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<div></div><br> <br>Just after noon mass in the marketplace, in a square perfectly set up to catch those streaming out from Saints' Square. It appears that a large section of one of the marketplace squares has been cleared out for a little show of the grim sort - guardsmen keep the citizens at bay while a being - a rat - is hauled up before the marketplace crowd, hooded, gagged and clearly drugged to the gills. It's not common that the Good King's courts are apt to turn one over to mob justice, but as the proclaimation states, it appears to be extraordinary circumstances, whatever they are.<br> <br>Kialla had been taking a walk today, but this was new. She stood over most of any crowd regardless. So this was interesting and made her approach if a bit cautiously. Whatever this was must have been something quite awful to deserve this... as it can only end badly.<br> <br>Fenris looks up from the table of pastries he was eyeing to frown up at the spectacle in the center of the market. This was a face of Firmament he had never seen. The tiger works his way forward to a spot where he can see and hear what is happening.<br> <br>Falx slowly wanders into the marketplace from the Main Concourse, noticing the crowd forming. He's quite curious to this, and makes his way into the crowd to see what is exactly going on. The being, the rat, is being subject to such a display? Whatever happened here has to have been interesting, so he wants to know what.<br> <br>Issi had been hunting around the city for the alchemist's, but she stops her hunt to follow the growing crowd in the marketplace. Strange, if this rat was a criminal then why was he being hauled into the marketplace like this, gagged, bound and drugged? She moves to investigate the growing crowd. Something seems odd about this whole thing.<br> <br>By the time the four are close enough to hear what's going on, pushing their way through the crowd if need be, the address is already halfway done, being given by one of the court baliffs hauled all the way down from the castle district.
"...And so Jeremiah Fieldstone has denied none of the eighteen counts of murder he has been charged with. By his unique position as a journeyman's assistant, he would enter hospitals and perform the act on unconscious beings in comas, even those who were given extremely high chances of recovery, and would 'free them from life's tyranny' in the service of his mistress, working as yet unknown magics to end their lives instantly. We have kept him in this state to prevent him from calling upon the malevolent entity he has made a pact with..."<br> <br>Kialla frowns deeply. Such a thing was new. Malevelant being however, were not something new. Regardless. He was brought to the common people to be judged for such a crime. It made her curious about what the first half of the speech had been about. Though, she just stood there, contemplating on what the people would do...<br> <br>Fenris pales. After the exciting little debacle at the academy the other day he had made a point to read the two texts that had been written on the known spirits. This sounds like one of the bad ones. Why would the Good King send one of the Old Ones' dedicated to be judged by the people?<br> <br>Falx listens closely, hearing his crimes. Eighteen counts of murder, huh? That's definitely quite a few. As the speaker continues, Falx grows even more curious, and instantly perks at the description of a malevolent entity. Now that has to be an Old One. But who, though? He's very interested now and makes his way to the front of the crowd.<br> <br>Issi sighs, no, no nono no. She's still recovering from few of the wounds inflcted by her last encounter with servants of an Old One. But she doesn't know this one, but it follows a rather distict pattern, Lies, decay, and now death. But what is its power? Will killing its servant just serve it more? She tries to make her way to the front of the crowd, trying to push past people without reopening any wounds.<br> <br>"...In his defense in court, all he had to say was that they were mercy killings, the he could sense their approaching deaths and that there was no point in prolonging their pain. Yet it has been ruled that culling the weakened without their consent, pain or no, is not an acceptable thing for Sweetwater. Perhaps cuthroat Cliffside may feel differently, but the Good King's ruling is final.
"It is said in the First Text that we may judge a thing by its fruits. While they still had yet to bear any fruit, we tolerated the presence of the Old Ones' followers, today we have seen them bear rot and mush. Let it be known that from this day onwards, anyone who follows the Old Ones will be liable for punishment. And since we have none yet for these circumstances, the Good King has decided to consult the people on the matter. It is up to you to decide his sentence - within reason, of course. Let none say that the Good King is out of touch with his subjects."
Brutal and cruel, perhaps, knowing how a mob can get when stirred up. But what is obviously wanted is a public spectacle, to make an example out of this incident in front of everyone. The crowd murmurs, clearly unused to having this ssort of authority delegated to them, and perhaps a little rushed with the sudden sensation of having power over someone else, even if it is a convicted criminal.<br> <br>This is bad. Fenris looks at the imprisoned Caller. Mob justice would have seen all of the "soulless" burned at the stake or worse years ago. And this Caller was probably dangerous. The tiger moves himself to a position out of the press of the crowd, closer to the stage, hoping to help avert the innevitable madness of the crowd.<br> <br>Falx continues to approach them. It is possible that they are corrupted by something, similar to the people in Kindcraft, as well as Angus when he used that chakra. He is quite sure that something bad can happen if simply left up to the masses, and it should be left to those who have actually dealt with Old Ones prior, as well as their corrupting influence.<br> <br>After hearing of a disturbance at the Market, one the had to do with a possible caller of an old one Angus had to intervene. The fox walks up to the crowd, and his gaze instantly focuses on Fenris as he walks up to the Tiger. "Whats going on here?" He asks as he looks over the crowd, a little worried that it might turn into something rather violent if they aren't careful.<br> <br>Issi tries to hurry though the crowd, the wounded viper not faring that well, but is slowly getting to the front.  Evenrually getting to the front she tries to think, but the only way to sway a crowd was speech... This seems like a horrid idea, using the voice of a shadow in the middle of this situation, but she calls out "Don't kill him!"<br> <br>"Hey, you, back," one of the guards growls as Falx approaches, raising his shield to push back if necessary. "This here is a dangerous convicted criminal with wierd stuff he could be doing, if he weren't kept like this."
"This criminal has been convincted of eighteen counts of murder, Shadow," the bailiff states flatly. "State your reasoning, and provide a suitable alternative that effectively eliminates the threat he poses. Or are you going to answer to the people of Firmament, and perhaps all of Sweetwater, for what might ensue?" Issi has the crowd's attention...no matter how fleeting and temporary it may be.<br> <br>Kialla looks to Issi, who shouted. Curious of the why... It was all very interesting. And Angus is now showing up as well. Looking about at all the crowd and the reactions for now while she thinks.<br> <br>Fenris turns to Angus, relieved to have some backup. "The rat in the hood has been convicted of 18 murders. All in comas. He says he did it at the behest of some Spirit and that they were mercy killings and that he could tell that they were not going to make it. And the Good King has sent him here to be judged by the mob." He then raises his voice to join the shadowy serpent who called out. "She may have a point!" He says, "This Spirit he serves seems to want all the death it can get. Are we doing right by serving Its wishes?"<br> <br>Falx looks up at the guard who is keeping him back, and he simply stares a moment. He almost speaks, though is cut off by Issi's shout. He turns back to see her, giving a nod. Then Fenris, and he is sure he can also see Angus. Quite interesting. He's listening to what they have to say. Maybe in a moment he'll join in on this. Right now, though, he turns back to try to get a better look at the individual being drugged and judged.<br> <br>Issi can feel the eyes of the crowd, but she at least has the backup of Fenris. "The Old Ones are dangerous to be sure. My host was wounded by servents of a different Old One. But who's to say that the act of killing this servant won't merely empower his master or that his master can't simply raise him as some kind of undead to further serve its goals? I say you should imprison him, deprive him of his master's gift. Keep him from calling his master. There's little more we can do against a spirit of death than deprive it of what it seeks."<br> <br>Angus gives Fenris a curious look. "Oh really now?" Not only that, but he's drugged. Now thats not fair. "Fenris is right, we would be giving him exactly what he wants by killing him." He adds in as he takes a step forward. "Take it from the beings that have personal expreience fighting these callers."<br> <br>"To be fair, we had considered exile. Yet someone like this is not something we would foist upon even Cliffside, and there would be nothing to prevent him from seeking revenge against our nation. One death now, to prevent many deaths later down the line." A few whispered words from an academic nearby, and the baliff adds, "that, and we are not prepared to run the risk of him accidentally gaining enough of his wits to call upon his mistress, nor are inclined to keep him alive on the taxpayer's crown as little more as a simpleton. Or are you personally prepared to vouch that you will keep him this way for the next forty years of his natural lifespan, Shadow?"<br> <br>Kialla drifts through the crowd towards Angus and Fenris, however, she is quiet for the most part now, though, she does put a paw on Angus' shoulder.<br> <br>There is an idea. "Why not?" Fenris calls out to the guard. "Perhaps there is a shadow willing to safeguard him." He turns to Angus, "Can shadows become callers?" He asks quietly.<br> <br>Falx turns to look to the academic speaking, and then to Issi. He's curious, though not as much now. "All the murders were those in a coma," he states. "Perhaps there are requirements for him to kill for his mistress." Now to the bailiff. "Nonetheless, the statements are correct, as killing the servant of an Old One could easily be furthering the goals of the one they serve, so death could possibly be an improper decision in this matter."<br> <br>Issi nods to Falx, before looking back to the guards, "He must have had some kind of token on him. I have seen the pacts made by spirits, they gave their followers a physical token. That must have something to do with the pact. Keep that away from him, then he is powerless."<br> <br>Angus looks up to Kialla and smiles as she rests a paw on his shoulder. "Killing him acomplishes nothing, the eighteen he killed will still be dead. You sure you want to add another?" He turns and gives Kialla a hug before he starts making his way to the front of the crowd. "I do not know if shadows can be callers, but I know of two callers. The Solacious manor has it's own dungeon. We can contain him until a caller can come to either purge him of his patrion."<br> <br>A silver striped monolith detaches himself from the obscurity that he'd managed to hold until now.  The bear listened, quiet, grim and impassive on the matter. 
"If we reward death with death, is that not the same as tossing meat into the open maws of starving currs?  I would think at the most extreme when dealing one that may eat death you should poison it with life.  The farms all need hands...bind him to a plow shear, task him with fending off cackles...make this servant of death create something to atone for that what has been destroyed!"<br> <br>"This is something new." The baliff listens to Angus' proposal. "Very well, Angus Solacious. If you can personally vouch yourself responsible for the care of Jeremiah Fieldstone, as well as assure that he will be "purged", as you put it, then it may be possible to release him into your care - with the caveat that it be done in reasonable time. You do not mind an observer, perhaps more, to oversee this process in all its steps? If you do not mind, perhaps you should come to Castle Good to fill out the paperwork. That, on the other hand, leaves the eighteen counts of murder, which cannot be overlooked...as our friend the bear has stated. But perhaps his sentence can be deferred for another time, until the gallows can be readied in accordance with the laws of the land. Dismissed."
It's a bit of a letdown, but at least the crowd has had its fill of excitement and drama, although not in the sense they'd expected. Nevertheless, they begin to scatter, sensing that the show's over.<br> <br>Fenris sighs in relief. No witch hunt today. "Angus," he says, turning to the fox, "I would be happy to come along and help out if you like."<br> <br>Falx nods, moving towards Angus. "I shall assist," he states as directly as ever. "Whether or not the drugs maintain their hold, I will keep him incapacitated for transport at least." He looks to Kurzon and also nods. "The crime wasn't to follow an Old One, but more doing their bidding. That cannot be forgotten, and an appropriate sentence will await his 'purging.'"<br> <br>Issi breathes a sigh of relief, what can be done, has been and peope who know of these matters are now in control. She makes a quck check to make sure she wasn't bleeding again... no good. Next she should find the alchemist, as she was originally walking though here for.<br> <br>Kurzon inclines his head as he is both acknowledged and addressed, his reply blanket and perhaps cold as his eerie neutrality remains even in his new manner. 
"I see no crime in who he chose to follow only in how he chose to enact his service!  Had he chosen the lives of vermin and cackles he could have served his hungry patron and our society at once...Then it would not matter who he served, only how he lived.  Punishment should be according to crime and action, anything else is irrelevant!"<br> <br>"Of course, my good sir," the baliff replies to Kurzon's outburst. "Do remember that the sentence has been handed down, and no matter what the end result is, remember that the one standing before you is a convicted criminal, and even if he is to be 'purged', as Lord Solacious puts it, he will still have to pay the penance for his crimes, as according to the laws of the land. It is likely that he may have to face the gallows, still. Do not imagine that the law can be bent for even one of House Solacious. Now, if you'll follow me, Lord Angus..."<br> <br>Angus nods, presenting the baliff wih a smile. "I will take full responsibility of Jeremiah Fieldstone, and I would be more then willing to sign the paperwork now." Turning to Fenris he smiles. "Good, because I would actually like you to be the one that escorts him back to the Solacious manor, with the help of those who are willing of course." He states as he eyes Falx, then his gaze falls on Kurzon. "Punishment should be according to crime and action yes. But we would be no less then the vermin and cackles that you speak of if we spill his blood here and now, you're first statement is a sound one. Let's have him work to repay for the lives he took, after I have deemed him worthy."<br> <br>Fenris nods to Angus and takes the prisoner by the arm. "Come on Jeremiah," he says to the rat. "Let's get you somewhere more comfortable." The tiger leads his captive firmly, but gently from the market square to the Solacious Manor. Whatever crimes the rat committed, he will at least be tried as a being now, instead of a monster.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 20:51, 22 November 2013





Just after noon mass in the marketplace, in a square perfectly set up to catch those streaming out from Saints' Square. It appears that a large section of one of the marketplace squares has been cleared out for a little show of the grim sort - guardsmen keep the citizens at bay while a being - a rat - is hauled up before the marketplace crowd, hooded, gagged and clearly drugged to the gills. It's not common that the Good King's courts are apt to turn one over to mob justice, but as the proclaimation states, it appears to be extraordinary circumstances, whatever they are.

Kialla had been taking a walk today, but this was new. She stood over most of any crowd regardless. So this was interesting and made her approach if a bit cautiously. Whatever this was must have been something quite awful to deserve this... as it can only end badly.

Fenris looks up from the table of pastries he was eyeing to frown up at the spectacle in the center of the market. This was a face of Firmament he had never seen. The tiger works his way forward to a spot where he can see and hear what is happening.

Falx slowly wanders into the marketplace from the Main Concourse, noticing the crowd forming. He's quite curious to this, and makes his way into the crowd to see what is exactly going on. The being, the rat, is being subject to such a display? Whatever happened here has to have been interesting, so he wants to know what.

Issi had been hunting around the city for the alchemist's, but she stops her hunt to follow the growing crowd in the marketplace. Strange, if this rat was a criminal then why was he being hauled into the marketplace like this, gagged, bound and drugged? She moves to investigate the growing crowd. Something seems odd about this whole thing.

By the time the four are close enough to hear what's going on, pushing their way through the crowd if need be, the address is already halfway done, being given by one of the court baliffs hauled all the way down from the castle district.

"...And so Jeremiah Fieldstone has denied none of the eighteen counts of murder he has been charged with. By his unique position as a journeyman's assistant, he would enter hospitals and perform the act on unconscious beings in comas, even those who were given extremely high chances of recovery, and would 'free them from life's tyranny' in the service of his mistress, working as yet unknown magics to end their lives instantly. We have kept him in this state to prevent him from calling upon the malevolent entity he has made a pact with..."

Kialla frowns deeply. Such a thing was new. Malevelant being however, were not something new. Regardless. He was brought to the common people to be judged for such a crime. It made her curious about what the first half of the speech had been about. Though, she just stood there, contemplating on what the people would do...

Fenris pales. After the exciting little debacle at the academy the other day he had made a point to read the two texts that had been written on the known spirits. This sounds like one of the bad ones. Why would the Good King send one of the Old Ones' dedicated to be judged by the people?

Falx listens closely, hearing his crimes. Eighteen counts of murder, huh? That's definitely quite a few. As the speaker continues, Falx grows even more curious, and instantly perks at the description of a malevolent entity. Now that has to be an Old One. But who, though? He's very interested now and makes his way to the front of the crowd.

Issi sighs, no, no nono no. She's still recovering from few of the wounds inflcted by her last encounter with servants of an Old One. But she doesn't know this one, but it follows a rather distict pattern, Lies, decay, and now death. But what is its power? Will killing its servant just serve it more? She tries to make her way to the front of the crowd, trying to push past people without reopening any wounds.

"...In his defense in court, all he had to say was that they were mercy killings, the he could sense their approaching deaths and that there was no point in prolonging their pain. Yet it has been ruled that culling the weakened without their consent, pain or no, is not an acceptable thing for Sweetwater. Perhaps cuthroat Cliffside may feel differently, but the Good King's ruling is final.

"It is said in the First Text that we may judge a thing by its fruits. While they still had yet to bear any fruit, we tolerated the presence of the Old Ones' followers, today we have seen them bear rot and mush. Let it be known that from this day onwards, anyone who follows the Old Ones will be liable for punishment. And since we have none yet for these circumstances, the Good King has decided to consult the people on the matter. It is up to you to decide his sentence - within reason, of course. Let none say that the Good King is out of touch with his subjects."

Brutal and cruel, perhaps, knowing how a mob can get when stirred up. But what is obviously wanted is a public spectacle, to make an example out of this incident in front of everyone. The crowd murmurs, clearly unused to having this ssort of authority delegated to them, and perhaps a little rushed with the sudden sensation of having power over someone else, even if it is a convicted criminal.

This is bad. Fenris looks at the imprisoned Caller. Mob justice would have seen all of the "soulless" burned at the stake or worse years ago. And this Caller was probably dangerous. The tiger moves himself to a position out of the press of the crowd, closer to the stage, hoping to help avert the innevitable madness of the crowd.

Falx continues to approach them. It is possible that they are corrupted by something, similar to the people in Kindcraft, as well as Angus when he used that chakra. He is quite sure that something bad can happen if simply left up to the masses, and it should be left to those who have actually dealt with Old Ones prior, as well as their corrupting influence.

After hearing of a disturbance at the Market, one the had to do with a possible caller of an old one Angus had to intervene. The fox walks up to the crowd, and his gaze instantly focuses on Fenris as he walks up to the Tiger. "Whats going on here?" He asks as he looks over the crowd, a little worried that it might turn into something rather violent if they aren't careful.

Issi tries to hurry though the crowd, the wounded viper not faring that well, but is slowly getting to the front. Evenrually getting to the front she tries to think, but the only way to sway a crowd was speech... This seems like a horrid idea, using the voice of a shadow in the middle of this situation, but she calls out "Don't kill him!"

"Hey, you, back," one of the guards growls as Falx approaches, raising his shield to push back if necessary. "This here is a dangerous convicted criminal with wierd stuff he could be doing, if he weren't kept like this."

"This criminal has been convincted of eighteen counts of murder, Shadow," the bailiff states flatly. "State your reasoning, and provide a suitable alternative that effectively eliminates the threat he poses. Or are you going to answer to the people of Firmament, and perhaps all of Sweetwater, for what might ensue?" Issi has the crowd's attention...no matter how fleeting and temporary it may be.

Kialla looks to Issi, who shouted. Curious of the why... It was all very interesting. And Angus is now showing up as well. Looking about at all the crowd and the reactions for now while she thinks.

Fenris turns to Angus, relieved to have some backup. "The rat in the hood has been convicted of 18 murders. All in comas. He says he did it at the behest of some Spirit and that they were mercy killings and that he could tell that they were not going to make it. And the Good King has sent him here to be judged by the mob." He then raises his voice to join the shadowy serpent who called out. "She may have a point!" He says, "This Spirit he serves seems to want all the death it can get. Are we doing right by serving Its wishes?"

Falx looks up at the guard who is keeping him back, and he simply stares a moment. He almost speaks, though is cut off by Issi's shout. He turns back to see her, giving a nod. Then Fenris, and he is sure he can also see Angus. Quite interesting. He's listening to what they have to say. Maybe in a moment he'll join in on this. Right now, though, he turns back to try to get a better look at the individual being drugged and judged.

Issi can feel the eyes of the crowd, but she at least has the backup of Fenris. "The Old Ones are dangerous to be sure. My host was wounded by servents of a different Old One. But who's to say that the act of killing this servant won't merely empower his master or that his master can't simply raise him as some kind of undead to further serve its goals? I say you should imprison him, deprive him of his master's gift. Keep him from calling his master. There's little more we can do against a spirit of death than deprive it of what it seeks."

Angus gives Fenris a curious look. "Oh really now?" Not only that, but he's drugged. Now thats not fair. "Fenris is right, we would be giving him exactly what he wants by killing him." He adds in as he takes a step forward. "Take it from the beings that have personal expreience fighting these callers."

"To be fair, we had considered exile. Yet someone like this is not something we would foist upon even Cliffside, and there would be nothing to prevent him from seeking revenge against our nation. One death now, to prevent many deaths later down the line." A few whispered words from an academic nearby, and the baliff adds, "that, and we are not prepared to run the risk of him accidentally gaining enough of his wits to call upon his mistress, nor are inclined to keep him alive on the taxpayer's crown as little more as a simpleton. Or are you personally prepared to vouch that you will keep him this way for the next forty years of his natural lifespan, Shadow?"

Kialla drifts through the crowd towards Angus and Fenris, however, she is quiet for the most part now, though, she does put a paw on Angus' shoulder.

There is an idea. "Why not?" Fenris calls out to the guard. "Perhaps there is a shadow willing to safeguard him." He turns to Angus, "Can shadows become callers?" He asks quietly.

Falx turns to look to the academic speaking, and then to Issi. He's curious, though not as much now. "All the murders were those in a coma," he states. "Perhaps there are requirements for him to kill for his mistress." Now to the bailiff. "Nonetheless, the statements are correct, as killing the servant of an Old One could easily be furthering the goals of the one they serve, so death could possibly be an improper decision in this matter."

Issi nods to Falx, before looking back to the guards, "He must have had some kind of token on him. I have seen the pacts made by spirits, they gave their followers a physical token. That must have something to do with the pact. Keep that away from him, then he is powerless."

Angus looks up to Kialla and smiles as she rests a paw on his shoulder. "Killing him acomplishes nothing, the eighteen he killed will still be dead. You sure you want to add another?" He turns and gives Kialla a hug before he starts making his way to the front of the crowd. "I do not know if shadows can be callers, but I know of two callers. The Solacious manor has it's own dungeon. We can contain him until a caller can come to either purge him of his patrion."

A silver striped monolith detaches himself from the obscurity that he'd managed to hold until now. The bear listened, quiet, grim and impassive on the matter.

"If we reward death with death, is that not the same as tossing meat into the open maws of starving currs? I would think at the most extreme when dealing one that may eat death you should poison it with life. The farms all need hands...bind him to a plow shear, task him with fending off cackles...make this servant of death create something to atone for that what has been destroyed!"

"This is something new." The baliff listens to Angus' proposal. "Very well, Angus Solacious. If you can personally vouch yourself responsible for the care of Jeremiah Fieldstone, as well as assure that he will be "purged", as you put it, then it may be possible to release him into your care - with the caveat that it be done in reasonable time. You do not mind an observer, perhaps more, to oversee this process in all its steps? If you do not mind, perhaps you should come to Castle Good to fill out the paperwork. That, on the other hand, leaves the eighteen counts of murder, which cannot be overlooked...as our friend the bear has stated. But perhaps his sentence can be deferred for another time, until the gallows can be readied in accordance with the laws of the land. Dismissed."

It's a bit of a letdown, but at least the crowd has had its fill of excitement and drama, although not in the sense they'd expected. Nevertheless, they begin to scatter, sensing that the show's over.

Fenris sighs in relief. No witch hunt today. "Angus," he says, turning to the fox, "I would be happy to come along and help out if you like."

Falx nods, moving towards Angus. "I shall assist," he states as directly as ever. "Whether or not the drugs maintain their hold, I will keep him incapacitated for transport at least." He looks to Kurzon and also nods. "The crime wasn't to follow an Old One, but more doing their bidding. That cannot be forgotten, and an appropriate sentence will await his 'purging.'"

Issi breathes a sigh of relief, what can be done, has been and peope who know of these matters are now in control. She makes a quck check to make sure she wasn't bleeding again... no good. Next she should find the alchemist, as she was originally walking though here for.

Kurzon inclines his head as he is both acknowledged and addressed, his reply blanket and perhaps cold as his eerie neutrality remains even in his new manner.

"I see no crime in who he chose to follow only in how he chose to enact his service! Had he chosen the lives of vermin and cackles he could have served his hungry patron and our society at once...Then it would not matter who he served, only how he lived. Punishment should be according to crime and action, anything else is irrelevant!"

"Of course, my good sir," the baliff replies to Kurzon's outburst. "Do remember that the sentence has been handed down, and no matter what the end result is, remember that the one standing before you is a convicted criminal, and even if he is to be 'purged', as Lord Solacious puts it, he will still have to pay the penance for his crimes, as according to the laws of the land. It is likely that he may have to face the gallows, still. Do not imagine that the law can be bent for even one of House Solacious. Now, if you'll follow me, Lord Angus..."

Angus nods, presenting the baliff wih a smile. "I will take full responsibility of Jeremiah Fieldstone, and I would be more then willing to sign the paperwork now." Turning to Fenris he smiles. "Good, because I would actually like you to be the one that escorts him back to the Solacious manor, with the help of those who are willing of course." He states as he eyes Falx, then his gaze falls on Kurzon. "Punishment should be according to crime and action yes. But we would be no less then the vermin and cackles that you speak of if we spill his blood here and now, you're first statement is a sound one. Let's have him work to repay for the lives he took, after I have deemed him worthy."

Fenris nods to Angus and takes the prisoner by the arm. "Come on Jeremiah," he says to the rat. "Let's get you somewhere more comfortable." The tiger leads his captive firmly, but gently from the market square to the Solacious Manor. Whatever crimes the rat committed, he will at least be tried as a being now, instead of a monster.