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<div></div><br> <br>Dressed up in her favorite blue evening gown and long white gloves, with her hair done up tonight, Natska leads the way to the Blue Square Grill. The cafe's sign is a simple blue painted square and it is a smaller establishment, but the appointments and decor on the inside are rather classy. The party is led to a quiet table in the back, and there Natska pauses, smiling at Cassidy.<br> <br>Cassidy follows along Natska, a happy smile on her face as she goes. She's dressed up in her more extravagant black and red dress, with the white ruffles. Her parents are likewise dressed in their finery. Her mother, the other fennec, was dressed up in a shimmery purple gown worn over her greying tan fur. Her father, a more typical red fox, was dressed in a black tailcoat not too different from the suits Cass usually wore. All three noble foxes seem fairly content to be here, though the vixens definitely moreso.<br> <br>"Thank you again for coming tonight," Natska offers her beloved's parents, with a small curtsey. "It was kind of you to make time on short notice." She smiles then, and holds Cass' chair for her.<br> <br>Cassidy settles into the chair, nodding happily as she looks up to her parents. "Yes, thank you!" Likewise, the male pulls out a chair for his bond before settling down next to her. "It is no problem. Cassidy has told us much about you, and speaks quite highly. We have been looking forward to getting to meet you." He offers a hand to the jaguar, a kind smile on his face. "I am Hector Solacious, and this is Alexi," he states, gesturing to his bond who offers a hand in turn. "A pleasure! Yes, I've been very eager to see you, dear, as he said."<br> <br>Natska blushes, and it takes an effort of will to keep her ears from folding back at the praise. She accepts Hector's hand, and then Alexi's. "Yes, it is a pleasure! Your daughter is a very wonderful woman, who has won my heart many times over. I am Natska Ilyushkin." She bows her head to her love's parents, then settles into her own seat, smoothing out her dress. "She speaks highly of you both as well and I have been looking forward to meeting you."<br> <br>Cassidy folds her in her lap, letting the other three speak for the time being as she smiles, tail swaying happily behind her. "As I understand it, you've quite taken her heart, as well. Sounds like good love to me!" Alexi smiles and reaches up to rub at one of her ears as Hector nods. "Well met, miss Illyushkin. Please, do relax. Whatever happens here tonight, your coupling has our blessing. We know how Cass is, and nothing we could say would discourage her, anyway. Instead, we'd just like to get to know a little bit more about the woman our darling kit has been so smitten with. As we understand it, you were part of the Lightbringer unit? That certainly is a noble service, and a fair honour. Even if you missed its hayday."<br> <br>Natska relaxes, unable to feel anything but happy and comfortable in the face of such a warm reception. She reaches over and gives Cassidy's hand a squeeze, then smiles at Hector. "Yes, Cass can be very determined." She sits there a moment, then gives Hector a nod. "It was, and still is, an honor to work with your daughter. The Lightbringers were great, and even if I missed the more intense days I took as many assignments with them as I could. We did some good things as a unit, yes."<br> <br>Cassidy smiles fondly, squeezing Natska's hand in return, waving over a waiter to place her order with while the other three converse. "Yes, that is certainly a good thing to hear," Hector says, smiling at his own bond. "We are a military family, after all. Generally you try not to work on assignment with anyone you care deeply for, but when you often end up working alongside family, that is hard. So at least you two enjoy working together. Hopefully, that will give you an edge in your teamwork." Alexi speaks up, then, nodding. "Ah, but what about -you- yourself, dear?" The older fennec reaches up to adjust her glasses before smiling at Natska. "Cassidy tells me that you're fond of exploring as well? That is a good thing! Shared hobbies and interests are very good for a long, happy relationship."<br> <br>Natska shifts her weight in her seat a little, nodding. "Originally I just served my year and then left the army; I hadn't even thought of returning until I was asked to join the Lightbringers. And that was before we made our feelings known to eachother." She gives Cassidy another soft, warm smile, then pauses as food is ordered; for herself, Natska requests a grilled fish with a salad and a white wine. "I love exploring, yes. I have done a lot of work with the Freeswords, and covered a lot of Stillwater. Cass and I have gone exploring together as well, and we do make an excellent team. I like experiencing my life, seeing new things, and grand adventures. And I love indulging in the little things, like a warm meal after a long day, that quiet moment in the middle of the afternoon when the whole city pauses for a nice breeze, and time spent with the girl I love." She pauses then, her ear flicking, and looks over at Cass. "Goodness, I usually don't talk about myself this much. Usually I am asking other people about themselves."<br> <br>Cassidy can't help but giggles softly, wrapping an arm around Natska and nods, ordering a steak for herself, with a side of potatos and a glass of wine. Her father orders the same, except with a red wine instead of white, while her mother orders a bit of fish, like Natska had. "I know! But I like hearing the sound of your voice anyway, so please! Talk on," the younger vixen says with a grin. "My, my. You are quite an adorable couple," says the older woman, next. "A shame we won't have any grandchildren, but I can certainly overlook that with how happy you seem to make her. The way her face lights up when she's talking about you warms my heart. I have no doubt that you'll be a lovely addition to our family." Hector laughs softly and rubs at his chin. "We'll just have to put more pressure on Beth when she comes of age, huh?" he jests.<br> <br>Natska quietly murrs at Cass' giggle, delighted by the sound. She puts an arm around her beloved and gives her a quick hug back, then draws in a breath and nods at Cass' parents. "I am glad that does not bother you. I love Cassidy, with all of my heart, and I intend to spend the rest of my making her happy." She pauses a moment to sip at a glass of water, then smiles and shrugs. "I don't know what else I should cover. I came from a small family in a farming village. My father runs the general store. Mother's family was from a village just on the Cliffside side of the border." The jaguar pauses, and scratches at her ear. "Cass and I are similar enough to share many things - our appreciation for nice dresses, for good cake and cookies, for a glass of wine and some quiet reading as the evening winds down. But every day she delights me with something, and I hope I make her feel the same."<br> <br>Alexi flashes a warm smile and nods. "Nothing wrong with humble beginning. I, myself, was the daughter of a priest in Shralesta. And a bit of a priestess, myself, before I bonded with Hector here." She looks over at her daughter for a moment before grinning. "Yes, I think she feels very much the same. Whenever she would tell us about you during our family dinners, the expression she'd wear reminded me of my own, years ago." Hector rests a hand on Alexi's shoulder and gives a flick of his ears. "Yes, an unusual pairing, admittedly, but I also harbour no doubts that the feeling between you two is genuine." Cassidy blushes a little at that and scratches gently at Natska's back. "Yes, I am very much happy with her! She brought a lot of warmth and happiness into my life."<br> <br>Natska smiles a happy, beaming smile as she gives Cassidy a small squeeze. "Oh, that is fascinating. Cass and I are planning on visiting Shralesta some day in the future. Do you still have family there? What do the two of you do these days, if I may ask?"<br> <br>Cassidy smiles happily as the food is brought by, eagerly taking up her fork and knife to dig into her meal while her mother gives a nod. "We do! We have taken the children there to see them a number of times. We were a fairly big family. As for what we do..." She gives a look to Hector for a moment and reaches out to squeeze his hand before letting him begin on his own food. "Not a whole lot, really. He trains up and coming military officers in tactics, and I'm largely just retired now. I'm still working on bringing up Beth, our youngest daughter. She's still a few years behind Cassidy here."<br> <br>"Aaahh. Cass did say she trained as a tactician before becoming a scout. Natural talent?" Natska asks, as she settles in to her own meal. She cuts small bites from her fish and eats slowly, savoring it. After a sip of wine, she looks over at Cass. "Do you have other siblings?" She asks. "There are so many Solaciouses, it is hard to remember who was directly related and who is a cousin."<br> <br>Cassidy frowns for a moment and nods. "Yes. I have a younger sister, Beth. She's a fennec, like myself, though she's a good five or so years younger than me. I had an older sister, but we lost her during the conflict with the shadows." Hector nods somberly as he sips from his wine. "Yes, she marched north to Mossy Stone. If you travel as much as you say, I'm sure you know what happened. But yes, onto less heavy topics..." The man gestures to his daughter and smiles. "Despite being such a brash, hotheaded young lady, she's a very capable strategist when she puts her mind to it. But she always got restless, so she wanted training as an advance scout."<br> <br>Natska bows her head a moment, but quietly snickers at Hector's description. "She likes to make sure things get done her way," she offers in counter, reaching over to pat Cass' arm. "I have seen her in action; quick and decisive, but she doesn't put herself or others in danger, and always seems to come out with the better positioning."<br> <br>Cassidy blushes a little at that and nods. "R-Right! I try not to. People think that I'm reckless, but I'm not. I think quickly, and then act on it. When you're in battle, you don't really have time to sit around and discuss all of your options and reason through them all. You have to pick which seems like the best  at the time, then act on it to ensure victory." Alexi stifles a soft little laugh and nods. "Yes, always the quick little kit she was. Oh I could talk for hours about all the trouble she got up to as a child. She always loved climbing things!" Cassidy lays her ears back again and busies herself with her food at the idea of having stories be told about her.<br> <br>"Oh?" Natska asks, her ears perking. She sips at her wine and leans forward, evidently eager to hear something. "I always liked getting out of the village and exploring the fields and woods myself, when I could get away with it." She pauses, and frowns a moment. "I must have worried my mother quite a bit with that, but I stayed out of danger. Out there at least."<br> <br>Cassidy sinks a little in her seat as she nibbles at some of her potatos, ears still pinned back. Alexi gives a little bit of a louder laugh this time and nods. "Oh, yes. She took to her air magic rather early, too. She always ended up ontop of shelves, or sometimes even on the roof! This one time, she got herself stuck under a dresser, in fact!" She glances at Cassidy for a moment before continuing. "She was chasing a ball around when she was little, and it rolled under one of the dresses! So she tried to crawl after it, but she couldn't get back out. It was too heavy for me to move alone, so I had to wait for her father to get home. The poor thing cried the whole time." Cassidy mumbles softly into her wine glass at the recounting of the story, ears burning.<br> <br>Natska's own ears droop and she leans against Cassidy as she gives her beloved a hug, careful of the drink. "Awwwwww, poor love. That must have been horrible." She rubs her cheek against Cass for a moment, then settles back into her seat and smiles. "I will not ask for any more stories, dearest, don't worry."<br> <br>Cassidy huffs playfully and wraps an arm around Natska in return, giving her a squeeze. "It's alright. Just uh... The 'fierce little lady' used to get herself in trouble, sometimes. But if anyone has to know, I'd prefer it to be you, love!" Alexi laughs softly and leans against Hector. "It's a good bonding experience! When a couple can share some of their most embarrassing experiences, you know they're set for life."<br> <br>Natska smiles at Alexi, gently petting Cassidy's shoulder. "Yes. I know what you mean. I like sharing things with Cass, and would talk with her about anything." She inclines her head towards the older foxes. "Alexi, Hector. Thank you. Thank you for being accepting, and thank you for being so good to Cassidy, and for helping her be who she is today."<br> <br>Cassidy grins a little as she finishes up her meal, leaning over against natska to wrap an arm around her. Hector has finished his by now, and was settled back in his chair, content to watch and listen to his bond talk. "Oh, of course, dear! We very much care about our dear kit, and want nothing more than to see her happy and successful at life. And she certainly seems happiest around you, so why wouldn't we be accepting? We had some debates about it for a little while, but seeing how she gets around you... Well, that settled things. Who are we to come between such love, hmm? We'll be happy to count you among our family."<br> <br>Natska ducks her head slightly as she blushes, leaning against Cassidy. Her ear flicks, and she looks back up at the two. "I do not wish to impose, but I like sharing a meal like this. If I see you in the manor's dining hall, may I join you at your table?"<br> <br>Hector lofts a grow at the question and glances at his bondmate, considering for a moment before nodding. "Of course," he says decisively. "My own folks were trying to usher me into a bond with a wealthy merchant from Shralesta, once. But instead I fell in love with a young priestess, instead," he says, giving Alexi a fond squeeze, similar to the one that Cass gives Natska. "I know full well that things don't always turn out quite how we expect it. So as far as I'm concerned... You might as well already be family. You're welcome to join us for dinner any time you'd like. We have ours at seven sharp. It's just after the main family dinner rush, so we tend to have a portion of the table to ourselves, and every saturday we take a night out on the town for dinner. Cass joins us every now and then, though less so since she has started dating you," he says with a wink. "Alexi and I would be delighted for you both to join us more. And I'm sure Beth would love to see more of her sister."<br> <br>Natska murrs quietly and leans against Cass for a moment, nodding in agreement. "I never thought I would be in a courtship with a noble, let alone such a lovely fox but, yes, love does not always turn up where it is expected. And Cassidy is so wonderfully perfect." She looks over at her beloved, watching, smiling brightly.
<div></div><br> <br>Dressed up in her favorite blue evening gown and long white gloves, with her hair done up tonight, Natska leads the way to the Blue Square Grill. The cafe's sign is a simple blue painted square and it is a smaller establishment, but the appointments and decor on the inside are rather classy. The party is led to a quiet table in the back, and there Natska pauses, smiling at Cassidy.<br> <br>Cassidy follows along Natska, a happy smile on her face as she goes. She's dressed up in her more extravagant black and red dress, with the white ruffles. Her parents are likewise dressed in their finery. Her mother, the other fennec, was dressed up in a shimmery purple gown worn over her greying tan fur. Her father, a more typical red fox, was dressed in a black tailcoat not too different from the suits Cass usually wore. All three noble foxes seem fairly content to be here, though the vixens definitely moreso.<br> <br>"Thank you again for coming tonight," Natska offers her beloved's parents, with a small curtsey. "It was kind of you to make time on short notice." She smiles then, and holds Cass' chair for her.<br> <br>Cassidy settles into the chair, nodding happily as she looks up to her parents. "Yes, thank you!" Likewise, the male pulls out a chair for his bond before settling down next to her. "It is no problem. Cassidy has told us much about you, and speaks quite highly. We have been looking forward to getting to meet you." He offers a hand to the jaguar, a kind smile on his face. "I am Hector Solacious, and this is Alexi," he states, gesturing to his bond who offers a hand in turn. "A pleasure! Yes, I've been very eager to see you, dear, as he said."<br> <br>Natska blushes, and it takes an effort of will to keep her ears from folding back at the praise. She accepts Hector's hand, and then Alexi's. "Yes, it is a pleasure! Your daughter is a very wonderful woman, who has won my heart many times over. I am Natska Ilyushkin." She bows her head to her love's parents, then settles into her own seat, smoothing out her dress. "She speaks highly of you both as well and I have been looking forward to meeting you."<br> <br>Cassidy folds her in her lap, letting the other three speak for the time being as she smiles, tail swaying happily behind her. "As I understand it, you've quite taken her heart, as well. Sounds like good love to me!" Alexi smiles and reaches up to rub at one of her ears as Hector nods. "Well met, miss Illyushkin. Please, do relax. Whatever happens here tonight, your coupling has our blessing. We know how Cass is, and nothing we could say would discourage her, anyway. Instead, we'd just like to get to know a little bit more about the woman our darling kit has been so smitten with. As we understand it, you were part of the Lightbringer unit? That certainly is a noble service, and a fair honour. Even if you missed its hayday."<br> <br>Natska relaxes, unable to feel anything but happy and comfortable in the face of such a warm reception. She reaches over and gives Cassidy's hand a squeeze, then smiles at Hector. "Yes, Cass can be very determined." She sits there a moment, then gives Hector a nod. "It was, and still is, an honor to work with your daughter. The Lightbringers were great, and even if I missed the more intense days I took as many assignments with them as I could. We did some good things as a unit, yes."<br> <br>Cassidy smiles fondly, squeezing Natska's hand in return, waving over a waiter to place her order with while the other three converse. "Yes, that is certainly a good thing to hear," Hector says, smiling at his own bond. "We are a military family, after all. Generally you try not to work on assignment with anyone you care deeply for, but when you often end up working alongside family, that is hard. So at least you two enjoy working together. Hopefully, that will give you an edge in your teamwork." Alexi speaks up, then, nodding. "Ah, but what about -you- yourself, dear?" The older fennec reaches up to adjust her glasses before smiling at Natska. "Cassidy tells me that you're fond of exploring as well? That is a good thing! Shared hobbies and interests are very good for a long, happy relationship."<br> <br>Natska shifts her weight in her seat a little, nodding. "Originally I just served my year and then left the army; I hadn't even thought of returning until I was asked to join the Lightbringers. And that was before we made our feelings known to eachother." She gives Cassidy another soft, warm smile, then pauses as food is ordered; for herself, Natska requests a grilled fish with a salad and a white wine. "I love exploring, yes. I have done a lot of work with the Freeswords, and covered a lot of Stillwater. Cass and I have gone exploring together as well, and we do make an excellent team. I like experiencing my life, seeing new things, and grand adventures. And I love indulging in the little things, like a warm meal after a long day, that quiet moment in the middle of the afternoon when the whole city pauses for a nice breeze, and time spent with the girl I love." She pauses then, her ear flicking, and looks over at Cass. "Goodness, I usually don't talk about myself this much. Usually I am asking other people about themselves."<br> <br>Cassidy can't help but giggles softly, wrapping an arm around Natska and nods, ordering a steak for herself, with a side of potatos and a glass of wine. Her father orders the same, except with a red wine instead of white, while her mother orders a bit of fish, like Natska had. "I know! But I like hearing the sound of your voice anyway, so please! Talk on," the younger vixen says with a grin. "My, my. You are quite an adorable couple," says the older woman, next. "A shame we won't have any grandchildren, but I can certainly overlook that with how happy you seem to make her. The way her face lights up when she's talking about you warms my heart. I have no doubt that you'll be a lovely addition to our family." Hector laughs softly and rubs at his chin. "We'll just have to put more pressure on Beth when she comes of age, huh?" he jests.<br> <br>Natska quietly murrs at Cass' giggle, delighted by the sound. She puts an arm around her beloved and gives her a quick hug back, then draws in a breath and nods at Cass' parents. "I am glad that does not bother you. I love Cassidy, with all of my heart, and I intend to spend the rest of my making her happy." She pauses a moment to sip at a glass of water, then smiles and shrugs. "I don't know what else I should cover. I came from a small family in a farming village. My father runs the general store. Mother's family was from a village just on the Cliffside side of the border." The jaguar pauses, and scratches at her ear. "Cass and I are similar enough to share many things - our appreciation for nice dresses, for good cake and cookies, for a glass of wine and some quiet reading as the evening winds down. But every day she delights me with something, and I hope I make her feel the same."<br> <br>Alexi flashes a warm smile and nods. "Nothing wrong with humble beginning. I, myself, was the daughter of a priest in Shralesta. And a bit of a priestess, myself, before I bonded with Hector here." She looks over at her daughter for a moment before grinning. "Yes, I think she feels very much the same. Whenever she would tell us about you during our family dinners, the expression she'd wear reminded me of my own, years ago." Hector rests a hand on Alexi's shoulder and gives a flick of his ears. "Yes, an unusual pairing, admittedly, but I also harbour no doubts that the feeling between you two is genuine." Cassidy blushes a little at that and scratches gently at Natska's back. "Yes, I am very much happy with her! She brought a lot of warmth and happiness into my life."<br> <br>Natska smiles a happy, beaming smile as she gives Cassidy a small squeeze. "Oh, that is fascinating. Cass and I are planning on visiting Shralesta some day in the future. Do you still have family there? What do the two of you do these days, if I may ask?"<br> <br>Cassidy smiles happily as the food is brought by, eagerly taking up her fork and knife to dig into her meal while her mother gives a nod. "We do! We have taken the children there to see them a number of times. We were a fairly big family. As for what we do..." She gives a look to Hector for a moment and reaches out to squeeze his hand before letting him begin on his own food. "Not a whole lot, really. He trains up and coming military officers in tactics, and I'm largely just retired now. I'm still working on bringing up Beth, our youngest daughter. She's still a few years behind Cassidy here."<br> <br>"Aaahh. Cass did say she trained as a tactician before becoming a scout. Natural talent?" Natska asks, as she settles in to her own meal. She cuts small bites from her fish and eats slowly, savoring it. After a sip of wine, she looks over at Cass. "Do you have other siblings?" She asks. "There are so many Solaciouses, it is hard to remember who was directly related and who is a cousin."<br> <br>Cassidy frowns for a moment and nods. "Yes. I have a younger sister, Beth. She's a fennec, like myself, though she's a good five or so years younger than me. I had an older sister, but we lost her during the conflict with the shadows." Hector nods somberly as he sips from his wine. "Yes, she marched north to Mossy Stone. If you travel as much as you say, I'm sure you know what happened. But yes, onto less heavy topics..." The man gestures to his daughter and smiles. "Despite being such a brash, hotheaded young lady, she's a very capable strategist when she puts her mind to it. But she always got restless, so she wanted training as an advance scout."<br> <br>Natska bows her head a moment, but quietly snickers at Hector's description. "She likes to make sure things get done her way," she offers in counter, reaching over to pat Cass' arm. "I have seen her in action; quick and decisive, but she doesn't put herself or others in danger, and always seems to come out with the better positioning."<br> <br>Cassidy blushes a little at that and nods. "R-Right! I try not to. People think that I'm reckless, but I'm not. I think quickly, and then act on it. When you're in battle, you don't really have time to sit around and discuss all of your options and reason through them all. You have to pick which seems like the best  at the time, then act on it to ensure victory." Alexi stifles a soft little laugh and nods. "Yes, always the quick little kit she was. Oh I could talk for hours about all the trouble she got up to as a child. She always loved climbing things!" Cassidy lays her ears back again and busies herself with her food at the idea of having stories be told about her.<br> <br>"Oh?" Natska asks, her ears perking. She sips at her wine and leans forward, evidently eager to hear something. "I always liked getting out of the village and exploring the fields and woods myself, when I could get away with it." She pauses, and frowns a moment. "I must have worried my mother quite a bit with that, but I stayed out of danger. Out there at least."<br> <br>Cassidy sinks a little in her seat as she nibbles at some of her potatos, ears still pinned back. Alexi gives a little bit of a louder laugh this time and nods. "Oh, yes. She took to her air magic rather early, too. She always ended up ontop of shelves, or sometimes even on the roof! This one time, she got herself stuck under a dresser, in fact!" She glances at Cassidy for a moment before continuing. "She was chasing a ball around when she was little, and it rolled under one of the dresses! So she tried to crawl after it, but she couldn't get back out. It was too heavy for me to move alone, so I had to wait for her father to get home. The poor thing cried the whole time." Cassidy mumbles softly into her wine glass at the recounting of the story, ears burning.<br> <br>Natska's own ears droop and she leans against Cassidy as she gives her beloved a hug, careful of the drink. "Awwwwww, poor love. That must have been horrible." She rubs her cheek against Cass for a moment, then settles back into her seat and smiles. "I will not ask for any more stories, dearest, don't worry."<br> <br>Cassidy huffs playfully and wraps an arm around Natska in return, giving her a squeeze. "It's alright. Just uh... The 'fierce little lady' used to get herself in trouble, sometimes. But if anyone has to know, I'd prefer it to be you, love!" Alexi laughs softly and leans against Hector. "It's a good bonding experience! When a couple can share some of their most embarrassing experiences, you know they're set for life."<br> <br>Natska smiles at Alexi, gently petting Cassidy's shoulder. "Yes. I know what you mean. I like sharing things with Cass, and would talk with her about anything." She inclines her head towards the older foxes. "Alexi, Hector. Thank you. Thank you for being accepting, and thank you for being so good to Cassidy, and for helping her be who she is today."<br> <br>Cassidy grins a little as she finishes up her meal, leaning over against natska to wrap an arm around her. Hector has finished his by now, and was settled back in his chair, content to watch and listen to his bond talk. "Oh, of course, dear! We very much care about our dear kit, and want nothing more than to see her happy and successful at life. And she certainly seems happiest around you, so why wouldn't we be accepting? We had some debates about it for a little while, but seeing how she gets around you... Well, that settled things. Who are we to come between such love, hmm? We'll be happy to count you among our family."<br> <br>Natska ducks her head slightly as she blushes, leaning against Cassidy. Her ear flicks, and she looks back up at the two. "I do not wish to impose, but I like sharing a meal like this. If I see you in the manor's dining hall, may I join you at your table?"<br> <br>Hector lofts a grow at the question and glances at his bondmate, considering for a moment before nodding. "Of course," he says decisively. "My own folks were trying to usher me into a bond with a wealthy merchant from Shralesta, once. But instead I fell in love with a young priestess, instead," he says, giving Alexi a fond squeeze, similar to the one that Cass gives Natska. "I know full well that things don't always turn out quite how we expect it. So as far as I'm concerned... You might as well already be family. You're welcome to join us for dinner any time you'd like. We have ours at seven sharp. It's just after the main family dinner rush, so we tend to have a portion of the table to ourselves, and every saturday we take a night out on the town for dinner. Cass joins us every now and then, though less so since she has started dating you," he says with a wink. "Alexi and I would be delighted for you both to join us more. And I'm sure Beth would love to see more of her sister."<br> <br>Natska murrs quietly and leans against Cass for a moment, nodding in agreement. "I never thought I would be in a courtship with a noble, let alone such a lovely fox but, yes, love does not always turn up where it is expected. And Cassidy is so wonderfully perfect." She looks over at her beloved, watching, smiling brightly.<br> <br>Alexi laughs softly again and nods. "Oh, I know how you feel, miss Natska! I never thought I'd be marrying a noble, either, but nobles have the most curious tastes, don't they?" She turns to Hector and starts to rise from the table, offering a hand to her bondmate. "We should be getting home, though, I think. It was very lovely to meet you, and I hope you do decide to join us for dinner!" Cassidy gives Natska another fond squeeze and smiles. "I think we can do that! Thank you both for being supportive of us. I love you!"<br> <br>Natska wraps both arms around Cassidy to give her a hug, then raises a hand to the departing noblefoxes. "Thank you, yes. I look forward to seeing you more," she echoes, quite cheerfully. After they have finally left Natska lets herself make a small 'squee' of excitement, and she leans heavily against her love. "Oh, I like your parents, love. I like them a lot."<br> <br>Cassidy giggles softly and throws her arms around Natska, nodding. "I'm glad you do! I really like them, as well. They've always been super supportive of me in my endeavors. And they seemed to like you, so that pleases me! I'd hate to end up estranged from my family, you know? I'm glad that won't be an issue! It'll make family holidays much easier to bear," she says with a little snicker. "Still need to introduce you to my sister, though!"<br> <br>Natska grins at that and echoes Cassidy's snicker. She finishes her wine, then leans against Cassidy again and nuzzles. "I would have been sad if I came between you and your family, love. I am very glad it is not an issue either, and I look forward to meeting Beth." She sighs happily, then rises up to her feet and offers her love her hand. "Shall we head home as well, my heart?"<br> <br>Cassidy reaches out to take Natska's hand, smiling as she stands. "Yes, I think we shall! This was a perfectly nice, relaxing day for once! No unexpected, albeit fun, surprises. Yes, I'm very happy with how today turned out, love! Now we can go home, curl up in bed, and have a lovely end to a lovely day." She smiles warmly and squeezes Natska's hand as she starts towards the door.

Revision as of 05:00, 26 August 2014





Dressed up in her favorite blue evening gown and long white gloves, with her hair done up tonight, Natska leads the way to the Blue Square Grill. The cafe's sign is a simple blue painted square and it is a smaller establishment, but the appointments and decor on the inside are rather classy. The party is led to a quiet table in the back, and there Natska pauses, smiling at Cassidy.

Cassidy follows along Natska, a happy smile on her face as she goes. She's dressed up in her more extravagant black and red dress, with the white ruffles. Her parents are likewise dressed in their finery. Her mother, the other fennec, was dressed up in a shimmery purple gown worn over her greying tan fur. Her father, a more typical red fox, was dressed in a black tailcoat not too different from the suits Cass usually wore. All three noble foxes seem fairly content to be here, though the vixens definitely moreso.

"Thank you again for coming tonight," Natska offers her beloved's parents, with a small curtsey. "It was kind of you to make time on short notice." She smiles then, and holds Cass' chair for her.

Cassidy settles into the chair, nodding happily as she looks up to her parents. "Yes, thank you!" Likewise, the male pulls out a chair for his bond before settling down next to her. "It is no problem. Cassidy has told us much about you, and speaks quite highly. We have been looking forward to getting to meet you." He offers a hand to the jaguar, a kind smile on his face. "I am Hector Solacious, and this is Alexi," he states, gesturing to his bond who offers a hand in turn. "A pleasure! Yes, I've been very eager to see you, dear, as he said."

Natska blushes, and it takes an effort of will to keep her ears from folding back at the praise. She accepts Hector's hand, and then Alexi's. "Yes, it is a pleasure! Your daughter is a very wonderful woman, who has won my heart many times over. I am Natska Ilyushkin." She bows her head to her love's parents, then settles into her own seat, smoothing out her dress. "She speaks highly of you both as well and I have been looking forward to meeting you."

Cassidy folds her in her lap, letting the other three speak for the time being as she smiles, tail swaying happily behind her. "As I understand it, you've quite taken her heart, as well. Sounds like good love to me!" Alexi smiles and reaches up to rub at one of her ears as Hector nods. "Well met, miss Illyushkin. Please, do relax. Whatever happens here tonight, your coupling has our blessing. We know how Cass is, and nothing we could say would discourage her, anyway. Instead, we'd just like to get to know a little bit more about the woman our darling kit has been so smitten with. As we understand it, you were part of the Lightbringer unit? That certainly is a noble service, and a fair honour. Even if you missed its hayday."

Natska relaxes, unable to feel anything but happy and comfortable in the face of such a warm reception. She reaches over and gives Cassidy's hand a squeeze, then smiles at Hector. "Yes, Cass can be very determined." She sits there a moment, then gives Hector a nod. "It was, and still is, an honor to work with your daughter. The Lightbringers were great, and even if I missed the more intense days I took as many assignments with them as I could. We did some good things as a unit, yes."

Cassidy smiles fondly, squeezing Natska's hand in return, waving over a waiter to place her order with while the other three converse. "Yes, that is certainly a good thing to hear," Hector says, smiling at his own bond. "We are a military family, after all. Generally you try not to work on assignment with anyone you care deeply for, but when you often end up working alongside family, that is hard. So at least you two enjoy working together. Hopefully, that will give you an edge in your teamwork." Alexi speaks up, then, nodding. "Ah, but what about -you- yourself, dear?" The older fennec reaches up to adjust her glasses before smiling at Natska. "Cassidy tells me that you're fond of exploring as well? That is a good thing! Shared hobbies and interests are very good for a long, happy relationship."

Natska shifts her weight in her seat a little, nodding. "Originally I just served my year and then left the army; I hadn't even thought of returning until I was asked to join the Lightbringers. And that was before we made our feelings known to eachother." She gives Cassidy another soft, warm smile, then pauses as food is ordered; for herself, Natska requests a grilled fish with a salad and a white wine. "I love exploring, yes. I have done a lot of work with the Freeswords, and covered a lot of Stillwater. Cass and I have gone exploring together as well, and we do make an excellent team. I like experiencing my life, seeing new things, and grand adventures. And I love indulging in the little things, like a warm meal after a long day, that quiet moment in the middle of the afternoon when the whole city pauses for a nice breeze, and time spent with the girl I love." She pauses then, her ear flicking, and looks over at Cass. "Goodness, I usually don't talk about myself this much. Usually I am asking other people about themselves."

Cassidy can't help but giggles softly, wrapping an arm around Natska and nods, ordering a steak for herself, with a side of potatos and a glass of wine. Her father orders the same, except with a red wine instead of white, while her mother orders a bit of fish, like Natska had. "I know! But I like hearing the sound of your voice anyway, so please! Talk on," the younger vixen says with a grin. "My, my. You are quite an adorable couple," says the older woman, next. "A shame we won't have any grandchildren, but I can certainly overlook that with how happy you seem to make her. The way her face lights up when she's talking about you warms my heart. I have no doubt that you'll be a lovely addition to our family." Hector laughs softly and rubs at his chin. "We'll just have to put more pressure on Beth when she comes of age, huh?" he jests.

Natska quietly murrs at Cass' giggle, delighted by the sound. She puts an arm around her beloved and gives her a quick hug back, then draws in a breath and nods at Cass' parents. "I am glad that does not bother you. I love Cassidy, with all of my heart, and I intend to spend the rest of my making her happy." She pauses a moment to sip at a glass of water, then smiles and shrugs. "I don't know what else I should cover. I came from a small family in a farming village. My father runs the general store. Mother's family was from a village just on the Cliffside side of the border." The jaguar pauses, and scratches at her ear. "Cass and I are similar enough to share many things - our appreciation for nice dresses, for good cake and cookies, for a glass of wine and some quiet reading as the evening winds down. But every day she delights me with something, and I hope I make her feel the same."

Alexi flashes a warm smile and nods. "Nothing wrong with humble beginning. I, myself, was the daughter of a priest in Shralesta. And a bit of a priestess, myself, before I bonded with Hector here." She looks over at her daughter for a moment before grinning. "Yes, I think she feels very much the same. Whenever she would tell us about you during our family dinners, the expression she'd wear reminded me of my own, years ago." Hector rests a hand on Alexi's shoulder and gives a flick of his ears. "Yes, an unusual pairing, admittedly, but I also harbour no doubts that the feeling between you two is genuine." Cassidy blushes a little at that and scratches gently at Natska's back. "Yes, I am very much happy with her! She brought a lot of warmth and happiness into my life."

Natska smiles a happy, beaming smile as she gives Cassidy a small squeeze. "Oh, that is fascinating. Cass and I are planning on visiting Shralesta some day in the future. Do you still have family there? What do the two of you do these days, if I may ask?"

Cassidy smiles happily as the food is brought by, eagerly taking up her fork and knife to dig into her meal while her mother gives a nod. "We do! We have taken the children there to see them a number of times. We were a fairly big family. As for what we do..." She gives a look to Hector for a moment and reaches out to squeeze his hand before letting him begin on his own food. "Not a whole lot, really. He trains up and coming military officers in tactics, and I'm largely just retired now. I'm still working on bringing up Beth, our youngest daughter. She's still a few years behind Cassidy here."

"Aaahh. Cass did say she trained as a tactician before becoming a scout. Natural talent?" Natska asks, as she settles in to her own meal. She cuts small bites from her fish and eats slowly, savoring it. After a sip of wine, she looks over at Cass. "Do you have other siblings?" She asks. "There are so many Solaciouses, it is hard to remember who was directly related and who is a cousin."

Cassidy frowns for a moment and nods. "Yes. I have a younger sister, Beth. She's a fennec, like myself, though she's a good five or so years younger than me. I had an older sister, but we lost her during the conflict with the shadows." Hector nods somberly as he sips from his wine. "Yes, she marched north to Mossy Stone. If you travel as much as you say, I'm sure you know what happened. But yes, onto less heavy topics..." The man gestures to his daughter and smiles. "Despite being such a brash, hotheaded young lady, she's a very capable strategist when she puts her mind to it. But she always got restless, so she wanted training as an advance scout."

Natska bows her head a moment, but quietly snickers at Hector's description. "She likes to make sure things get done her way," she offers in counter, reaching over to pat Cass' arm. "I have seen her in action; quick and decisive, but she doesn't put herself or others in danger, and always seems to come out with the better positioning."

Cassidy blushes a little at that and nods. "R-Right! I try not to. People think that I'm reckless, but I'm not. I think quickly, and then act on it. When you're in battle, you don't really have time to sit around and discuss all of your options and reason through them all. You have to pick which seems like the best at the time, then act on it to ensure victory." Alexi stifles a soft little laugh and nods. "Yes, always the quick little kit she was. Oh I could talk for hours about all the trouble she got up to as a child. She always loved climbing things!" Cassidy lays her ears back again and busies herself with her food at the idea of having stories be told about her.

"Oh?" Natska asks, her ears perking. She sips at her wine and leans forward, evidently eager to hear something. "I always liked getting out of the village and exploring the fields and woods myself, when I could get away with it." She pauses, and frowns a moment. "I must have worried my mother quite a bit with that, but I stayed out of danger. Out there at least."

Cassidy sinks a little in her seat as she nibbles at some of her potatos, ears still pinned back. Alexi gives a little bit of a louder laugh this time and nods. "Oh, yes. She took to her air magic rather early, too. She always ended up ontop of shelves, or sometimes even on the roof! This one time, she got herself stuck under a dresser, in fact!" She glances at Cassidy for a moment before continuing. "She was chasing a ball around when she was little, and it rolled under one of the dresses! So she tried to crawl after it, but she couldn't get back out. It was too heavy for me to move alone, so I had to wait for her father to get home. The poor thing cried the whole time." Cassidy mumbles softly into her wine glass at the recounting of the story, ears burning.

Natska's own ears droop and she leans against Cassidy as she gives her beloved a hug, careful of the drink. "Awwwwww, poor love. That must have been horrible." She rubs her cheek against Cass for a moment, then settles back into her seat and smiles. "I will not ask for any more stories, dearest, don't worry."

Cassidy huffs playfully and wraps an arm around Natska in return, giving her a squeeze. "It's alright. Just uh... The 'fierce little lady' used to get herself in trouble, sometimes. But if anyone has to know, I'd prefer it to be you, love!" Alexi laughs softly and leans against Hector. "It's a good bonding experience! When a couple can share some of their most embarrassing experiences, you know they're set for life."

Natska smiles at Alexi, gently petting Cassidy's shoulder. "Yes. I know what you mean. I like sharing things with Cass, and would talk with her about anything." She inclines her head towards the older foxes. "Alexi, Hector. Thank you. Thank you for being accepting, and thank you for being so good to Cassidy, and for helping her be who she is today."

Cassidy grins a little as she finishes up her meal, leaning over against natska to wrap an arm around her. Hector has finished his by now, and was settled back in his chair, content to watch and listen to his bond talk. "Oh, of course, dear! We very much care about our dear kit, and want nothing more than to see her happy and successful at life. And she certainly seems happiest around you, so why wouldn't we be accepting? We had some debates about it for a little while, but seeing how she gets around you... Well, that settled things. Who are we to come between such love, hmm? We'll be happy to count you among our family."

Natska ducks her head slightly as she blushes, leaning against Cassidy. Her ear flicks, and she looks back up at the two. "I do not wish to impose, but I like sharing a meal like this. If I see you in the manor's dining hall, may I join you at your table?"

Hector lofts a grow at the question and glances at his bondmate, considering for a moment before nodding. "Of course," he says decisively. "My own folks were trying to usher me into a bond with a wealthy merchant from Shralesta, once. But instead I fell in love with a young priestess, instead," he says, giving Alexi a fond squeeze, similar to the one that Cass gives Natska. "I know full well that things don't always turn out quite how we expect it. So as far as I'm concerned... You might as well already be family. You're welcome to join us for dinner any time you'd like. We have ours at seven sharp. It's just after the main family dinner rush, so we tend to have a portion of the table to ourselves, and every saturday we take a night out on the town for dinner. Cass joins us every now and then, though less so since she has started dating you," he says with a wink. "Alexi and I would be delighted for you both to join us more. And I'm sure Beth would love to see more of her sister."

Natska murrs quietly and leans against Cass for a moment, nodding in agreement. "I never thought I would be in a courtship with a noble, let alone such a lovely fox but, yes, love does not always turn up where it is expected. And Cassidy is so wonderfully perfect." She looks over at her beloved, watching, smiling brightly.

Alexi laughs softly again and nods. "Oh, I know how you feel, miss Natska! I never thought I'd be marrying a noble, either, but nobles have the most curious tastes, don't they?" She turns to Hector and starts to rise from the table, offering a hand to her bondmate. "We should be getting home, though, I think. It was very lovely to meet you, and I hope you do decide to join us for dinner!" Cassidy gives Natska another fond squeeze and smiles. "I think we can do that! Thank you both for being supportive of us. I love you!"

Natska wraps both arms around Cassidy to give her a hug, then raises a hand to the departing noblefoxes. "Thank you, yes. I look forward to seeing you more," she echoes, quite cheerfully. After they have finally left Natska lets herself make a small 'squee' of excitement, and she leans heavily against her love. "Oh, I like your parents, love. I like them a lot."

Cassidy giggles softly and throws her arms around Natska, nodding. "I'm glad you do! I really like them, as well. They've always been super supportive of me in my endeavors. And they seemed to like you, so that pleases me! I'd hate to end up estranged from my family, you know? I'm glad that won't be an issue! It'll make family holidays much easier to bear," she says with a little snicker. "Still need to introduce you to my sister, though!"

Natska grins at that and echoes Cassidy's snicker. She finishes her wine, then leans against Cassidy again and nuzzles. "I would have been sad if I came between you and your family, love. I am very glad it is not an issue either, and I look forward to meeting Beth." She sighs happily, then rises up to her feet and offers her love her hand. "Shall we head home as well, my heart?"

Cassidy reaches out to take Natska's hand, smiling as she stands. "Yes, I think we shall! This was a perfectly nice, relaxing day for once! No unexpected, albeit fun, surprises. Yes, I'm very happy with how today turned out, love! Now we can go home, curl up in bed, and have a lovely end to a lovely day." She smiles warmly and squeezes Natska's hand as she starts towards the door.