Hot and Spicy Solacious - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
The market place is quite packed for time of day, beings roaming around left and right as they come and go, but, one stall is paticularly packed today. A brightly colored stall selling strange smelling foods, with a shrimp folk behind the counter flailing. The guards are standing by listening, and a rather irate fox stands angry with something red upon a white shirt. "YOU SPILLED HOT DISGUSTING garbage upon my shirt!" he says, the shrimp folk disputing this heavily.
Cedric had heard of the foreign food down in the marketplace and was excited to come down and sample some of the new foods. He'd decided to ask and see if any of the other crew wanted to come, though most were busy or just wanted to get some sleep after a hard day of work, so it was just him and a few others. "Hmm... I wonder if they have any good new piz recipes..." the badger muses to himself as he looks around before noticing the spay between the fox and shrimp. "Oh..." something to interfere with! Wonderful! He decides to approach.
Chance was following along with Cedric, and Rusty, glad he knew two others large enough to make their way through the crowds easily. The weasel had been eager to sample some new fare also, always eager to learn, even if only about the taste of a new dish. "Hmm, maybe, though I'm more interested in something a bit more exotic personally." He blinks and frowns as he hears the dispute sighing and stepping forwards, quiet for now.
Having been roped into going to check out these foreign fares, Rusty tags along. Stepping through the crowd alongside Cedric. "Can't be worse then Svens cooking?" He asks, shruging his shoulders before he notices the Shrimp and fox arguing, and he cracks his knuckles as he turns his one good eye to Cedric in question.
The shrimp shakes his head. "No no. Gram offers you bowl, hot and spicy, you step foward and bump, spills upon shirt. Promise, no bad feelings." he says, the fox grunting angrily and stomping a paw. "No, you spilled it on me I'm positive. The guards look at a loss when the fox starts calling for him to be taken in for attempting to 'scald' a noble.