Sharlestran Plague Runs pt 1 - RPLOG
Early evening with light rain. Mirana waits next to the airship with an umbrella in her hand. She was really starting to think that she was spending too much time here, waiting for those around, instead of off tending to other things. But, such is life when trying to lead a start up. This time, a red breasted robin the captain of the ship. "Everything is ready for the trip to Shralesta Lady Solacious, though are you sure? The ride will be choppy at best with the incoming storm." He says, Mira giving a wave of her hand, "If choppy air is enough to stop my crew, then they shouldn't go at all." She says. The robin shurgs.
Siyu stands in his suit, it's a lighter tan color now, since we're going to be going to the desert. He has added a peacloak to it though, the symbol of Hands of Dawn upon his back. He will watch the supplies getting stowed. "That is enough herbs, bandages, spell equipment and my strips too." We have alcemical sets, masks, gloves, all manner of potions and tonics...I hope I have planned for everything." he sighs. "We have no idea what we ware walking into. Yet it must be done." he looks over towards the dock. "I have one volunteer so far. Rokarion, I imagine he will be here shortly, as for any others I do not know." the rodent lets the rain drip off his cloak.
The young plant being rushes towards the airship, slowing down as he comes nearer to the loading area. Still in his usual attire of a body covering heavy cloak, Rokarion walks the final steps towards the rodent and the vixen, he gives a polite and slight bow of his head, "Lady Solacious, Mister Gang Xi Siyu. I think I have prepared myself enough for this trip. Are you waiting on any other volunteers Mister Siyu?" Rokarion says in his usual calm and polite tone, his natural jamsine scent wafting around him.
Along the docks walks an increasingly familiar figure, a large pack upon her back. Peering out from under the hood of her scaled robe towards where the airship sits. "Sylera reporting!" The betta calls out as she approaches. Uncertain of the visibility in the rain what with all the activity of loading but continuing on till she is near the others. "I see that I am not too late, I fear Ser'ther's blessing will be sorrowfully needed during this task."
Angus adjusts the brim of his hat as the rain comes steadily down, his golem curled around his shoulders as he walks up to both Siyu and Mirana to give them a nod. "Guessing this is the ship to Sharlesta?" He asks quietly before turning his gaze over to the ship....and swallowing slowly as he realizes they are going to be flying
Thelergramor makes his way towards the airship while whistling a dreary tune; coatless and otherwise shirtless. Shralesta is a desert, apparently. Multiple scars on the torso, marring his grey-green scales. Currently in basilisk form, the serpent is careful to not look too directly at anyone. Wearing his plague mask, hat and pants. Because pants are necessary. The lizard is equipped with several daggers, a high quality shortbow, and a small crossbow that would normally be concealed under the coat he isn't wearing; probably won't need them. "So. Plague. Panic in the streets, or silent death? Or do we not know yet?" Hasn't been paying attention to it, really.
Mirana looks first to SIyu, then around to Roka, Sylera, next Angus and Thelergramor. "Thank you all for coming, and I guess it goes without saying that you should all be exceptionally careful. We found this substance," She pulls out from her pack sitting beside her, groaning a bit from bending over, "in the tea of one of our councilmen. This isn't some ordanrary illness, and judging from the fact only those who drank tea made from this became ill, I'd doubt that this can spread like a cold would." She says. Eyeing Angus, she gives a hard look, then Thelergramor, "There are some masterful healers among your, and accomplished warriors as well. But that does not mean caution should not be taken." She says.
The robin speaks up next, "Let's go! There is a storm brewing up and I'd rather out run it if we can. Everything is loaded up."
Siyu watches as people come. There is a nod to all as the motions them up the gangplank to the airship. "The whole ship is ours. Please, you may each take a cabin, and I thank you for coming. Hopefully soon we will be lifting off. We have food, supplies, potable water. Hopefully everything we need. I prepared as best I could. I offer you thanks again." he clears his throat. "Once you are settled and we are off we should gather to discuss what it is we might face..." he bows to Mirana, "I thank you Lady Mirana." not expecting her to come, getting ready to depart via the airship.
Mirana leans a bit over to Angus, whispering.
Rokarion nods, "Indeed caution will be my utmost priority. And hopefully we will manage to find if your theory is correct." Rokarion then moves up the plank, and says to Siyu, "By the way Mister Siyu, I would ask for two leather flasks of water, when we arrive. I think I might need them." With that Rokarion follows Siyu into the ship.
Sylera nods to the others before eying the item that Mirana pulls out, trying to memorize how it looks. "A.... Poison?" The betta taps her chin. "If I may... I might like a portion of that to test how it might be purified. If not by physical means then perhaps by the spirits, which would be problematic I'd take any solution to help where I was born." At the mention of out running the storm however she happily crosses up the gangplank to add her own supplies to what's already on board.
Angus cocks an eyebrow at Mirana, giving her a soft smile as he steps back. "I have no idea what you are talking about dear sister." He teases her, tail flicking a bit as he looks to the substance in her hand before he turns to Siyu, nods, before he walks up the ramp.
Thelergramor is mostly expressionless behind his mask while he is observed, wondering what the whispering was about. Deciding it's none of his business, he speaks: "Caution. Right. Good luck with that." The basilisk smirks, then advances up onto the airship; remembering the last time he was on one of these. It resulted in a hangover the next day. He continues whistling that same dreary tune.
With everyone on board, Mira passes the substance to Sylera as she passes. Everyone on, the ship sets sail! It is indeed choppy, very rough, anyone without great experience or some innate ability would find themselves quite seasick within the hour, and it only gets worse as they set up into the sky! The robin can be heard shouting, "Great work men and women! Let's keep this boat in the air! Keep the port side up!"
Siyu lets everyone get settled, let's everyone gather up afterwards and he bows his head, "All right." He clears his throat, "All right. As of right now we are assuming the affliction in Shrlestra is a poison. The symptoms exhibited by the councilbeing mimicked that of the Fever to the letter. This is currently my theory. Recently the merchant Harkonsen stated that Sharlestra were already working with him to expand their desalinaztion plant. Given the spider robots that were attempting to sabatoge the merchant vessel, the rogue Creator's we have had to fight, and the reapperence of the current theory is that a Creator has introduced a poison into the desalinaztion plant expansion." he nods. "I have no evidence for this however. It is just a theory. Likewise it could very well be Old ones and their followers. With all five working together we do not know what they are capable of. And they have been very quiet. They could have also introduced the poison. Even so." he pauses. "I am basing these ideas on the fact that the poison we found in Sweetwater is the same thing as in Shrlestra. It seems very odd that you would poison a whole city...and then casually use it to assasinate an unimportant minister. It could be completely unrelated...and we are in fact dealing with a fever." he clears his throat. "Those were my ideas reguarding this plauge. But I would caution not assuming anything...does anyone else have any information to add, or any theories to put out." he motions, "Though I would suggest we keep these ideas to ourselves. Or as limited as possible. If such theories turned into accusations and they spread amoung the common populace we could find ourselves in an angry mob." he nods, "Again I thank you for coming. There will be danger I would imagine, and I thank you for wishing to help"
Rokarion sits in the conference room, unaffected by the height diziness might be due to some genetic quirk. He has his notebook in his hand, and he is scribbling something down, having discussed all of this with Siyu earlier, he sees nothing else to add. Rokarion glances Sylera and then says in his usual tone, "May you pass the poison? I want to have a look on it."
Sylera takes the sample from Mira gladly, though not without handling it gingerly and a quiet thanks, as she boards. "I shall make sure the others stay safe from whatever this is." Eying it before heading towards a cabin to stow her things away. Coming back to whatever common area there is for passengers that keeps them out of the way of the crew the betta settles in to listen to Siyu's conjectures. Body rolling easily with the rough traveling. "That is... Well either possibility is horrendous to comprehend. That said if it is the Old Ones it should be easy enough to ascertain... I and Angus at least have the potential to bring our patron to the fore and He might even beable to lead us to the taint Old Ones or not." She pauses. "Though I do hope it's not a Creator and Old One working together..."
Sylera also passes the 'poison' to Rokarion reluctantly.
As soon as Angus gets onto the boat he heads directly below deck, looking for a place to bunker down and stay away from windows until the they touch down at the docks over in Sharlesta.
"Desalinization plants? What?" Thelergramor mumbles to himself; tunes out after those words. "Hmm... I'm hungry." As Siyu had continued to speak, the basilisk pulls his mask down, takes a semi cooked potato from his pockets. Then, gets hit with a bit of seasickness; shakes it off easily enough, but doesn't look too good. Is greener than he was a few minutes ago. Tries to eat; gnawing a bit on his potato. Tunes back into Siyus monologue at around the point of 'limited as possible.' Missed the important bits. Is more concerned that that vial of, er, whatever it was wasn't locked in a vault. He yawns, walks off, trying to enjoy his potato.
Discussion abound! The storm continues to rage though, getting worse and worse... but as the ship flies along, out in the distance, someone spots something! "Is.. that a.. raven?" Asks the robin as he tries to get a better look. His question gets no answer as they start to fly away... and something else starts to fly toward the ship! Quite a few something elses! "INCOMING!" Shouts the captain, but the ship has no cannons, and wasn't manned for combat!
Siyu grunts as no one is going to add comments, oh dear this isn't...this isn't good. He will give a groan, and feeling sick, he has to go below decks. The rodent will start to heave heavily, and go sick. Unable to do anything, unable to talk.
Rokarion takes the bag of poison, and locks at it closely, turning it left to write and seeing how the liquid moves inside it. He juts down some more notes on his notebook, before giving Sylera the littlebag back, "I don't think we will have time to test it." Suddenly the voice of the robin catches him, and he moves towards the deck. As he moves upwards, Rokarion's body starts getting brighter as he moves towards the stormy deck, and soon enough after some concentration his head is glowing like that of a lantern. Not knowing what was comming, but preparing for the worst Rokarion mentally finished the equations and summoned a water elemental, the pouch with the spell on him helping him with that. The water droplets and the small puddles on the deck soon start moving together until an averag sized sphere of water forms up near Rokarion.
Sylera looks about, a look of mild regret upon her face, and various people seem to... Take exception to all the extra movement that the ship is undergoing. "Oh... I should have brought some medicine for that..." Accepting the poison back from Rok. At the call of incoming however the betta bolts upright, grabbing her things before heading topside. Peering outward she squints against the darkness. "Oh... I hope this works." A deep breath is taken, the fish becoming more feathery somehow, before she raises her voice in song. Facing towards whatever is coming towards them.
Angus perks his ears up as the ship gets prepared for battle, which doesn't really put the fox at much ease as he looks down at Mister. "So much for a peaceful trip right?" He comments, not really expecting a response as the fox makes his way back up to above deck. And when he does he stares in the same direction everyone else is.....just staring for a moment before he pulls a white steel pistol from his belt and cocks it. "What in the name of the creators is that?"
Thelergramor is less than concerned by this development, as he is by most developments. "And here I was hoping to eat a potato in peace." Thel puts the spud back in his pocket. He glares at the approaching... things... Hoping his petrifying gaze will do something to them while simultaneously readying his crossbow for a shot.
Between Thelergramor and Sylera's powers, a few of the attacking creatures break off, but as they get closer and closer, between the light of Rokarion and their nearness, it is easy to tell these are not cackles or any other such easy thing... but elementals! Made of mist, some combonation of air and water! Those not completely diswayed by the Sacred Family powers being their assult! Battering upon the ship! Assulting the crew! Some attacking the passangers!
As the fighting continues on and on, someone screems out! "They got one of the port side air mages!" The ship tilts toward port, some of the items stored below rolling around as the ship is down one mage! As if that wasn't enough, emerging from the strom comes one last air elemental... this one rolling in as if a storm itself!
As the ship starts titlting, Rokarion breaks off seeing as how the group is handling everything well. And he goes down to the station of the down mage, using his own skill in air mathemagic to force the ship to return to its proper poisiton.
As Roka takes up the position of the last mage, focusing on the math runes that keep the ship up, he does well enough to keep the ship from crashing down into the ocean below! Though the ship isn't going anywhere while it is still under assult!
Sylera takes a brief step back to consider the situation. The singing had worked, somewhat, but they needed something else. Thus the betta calls upon what is hers by heritage. Trying to call the water out of the elementals and perhaps destabilize them.
With some of the water being pulled from the creature suddenly, it slumps over, getting weaker! It surges itself back together as best it can though!
Siyu gives a grunt as he feels as if he's going to vomit again. After all of the air elementals, and tossing out...well not medicine. He was tossing gears and fixing mister the whole time, poor fellow finally gone. But they all managed to go away and disperse...and Siyu promptly hauls himself to the edge of the ship and vomit loudly.
Rokarion remains at the station of the fallen air mathemagician, a boring job it maybe, but on the brightside the ship did not crash down yet. Hopefully they have a replacement or he will be acting as a stablizing engine for the rest of the trip.
A slice of Sylera's hand sends a much bigger wave of air crashing over the elemental just before Thel's... Shadows strip the rest of what semblance of life elementals possess from it. She eyes the wolf for a moment before deciding there were more important things to worry about, such as the ship. The betta scurries over to Rok in order to lend her air magics as well to the task of getting the ship underway again.
With the elementals down Angus darts to Misters side, looking to Siyu before he trails his fingers down the little golems back to activate the runes Fenris had set into its back. When he sees red come up, he focuses in that direction, helping Siyu get the little trooper back up after his valiant effort to take the elementals head on. "Anyone else hurt?"
Thelergramor lets his mask hang around his neck; convinced that somehow, all the toxic clouds he breathed at the elementals helped, along with the dark magic he was sending out. The basilisk reloads his wrist mounted crossbow, collapses it, then takes the potato from his pocket again; ignores the minor wounds he sustained during the fight and proceeds to eat. "I'm alright, Angus."
With the help from Sylera, Rokarion is able to keep the ship stable. "Damage reports!" Cries the robin, soon a few officers running up to him, "Ok, we are down two mages, but that is fine, we can continue at half speed with the remaining crew." He looks over to Siyu and the rest of the group, "Good work, but who was that and what would they be doing with elementals like that!?" He asks. The storm continues to rage on, slowing thing further, however, at least they are not attacked for the rest of the trip.
Siyu groans as he sits back up, looking less green, "Ugh...not in a storm. Good to know." he shakes his head again. "Right...yes. Attacked by strong air elementals what exactly were they doing? I havn't seen a collection like that. Even the fire elementals in firebough don't gather like that do they? Or the shales in teh quarry..." he swallows hard.
"They weren't just air though were they?" Sylera calls out from her position at the air channel. "I haven't seen elementals like that before... I don't like another new development."
Angus breaths a sigh of relief as the stripped gear is replaced and the little golem stands back up, his gears whirring back to life as he gets back into a fighting stance. "Heh, fights over buddy." Angus comments as he pats Mister on the head, the golem relaxing once more before he takes his position back on Angus' shoulders.
Thelergramor scratches at his basiliskian face, finishes hsi potato quickly. Chews, swallows. In a moment of masculine posturing, Thele stretches, inadvertently flexing while shirtless. He continues this for a couple seconds, then stops. Heads over to Angus and Mister. No words, just a nod.
One day passes... then part of another. The ship coming to land at the docks of Shralesta. The sun is high in the sky, ocean glistening out in the distance. The captain however is not very happy. "We are going to be moured up here for a while everyone. I do hope this trip is fruitful." He says, looking over his crew, "The two mages and the rest will be alright given some rest."
Siyu gives a little sigh as he finally recovers from the storm, and he shakes his head. Standing up and going to walk slowly to find Rok. After all they were discussing experimenting on the poison soon. He will try to see if he's around to start them.
Rokarion finally gets relieved from his duties at the station. He decides to take a look around the ship for the time being, who knows what he will find waiting for him.
Sylera fiddles with the sample working alongside Siyu, after splitting it into three portions, to try and figure out how to purify it.
When the ship docks Angus breaths a sigh of relief, happy to no longer be on the rolling coffin as he looks for the rest of the group. "So, how shall we start this?" He asks as he leans his staff of living yew against Misters shoulders.
Thelergramor spends most of the remaining time on the airship pacing impatiently. Not much for him to do, and since he was avoiding getting drunk, the basilisk just... paced around the ship. After docking, he tries to remains near Angus; only person around he trusts to keep him from doing something stupid. "Should probably start by getting off the ship." A bad joke, as he pulls his plague mask back on and begins whistling.
Below deck in the docked ship, the expiriments begin. The substance seems completely unchanged regardless of what happens to it, visually, the smell, the feel. Nothing seems to cause an effect at all! Meanwhile, repairs to the ship are underway as the math runes are retraced, mast reinforced, sails mended.
Siyu clears his throat. "Well then." he look look at the three poisons, consdiering. "Well we know it's not an instantanious poison. We know drinkingit will make you sick. Can you detect it though Sylera? After're a dedicant of Ser. Angus is too I wonder if he wants to come test it...and Thel is a baslisk prehaps he can help too. If it breaks through his immunity we know it's likely...well. Most likely not a creator poison. Since the dedication were based from them." he tries to find the other two to help test.
Rokarion shakes his head, "I can't think of anything further to test, maybe see how it reacts with water? Or maybe test it with the same herbal tea it was used with?" Rokarion said, before opening his notebook again, and writing down the results of the experminets performed by the group.
The betta seems frustrated over a night of seemingly no results. "One can only hope that it is purified... Yet I wish not to test it /on/ someone to find out." She looks askance at Siyu. "Besides do we really have the time to wait for the symptoms to set in?" Gesturing towards the city they now have to investigage. Her city. "If there is in fact no effect then I have no clue what it could be. I can attempt to detect it but I fear it might only work if it is touched by the Old Ones powers. Perhaps later I and Angus can try calling Him directly." Sylera takes a deep breath to compose herself, finding that inner calm, before regarding the poison again while drawing upon Ser'ther's power.
Angus can easily be found above deck, sitting on one of the side rails as he eats some hardtack and watches the dockworkers. The fox remains silent as he chews and just watches, wondering if they may be able to find the heart of this situation and carve the black pit from it's center. "Out of the frying pan." He murmurs quietly as he scritches behind one of misters ears, the silent silvery golem helping the fox keep his focus with its presence.
Thelergramor remains near Angus, as up to this point the fox hasn't told him to go away. "And into the fire." Finishes Angus statement, stares blankly out over the railing. Checks his weapons, probably won't need them, good to be prepared though. Plague victims. Quite possible some could get desperate; try to attack them for a way to leave Shralesta.
Siyu nods his head as he gets some of his alchemical reagents, letting off a small sigh, "Let's see if there's any normal way to detect it..." he boils some water like in tea...and then adds a few drops of poison, and then titers the reagents into the various prepared samples...
Rokarion switches his soulgems, and then moves to help Siyu with the preperation of the alcehmical regeants, "Maybe we should wear some form of protection, just incase the poison can affect us by its fume or by touching it with naked flesh." Rokarion says in his usual clam tone.
After enough time, and with silver andradine flakes, there is a noticable difference. Eggs. It smells of eggs gone far far wrong, though it is a very subtle smell. And is only there for a short moment before it clears away.
Sylera moves in to assist Siyu. One moment slightly unsure yet the next in control and acting as if it was something she'd always done. "My presence should help fend off the poison." She remarks as they work.
Angus looks to Thelergramor, chuckling a little as he turns around and steps down from the railing. "How is that new leg treating you Thele? I've been meaning to ask but never got the chance." He states with a soft smile as he puts his hands on his hisp.
Thelergramor chuckles slightly, then bends over to pull up his pant leg. "It's working fine. No damage, thing hurts less than my old one... Stubbed my toe on a table, no pain. It's great. Aside from the whole 'it's not my real leg' thing. Which doesn't bother me. Thel covers it back up, stands upright again. "Fenris made it. Does that glowy thing Mister does. Don't know how to make it do that, but, Fenris did it twice now."
Siyu snaps his fingers, "Wonderful, we at least found A reaction..." he looks to the two and begins to make notes and checking the reaction to make sure. Taking the reagent with him. He's going to make sure to keep the reagent for testing here. "I think we should go ashore now and take a look at what's happening. Introduce ourselves to the local constablary." He will move and dress into somthing more appropriate, and head out to find Angus and Thel. "Hello. I think we found somthing to help. But for now we should go to the local government and announce our intentions, and try to get permission to help. Just remember we're in a foreign land. We are ambassadors...and trying to help." he says, glancing out at his homeland...and heading to find the local government.
Sylera makes a face at the smell but nods. "Indeed. Though as to what that reason is..." She shrugs. As Siyu walks away however the betta puts a portion of the 'poison' that she had used her staff on into another container and attempts adding some of the silver andradine to it in a similar manner to the first sample.
Angus gives Thele a nod. "If you remember where the runes are you just need to apply pressure with your fingertips." He answers as he finish off the hardtack, washing it down with some water from his waterskin. "Well it's good that you are back to your old self, can't use a soldier if they can't fight." He teases, giving Thele a soft smile as he starts walking towards the steps down. "Lets go see what the rest are doing."
Thelergramor nods back at Angus, a smile behind his mask. "Of course, captain. I can always fight. Cracked ribs, missing leg, crippling plague... Won't let it stop me from fighting." The basilisk follows after him, hands back in his pockets again. A slight yawn, before he continues to whistle.
Siyu looks to everyone on deck, "Right then. We are ready to go?" he asks, "We should find the local officals first and make sure we are welcome? Everyone ready? Shall we go?" he asks and motions down the gangplank.
The group converging again, some more expirments done. There is no smell coming from the cup of 'purified' tea though.
About the city itself are many masks in use, the hustle and bustle of a city still evident, though caution has been taken. Beings taking more time to examine things before money is exchanged. As Siyu walks off, with those who follow, they are bumped into by a fennec. Only slightly taller than Siyu, he looks down to him, "Oh! Pardon me, I didn't notice, normally have to look up." He says. He is in a mostly white outfit, perhaps designed for the heat.
Sylera nods in satisfaction before putting the things away and heading to join the others.
"Well interesting news, the Ser'ther sample didn't exhibit the same smell." She says upon meeting back up with the group at large. As they depart though the betta takes the lead next to Siyu. It had been awhile but this was her home territory afterall. Still the fennec was certainly a surprise. "Oh hello there... Wait look down? What do you mean?"
Angus flicks his ears as they start to depart, and the Fennec instantly bumps into them. Leaning over to Thelergarmor he whispers something, before stepping around Siyu to stand behind the Fennec. "Why hello there, I was wondering if we might ask you for your services." He greets as he kneels down to be eye level with the Fennec.
Thelergramor doesn't trust the fennec. Just come out of nowhere and bump into someone? Pickpocket tactic, Thel has done this. Usually, they move on right away, with no words. Strange... He whispers back to Angus, before setting his gaze on the fennec; not enough to be too uncomfortable. But he won't be able to run too fast... Probably.
Siyu blinks a little bit as he's bumped, and he jerks back quickly, the rodent immedietly checking to make sure he wasn't stabbed...or tagged. Or that anything is missing, naturally parinoid about such things. Glancing at Thel and Angus as they move in. He's busy checking himself to make sure everything is okay. Nothing added, nothing missing.
The fennec looks to Siyu again, before up to Thele and Angus, "Oh sorry, no, I have to get going. I'm over due to work at the clinic." He says, trying to get past to continue on his way. Nothing missing, nothing unusual beyond a fennec who seems to try to be getting to his job.
Sylera perks up at the mention of a clinic. "Oh?" The betta tap taps her staff against the ground as she looks at the fennec. "I think I can take a guess as to what kind of clinic which... Perhaps you can take us? We've come to look into the Fever and offer aid if allowed." She doesn't stand in his way but is poised to follow.
Angus puts a hand on the Fennecs shoulder and gives a smile. "Well if you're going that way, mind taking my friends here with you?" He asks as he stands up and gives a nod. "Slyear, Siyu, Thele. Mind going with thise one to the clinic? Think I'm going to try and find the tea storehouse while we are here." He states before standing up once more.
Thelergramor glances between Angus and the fennec. "You sure you want to go alone, Angus? I'll go with the fennec, if you want. Even if he doesn't want me to." The basilisk keeps glaring at the fennec, though his expression is unreadable behind his mask. Doesn't seem like he'll be giving the little guy a choice...
Siyu gives a little at the others and nods, "Prehaps...some of you can go look at the clinic. However we really should ask permissiom from the local government first." he looks worried not wnating to get kicked out already.