream converging with others to gradually grow deeper, strong, faster until in a surprisingly short time as the party found themselves alongside a true river while ahead there always seemed to be one more hill to go.<br> <br>Sally pauses just long enough to gather up some water in a bladder, then catch up to her previous position in the formation, "It looks lovely. Maybe we'll have time to enjoy it on the way back, but I doubt it, if we want to be back in the city before the dead of night."<br> <br>Ictus chuckles at Sally and nods as he collects some water in his own waterskin before looking around the area catiously<br> <br>Bite effortlessly navigates the river, her clan really showing in this regard. "Ah so wonderful, you should join me sssweethearts. We could get there so much faster." she says with a giggle as she proceeds.<br> <br>the lion tilted his head back looking to the sun and exclaimed a short "Huh! You know I didn't think to bring camping equipment. Guess we get to rough it for the night" he chuckled and grind back to his companions "Hey, at least the weather is good. The night should be mild and we will be able to shelter in the temple anyway" he proclaimed happily throwing his arms wide out ahead of himself as at last the entire group rounded the side of a particularly tall and steep hill to be face with the sight of a large clearing, the grassy land giving way to a massive expanse of carved blocks nestled between the surrounding hills. The large rectangular blocks were formed into circles within circles, each one slightly lower than the one that preserved forming a shallow staircase. All around were fallen columns of rounded stone and fallen arches while at the very centre, in the lowest point was a single upright structure, a short alter like podium upon which sat a small canvas sack.<br> <br>The lion pauses in his tracks to look over the scene before saying "So we will be a little bit more exposed than I thought"<br> <br>Sally gets a turn to sigh quite loudly, "I would rather be hiking through the night than set up camp on the wrong side of that pass. Unless you are happy to wage a sudden pitched battle with the enemy when they are at their strongest." She does advance though, moving to investigate the find, hmm... "So what are we looking at, friend scholar?"<br> <br>Bite looks at the exposed proposed camping location and tilts her head. "I'm not sure we should stop. I'm good to go however long it takes." she hisses and inspects how far the river goes in the direction they wish to proceed. She has no intentions of leaving the water if she can help it.<br> <br>Ictus grunts at the news and shakes his head before he nods in agreement with Sally, "Indeed..." he looks at the lion curiously<br> <br>"Well, if we have to stay for the night, we would need a little more preparation, at the least." Arianna, as usual, tries not to come down on anyone's side really. She seems equally ready to stop, equally ready to carry on. Though she does seem to agree that if they're going to stop, there's better places to do it or other ways to make sure that it gets down. She runs a hand over her hair and scratches, ruffling fingers through it and moving to the top of the nearest hill to check the horizons.<br> <br>The rivers all splash against the edge of the ring of stones, flowing over the top and beginning to spill down into that shallow pit. The water barley makes it down the first five steps before it has vanished between the stones leaving the rings further in undampened. Moving up to the edge of the circle the lion looks over it, studying the collapsed runs of what could have once been a temple though from the very minimal derbies is was likely never particularly substantial. "Well. This isn't what I expected, but there is the alter right in the middle" he points toward the little podium not more than 80 feet ahead<br> <br>Bite sighs and hops out of the river as far in as she can. She looks over the ruins and then looks to the alter, trying to figure out what she should be careful of ini this case. It doesn't look formidable, but that has proven wrong so far. "It would be wonderful if you went first." she hisses to the lion.<br> <br>Ictus hmms as he approaches the ruin and looks around carefully, examining the ground for any traps that may remain<br> <br>Arianna quietly begins to look the ruins over, watching the water disappear underneath the stones, and hazarding a guess, "So, I'm willing to bet then that not all of the stones on the walkway are exactly solid."<br> <br>Sally snorts, "Don't ask the scholar to go in first," says the scholar, who then goes in first, or attempts to, to approach the altar and give it all due inspection it deserves.<br> <br>the lion dropped to a crouch, looking over the closest stone. Each was large and rectangular with a pale yellow colour darkened by the water that flowed over it. The steady flow of liquid made it hard to make out any details and brushing his hand across the surface the large male lion gradually began to shift his weight forward, pressing first both palms down upon the stone, then moving one foot upon onto it, followed by the other. Finally he stood back up, giving an experimental hop that send water splashing in all directions as he jumped up and down upon the stone before proudly proclaiming "Seems secure"<br> <br>Arianna takes an exploratory step out onto one of the stones. By far the heaviest member of the group, if the stone is going to bend and break under someone's weight, it will probably be hers. She taps her hoove and then watches Sally's progress, seeming ready to make a dive for the vulpine if need be.<br> <br>Bite gives Sally a look and then a giggle. "He's the one with the book sssweetie we should be following his lead." she hisses and then looks the stones over. She tilts her head to the side and decides to keep going at a slither, but makes a mental note to make use of her legs if something should come up. She also starts prepping a wind spell, ready to give someone a saving push away from any sudden holes.<br> <br>Ictus blinks at the lion as he hops on the stone and splashes about, he shakes his head and looks after Sally as he follows<br> <br>the lion shifted his weight to one foot, edging the other gradually forward until it came to rest on the neck block alongside the one he stood on. Chewing on his lower lip nervously he gradually shifting his weight forward again, pressing down upon the next block and detecting no shift picked up a bit of confidants again, stepping forward onto it. Turning back everyone else he shrugged his shoulders and with a bemused chuckle spoke "Maybe I read the diary wrong. I barely understand the guys handwriting never mind his language..." and with that there was a sudden clap and the sound of grating stone against stone as Sally having skipped down one ring of stones onto the next and then onto the third had almost made it down to the forth series of steps when the ground beneath her feat dropped away into the cold inky darkness below. The were a brief moment when the female fox seemed to be treading upon the air before they dropped downward to be embraced by that all encompassing darkness. Fortunately what followed a moment later was a very loud splash as they struck the surface of the massive pool of water that long ago filled the not quite bottomless pit<br> <br>Bite sighs and tries to think of how to get them out. "Can anyone fly?" she hisses curiously, looking about her companions. "Can you swim up the waterflow?" she thinks a little puzzled.<br> <br>Sploosh! The fox finds herself all wet, and being drawn downwards. She kicks and paddles, sputtering at first, but regaining composure as she makes her way to the edge and grabs on tightly. She reaches up and tests for handholds, trying to climb back out of the hole. As her staff threatens to come loose in all the tumult, she slips it down the back of her wet shirt, holding it in place and freeing her hands to climbing duty.<br> <br>Ictus blinks as Sally drops into the pit and rushes over, "Captain! You alright!" as he crouches down to help her<br> <br>Arianna moves over carefull working her way to the edge of the hole. She peers down, trying to estimate the distance that was dropped, how deep the makeshift sinkhole is before it gets down to the water. "If you can reach your staff up high enough, I might be able to pull you out!"<br> <br>The edge of the pin is a waterfall, a perpetual cascade of water falling down from above and in the absolute darkness of that space there was little hope of finding handholds. fortunatly it was easy for the Scholar to spot where they had fallen in as it was the only thing that could be seen other than the blackness that fillwed the pit. The lion moves to the gaping hole where the paving stone had fallen away. Pulling the bag from his shoulder and tossing it down beside Ictus, before dropping to his hands and knees, peering down into the darkness beneath before grabbing his bag again and pulling it open. The most notable item of the contents is a strange stone idol taking up most of the space within the bag along with  a lot of padding to keep it secure but along side that a sizeable length of rope. "I can haul you out of there!"
<div></div><br> <br>The lion is tall, with a thick and heavy mane and golden fur parted by a few scars though nothing too obtrusive. He wears a light shirt and pants in a dull brow and a heavy leather jacket that has seen better days but still has a lot of life left in it. For some hours he had been hanging out at freeswords in, looking over the comers and goers and talking about a great prize to be had in a distant temple. Gathering together those that are willing to try their luck and accompany him, the lion snatches up a heavy travel sack that has a few oddly dark stains that could be small droplets of blood upon its surface and leads you all out along the road leading north from the city toward the distant Silvervein Pass.<br> <br>Sally reports for duty, literally, with a crisp salute and Ictus behind her, "Lightbringer unit, reporting for duty. The north is badly infested with the Shadow, you'll want us in case they dare to show their faces." She wields a staff with a lantern hanging off a hook at the end of it.<br> <br>Ictus hmms? at Sally and nods at that in agreement, "Indeed." he looks at the others curiously as they arrive<br> <br>Bite smirks, recognizing everything they pass. "So sssweetie, are you bringing us to fight for you?" she giggles and looks over the group. She waves to those she recognizes with a smile.<br> <br>the lion turned to stare at Sally with a rather baffled expression. Raising a hand to his forehead to slipped his fingers beneath his hat to scratch lightly behind his ear as he spoke in a deep and rumbling tone "Yes. That's great. I'm glad to know you have decides it's a good idea for you to pitch in having only had to follow me half way to our destination." he chuckles softly giving a shrug of his shoulders and letting his hands fall back to his sides with a slap before turning to the pass ahead, an arm rising to gesture toward the narrowing path "I'm hoping there wont be much fighting left to do, but if there is we're better prepared than the others were"<br> <br>Sally inclines an ear, "Others?" she asks simply enough.<br> <br>Bite tilts her head and frowns. "What others?" she hisses ahead, feeling as though they were left out on something. Perhaps shadow or traps are llying ahead.<br> <br>Ictus hmms? and starts to say something before Bite and Sally say what was on my mind<br> <br>drawing a deep breath and exhaling it as a short, sharp sigh the lion's shoulders sagged, his body slumping forward before he began to plot forward, with head raised and looking about, scanning the surrounding peaks and the cracked walls of stone that loomed in around the narrow pass "Yes. A party has already ventured out here and returned." After a brief pause and with a backward glance over his shoulder "Well... one of them returned."<br> <br>Sally huffs, "Good. I would be dissapointed if this were too easy a task." She gives her staff a light swing through the air as she walks, "No glory to be found in walking."<br> <br>Bite shakes her head but nods, slithering at pace with the group. "And may I ask what happened to the others?" she queries, fishing for information that may help them stay alive.<br> <br>Ictus nods in agreement with Sally and watches the surrounds carefully as he walks along<br> <br>Moving into the shadows of the pass a chill settles on the air. The blue sky can still be seen overhead though all around dull grey rock saps the warmth from the air. Giving a tug on the strap of the travel sack slung across his shoulder The lion reassured himself with the weight he could feel settling there, and turning back to his companions with a strained smile while still travelling forward into the pass he spoke with all the confidence he could muster "You don't need to worry. I am almost positive there will be little to no danger."<br> <br>Sally draws her staff back and pops open the small hatch, setting a small fire within with a quick motion before closing it. Lantern lit, she holds the staff properly, allowing the lantern to bob as it pleases, "I've heard that said many times before."<br> <br>Bite hisses and attempts to stop the other two, trying to bring the party to a halt. "Sssweetie, if something unexpected killed them, then it would be better to know what lies ahead for our own safety. This trek will do no good if the company is lost, or the one who made it before would have stayed and finished what needed to be done."<br> <br>Ictus looks at the lion and nods in agreement with Bite, "Yeah, it would be best to inform us."<br> <br>Following the winding path over the rough and seldom travelled trail, the entrance to the pass is soon lost from sight behind pillars of broken rock. All around the steep walls rise shrouding everyone in a gloomy darkness until the lantern is lit. As the lamp burns into life, light bounces off the walls of stone, the darkness retreating instantly though not far, forming tall shadows that stretch out in all direction. Stopping in his tracks and turning back to his companions the lion raised a hand to reach into his inside jacket pocket, fishing out a small heavy bound book bound closed with a bit of string �Well, I want there to see but I can make an educated guess or two� from overhead the sound of tumbling stones can be heard, a cloud of dust rising as a few loose pebbles come cascading down the sides of the pass. No sooner had this happened than the same sound came from the far side and then behind.<br> <br>Sally swings her staff, light dancing about as she tries for a better view, "I would guess we are being penned in," she ventures, "No good way to go but forward, to meet our destiny with a unified front." She frowns a little, but isn't looking ready to flee.<br> <br>Bite watches overhead using what light there is to be had, moving out of the way of anything that would harm her. Soon as the pebbles have fallen she looks ahead of and behind them, tilting her head. Are they sealed in? She begins prepping explosive magics, eyeing for places that she could have an effect on that wouldn't just collapse rocks atop of them.<br> <br>Ictus blinks as the back way is sealed and grunts as he looks ahead, "No going back now I suppose..." as he draws his sword and unslings his shield<br> <br>Casting his eyes skyward the large lions body stiffened, his muscles tensing and his hold upon the book and travel bag tightening as he scanned his surroundings looking for any sigh of what cause the disturbance and completely ignoring his immediate surroundings. From the side of the trail a bizarre, shambling mass of shale threw itself forward, tackling the lion from the side and knocking him to the ground. Roughly five foot tall and with four distinct limbs and a head that lacked any distinct features, it immediately began to clutching and grabbing at the now dazed feline whom it sat on top of while from behind the party two more of the creatures pulled themselves free of the rocky environment from which they were do difficult to distinguish.<br> <br>What is there to do but to use her staff. Already in hand, Sally moves to drive it in against the side of the creature as her arms begin to glow with soulless power, "Get off of him, damn statue, we need him more than you do by all rights."<br> <br>Bite takes note of the shale beings location and lets loose her explosive magics, putting a bit of distance between her and the creatures as she does so. <br> <br>Ictus growls as he turns to charge at one of the two that sneak up on them(Dizzing Pummel)<br> <br>the stony beast that attacked the lion beat at him relentlessly, ignoring the approach of Sally to its detriment as her staff stick into its side, the blow knocking loose large chucks of its body free and sending it toppling and rolling away its victim. The lion barley had a moment to regain his seance before Bite's explosive magics took effect. Between the two shale beasts that blocked the parties retreat a glowing orb of flicking orange light popping into being hovering there for a brief moment before erupting rapidly outward with tongues of flame and a loud clap that echoed around the walls of the narrow path becoming a deafening roar. The sudden blast jarred loose a torrent of light rock from the surrounding passage and kicked up a cloud of dust that obscured vision hiding the shale beasts that had been cough in the blast from view and leaving Ictus with nothing to rain down blows upon.<br> <br>Bite hisses "Lets make our escape now sssweeties." as she moves to the lion to aid them in this endeavor.<br> <br>Sally whips her staff back and offers a white fuzzed hand down to the lion, "Back on your feet. You still in one piece?" she asks, looking him over for any serious injuries.<br> <br>Ictus grunts as he stops mid swing and steps back, still on guard incase the two beasts return<br> <br>the lion grasps Bite and Sally's offered hands and pulling himself back up to his feet. With a quick check to be sure all his limbs are intact he gives the reptile and the female fox a nod before checking on the sack still strapped across his shoulder and snatching up the small book off the ground where he had fallen "right. Best be quick. There will be more coming" he says as the single remaining beast also begins to rise back to its feet, still shedding stone in large chunks as it raised its arms in a weak effort to bar the parties path forward while behind the dust cloud begind to settle.<br> <br>Pheh. Sally steps ahead and swats the creature, exposing a softer portion of clay in its mostly rock form, driving the staff into it to finish the job, "Creator forsaken elementals, who thought it would be a good idea to create so many of the things?"<br> <br>Ictus hmms? and chuckles at Sally, "Don't know..." he backs up as he watches the back for any more<br> <br>Bite watches the creatures efforts and shakes her head, pulling at the lion in an urge to get them to lead the party onward. <br> <br>the rocky creature had seen better days and Sally's final blow with the staff seemed to finish it off, its upper torso parting from the lower and the entire thing crumbling into a pile of loose stone and scattering across the path. With the path ahead clear and all his gear recovered the lion took his opportunity to spring forward, pulling free of Bite's grip and hurrying onward down the single path laid out ahead without a backward glance.<br> <br>Arianna was patrolling in the area, trying to figure out where Ictus and Sally headed off to. She got their note that they left hurriedly and scribbled about where they were going to be checking some things out. But when the very loud explosion goes off and the giant dust cloud billows up, that really leaves only one probable location to find a party of Soul-less doesn't it? Clad in her half-plate and with her massive two-hander greatsword gripped firmly between her hands, she comes rushing through the dust cloud, blinking and waving her hand around slowly, "Hello? Anyone here?"<br> <br>Sally perks an ear at a familiar note, "Corporal Bessy!" she calls out, pause, "Lady Arianna, come and join us. You are just in time to ensure the success of this operation." She raises her lantern bearing staff up, making it easy to approach the group in the gloomy darkness.<br> <br>Ictus blinks as Arianna approaches and waves her over, "Just in time." he grins before following the lion<br> <br>Bite looks back and smirks, waving to Arianna and then waving them all to speed up a little." Bite then hisses "So sssweetie, I see you've found yourself two recruits, how is it going in that regard?" as they travel, making small talk.<br> <br>The creature might have collapsed into a formless heap but it was clearly not ready to give up. From that pile a pebbles began shooting out one by one toward the departing lion. Launched forward each one of the small fragments of the beast's own body sailed through the air though missing the fleeing feline and instead striking harmlessly against the surrounding rock. The other two shattered beasts had better luck, fling what little remnants of themselves still remained at Arianna. As the bulky armoured cow moved through the fading cloud they were struck on the snout and neck by the small derbies. Though the pebbles were too small to do any real harm they stung quite painfully. The lion was quick to make his exit vanishing around a corner ahead and leaving the party behind knowing there was little chance of getting lose in the pass.<br> <br>Ictus glances at the last two elementals and sighs before waving Arianna to hurry as he rushes after the others<br> <br>"Ma'mam." Arianna addresses Sally with a sharp and enthusastic greeting, a small nod. She then moves up beside Ictus and flashes the athletic fox man a grin, "Corporal." They have ranks and everything now. "And everyone else." A glance towards Bite, tilting her head curiously at the snake kind, as if she doesn't have much experience with them. "So what's the situation?" She falls in towards the back of the group, as if to guard their rears. But then pebbles begin launching forward, and she's forced to defend herself, turning this way and that as the stings hit her and rushing through to follow.<br> <br>With the attack over almost as soon as it has begun, Sally can do little but to hurry Arianna out of range of any followups, growling a little along the way, "Foul things, striking from behind with no sense of glory or honor at all. We are to accompany this gentle being," She gestures at the lion male, "Towards what may be an interesting find, or a sad pile of rocks. Either way, he requires us to get him there in one piece. Have you met Bite? Bite, Lady Arianna, a corporal in my unit."<br> <br>Bite smiles and hisses "It's wonderful to meet you sssweetie." as she carries on. Hopefully it's more than a pile of rocks, hopefully it's a temple full of treasure. Bite seems to loosen up as she swoons at the concept, shaking her head and looking to the lion. "How far are we from the destination?"<br> <br>Sally�s gesture toward the lion was made more toward his vanishing back side as he ran ahead quite eagerly making his way through the pass and only slowly when the pillars of rock on either side grew short and what had been a narrow passage opening out and at last the shadows were dispelled as the light of the sun once again reached the earth. Ahead could be seen the rolling foothills of a much more friendly landscape, filled with grass and streams and showing no signs of hostile beasts waiting to ambush the party. Breathing a sigh of relief the feline stopped, selecting a large boulder half buried in the soil to sit upon and waited for the rest of the party to catch up in their own good tile. The rest of the party of course, lagging slightly behind the cat were still on occasion being bombarded with the odd pebble, no longer coming from the spots the vanquished elementals had fallen but all around as the environment itself provided an ample supply of small projectiles. those attacks quickly lessened and then stopped as the rocky landscape gave way to the grasslands ahead.<br> <br>The lion greeted his companions with a wary smile as they caught up, the small book open in one hand while the other rested on the travel bag that rested at his side "Good news! I know what the entry about bewaring the attack rock was about. I think we can safely say we got past the flying darts too, ohhh and we are here!"<br> <br>Arianna nods her head, wiping her half-plate off, brushing pebbles out of her cleavage, clearing dust from her head-fur, and then stopping to take a look around. "Okay...." She pauses for a moment, looking to the others and wondering, "So where's here?" She smiles to Bite and nods, "I'm sure we can talk more later! I remember you from court I think."<br> <br>Bite blinks at the flying dart comment, inspecting her body for anything she should be worried about. She then inspects the surroundings, trying to find anything of value that she might lift from it's abandonment.<br> <br>Ictus nods to Arianna in agreement and looks at the lion curiously<br> <br>Flying darts? "Right, everyone on the watch for pressure plates, trip wires, and things like that. We dont't want flying darts coated with ancient venoms or anything equally unappealing." Sally huffs, moving to advance with the lion, eyes looking for traps.<br> <br>The lion still sat on the boulder, cross-legged with his elbows resting in his lap while he hunched over with his snout buried in the small book as her looked over the tiny script scrawled over the pages �Actually I think the 'darts' bit was a translation error. Small Airborne Projectiles would likely be better. Funny you should mention pressure points however. I think that's next!�<br> <br>Ictus blinks at the lion and shakes his head, "Oh... Great..." he surveys the area though<br> <br>Bite frowns and watches the ground. "I guess step lightly sssweeties. What's beyond that?" she hisses and eyes the walls for a second before watching the floor again.<br> <br>"Okay, so what can we expect from them?" Arianna tries to puzzle this through, pursing her lips together and spreading out just a little bit from the others. She listens to Bite's warning to 'step lightly' and gives a great huffing snort through her nostrils. Stepping lightly is... not her strong suit.<br> <br>Peril lifted his head, snapping the book closed and giving the party a grin "ohh, nothing serious. Just a bottomless pit" he chuckled, slipping off the rock and rising to his feet again before picking up the heavy sack with a grunt and throwing it back over his shoulder "And we only have to worry about the stepping stones when we get to the temple. anyone need a moment to patch themselves up or maybe just dust off?"<br> <br>Ictus glances at the lion and rolls his eyes, "Right, nothing serious..." he shrugs though and looks to the others, "I'm ready."<br> <br>Bite pulls out her medical kit and applies it to Arianna, who had recieved a few more pelts than the rest of them. "That's fine sssweetie but you can lead the way." she hisses to the lion with a smirk.<br> <br>Sally produces a small pouch of supplies, "Right, got the medicines here," After which she dispenses to any bruises that could use a bit of ointment before it becomes too late to do so, "Shall we continue then? The day draws short, and it only becomes more perilous when the sun is set."<br> <br>The lion turned to give the entire party a knowing grin as he raised his arm in a sweeping gesture toward the welcoming grasslands and the small hills within. The gentle burble of water could be heard and the grass glittered with droplets of moisture while a light haze hung in the air and all around streams could be seen, flowing from all directions toward the hills "All we have to do is follow the streams right up to the temple. It�s a piece of cake from here on in."<br> <br>Arianna takes the medical ointments, soothing away the bruises, letting Sally and bite rub the lotions into her and she takes a swig of some water. "Are there really such things as bottomless pits? I mean, they've all got to have a bottom somewhere, right?" She sounds nervous, she'll cross the stepping stones when they get to them maybe.<br> <br>Bite smirks. "I guess the pit itself could have no bottom, and fall off into another room or off a cliff." she hisses as she slithers over the stream, wanting to get wet.<br> <br>Sally huffs, "This is a poor time to consider the overall lethality of pit traps and the existential dread that comes from their bottom or lack thereof," she chastises as she heads up along the river, "I'm sure any we find will be deep enough to break a leg or two. that's deep enough."<br> <br>Ictus chuckles at Arianna and shrugs, "They must have a bottom, unless they empty into some kind of void..." he hmms? at Sally and nods at that as he foolows, "Yes Ma'am."<br> <br>"Well sure, they can still be dangerous without a bottom." Arianna begins, but then gives a briefly embarrassed laugh and a slight flush, nodding to Sally and offering a snappy, "Yes Ma'mam." She gives a shrug, her hooves not seeming to mind in the least bit being wet as she steps along through the stream, but is careful to watch her step. She continually looks around keeping an eye out, though it seems as much out of a sense of curiousity as any real military caution.<br> <br>The lion chuckled as he began moving, with head held high and shoulders back. he strode onwards with a fresh confidence with the goal almost in sight. walking right into one of the small streams with a gentle splash as the slow flowing water parts around his feet he happily proclaims. �Lovely and refreshing after the dusty environment of the pass. and If any of you want to go looking for the bottom of a bottomless pit be my guest. The rest of us can check out the temple�<br> <br>The hills were shallow and easy going for those that didn�t want to venture into the streams while the streams themselves were incredibly numerous and in most cases so shallow you could barely see them save for the glistening light of the sun they reflected. Often they were completely overgrown by grass but it was easy enough to predict where they would be, between every hill and that hill�s neighbours water flowed, always in the same direction, onward and inward, each stream converging with others to gradually grow deeper, strong, faster until in a surprisingly short time as the party found themselves alongside a true river while ahead there always seemed to be one more hill to go.<br> <br>Sally pauses just long enough to gather up some water in a bladder, then catch up to her previous position in the formation, "It looks lovely. Maybe we'll have time to enjoy it on the way back, but I doubt it, if we want to be back in the city before the dead of night."<br> <br>Ictus chuckles at Sally and nods as he collects some water in his own waterskin before looking around the area catiously<br> <br>Bite effortlessly navigates the river, her clan really showing in this regard. "Ah so wonderful, you should join me sssweethearts. We could get there so much faster." she says with a giggle as she proceeds.<br> <br>the lion tilted his head back looking to the sun and exclaimed a short "Huh! You know I didn't think to bring camping equipment. Guess we get to rough it for the night" he chuckled and grind back to his companions "Hey, at least the weather is good. The night should be mild and we will be able to shelter in the temple anyway" he proclaimed happily throwing his arms wide out ahead of himself as at last the entire group rounded the side of a particularly tall and steep hill to be face with the sight of a large clearing, the grassy land giving way to a massive expanse of carved blocks nestled between the surrounding hills. The large rectangular blocks were formed into circles within circles, each one slightly lower than the one that preserved forming a shallow staircase. All around were fallen columns of rounded stone and fallen arches while at the very centre, in the lowest point was a single upright structure, a short alter like podium upon which sat a small canvas sack.<br> <br>The lion pauses in his tracks to look over the scene before saying "So we will be a little bit more exposed than I thought"<br> <br>Sally gets a turn to sigh quite loudly, "I would rather be hiking through the night than set up camp on the wrong side of that pass. Unless you are happy to wage a sudden pitched battle with the enemy when they are at their strongest." She does advance though, moving to investigate the find, hmm... "So what are we looking at, friend scholar?"<br> <br>Bite looks at the exposed proposed camping location and tilts her head. "I'm not sure we should stop. I'm good to go however long it takes." she hisses and inspects how far the river goes in the direction they wish to proceed. She has no intentions of leaving the water if she can help it.<br> <br>Ictus grunts at the news and shakes his head before he nods in agreement with Sally, "Indeed..." he looks at the lion curiously<br> <br>"Well, if we have to stay for the night, we would need a little more preparation, at the least." Arianna, as usual, tries not to come down on anyone's side really. She seems equally ready to stop, equally ready to carry on. Though she does seem to agree that if they're going to stop, there's better places to do it or other ways to make sure that it gets down. She runs a hand over her hair and scratches, ruffling fingers through it and moving to the top of the nearest hill to check the horizons.<br> <br>The rivers all splash against the edge of the ring of stones, flowing over the top and beginning to spill down into that shallow pit. The water barley makes it down the first five steps before it has vanished between the stones leaving the rings further in undampened. Moving up to the edge of the circle the lion looks over it, studying the collapsed runs of what could have once been a temple though from the very minimal derbies is was likely never particularly substantial. "Well. This isn't what I expected, but there is the alter right in the middle" he points toward the little podium not more than 80 feet ahead<br> <br>Bite sighs and hops out of the river as far in as she can. She looks over the ruins and then looks to the alter, trying to figure out what she should be careful of ini this case. It doesn't look formidable, but that has proven wrong so far. "It would be wonderful if you went first." she hisses to the lion.<br> <br>Ictus hmms as he approaches the ruin and looks around carefully, examining the ground for any traps that may remain<br> <br>Arianna quietly begins to look the ruins over, watching the water disappear underneath the stones, and hazarding a guess, "So, I'm willing to bet then that not all of the stones on the walkway are exactly solid."<br> <br>Sally snorts, "Don't ask the scholar to go in first," says the scholar, who then goes in first, or attempts to, to approach the altar and give it all due inspection it deserves.<br> <br>the lion dropped to a crouch, looking over the closest stone. Each was large and rectangular with a pale yellow colour darkened by the water that flowed over it. The steady flow of liquid made it hard to make out any details and brushing his hand across the surface the large male lion gradually began to shift his weight forward, pressing first both palms down upon the stone, then moving one foot upon onto it, followed by the other. Finally he stood back up, giving an experimental hop that send water splashing in all directions as he jumped up and down upon the stone before proudly proclaiming "Seems secure"<br> <br>Arianna takes an exploratory step out onto one of the stones. By far the heaviest member of the group, if the stone is going to bend and break under someone's weight, it will probably be hers. She taps her hoove and then watches Sally's progress, seeming ready to make a dive for the vulpine if need be.<br> <br>Bite gives Sally a look and then a giggle. "He's the one with the book sssweetie we should be following his lead." she hisses and then looks the stones over. She tilts her head to the side and decides to keep going at a slither, but makes a mental note to make use of her legs if something should come up. She also starts prepping a wind spell, ready to give someone a saving push away from any sudden holes.<br> <br>Ictus blinks at the lion as he hops on the stone and splashes about, he shakes his head and looks after Sally as he follows<br> <br>the lion shifted his weight to one foot, edging the other gradually forward until it came to rest on the neck block alongside the one he stood on. Chewing on his lower lip nervously he gradually shifting his weight forward again, pressing down upon the next block and detecting no shift picked up a bit of confidants again, stepping forward onto it. Turning back everyone else he shrugged his shoulders and with a bemused chuckle spoke "Maybe I read the diary wrong. I barely understand the guys handwriting never mind his language..." and with that there was a sudden clap and the sound of grating stone against stone as Sally having skipped down one ring of stones onto the next and then onto the third had almost made it down to the forth series of steps when the ground beneath her feat dropped away into the cold inky darkness below. The were a brief moment when the female fox seemed to be treading upon the air before they dropped downward to be embraced by that all encompassing darkness. Fortunately what followed a moment later was a very loud splash as they struck the surface of the massive pool of water that long ago filled the not quite bottomless pit<br> <br>Bite sighs and tries to think of how to get them out. "Can anyone fly?" she hisses curiously, looking about her companions. "Can you swim up the waterflow?" she thinks a little puzzled.<br> <br>Sploosh! The fox finds herself all wet, and being drawn downwards. She kicks and paddles, sputtering at first, but regaining composure as she makes her way to the edge and grabs on tightly. She reaches up and tests for handholds, trying to climb back out of the hole. As her staff threatens to come loose in all the tumult, she slips it down the back of her wet shirt, holding it in place and freeing her hands to climbing duty.<br> <br>Ictus blinks as Sally drops into the pit and rushes over, "Captain! You alright!" as he crouches down to help her<br> <br>Arianna moves over carefull working her way to the edge of the hole. She peers down, trying to estimate the distance that was dropped, how deep the makeshift sinkhole is before it gets down to the water. "If you can reach your staff up high enough, I might be able to pull you out!"<br> <br>The edge of the pin is a waterfall, a perpetual cascade of water falling down from above and in the absolute darkness of that space there was little hope of finding handholds. fortunatly it was easy for the Scholar to spot where they had fallen in as it was the only thing that could be seen other than the blackness that fillwed the pit. The lion moves to the gaping hole where the paving stone had fallen away. Pulling the bag from his shoulder and tossing it down beside Ictus, before dropping to his hands and knees, peering down into the darkness beneath before grabbing his bag again and pulling it open. The most notable item of the contents is a strange stone idol taking up most of the space within the bag along with  a lot of padding to keep it secure but along side that a sizeable length of rope. "I can haul you out of there!"[[Category:RPLogs]]

Revision as of 20:30, 6 September 2012





The lion is tall, with a thick and heavy mane and golden fur parted by a few scars though nothing too obtrusive. He wears a light shirt and pants in a dull brow and a heavy leather jacket that has seen better days but still has a lot of life left in it. For some hours he had been hanging out at freeswords in, looking over the comers and goers and talking about a great prize to be had in a distant temple. Gathering together those that are willing to try their luck and accompany him, the lion snatches up a heavy travel sack that has a few oddly dark stains that could be small droplets of blood upon its surface and leads you all out along the road leading north from the city toward the distant Silvervein Pass.

Sally reports for duty, literally, with a crisp salute and Ictus behind her, "Lightbringer unit, reporting for duty. The north is badly infested with the Shadow, you'll want us in case they dare to show their faces." She wields a staff with a lantern hanging off a hook at the end of it.

Ictus hmms? at Sally and nods at that in agreement, "Indeed." he looks at the others curiously as they arrive

Bite smirks, recognizing everything they pass. "So sssweetie, are you bringing us to fight for you?" she giggles and looks over the group. She waves to those she recognizes with a smile.

the lion turned to stare at Sally with a rather baffled expression. Raising a hand to his forehead to slipped his fingers beneath his hat to scratch lightly behind his ear as he spoke in a deep and rumbling tone "Yes. That's great. I'm glad to know you have decides it's a good idea for you to pitch in having only had to follow me half way to our destination." he chuckles softly giving a shrug of his shoulders and letting his hands fall back to his sides with a slap before turning to the pass ahead, an arm rising to gesture toward the narrowing path "I'm hoping there wont be much fighting left to do, but if there is we're better prepared than the others were"

Sally inclines an ear, "Others?" she asks simply enough.

Bite tilts her head and frowns. "What others?" she hisses ahead, feeling as though they were left out on something. Perhaps shadow or traps are llying ahead.

Ictus hmms? and starts to say something before Bite and Sally say what was on my mind

drawing a deep breath and exhaling it as a short, sharp sigh the lion's shoulders sagged, his body slumping forward before he began to plot forward, with head raised and looking about, scanning the surrounding peaks and the cracked walls of stone that loomed in around the narrow pass "Yes. A party has already ventured out here and returned." After a brief pause and with a backward glance over his shoulder "Well... one of them returned."

Sally huffs, "Good. I would be dissapointed if this were too easy a task." She gives her staff a light swing through the air as she walks, "No glory to be found in walking."

Bite shakes her head but nods, slithering at pace with the group. "And may I ask what happened to the others?" she queries, fishing for information that may help them stay alive.

Ictus nods in agreement with Sally and watches the surrounds carefully as he walks along

Moving into the shadows of the pass a chill settles on the air. The blue sky can still be seen overhead though all around dull grey rock saps the warmth from the air. Giving a tug on the strap of the travel sack slung across his shoulder The lion reassured himself with the weight he could feel settling there, and turning back to his companions with a strained smile while still travelling forward into the pass he spoke with all the confidence he could muster "You don't need to worry. I am almost positive there will be little to no danger."

Sally draws her staff back and pops open the small hatch, setting a small fire within with a quick motion before closing it. Lantern lit, she holds the staff properly, allowing the lantern to bob as it pleases, "I've heard that said many times before."

Bite hisses and attempts to stop the other two, trying to bring the party to a halt. "Sssweetie, if something unexpected killed them, then it would be better to know what lies ahead for our own safety. This trek will do no good if the company is lost, or the one who made it before would have stayed and finished what needed to be done."

Ictus looks at the lion and nods in agreement with Bite, "Yeah, it would be best to inform us."

Following the winding path over the rough and seldom travelled trail, the entrance to the pass is soon lost from sight behind pillars of broken rock. All around the steep walls rise shrouding everyone in a gloomy darkness until the lantern is lit. As the lamp burns into life, light bounces off the walls of stone, the darkness retreating instantly though not far, forming tall shadows that stretch out in all direction. Stopping in his tracks and turning back to his companions the lion raised a hand to reach into his inside jacket pocket, fishing out a small heavy bound book bound closed with a bit of string �Well, I want there to see but I can make an educated guess or two� from overhead the sound of tumbling stones can be heard, a cloud of dust rising as a few loose pebbles come cascading down the sides of the pass. No sooner had this happened than the same sound came from the far side and then behind.

Sally swings her staff, light dancing about as she tries for a better view, "I would guess we are being penned in," she ventures, "No good way to go but forward, to meet our destiny with a unified front." She frowns a little, but isn't looking ready to flee.

Bite watches overhead using what light there is to be had, moving out of the way of anything that would harm her. Soon as the pebbles have fallen she looks ahead of and behind them, tilting her head. Are they sealed in? She begins prepping explosive magics, eyeing for places that she could have an effect on that wouldn't just collapse rocks atop of them.

Ictus blinks as the back way is sealed and grunts as he looks ahead, "No going back now I suppose..." as he draws his sword and unslings his shield

Casting his eyes skyward the large lions body stiffened, his muscles tensing and his hold upon the book and travel bag tightening as he scanned his surroundings looking for any sigh of what cause the disturbance and completely ignoring his immediate surroundings. From the side of the trail a bizarre, shambling mass of shale threw itself forward, tackling the lion from the side and knocking him to the ground. Roughly five foot tall and with four distinct limbs and a head that lacked any distinct features, it immediately began to clutching and grabbing at the now dazed feline whom it sat on top of while from behind the party two more of the creatures pulled themselves free of the rocky environment from which they were do difficult to distinguish.

What is there to do but to use her staff. Already in hand, Sally moves to drive it in against the side of the creature as her arms begin to glow with soulless power, "Get off of him, damn statue, we need him more than you do by all rights."

Bite takes note of the shale beings location and lets loose her explosive magics, putting a bit of distance between her and the creatures as she does so.

Ictus growls as he turns to charge at one of the two that sneak up on them(Dizzing Pummel)

the stony beast that attacked the lion beat at him relentlessly, ignoring the approach of Sally to its detriment as her staff stick into its side, the blow knocking loose large chucks of its body free and sending it toppling and rolling away its victim. The lion barley had a moment to regain his seance before Bite's explosive magics took effect. Between the two shale beasts that blocked the parties retreat a glowing orb of flicking orange light popping into being hovering there for a brief moment before erupting rapidly outward with tongues of flame and a loud clap that echoed around the walls of the narrow path becoming a deafening roar. The sudden blast jarred loose a torrent of light rock from the surrounding passage and kicked up a cloud of dust that obscured vision hiding the shale beasts that had been cough in the blast from view and leaving Ictus with nothing to rain down blows upon.

Bite hisses "Lets make our escape now sssweeties." as she moves to the lion to aid them in this endeavor.

Sally whips her staff back and offers a white fuzzed hand down to the lion, "Back on your feet. You still in one piece?" she asks, looking him over for any serious injuries.

Ictus grunts as he stops mid swing and steps back, still on guard incase the two beasts return

the lion grasps Bite and Sally's offered hands and pulling himself back up to his feet. With a quick check to be sure all his limbs are intact he gives the reptile and the female fox a nod before checking on the sack still strapped across his shoulder and snatching up the small book off the ground where he had fallen "right. Best be quick. There will be more coming" he says as the single remaining beast also begins to rise back to its feet, still shedding stone in large chunks as it raised its arms in a weak effort to bar the parties path forward while behind the dust cloud begind to settle.

Pheh. Sally steps ahead and swats the creature, exposing a softer portion of clay in its mostly rock form, driving the staff into it to finish the job, "Creator forsaken elementals, who thought it would be a good idea to create so many of the things?"

Ictus hmms? and chuckles at Sally, "Don't know..." he backs up as he watches the back for any more

Bite watches the creatures efforts and shakes her head, pulling at the lion in an urge to get them to lead the party onward.

the rocky creature had seen better days and Sally's final blow with the staff seemed to finish it off, its upper torso parting from the lower and the entire thing crumbling into a pile of loose stone and scattering across the path. With the path ahead clear and all his gear recovered the lion took his opportunity to spring forward, pulling free of Bite's grip and hurrying onward down the single path laid out ahead without a backward glance.

Arianna was patrolling in the area, trying to figure out where Ictus and Sally headed off to. She got their note that they left hurriedly and scribbled about where they were going to be checking some things out. But when the very loud explosion goes off and the giant dust cloud billows up, that really leaves only one probable location to find a party of Soul-less doesn't it? Clad in her half-plate and with her massive two-hander greatsword gripped firmly between her hands, she comes rushing through the dust cloud, blinking and waving her hand around slowly, "Hello? Anyone here?"

Sally perks an ear at a familiar note, "Corporal Bessy!" she calls out, pause, "Lady Arianna, come and join us. You are just in time to ensure the success of this operation." She raises her lantern bearing staff up, making it easy to approach the group in the gloomy darkness.

Ictus blinks as Arianna approaches and waves her over, "Just in time." he grins before following the lion

Bite looks back and smirks, waving to Arianna and then waving them all to speed up a little." Bite then hisses "So sssweetie, I see you've found yourself two recruits, how is it going in that regard?" as they travel, making small talk.

The creature might have collapsed into a formless heap but it was clearly not ready to give up. From that pile a pebbles began shooting out one by one toward the departing lion. Launched forward each one of the small fragments of the beast's own body sailed through the air though missing the fleeing feline and instead striking harmlessly against the surrounding rock. The other two shattered beasts had better luck, fling what little remnants of themselves still remained at Arianna. As the bulky armoured cow moved through the fading cloud they were struck on the snout and neck by the small derbies. Though the pebbles were too small to do any real harm they stung quite painfully. The lion was quick to make his exit vanishing around a corner ahead and leaving the party behind knowing there was little chance of getting lose in the pass.

Ictus glances at the last two elementals and sighs before waving Arianna to hurry as he rushes after the others

"Ma'mam." Arianna addresses Sally with a sharp and enthusastic greeting, a small nod. She then moves up beside Ictus and flashes the athletic fox man a grin, "Corporal." They have ranks and everything now. "And everyone else." A glance towards Bite, tilting her head curiously at the snake kind, as if she doesn't have much experience with them. "So what's the situation?" She falls in towards the back of the group, as if to guard their rears. But then pebbles begin launching forward, and she's forced to defend herself, turning this way and that as the stings hit her and rushing through to follow.

With the attack over almost as soon as it has begun, Sally can do little but to hurry Arianna out of range of any followups, growling a little along the way, "Foul things, striking from behind with no sense of glory or honor at all. We are to accompany this gentle being," She gestures at the lion male, "Towards what may be an interesting find, or a sad pile of rocks. Either way, he requires us to get him there in one piece. Have you met Bite? Bite, Lady Arianna, a corporal in my unit."

Bite smiles and hisses "It's wonderful to meet you sssweetie." as she carries on. Hopefully it's more than a pile of rocks, hopefully it's a temple full of treasure. Bite seems to loosen up as she swoons at the concept, shaking her head and looking to the lion. "How far are we from the destination?"

Sally�s gesture toward the lion was made more toward his vanishing back side as he ran ahead quite eagerly making his way through the pass and only slowly when the pillars of rock on either side grew short and what had been a narrow passage opening out and at last the shadows were dispelled as the light of the sun once again reached the earth. Ahead could be seen the rolling foothills of a much more friendly landscape, filled with grass and streams and showing no signs of hostile beasts waiting to ambush the party. Breathing a sigh of relief the feline stopped, selecting a large boulder half buried in the soil to sit upon and waited for the rest of the party to catch up in their own good tile. The rest of the party of course, lagging slightly behind the cat were still on occasion being bombarded with the odd pebble, no longer coming from the spots the vanquished elementals had fallen but all around as the environment itself provided an ample supply of small projectiles. those attacks quickly lessened and then stopped as the rocky landscape gave way to the grasslands ahead.

The lion greeted his companions with a wary smile as they caught up, the small book open in one hand while the other rested on the travel bag that rested at his side "Good news! I know what the entry about bewaring the attack rock was about. I think we can safely say we got past the flying darts too, ohhh and we are here!"

Arianna nods her head, wiping her half-plate off, brushing pebbles out of her cleavage, clearing dust from her head-fur, and then stopping to take a look around. "Okay...." She pauses for a moment, looking to the others and wondering, "So where's here?" She smiles to Bite and nods, "I'm sure we can talk more later! I remember you from court I think."

Bite blinks at the flying dart comment, inspecting her body for anything she should be worried about. She then inspects the surroundings, trying to find anything of value that she might lift from it's abandonment.

Ictus nods to Arianna in agreement and looks at the lion curiously

Flying darts? "Right, everyone on the watch for pressure plates, trip wires, and things like that. We dont't want flying darts coated with ancient venoms or anything equally unappealing." Sally huffs, moving to advance with the lion, eyes looking for traps.

The lion still sat on the boulder, cross-legged with his elbows resting in his lap while he hunched over with his snout buried in the small book as her looked over the tiny script scrawled over the pages �Actually I think the 'darts' bit was a translation error. Small Airborne Projectiles would likely be better. Funny you should mention pressure points however. I think that's next!�

Ictus blinks at the lion and shakes his head, "Oh... Great..." he surveys the area though

Bite frowns and watches the ground. "I guess step lightly sssweeties. What's beyond that?" she hisses and eyes the walls for a second before watching the floor again.

"Okay, so what can we expect from them?" Arianna tries to puzzle this through, pursing her lips together and spreading out just a little bit from the others. She listens to Bite's warning to 'step lightly' and gives a great huffing snort through her nostrils. Stepping lightly is... not her strong suit.

Peril lifted his head, snapping the book closed and giving the party a grin "ohh, nothing serious. Just a bottomless pit" he chuckled, slipping off the rock and rising to his feet again before picking up the heavy sack with a grunt and throwing it back over his shoulder "And we only have to worry about the stepping stones when we get to the temple. anyone need a moment to patch themselves up or maybe just dust off?"

Ictus glances at the lion and rolls his eyes, "Right, nothing serious..." he shrugs though and looks to the others, "I'm ready."

Bite pulls out her medical kit and applies it to Arianna, who had recieved a few more pelts than the rest of them. "That's fine sssweetie but you can lead the way." she hisses to the lion with a smirk.

Sally produces a small pouch of supplies, "Right, got the medicines here," After which she dispenses to any bruises that could use a bit of ointment before it becomes too late to do so, "Shall we continue then? The day draws short, and it only becomes more perilous when the sun is set."

The lion turned to give the entire party a knowing grin as he raised his arm in a sweeping gesture toward the welcoming grasslands and the small hills within. The gentle burble of water could be heard and the grass glittered with droplets of moisture while a light haze hung in the air and all around streams could be seen, flowing from all directions toward the hills "All we have to do is follow the streams right up to the temple. It�s a piece of cake from here on in."

Arianna takes the medical ointments, soothing away the bruises, letting Sally and bite rub the lotions into her and she takes a swig of some water. "Are there really such things as bottomless pits? I mean, they've all got to have a bottom somewhere, right?" She sounds nervous, she'll cross the stepping stones when they get to them maybe.

Bite smirks. "I guess the pit itself could have no bottom, and fall off into another room or off a cliff." she hisses as she slithers over the stream, wanting to get wet.

Sally huffs, "This is a poor time to consider the overall lethality of pit traps and the existential dread that comes from their bottom or lack thereof," she chastises as she heads up along the river, "I'm sure any we find will be deep enough to break a leg or two. that's deep enough."

Ictus chuckles at Arianna and shrugs, "They must have a bottom, unless they empty into some kind of void..." he hmms? at Sally and nods at that as he foolows, "Yes Ma'am."

"Well sure, they can still be dangerous without a bottom." Arianna begins, but then gives a briefly embarrassed laugh and a slight flush, nodding to Sally and offering a snappy, "Yes Ma'mam." She gives a shrug, her hooves not seeming to mind in the least bit being wet as she steps along through the stream, but is careful to watch her step. She continually looks around keeping an eye out, though it seems as much out of a sense of curiousity as any real military caution.

The lion chuckled as he began moving, with head held high and shoulders back. he strode onwards with a fresh confidence with the goal almost in sight. walking right into one of the small streams with a gentle splash as the slow flowing water parts around his feet he happily proclaims. �Lovely and refreshing after the dusty environment of the pass. and If any of you want to go looking for the bottom of a bottomless pit be my guest. The rest of us can check out the temple�

The hills were shallow and easy going for those that didn�t want to venture into the streams while the streams themselves were incredibly numerous and in most cases so shallow you could barely see them save for the glistening light of the sun they reflected. Often they were completely overgrown by grass but it was easy enough to predict where they would be, between every hill and that hill�s neighbours water flowed, always in the same direction, onward and inward, each stream converging with others to gradually grow deeper, strong, faster until in a surprisingly short time as the party found themselves alongside a true river while ahead there always seemed to be one more hill to go.

Sally pauses just long enough to gather up some water in a bladder, then catch up to her previous position in the formation, "It looks lovely. Maybe we'll have time to enjoy it on the way back, but I doubt it, if we want to be back in the city before the dead of night."

Ictus chuckles at Sally and nods as he collects some water in his own waterskin before looking around the area catiously

Bite effortlessly navigates the river, her clan really showing in this regard. "Ah so wonderful, you should join me sssweethearts. We could get there so much faster." she says with a giggle as she proceeds.

the lion tilted his head back looking to the sun and exclaimed a short "Huh! You know I didn't think to bring camping equipment. Guess we get to rough it for the night" he chuckled and grind back to his companions "Hey, at least the weather is good. The night should be mild and we will be able to shelter in the temple anyway" he proclaimed happily throwing his arms wide out ahead of himself as at last the entire group rounded the side of a particularly tall and steep hill to be face with the sight of a large clearing, the grassy land giving way to a massive expanse of carved blocks nestled between the surrounding hills. The large rectangular blocks were formed into circles within circles, each one slightly lower than the one that preserved forming a shallow staircase. All around were fallen columns of rounded stone and fallen arches while at the very centre, in the lowest point was a single upright structure, a short alter like podium upon which sat a small canvas sack.

The lion pauses in his tracks to look over the scene before saying "So we will be a little bit more exposed than I thought"

Sally gets a turn to sigh quite loudly, "I would rather be hiking through the night than set up camp on the wrong side of that pass. Unless you are happy to wage a sudden pitched battle with the enemy when they are at their strongest." She does advance though, moving to investigate the find, hmm... "So what are we looking at, friend scholar?"

Bite looks at the exposed proposed camping location and tilts her head. "I'm not sure we should stop. I'm good to go however long it takes." she hisses and inspects how far the river goes in the direction they wish to proceed. She has no intentions of leaving the water if she can help it.

Ictus grunts at the news and shakes his head before he nods in agreement with Sally, "Indeed..." he looks at the lion curiously

"Well, if we have to stay for the night, we would need a little more preparation, at the least." Arianna, as usual, tries not to come down on anyone's side really. She seems equally ready to stop, equally ready to carry on. Though she does seem to agree that if they're going to stop, there's better places to do it or other ways to make sure that it gets down. She runs a hand over her hair and scratches, ruffling fingers through it and moving to the top of the nearest hill to check the horizons.

The rivers all splash against the edge of the ring of stones, flowing over the top and beginning to spill down into that shallow pit. The water barley makes it down the first five steps before it has vanished between the stones leaving the rings further in undampened. Moving up to the edge of the circle the lion looks over it, studying the collapsed runs of what could have once been a temple though from the very minimal derbies is was likely never particularly substantial. "Well. This isn't what I expected, but there is the alter right in the middle" he points toward the little podium not more than 80 feet ahead

Bite sighs and hops out of the river as far in as she can. She looks over the ruins and then looks to the alter, trying to figure out what she should be careful of ini this case. It doesn't look formidable, but that has proven wrong so far. "It would be wonderful if you went first." she hisses to the lion.

Ictus hmms as he approaches the ruin and looks around carefully, examining the ground for any traps that may remain

Arianna quietly begins to look the ruins over, watching the water disappear underneath the stones, and hazarding a guess, "So, I'm willing to bet then that not all of the stones on the walkway are exactly solid."

Sally snorts, "Don't ask the scholar to go in first," says the scholar, who then goes in first, or attempts to, to approach the altar and give it all due inspection it deserves.

the lion dropped to a crouch, looking over the closest stone. Each was large and rectangular with a pale yellow colour darkened by the water that flowed over it. The steady flow of liquid made it hard to make out any details and brushing his hand across the surface the large male lion gradually began to shift his weight forward, pressing first both palms down upon the stone, then moving one foot upon onto it, followed by the other. Finally he stood back up, giving an experimental hop that send water splashing in all directions as he jumped up and down upon the stone before proudly proclaiming "Seems secure"

Arianna takes an exploratory step out onto one of the stones. By far the heaviest member of the group, if the stone is going to bend and break under someone's weight, it will probably be hers. She taps her hoove and then watches Sally's progress, seeming ready to make a dive for the vulpine if need be.

Bite gives Sally a look and then a giggle. "He's the one with the book sssweetie we should be following his lead." she hisses and then looks the stones over. She tilts her head to the side and decides to keep going at a slither, but makes a mental note to make use of her legs if something should come up. She also starts prepping a wind spell, ready to give someone a saving push away from any sudden holes.

Ictus blinks at the lion as he hops on the stone and splashes about, he shakes his head and looks after Sally as he follows

the lion shifted his weight to one foot, edging the other gradually forward until it came to rest on the neck block alongside the one he stood on. Chewing on his lower lip nervously he gradually shifting his weight forward again, pressing down upon the next block and detecting no shift picked up a bit of confidants again, stepping forward onto it. Turning back everyone else he shrugged his shoulders and with a bemused chuckle spoke "Maybe I read the diary wrong. I barely understand the guys handwriting never mind his language..." and with that there was a sudden clap and the sound of grating stone against stone as Sally having skipped down one ring of stones onto the next and then onto the third had almost made it down to the forth series of steps when the ground beneath her feat dropped away into the cold inky darkness below. The were a brief moment when the female fox seemed to be treading upon the air before they dropped downward to be embraced by that all encompassing darkness. Fortunately what followed a moment later was a very loud splash as they struck the surface of the massive pool of water that long ago filled the not quite bottomless pit

Bite sighs and tries to think of how to get them out. "Can anyone fly?" she hisses curiously, looking about her companions. "Can you swim up the waterflow?" she thinks a little puzzled.

Sploosh! The fox finds herself all wet, and being drawn downwards. She kicks and paddles, sputtering at first, but regaining composure as she makes her way to the edge and grabs on tightly. She reaches up and tests for handholds, trying to climb back out of the hole. As her staff threatens to come loose in all the tumult, she slips it down the back of her wet shirt, holding it in place and freeing her hands to climbing duty.

Ictus blinks as Sally drops into the pit and rushes over, "Captain! You alright!" as he crouches down to help her

Arianna moves over carefull working her way to the edge of the hole. She peers down, trying to estimate the distance that was dropped, how deep the makeshift sinkhole is before it gets down to the water. "If you can reach your staff up high enough, I might be able to pull you out!"

The edge of the pin is a waterfall, a perpetual cascade of water falling down from above and in the absolute darkness of that space there was little hope of finding handholds. fortunatly it was easy for the Scholar to spot where they had fallen in as it was the only thing that could be seen other than the blackness that fillwed the pit. The lion moves to the gaping hole where the paving stone had fallen away. Pulling the bag from his shoulder and tossing it down beside Ictus, before dropping to his hands and knees, peering down into the darkness beneath before grabbing his bag again and pulling it open. The most notable item of the contents is a strange stone idol taking up most of the space within the bag along with a lot of padding to keep it secure but along side that a sizeable length of rope. "I can haul you out of there!"