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<div></div><br> <br>It is quiet here, this close to shanty town. While Firmament may be a noisy, bustling place, the shanties are the dim shadow of the city. What few beings are visible move quietly and furtively, trying to avoid open areas. The place indicated on the small, plain invitations is an old warehouse. The place must have been an early attempt at building shanty town into something more, but it is obvious that things did not really work out. There are two floors at least to the structure, but no windows open up on the main floor and all the visible windows up higher are broken and boarded shut. The wide main doors are firmly shut, probably barred from within and the only other entrance seems to be a low side door.<br> <br>Zuri strides down the alleyway leading towards the out-of-the-way warehouse confidently. While the small salamander is very much the kind to dress overly-formal for such an event, he&#39;s opted to wear his street garb instead on account of the part of town he is in. He tugs the lapel on his coat back into alignment as he comes to a stop in front of the door. He looks side to side, then leans towards the door to knock.<br> <br>Bazalt frowns as he walks along, looking Quite confused. &quot;I get the weirdest things.. first it was to that Spirit part-thing.. now.. this place?..Better have good food&quot; he mumbles, Spotting Zuri.&quot;oh-hey! you got a letter-thing too?&quot; he asks, walking up beside him.<br> <br>Natska quietly adjusts her jacket as she walks down the street towards the building, arm in arm with Cassidy. The jaguar is smiling, and her tail curls back and forth. &quot;He always picks... interesting... venues, doesn&#39;t he?&quot;<br> <br>Cassidy gives Natska&#39;s arm a little squeeze, nodding. &quot;Yes, he does. But I shouldn&#39;t be surprised, I guess. If you want to appeal to people, throw a feast in the shanties. I&#39;m sure the people here would love it,&quot; she says as walks alongside the jaguar, tail flicking behind her.<br> <br>Zalthar makes her way from a less desirable part of town, dressed to the nines. It looks like she&#39;s even got a new cloak for the occasion &quot;Bazalt, I didn&#39;t expect to see you here.&quot; she notes, looking about at the gathered group. &quot;Who is &#39;he&#39;, exactly?&quot; the lynx asks towards Natska, tilting her head curiously.<br> <br>A few other beings have gathered at the side door into the warehouse. They seem to be from just about everywhere and of all clans and species, but here they all are.
Zuri&#39;s knock is answered in short order. The door opens wide to reveal an enormous gorilla being in a suit that is decisively too small for him. &quot;Invitations, please,&quot; he growls, staring at the gathered beings with dark beady eyes.<br> <br>Zuri turns to look at the others as they approach, his tusky smile widening as he recognizes his friends. &quot;Hey everyone! Did you get invites too?&quot; He turns aside and raises a finger as if to answer Zalthar, but the door opening catches his attention and interrupts his train of thought. He turns to the gorilla and offers him that same big bright smile. &quot;Yes sir! Here you go!&quot; He digs into his coat pocket and retrieves the invite, passing it over and waiting to be allowed in.<br> <br>Bazalt Blinks &quot;He?.. who-Oh.Hey..Si-Zal&quot; he nods. he looks a the Gorilla and Frowns &quot;Hrrnn..Wish I knew what I was invited too..&quot;He says before pulling it out and handing it over. &quot;so...&quot; he looks over the otehrs Gathered. &quot;how.. are you?..I.. gues?..&quot; he sighs and shrugs. <br> <br>&quot;Our host, of course,&quot; Natska replies, tipping her hat to Zalthar. She grins, then steps up to the door and offers her invitation before heading in.<br> <br>Cassidy offers up her own invitation as she nods. &quot;Of course, Zuri. We&#39;d hardly be here if we didn&#39;t get invitations,&quot; she says, glancing towards Natska. &quot;So close to our own party date, as well. Ah well, they are different enough that it shouldn&#39;t matter.&quot; She adjusts her hat and steps in with the jaguar once her invitation is handed over.<br> <br>Zalthar reaches into her handbag and pulls out the letter, rubbing it between tumb and forefinger as she waits. handing it over to the gorilla as quickly and smoothly as possible, and heads inside, following close behind the group that she knows. &quot;Should make for quite an evening.&quot;<br> <br>The Gorilla takes invitations wordlessly, barely even looking at the bits of paper and allows each being to pass.
Inside, the old warehouse has been cleaned up a bit and long tables filled with food line the walls with a large open space left for mingling and, presumably, dancing, though there are no musicians playing just yet. There are many beings wandering up and down the tables plucking food of all sorts from laden trays and there seems to be know end to the fine drinks being poured. The warehouse, though busy, is by no means crowded and there is plenty of room for everyone to claim whatever tasty treat they might like. Oversized waiters in ill fitting outfits like the door-ape roam the hall, filling drinks and replenishing trays. There does not really seem to be any kind of theme here. Aside from food. Food might be considered a theme.<br> <br>Zuri wastes no time. The moment he is let inside he quickly assesses the situation with the treats and appetizers spread all around. He quickly slinks over to one of the bigger tables, finds himself a little plate, and fills it with a selection of cold cuts, bits of fruit, and a chocolate-covered confectionary of some kind to top it all off. He returns to the group of his friends with plate in hand and mouth already full of things to chew on.<br> <br>Bazalt Blinks &quot;wellthis is rather gran-&quot;he Watches Zuris sip off and then back, chukling as the mander returns stuffing his face. &quot;Hah.. You going to share that plate?&quot; he asks, smiling, &quot;So...Free food? no Strings? nothing wrong with the food?&quot; he asks, looking about &quot;I Find this....Strange..&quot;<br> <br>Natska reaches out and pats Bazalt on the shoulder. &quot;Just don&#39;t make any bargains, and try to enjoy yourself. I&#39;ve been to a few of these and the food is always delicious.&quot; She grins at Zuri as she watches the salamander grabbing things, then helps herself to a plate and some choice selections. &quot;That is a nice outfit,&quot; she compliments Zalthar, smiling.<br> <br>Cassidy glances around the building, humming thoughtfully before nodding at Natksa&#39;s words. &quot;Yes. Be careful what you agree to here,&quot; she says before following along to start filling her own plate with tasty treats and foods, ears perking and swiveling idly.<br> <br>Zalthar smiles back at Natska &quot;Why thank you, I rather alike yours as well, Miss...&quot; she tilts her head towards the jaguar, before getting herself a small plate, mostly of chicken and cheese &quot;I&#39;ll keep that in mind, thank you.&quot;<br> <br>The food is excellent. Possibly even better than excellent. While nothing seems to be overly fancy, it seems like everything is perfectly spiced and every bite is more satisfying than the last as the oddly thuggish waiters circulate through the crowd, always keeping plates and glasses full. No one has stepped up to proclaim themselves the founder of the feast so far, but from time to time, one of the waiters will climb a stairway leading to a second floor. Perhaps the host of this party will arrive from up there.
&quot;Great party, huh?&quot; an obviously inebriated young fox says, staggering up to Cassidy, &quot;Can&#39;t *HIC* remember when I had wine this good!&quot;

Revision as of 23:46, 4 December 2015





It is quiet here, this close to shanty town. While Firmament may be a noisy, bustling place, the shanties are the dim shadow of the city. What few beings are visible move quietly and furtively, trying to avoid open areas. The place indicated on the small, plain invitations is an old warehouse. The place must have been an early attempt at building shanty town into something more, but it is obvious that things did not really work out. There are two floors at least to the structure, but no windows open up on the main floor and all the visible windows up higher are broken and boarded shut. The wide main doors are firmly shut, probably barred from within and the only other entrance seems to be a low side door.

Zuri strides down the alleyway leading towards the out-of-the-way warehouse confidently. While the small salamander is very much the kind to dress overly-formal for such an event, he's opted to wear his street garb instead on account of the part of town he is in. He tugs the lapel on his coat back into alignment as he comes to a stop in front of the door. He looks side to side, then leans towards the door to knock.

Bazalt frowns as he walks along, looking Quite confused. "I get the weirdest things.. first it was to that Spirit part-thing.. now.. this place?..Better have good food" he mumbles, Spotting Zuri."oh-hey! you got a letter-thing too?" he asks, walking up beside him.

Natska quietly adjusts her jacket as she walks down the street towards the building, arm in arm with Cassidy. The jaguar is smiling, and her tail curls back and forth. "He always picks... interesting... venues, doesn't he?"

Cassidy gives Natska's arm a little squeeze, nodding. "Yes, he does. But I shouldn't be surprised, I guess. If you want to appeal to people, throw a feast in the shanties. I'm sure the people here would love it," she says as walks alongside the jaguar, tail flicking behind her.

Zalthar makes her way from a less desirable part of town, dressed to the nines. It looks like she's even got a new cloak for the occasion "Bazalt, I didn't expect to see you here." she notes, looking about at the gathered group. "Who is 'he', exactly?" the lynx asks towards Natska, tilting her head curiously.

A few other beings have gathered at the side door into the warehouse. They seem to be from just about everywhere and of all clans and species, but here they all are.

Zuri's knock is answered in short order. The door opens wide to reveal an enormous gorilla being in a suit that is decisively too small for him. "Invitations, please," he growls, staring at the gathered beings with dark beady eyes.

Zuri turns to look at the others as they approach, his tusky smile widening as he recognizes his friends. "Hey everyone! Did you get invites too?" He turns aside and raises a finger as if to answer Zalthar, but the door opening catches his attention and interrupts his train of thought. He turns to the gorilla and offers him that same big bright smile. "Yes sir! Here you go!" He digs into his coat pocket and retrieves the invite, passing it over and waiting to be allowed in.

Bazalt Blinks "He?.. who-Oh.Hey..Si-Zal" he nods. he looks a the Gorilla and Frowns "Hrrnn..Wish I knew what I was invited too.."He says before pulling it out and handing it over. "so..." he looks over the otehrs Gathered. "how.. are you?..I.. gues?.." he sighs and shrugs.

"Our host, of course," Natska replies, tipping her hat to Zalthar. She grins, then steps up to the door and offers her invitation before heading in.

Cassidy offers up her own invitation as she nods. "Of course, Zuri. We'd hardly be here if we didn't get invitations," she says, glancing towards Natska. "So close to our own party date, as well. Ah well, they are different enough that it shouldn't matter." She adjusts her hat and steps in with the jaguar once her invitation is handed over.

Zalthar reaches into her handbag and pulls out the letter, rubbing it between tumb and forefinger as she waits. handing it over to the gorilla as quickly and smoothly as possible, and heads inside, following close behind the group that she knows. "Should make for quite an evening."

The Gorilla takes invitations wordlessly, barely even looking at the bits of paper and allows each being to pass.

Inside, the old warehouse has been cleaned up a bit and long tables filled with food line the walls with a large open space left for mingling and, presumably, dancing, though there are no musicians playing just yet. There are many beings wandering up and down the tables plucking food of all sorts from laden trays and there seems to be know end to the fine drinks being poured. The warehouse, though busy, is by no means crowded and there is plenty of room for everyone to claim whatever tasty treat they might like. Oversized waiters in ill fitting outfits like the door-ape roam the hall, filling drinks and replenishing trays. There does not really seem to be any kind of theme here. Aside from food. Food might be considered a theme.

Zuri wastes no time. The moment he is let inside he quickly assesses the situation with the treats and appetizers spread all around. He quickly slinks over to one of the bigger tables, finds himself a little plate, and fills it with a selection of cold cuts, bits of fruit, and a chocolate-covered confectionary of some kind to top it all off. He returns to the group of his friends with plate in hand and mouth already full of things to chew on.

Bazalt Blinks "wellthis is rather gran-"he Watches Zuris sip off and then back, chukling as the mander returns stuffing his face. "Hah.. You going to share that plate?" he asks, smiling, "So...Free food? no Strings? nothing wrong with the food?" he asks, looking about "I Find this....Strange.."

Natska reaches out and pats Bazalt on the shoulder. "Just don't make any bargains, and try to enjoy yourself. I've been to a few of these and the food is always delicious." She grins at Zuri as she watches the salamander grabbing things, then helps herself to a plate and some choice selections. "That is a nice outfit," she compliments Zalthar, smiling.

Cassidy glances around the building, humming thoughtfully before nodding at Natksa's words. "Yes. Be careful what you agree to here," she says before following along to start filling her own plate with tasty treats and foods, ears perking and swiveling idly.

Zalthar smiles back at Natska "Why thank you, I rather alike yours as well, Miss..." she tilts her head towards the jaguar, before getting herself a small plate, mostly of chicken and cheese "I'll keep that in mind, thank you."

The food is excellent. Possibly even better than excellent. While nothing seems to be overly fancy, it seems like everything is perfectly spiced and every bite is more satisfying than the last as the oddly thuggish waiters circulate through the crowd, always keeping plates and glasses full. No one has stepped up to proclaim themselves the founder of the feast so far, but from time to time, one of the waiters will climb a stairway leading to a second floor. Perhaps the host of this party will arrive from up there.

"Great party, huh?" an obviously inebriated young fox says, staggering up to Cassidy, "Can't *HIC* remember when I had wine this good!"