Sharlestra Plague Journey pt 3 - RPLOG
Siyu gives a brief little sigh as the moniter lizard falls silent, and the rodent tisks, using a little fire to burn away his gloves and put on new ones, "Nothing else we can do, he is too far gone, too far gone for any of this." he clears his throat as he lets Fay hold his bag, and look back to the raven. "Shall we continue then? I am going to be needing to examine quite a few things. I hope we can help, but we should move quickly. We can get the strips to the clinics very quickly, the Cardinal available?"
Thelergramor just sort of remains hidden off to the side; still watching the fennec whom he was ordered to keep an eye on. Listens to the answers given to Sylera, but has no comment to make.
Angus crosses his arms as he looks around, blinking as he hears someone talking to them. "Eh?" He asks, blinking as he looks down at the jerky. "Jerky?" He asks as he takes the piece, eyeing it a bit as his tail flicks.
Rokarion's leafy ears perk up at the sound of a new being. Rokarion turns his head to watch the squirrel, before looking down at the jerky. Not wanting to eat food in an infected city, but also not to sound rude, Rokarion raises an arm, and says in a polite manner, "I thank you for the offer good sir. However, I am neither hungry nor a fan of meat in general." Thinking for a moment, Rokarion decides to ask, "If I may ask, what kind of spices and seasonings did you put inside the jerky?" While Rokarion is not expecting much, there is no harm in asking.
After a moment more, the coyote comes back out, "You, you are a doctor as well arn't you? Come back here, I could use a hand." Waving over to Sylera, who moves over to see what she can do in the back to help as well. The fennec walks over, "So, they have something to find what is causing this?" The secritary noding back, "That is what she said, but can't be sure really. I mean, do you trust doctors from a far off land?" She asks back. The fennec shrugs, "If she has a way to help..." Before continuing his rounds.
Similarly, Fay looks over to Siyu, "I'll take him back to the clinic and see you after..." She says grimly, before taking hold of the declining lizard and walking off. The raven shakes his head, "I'm sorry good Siyu, but he is not avilible, if you have any questions I might be able to answer though, feel free to ask. Anything we can do to help, we will gladly do." He says, "Come now, when was the last time you heard the words of the First Text?" He asks.
The chipmonk looks up at Rokarion as he declines the food, but asks about it, "Oh! That is a trade secret of The Watering Hole. I can't just let anyone just know it!" She says with a wink, but as Angus takes a piece, "Go ahead, a sample though is quite free! Much more and other wonderful foods, if you'll follow me that is."
Siyu clears his throat, "It has been...not that long. I have not been to the grand cathedral in quite some itme, but those of Sweetwater practice in a similar manner." he draws a breath. "The merchant...Harkonsen, is here as well is he not? I recall him saying that the city planned to expand it's desalinization plants. Have any of his creators worked on the plant? Or installed new technology?" he inquires, walking with the priest. Cardinals not available? Even for 1 million crowns in aid? That doesn't bode well.
Thelergramor keeps watching the fennec as the small fox makes his rounds. Yawns. Diligence! His thoughts that this is still the work of cultists hasn't changed. The basilisk rubs at his mask; glances about the medical tent before again staring right at the fennec.
Angus takes the jerky, eyeing it and giving it a sniff before he takes a small bite of the jerky. "We may have to take you up on that." He states calmly as he pockets the rest of the jerky, tail flicking as he watches the chipmunk.
Rokarion nods, that is to be expected really from someone selling food. Rokarion stares at the fennec for a moment, before speaking again in his usual calm and polite, "Very well Miss, I will stop intruding further about your trade secrets. However, since you are a native here, May I ask if you would know any popular alchemist shops? Maybe a renowned apothecary or a well known herablist shop around here? I find myself in need of good advice in matter of herbs and their brewing." Some almost unnoticable movements appear under Rokarion's heavy cloak, and soon after a hand slips from the heavy cloth, and throws what looks like 5 crowns on the tray of the squirrel, a half-months pay for the average being what good fortune. Rokarion then quickly adds, "And I would very much prefer if you told me about those alchemists with the most knowledge and ingredients in their care."
Not much more going on in the clinic for the time being, more beings coming in, Fay comes in, drops the lizard off and heads back out. Soon though the coyote comes out, "Three more... I can't believe it." he says, shaking his head. "I'm going to go for lunch, and I'll be back in a few hours." He says, some other going into the back to get the bodies. The bodies look... peaceful, whole even.
"I'm sorry good Siyu, but I can't really comment there either. Though perhaps new machines? I would doubt this, probably only fixing up the older ones." He says, "And yes, currently very very busy, and it is good that you continue to hear their words. Is there anything else we can do for you?" He asks, "With these mathmagical strips, we will be able to find people getting ill much more quickly, thank you." He continues
Looking down at the crown, the chipmonk bites one of them before continuing, "Well, the best place would be the clinic really, set up by the Church of the Creators to help us through this. Otherwise, well, just look around, there are herbs, spices, quite the open market here. I'm sure you could find what you are looking for if you look for the right stall." She says. A look to Angus, "If you are hungry, I could show you a wonderful stew being made and served today!" She offers.
Siyu draws a breath, "I am...very interested in which machines the creators have worked with. They are helping the plant expand in Sweetwater too. Is it possible to get permission to go down and examin where the water comes from those machines?" he asks, "To see the end result of their science?" He walks up towards the church with the priestm annointing himself and he will wait through the mass at least. Attempting to get permission to test one theory.
Thelergramor blinks. More dead? Something about that doesn't add up. Looking over to the coyote, he speaks: "Three more? Thought that with good care mortality was about fourty percent. How many sick are back there?" Having spoke, and likely drawing some notice to himself, the basilisk puts his hands in his pockets; his masked gaze flicking between the 'yote and fennec.
Angus gives the Chipmunk a nod as he leans down to allow Mister to hop back up on his shoulders. "I wouldn't mind getting somethign to eat, but if my friend here wants to go looking at the Clinic that's perfectly fine by me." He states, waving his hand a bit as he looks to Rokarion. "Shall we head to the clinic?"